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Re: Curious about life, culture and women in LOS
Lol long distance r/s may fail la but its opens doors for me to have fling, a series of casual gf. In tis i can knoe de language and culture betta, in this way , you become more sensible and may also chance upon de right one( who noes man, cant stereotype social networking sites to a minimal xtent.... I need to make more thai female frens to understand the culture betta, get invovled in more thai festivals or occassions if there is the chance bah.... Hey bro i am considered farang , cuz i am still stranger to thai culture, thai abalone i familiar lah hahahaha.... Lastly, of cos its ok to commit adultery and dun get caught if both are consensual abt it... It adds thrill to it lol... |
Re: Curious about life, culture and women in LOS
hahah, roo liao ngai, limpeh mai son, roo liao ying sak jai :P to mackewell -> actually my signature is a song that my ex-gf ever ask me to listen. but i never bother to. eventually, i listened and change the lyrics abit ![]() anyway, to kickstart you to thai culture, people in thai don't always listen to what seal, ice saranyu, endorphine. those are for wai lun (teenagers) there is another type of song call luk tung and real thais listen to them too. here is the song that my ex want me to listen, i specially found one with translation for you. -> try spotting the lyrics whereby i change it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V840O46rQx8 enjoy!
yet gap kon mii faen~ liao man pit dtong nai~ ![]() |
Re: Curious about life, culture and women in LOS
culture wise, anyone internationally can go embrace los, no fake or real lah.... Even african also can speak thai and sing their music... |
Re: Curious about life, culture and women in LOS
communication is the key to all kind of relationships, be it local or international. let me know if you need help for some simple translation ![]() p.s. the thai song name and meaning that you posted earlier on -> ja yoo dtrong nii jon wan soot tai will stay here till the end of day (last day)
yet gap kon mii faen~ liao man pit dtong nai~ ![]() |
Re: Curious about life, culture and women in LOS
So in order to woo these pretty girls money plays big apart, just like how you chase Sg girls, but if these girls likes you, normally they will reciprocate back. Mean while, just concentrate on learning your Thai language, and make more Thai friends, to grow your Thai social network, so you will be able to know more girl. And for your info, lying becoming part of their culture, if you able to take it, then prepare for some mind games. ![]() My two worth baht. ![]() |
Re: Curious about life, culture and women in LOS
To those who falls for Thai gers.... even when you are in Thailand, she will do mischief behind u, dun talk about distance relationship. Below an old song, easy to understand what is the video about
![]() Thai gers are not as simple as u see..... behind her smile, there are a lot of hidden secrets. Recently there was a survey, Thais are 1 of the most unfaithful in the world. http://www.bangkokpost.com/breakingn...-in-infidelity Chok dee to all Thai lovers. U need a lot of lucks. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VHUbY...ature=youtu.be
Ma sao khong the tha thu cho nhau mot lan Last edited by naemlo; 02-12-2012 at 10:07 AM. |
Re: Curious about life, culture and women in LOS
Bro, surely i will ask u lah, i wont stand on ceremony hahahahaha...... |
Re: Curious about life, culture and women in LOS
Like i was saying previously i am unsingaporean, i am not really sonjai in puying sui mak mak. Backing on my hokkien saying, nice to see not nice to eat, its about the substance, the full package and not impeccable first impressions initially. What i am slightly happy and proud about is that seasoned samsters like me can take from our experiences and identify kc trappers and real emotional chicks who are just simply nice to u. Of course , their oscar acting skills is second to none and sometimes u will not know also what their pattern is even after years! However, i am freaking glad that my observational and analytical skill on the women is automatically(no need charger) switched on 24/7 just to see whats going on after the honeymoon period , the laughter and the sex..... Of cos bro i b lying if i tell u i wont approach a nice sui, rang dee mak puying if i see one. If i can find one simple girl who is hot and pretty, its godsend from heaven lah.... but i am realistic, i am tall but fat and ugly. Of course i want to find a girl i have chemistry and her looks i see liao can allow me to say at least 6/10 can liao. The rest bonus points see her character , attitude , mindset.... of cos i have no problem having an older girlfriend, to me if she wanna be my solid girlfriend for years even if shes in her 30s, i am fine with it. Its quality and not only my ego, face issue or