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Matters of the Heart. Has a Commercial Fuck turned into a torrid Love Affair which has turned your life upside down? Fear not. We have experts here who can help you through your roller coaster ride. Tell us your story and we'll do our best to help.

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Old 02-01-2012, 04:44 AM
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Re: Sharing my story

What house ? Maybe other bros have similar experience .

Be careful cause there is a thing known as interest . Imagine she can sell her body , if she finds out u play with her I think she makes som tam out of u and share with her friends , only no papaya but your balls on the plate haha

My experience is fuck and forget , unless u really have alot of money to take care her . Try not to play with her feelings if u not serious , especially since most of them have kids back home , worst come to worst she commits suicide than kids become orphan , karma is fucking jia lat one lor .

I experienced a few WLS all at 1st tell don't want money , later all say not enough money , a few even offer to pay overnight or free fuck but I never accept .

My problem with WLs now is too many , too little time , not enough bullets as in wallet and sperm . When u reach my stage , u have to filter out looks , boobs , skills as in lazy or not , cim , cim swallow , cip , anal , shoot outside or inside , massage , stickiness .

At this stage , u will encounter a moment of zen by asking yep I fucked the girls with the best looks , biggest boobs , best skills . But what do I achieved ?

Trust me buddha saying sex is empty , empty is sex comes to mind .

If to feed your lust cum her problems back home she try to con even more customers , fuck even more no condoms to earn money . Some even married ones , than go back pass stds to wife , even if I get free fucks I also not happy . Will u be happy ? If u r happy than good for u .

I used to be like u con WLs caused my 1st WL lied to me . In fact I still conning but I con with my money so it means I kena conned haha : p I nearly married 1 thai WL last yr until I discovered she lied to me , imagine 1 yr 6 months together , total trust haha : ) Karma on a great scale , I even purposely picked 1 not pretty , got kid , fat one , haha still kena lied by her , lucky discovered early if not up the lorry liao . Lucky she not my only 1 also .

End of story , pai seh abit long winded , son , think of the consequences of your actions . But still I think it is better that she occupy her time with u than kena gambler or professional white face steal all her money .

ps : Do not go no condom unless u willing to risk the consequences , most WLs do not use condoms with regulars and big customers . But really lah I don't believe u got use condom , u know , heaven knows lah .

Old 02-01-2012, 11:17 PM
somaur somaur is offline
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Re: Sharing my story

Thanks. Considering all the sessons that we had and she paid half for (usually we have 2-3 sessions) and the fact that she has been around for almost a yr, the lap top n iphone is paid for by her in a way.

She is a good company and a good friend to me, too bad she is leaving for good soon.
Old 08-01-2012, 06:42 AM
llllllllllllll llllllllllllll is offline
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Re: Sharing my story

A little update

I have a feeling she is starting to doubt me on how true i am to her. Usually she would spare no thoughts unto calling me every now and then, recently she claims her iphone has no money, thus requesting me for the first time in months to have me call her instead. Being a little suspicious, i probed her further, as to whether she had really no money. She confirms it, i tell her i have no money as well, she tells me to use my house phone, i find an excuse to tell her i am unable to do so.

She tells me to hold on as she went over to her friends room to buy a prepaid card from her. I checked the time span she took to do it, within 3 minutes she called. I highly suspect she has money, but she doesn't want to call, she is testing me as to whether i am willing to spend money to call her. During the call, as usual i tell her 'i love you so much'. She replies indifferently from the past by saying 'you love me why u no call me'. I can confirm she is testing me.

As i have all her passwords to her facebook, msn, skype. I can check her facebook conversations with her friends. She does talk to her friends about me, one point she confides in her friend after a recent quarrel with me. Her friend asks her in thai, translating into "conclude your feelings, you love him or hate him now ?" she replies "love so much and hate so much too, hate because he wants to know so much stuff from me". She further tells "he is a good person, studying, live with parents, i love him so much, i don't know what to do now". Her friend encourages her to 'fight' on, tell her to call me to patch things up with me, and update her later on the outcome. She calls, not knowing i have read the whole conversation she had with her friend, i patched up with her. Her friend asks "dee gan laew mai?" she replies "eum". To be honest i teared a little when she types some truthful stuff to her friend, like how i always pick fights with her and how i doubt her. I'm a bit mentally shag now. All these distrust between me and her.

