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Old 14-12-2012, 05:38 PM
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Re: Discover GF Disappointed Past

Most important although she's so experience in sex, does she enjoy making love with u?
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Old 14-12-2012, 05:53 PM
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Re: Discover GF Disappointed Past

I m currently in the same situation as TS, I can understand you no longer trust your gf on the other hand, you find it hard to let the relationship goes with the wind.. Just leave with it until a better girl comes along , and please protect yourself when you f her from now on, always wear CDs at all times even when she blow u, wear CDs too.. Better to be safe than sorry you will never know what diseases/viruses she has in her body now. Some diseases cannot be seen with naked eyes, and for your own safety dont ever lick her down.. Anyway just play along with her: remember girls are meant to be played by men.
Old 14-12-2012, 06:20 PM
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Re: Discover GF Disappointed Past

Some things are better left unknown.
If it bothers u, ur attitude towards her will not be the same.
Either forgive and do not mention this in future anymore when you are with her.
Or leave.
Old 14-12-2012, 06:26 PM
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Re: Discover GF Disappointed Past

Originally Posted by disappointedbyu View Post
Hi Guys,
Thanks for the msg. I'm not any saint lah. U know jus that when u want to settle down with tis gal u think she's okie. U realise tat her history.. A bit sore n upset.
But wat u guys said were all correct, if I can't take it then break is a better solution for everyone lor. Sometimes, say is easier than done.
If my frenz asked me, I will give the same answer tat u guys gave.
But when it comes to me.. I'm totally stunt.
Thanks bros.
Every guy wants a virgin but after they get their virgin, they go out looking for whores.
Old 14-12-2012, 06:26 PM
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Re: Discover GF Disappointed Past

Originally Posted by owl888 View Post
Most important although she's so experience in sex, does she enjoy making love with u?
Yeah, this is very important. How much does a girlfriend/wife enjoy having sex with her man is an indication of her affection/attraction for the man.
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Old 14-12-2012, 07:03 PM
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Re: Discover GF Disappointed Past

my current gf was not a virgin, but we are having so much good sex. If you have a virgin gf and does not like sex, it will not work for long term
Old 14-12-2012, 07:20 PM
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Re: Discover GF Disappointed Past

many here missed the point. its not she had sex before. its she had sex with 20 different guys . and assuming she is young. those are short relationships flings whathaveyou . during these short short relationships would she even know these guys' sexual histories even.

ts... i feel for u.
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Old 14-12-2012, 07:35 PM
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Re: Discover GF Disappointed Past

She's a slut and it bothers you, so the answer is obvious. Break up with her.

Some of the guys here are saying things to the tune of "who doesn't have a past." It's true. But it is also true that it's not their gf who has slept with 20 guys.
Old 14-12-2012, 09:24 PM
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Re: Discover GF Disappointed Past

So ts are you a virgin?
If yes u have the right to moan abt it, no then who the fuck are you to judge.

Good sex takes practice, she has her needs prior to you.. So can u go back in time when she needed a fuck?
Or has to wait for you to waltz into her life so that she can get relief..

Its only sex.. Her heart is with you and thats all it matters...
She could have kept quiet but she decided to come clean.. So have u done it?

It is a sign she is opening herself to trust you.. Take heart that she could stray easily but chose you.
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Old 14-12-2012, 09:30 PM
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Re: Discover GF Disappointed Past

Originally Posted by dexblu View Post

I suggest you quickly be her 21st and beat others to it fast!!
Can I be no. 22? Introduce her to me.
Old 14-12-2012, 09:32 PM
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Re: Discover GF Disappointed Past

I believe every single one of us had our own history... if indeed u love her, u could fogive her past, if u r unable to carry on with her past.. then sorry... u had to move on
Old 14-12-2012, 09:54 PM
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Re: Discover GF Disappointed Past

Originally Posted by Sirrus View Post
i guess the reason why ur feeling this way is cause ur uncertain of her loyalty.
she seems like alot of fun and thats why ur afraid maybe because you feel that she isnt having as much as fun with you.

but it might be ur perception or it might be true. try and do stuff with her that will prove her loyalty. like doing things that she never would do before but with she is willing to try.
Remember the beautiful actress Joey Wong? I used to have a gf whose life mirrored hers exactly. Fresh out from school into drama class at SBC. She was demure, beautiful, soft spoken and even before she graduated from the acting class she became a towkay's mistress. After breaking up with him she hooked up with another married CEO and remained as his mistress for the next 10 years. When that guy ran out of money she left him and moved in with another towkay.
She was dumped after her 34th birthday. That was when I came to know her as she took refuge and counselling at the temple where I was a volunteer. She was still demure, beautiful, soft spoken and oozes class even though she is in her 30s. We became an item and and set up home in a rented 3-room HDB flat. It was a huge change for her from being the mistress of the rich to a working class bum like me. I know she tried very hard to forget her past and live the present with me...... but I guess memories are even more difficult to forget.

I knew about her past, I knew about her love child, I was wiling to forget her past and help her move on..... but she could not let go. Eventually we decided it was better to go our separate ways. She is contented to live alone in a nunnery now.

TS, what would you have done if you were in her shoes?
Old 14-12-2012, 10:00 PM
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Re: Discover GF Disappointed Past

Originally Posted by Goodpack View Post
Remember the beautiful actress Joey Wong? I used to have a gf whose life mirrored hers exactly. Fresh out from school into drama class at SBC. She was demure, beautiful, soft spoken and even before she graduated from the acting class she became a towkay's mistress. After breaking up with him she hooked up with another married CEO and remained as his mistress for the next 10 years. When that guy ran out of money she left him and moved in with another towkay.
She was dumped after her 34th birthday. That was when I came to know her as she took refuge and counselling at the temple where I was a volunteer. She was still demure, beautiful, soft spoken and oozes class even though she is in her 30s. We became an item and and set up home in a rented 3-room HDB flat. It was a huge change for her from being the mistress of the rich to a working class bum like me. I know she tried very hard to forget her past and live the present with me...... but I guess memories are even more difficult to forget.

I knew about her past, I knew about her love child, I was wiling to forget her past and help her move on..... but she could not let go. Eventually we decided it was better to go our separate ways. She is contented to live alone in a nunnery now.

TS, what would you have done if you were in her shoes?
I thought its only common in drama series for girls to leave their bf/husband after they ran out of money.

and your ex's actually living in a nunnery now? 30+ live in nunnery cos she's not willing to let go of her past. is it worth it? not to say nunnery is bad but she should count herself lucky to have you as her last partner...why not make it last and lasting forever partner. haiz
Old 14-12-2012, 11:44 PM
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Re: Discover GF Disappointed Past

Originally Posted by Goodpack View Post

I knew about her past, I knew about her love child, I was wiling to forget her past and help her move on..... but she could not let go. Eventually we decided it was better to go our separate ways. She is contented to live alone in a nunnery now.

TS, what would you have done if you were in her shoes?
This call true love, I respect u bro!
Pm me to exchange points! min 4 pointers pls
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Old 14-12-2012, 11:51 PM
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Re: Discover GF Disappointed Past

bro imagine that the girl that u are screwing is somebody's girlfriends, does that make her look bad also?
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