what(scare fren say why u choose old woman). Screw that, i lead my life. Sometimes u make this decisions and u stick to it... my parents also bo chup fortunately lol... Bro, toking about sg girls, dun meant to pour cold water over them or shoot them, in this modern capitalise society of sg and culturaless one, sg woman are spoilt and cant do the simple things thai women can do most of the time(its good and realistic, lower class ppl live their lower class way, they understand that, they dun think of buying the next smartphone when their pay cheque come in). Buoyed by the fast paced society, even foreign women who work in sg also will switch to a realistic and materialistic mood sooner or later( alot of examples liao i came across and my guy frens too.) Did i happen to see the girl who stayed in sg has her own mindset and can stay simple?(seriously 1 out of 50 maybe, but in a 3 mil plus population , i am not banking my life on it...) Even if have, scully u see liao not acceptable looking enuff to fit my criteria also sian lol... Go see tons of polls previously and u understand sg women are driven by status and materialism and so on. I have friends who get dumped by their girlfriend cos they earn a mere 1500 bucks per mth and they dun see a luxurious future wif their bfs.... And also , talking about ratio and statistics, i am freaking ugly and in the lower class lvl in sg, why compete here and i know i will regret and lose and waste my precious time whilst working hard, understanding another culture rich country can lead me to something more interesting, possibly simple , down-to-earth lifestyle in my latter years ( i will grow older and the agg bars will pull me off slowly( of cos i will venture still but lesser and lesser lolx...) |
Re: Curious about life, culture and women in LOS
Of course, our neighbors will be like us eventually, driven by capitalism and so on, but LOS got culture to fall back on. If you have big ego and u wanna lead your life on luxury and material, its not a prob for you even u stay in sg. But if u want quality of life and less on material, then u need a country wif cultural background lah.... Seriously bros , i appreciate the fact you guys are honest and even critical towards thai puyings in this thread but i have the next 20-30 years to find that gem or even a series of them to spent my life with.... i am so obstinate and determined that no sg girls will make my heart melt and think i can retire in sg.( its already the cannot go back stage liao)...no matter how much u say sg has culture( true , the pay here is good tts it lah and convenient to travel la , tts about it...) I really thank my parents for the less pressure on my personal life, they dont meddle wif it at all( great, cuz in this modern society, i think u can make choices but based on ur conscience, dignity and mutual respect among human beings...). Being a semi cheap charlie and a MCP, i will not remitt money even after i meet her five times and i had sex wif my thai gf lets say. If she goes by the bussiness like thinking mentality in the r/s, no way i will accomodate. She can say she need money for family. Sure , i go see her family for a few trips then we play the mind games. We samsters are not stupid too. She can be smart but i also can be smart and ruthless if need be. I can be nice to you , but u screw me up, off u go. If i give u an inch and u take a yard, off u go too. But if she instill a 60 percent emotional and 40 percent intellectual status on the r/s, for sure i will help her with small sum of vita m if need be. I think i created a safety net wif my conditions( call me picky and choosy but i am not even thinking about pretty chicks in my list so its fair lah lolx...) Bros, lastly, i realise u need to have the upper say in r/s in most things, if u let the girl haf the say in all the things, you are screwed, u basically spoilt her liao...(tts y i am come off as slightly domineering in my selection process).... But i can guarantee you, what she give in the r/s , her real freaking heart, her soul, her youth, i will never forget and do it even better to make her kwarm suk mak mak( i am not a heartless dude here looking to Fuck and forget...) WTH, why make my hope even lesser wif this poll u showing me bro( its biased lah i think hahahahaa)... ok i am thinking positively(But not like robert/carrot head), there is nice thai puying there still(plain jane ok for me) waiting for me, dont mutate yet into unfaithful creatures PLS!!!!! the next X-MEN movie is still filming LOLX!!! |
Re: Curious about life, culture and women in LOS
End of the day, it is your life, your path. Chok dee, chok dee.
Ma sao khong the tha thu cho nhau mot lan |
Re: Curious about life, culture and women in LOS
Thanks mate.... hopefully senior bros here can keep sharing , esp on living conditions on los wif OC. I am stranger to that, hopefully can knoe more and keep myself mentally prep....