I'll end abruptly here.
Old 10-01-2012, 01:52 AM
stillgottheblue stillgottheblue is offline
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Re: Sharing my story

CSB continue leh... wants to know the ending... Ill be keeping close watch on this thread, sibeh interesting...
Old 10-01-2012, 08:44 AM
ZacCommand ZacCommand is offline
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Re: Sharing my story

Originally Posted by llllllllllllll View Post
A little update

As i have all her passwords to her facebook, msn, skype. I can check her facebook conversations with her friends. She does talk to her friends about me, one point she confides in her friend after a recent quarrel with me. Her friend asks her in thai, translating into "conclude your feelings, you love him or hate him now ?" she replies "love so much and hate so much too, hate because he wants to know so much stuff from me". She further tells "he is a good person, studying, live with parents, i love him so much, i don't know what to do now". Her friend encourages her to 'fight' on, tell her to call me to patch things up with me, and update her later on the outcome. She calls, not knowing i have read the whole conversation she had with her friend, i patched up with her. Her friend asks "dee gan laew mai?" she replies "eum". To be honest i teared a little when she types some truthful stuff to her friend, like how i always pick fights with her and how i doubt her. I'm a bit mentally shag now. All these distrust between me and her.

I'll end abruptly here.

TS I think you should end your relationship with her.
Old 11-01-2012, 02:20 AM
dustzee dustzee is offline
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Re: Sharing my story

I'm feeling sorry for the girl.

What kind of man are you? If you don't want to be played, fine, but you really don't have to do this to her. So many mind games for fuck?

I tell you, this is the worst kind of money you saved. You are leeching. I hope you feel proud of it.
Old 11-01-2012, 03:33 AM
RealEstateGuy RealEstateGuy is offline
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Re: Sharing my story

Originally Posted by llllllllllllll View Post
To start of, I am a student. First time i visited this CAT50 thai worker, about 3-4 months back. Well first few visits were SOP. Then she asked me out one day, to Singapore Flyer. I told her immediately, i have no money to go on a ride on the Singapore Flyer much less giving her a free ride on it too. She said nevermind, she pay for her ticket, and i treat her to a meal. Well i agreed, she paid for the tickets, i treated her to a simple fast food meal. Everything went ok.

For the next month, she would 'sneak' out of her 'house' at about 8am before her working hours to meet up with me, and we would go to a hotel for a few hours for bonking session, and after that it would end with a meal at GM. Then she would cab back to her 'house' to work. About 3 of such sessions happened within a month and a half. I would usually pay for the hotel room first, which is below $50, then after leaving the hotel, she would take my wallet and put a $50 inside, telling me to go eat during my schooling as she knew i had not much money.

Throughout this so called 'relationship', i would continually STRESS to her that i have no money, its either we work something out, or we don't meet. So we came to an agreement to pay half-half for he hotel room, but she doesn't know how much i pay for the room, so she she just gives me $50 everytime. When cabbing to GM, she pays the cab fare, when eating at GM, she would intro me to some thai food and everytime she pays for the food as well ( because she has to dabao some food to her 'house' for her friends to eat ). So i i bonk her for free, go to GM for free, eat for free. I just pay for the cab fare to cab home.

She tells me she likes me, loves me and yaddah yaddah the usual what nots. I just take it in casually, as i know the power of GT during my army days of chionging Viet KTVs. I try to create a barrier around myself to prevent myself from being GT'ed.

Then last month, she asked me to overnight her. As usual i told her i had no money. We went drinking one day in the night,as it was her 'off' day, at a TD in GM. At about 1:30am, the time where she is supposed to go back 'home' as instructed by her OKT. She popped the question to Overnight her again. As usual i told her i had no money, and i showed her my wallet with only about $30+ dollars. She told me she could fork out more than half of the money to overnight her ( meaning she was paying money to the house to overnight me ). I asked her if she was serious, she said yes. So i went to the ATM to try to draw some cash, but the ATM was out-of-order, so i told her ATM spoilt, can't draw, she immediately took out the full amount to overnight her and passed it to me. And we cabbed to her 'house' and i overnight her the first time for free.

Then about a week after, she asked me to overnight her again as it was my Birthday and she cannot go on 'off' to go out with me. I told her again, no money. She asked me how much i was short of, i told her i was short everything, the full amount. Once again she agreed to pay the full amount, so i agreed and i went to borrow money from some friends. I did not ask for the money when i entered her room, i sort of wanted to test her. If she is doing this for money of whether she liked me really. After she showered, i acted as if i was checking my mail on my phone while she put the money into my wallet. She even gave me a wallet for my birthday present ( not so branded, but ok, i'm thinking $40-$50+ ) And that was my 2nd overnight, for free again + a wallet with a 100 thai baht dollar bill inside, she said it's for luck.

Throughout these 3 months, she has been calling me after her work daily without fail, and each time up to 2-5 hours ( Yes 5 hours from night to sunrise ). She asked me to call her in the initial week, but i told her the bills were paid by my parents, i had no money to pay. So i had her to call me instead. So she has been buying many HI-cards to feed her hunger to talk to me. I learnt a substantial amount of thai during these calls, and of course i taught her some basic english + chinese as well.

I read SBF sometimes to keep myself in check not to fall for her. And it is going well so far. She has even talked to me about 'our future life' in thailand when she goes back. Meeting her parents etc etc yaddah yaddah. And of course i will not be doing any of those when she goes back as i have read of some tragic stories some Bros shared here.

Up till now, i still refuse to belief that she really loves me. Or rather i tell myself not to, as it is dangerous. But sometimes i feel like an asshole for lying to her so much. I do have money, but i just don't want to get chopped, so i tell her "study, no money" everytime.

Anyway sorry for the load of texts i have just written. Just want to share to someone what i have experienced. BTW, There is no 'moral of the story' for these load of crap i have just written, just pure sharing. Thanks for those who have read. Bros in similar situation, just don't get GT. Remember that they are still fucking many men everyday, make yourself belief there is no 'true love' between you and them. Just have whatever fun you can have.
1) First key word is Thai. Should be cautious right away.
2) She is smart. Knows you are faking it braddah. Braddah knows you got money. Prob checked your wallet when you are in toilet getting ready to fuck. But more so braddah, this kind of gal can read men easily.
3) Braddah what are you doing? Snap out of it.
4) She fell in love with you after two one hour sessions? She fell in love with you from fucking only? That's a red flag braddah.
5) Braddah, her strategy is to bankrupt your family. Maybe her Thai brothers and the villagers take you hostage and ask for a ransom once you get to Thailand. Braddah, you seem like an easy and quite gullible target despite your experiences with the Vietkong gals (differnet kind of rat from Thais).
Ask not what SG society can do for you but what you can do for SG society.
Old 11-01-2012, 01:17 PM
llllllllllllll llllllllllllll is offline
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Re: Sharing my story