Anyway, unlike some bros here who listen to non mainstream thai music, i still dig thai pop wor... here are the top 3 mainstream songs i enjoyed in 2012.. i listen them i sure zoom into emo mode gradually hahahahaha.... Ya btw the first video got syt nattasha, my fav!(my ideal gf got 60 percent of her features ok liao haahahahahah) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yTh9dy0UHrQ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fw9RA2KOnR0 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZRuD37-IWCE Last edited by mackewell; 02-12-2012 at 12:13 PM. |
Re: Curious about life, culture and women in LOS
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Not to look down on you, but the competing rate here is higher, given You can't speak their language well. Understanding their culture, different group has different culture, (exp: some group may approve of the idea having gik, while some group may not approve.) There's many other reason, which I can't think now. ![]() Last not least, not to dampen your idea of understanding the Thai culture, and having a thai gf, or maybe wife, but these are some of the barrier, you might come one day. Till now, I'm still learning how to speak better Thai, and understanding this culture shocked country. Share with you some MV that are popular last 2 months ago among the Thai girls here. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6eEEfyTYKqY http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ltn_iVF3-8Y |
Re: Curious about life, culture and women in LOS
the tone is the killer, its true!!! hahahaahaha.... Just to make myself clearer, Mario maurer is a thai but got ang mo traits(all typical girls just blindly like them cuz of the physical appearance, this is the day and age now)... I am not saying i am KC immune lah, surely u meet ur match( i alreadi seen so many in patts , working girls super nice but seasoned already owned me! so decent thai girls wise, i am not surprised if their acting and mentality is top notch....) of cos u be cautious but u must be confident and also give them chance by understanding a little bit then u can decide if u condemn or keep them lol.... bro, for a fella like me who is into milfs even when i bonk(and i hardly bonk pretty chicks thanks to my hokkien slogan(not showing off, just being honest here), i have no probs accepting plain janes or older women anytime, but finding the right one is the key...so My taste is not high i suppose(no joke man, if we go thailand chiong , u can see what kind of girl i take u knoe i not picky)...I am very picky on attitude and mentality however..... I am not saying that all SG girls are snobbish ppl, there are nice ppl but honestly speaking it is getting lesser(based on observations lah). Maybe to you, living with 5cs with a middle class income is ok for u lah, but for me , i wont chose that path lah.... SG has no culture, its true and its worrisome , ppl stay here for the money(mi too). I got money i wont stay here also lol....(so under the bopian ACT LL).... And of course i am not saying LOS is very good, there are bad eggs too, just u need to filter it out using time and experience.... You dont just blindly go in and see the girl pretty and young u take( i dont look at that lol... but i knoe most sillyporean men do tt no offense....). TTs y i state the girl must be able to speak basic english(Broken also ok, there is a lot who can speak broken, i am fine , i can learn thai from her and she can learn eng from me, no prob wadsoever).... learning thai is like my hobby now hahahahaha... I like ur frankness, u can look down on me, but i am not pissed. Really. I am a nobody here seriously. However , i am showing the sincerity to open up my listening ear to learn the trades from the seniors here hopefully. U guys are seniors and i respect wad u guys think and do, but humans are not flawless so we learn from our mistakes and ppl mistakes..... I am not wayang or acting humble here , i open this thread looking for this realism comments and intensity from you bros. The world is harsh and cruel most of the time and i buy tt man. In life, a lot of thing dun have 100 percent sure can get one. But if u dun try, its 0 percent. If u try , its 50/50. Simply put, why dont try now when my brain are still fresh and regret later when i dun try coz i scare this and that, thats the prob wif some stereotypical singaporeans( PAP supporters who live in their own world, no offense, just straight talking)....) I dont want to be tt kind of person, i wanna be myself. Even if i come out of thailand with no wife or gf, spent tons of thousands of sing dollars leading to my retirement plan to it, so be it. U cant expect things in life , u work hard to earn it. I dun sit there and start thinking tt i will own the girl for sure. This is not a transactional r/s, its real r/s i am looking for. I have no prob accepting myself as a single fella at 50 if really fate wants me to.... Its hard to find but that does not mean u gif up and become a follower in the society and forget about being urself. Sorry if i sound harsh here but i just being honest here man... I like the intensity, keep it going but wif mutual respect( dun insult me, share ur view openly, boldly , i will listen and read it....) dont be sarcastic too, nobody likes tt, u tell me i cant make it in any areas , i will take it and debate and we see how it goes again... its learning process here, no right or wrong lah, no need sarcastic lah thanks... Just loving this discussion more and more.... Oh ya, btw i am as ugly as the superstar 8 fella in the third MV i posted( i dun have his vocal cords of course), and i know where i stay in this society, but i am still confident in myself, not arrogance or egotism..... |
Re: Curious about life, culture and women in LOS
If you play Thai girls for sometimes, be a graduate or WL, majority of them have attitude, and it sucks!! ![]() Quote:
For your info, I've no income, and my assets is only my Honda motorsai for travelling thru and fro from mountain to city. And not to forget my most valuable red small book which many nationalities dying to get one. ![]() Quote:
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Re: Curious about life, culture and women in LOS
At least u have motorsai, i dun even have LOL.... i only got myself and my sincerity here hahahahaa... toking about close death, wad happen man? did u get raped by ur puying phaeng somehow lol? of cos cannot be overconfident, ur name will change to robert when u too smart..... |
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