Originally Posted by RealEstateGuy View Post
1) First key word is Thai. Should be cautious right away.
2) She is smart. Knows you are faking it braddah. Braddah knows you got money. Prob checked your wallet when you are in toilet getting ready to fuck. But more so braddah, this kind of gal can read men easily.
3) Braddah what are you doing? Snap out of it.
4) She fell in love with you after two one hour sessions? She fell in love with you from fucking only? That's a red flag braddah.
5) Braddah, her strategy is to bankrupt your family. Maybe her Thai brothers and the villagers take you hostage and ask for a ransom once you get to Thailand. Braddah, you seem like an easy and quite gullible target despite your experiences with the Vietkong gals (differnet kind of rat from Thais).
Braddah i am cautious, thats why i'm an asshole now.
I always made sure my wallet has just the right amount to fuck, with only 10+to 20+ dollars extra at most
I'm just playing along, will snap out of it sooner or later
I'm not assuming she fell in love with me, i said i refused to beleive too, no such thing as 'true love' i said last time
I'm not planning to go to thailand.
Old 11-01-2012, 06:48 PM
jurongguy1981 jurongguy1981 is offline
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Re: Sharing my story

Bro, you are brave, I have to say. Toying is emotions is a very dangerous game man. You never know who is the real winner until the game is over. I just hope that when that happens, you are the winner and that she is not too hurt badly too. Ultimately, no matter how cunning or sly a person is, they still have a heart.

Take care bro.
Old 13-01-2012, 04:35 AM
llllllllllllll llllllllllllll is offline
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Re: Sharing my story

Originally Posted by jurongguy1981 View Post
Bro, you are brave, I have to say. Toying is emotions is a very dangerous game man. You never know who is the real winner until the game is over. I just hope that when that happens, you are the winner and that she is not too hurt badly too. Ultimately, no matter how cunning or sly a person is, they still have a heart.

Take care bro.
You are right bro, you will never know who the real winner is until this 'game' is over. I'm hoping no one wins eventually and we just end it some day mutually ( some of u all must be thinking 'yea right, say only' ). I'm hoping both parties don't get hurt too much ( it is not possible to not get hurt at all, humans have hearts, no matter how cunning or sly they are like what jurongguy said )

Will update again.
Old 11-04-2012, 01:17 PM
jklpoi jklpoi is offline
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Re: Sharing my story

I just dig out this old tread because of 2 things.

1) I wan to see update,

2) Because i still think that it is bullshit.

3) If this story is real, i am praying that god strike you down with a thunder as you are disgracing us men all over the world.

There is a certain line between getting KC too much and over doing your KC.

Fuking too much education makes you fail to realize what the word. "Man" means. By typing this story out and admitting to everything and trying to rationalize all the shit you have been doing by one stupid excuse, "Because she is from thai and she is working as a WL, so i have to use her money instead of letting her use mine....because she is from Thai and well, as you know, Thai girls are evil when they are working here, so cheat her first before they cheat me."

This proves that you are not a man of any standards, but just a simple pussy. At the very least, pay for the hotels, pay for the cab, pay for her meals. All these are for your enjoyment too. Dammn bloody lame ass "Typical" High education standard Ah gua who thinks they are so bloody wonderful because they are using woman money to enjoy themselves all the bloody time.

Old 11-04-2012, 05:44 PM
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Re: Sharing my story

altho it is a story good for reading pleasure, I think it may not be 100% true.

For all we know, the roles may be reversed btw TS n the TG.

In any case, shld be fair in life. If took a lot of interest liao, then you pay back some also.
Old 11-04-2012, 06:22 PM
de-gardener de-gardener is offline
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Re: Sharing my story

maybe exams coming liao so he never update...
Old 11-04-2012, 07:49 PM
dingdong11 dingdong11 is offline
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Re: Sharing my story

camping. BTW I also into one relationship. But guess wat? Now happily married with a son
Old 12-04-2012, 12:16 AM
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Re: Sharing my story

Didn't bother to read the whole story as I find it just another typical guy falling for a WL!

One thing I find it funny, that TS seems to be very well verse in pasa Thai and even can read Thai. Why I said so, he has password to log in her Facebook Skype etc etc, despite she chat with her friends in pasa Thai, TS managed to decode and understand fully what her conversation with her friends. Google translator and other translator are rubbish, unless you really use formal ways to decode them, otherwise street language no way you can get it right from the translator.

Being a very well verse in pasa Thai I think TS must be in chionging scene for a long time.

My two satang worth.
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