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Old 19-01-2013, 05:04 PM
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Re: 娇娇:16巷49号门:在新加坡做小姐

Originally Posted by s(Aint View Post
Hi bro you mind translating for me? I can read mandarin but just passed with a c6.
C6 is better than me leh ...
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Old 18-05-2013, 08:06 AM
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Thumbs up Xiao Chun(1649)

Xiao Chun (1649)..mid 20s? mm fm Guangxi...sultry demure milf OL kinda looker...163-164cm quite gd ht, nice legs, slim, A+ cups wif brownish tits...flatish ass n pussy quite well trimmed wif no smell...has previous skin trade experience n it sure shows!..

sex svc is excellent(full pkge, the works), her balls licking n sucking is amazing...gfe is vgd wif v enjoyable passionate sensual frenching...great attitude n aims to pls...nice sweet mm...definite gem material!....many tks to Unfit for the recommendation
Old 18-05-2013, 08:07 AM
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Thumbs up UK(1649) - A Definite Gem And A Real Sweetie!

UK(1649)..21 yr old(she told me) mm fm Hubei...quite chio cute syt looker wif a roundish face, nice big eyes, wears fake lashes which look ok, kissable lips n has that young fresh look and feel!...165cm ht, slim toned fit bod n slightly big boned wif a lovely smooth back, has a faded tattoo on her upper left arm(fm her nottie schooldays she told me!)...lovely shaped C cup boobs(she told me) firm n perky yet soft wif small brownish tits...juicy smooth big ass n a lovely oyster, pussy well trimmed wif no smell...has silvery design fingernails , looks sexy, i like!...previous skin trade experience in Dongguan...told me she picked the name "UK" herself becuz she tot it is an easy name for other okts n customers to remember!

Overall sex svc is excellent for newbie n gfe is superb...v friendly, bubbly, sweet, fun loving mm wif a touch of youthful innocence!...fabulous natural passionate sensuous frenching!...strikes me as a genuinely nice mm...also kinda reminds me abit of retired sweetie pie Fei Er(16W17) although their facial features r different, maybe general personality n attitude abit similar, well to me at least...

Door closed n she was all smiles came up to me to hug, raba, gentle kissing turned to passionate sensuous frenching both of us feeling each other all over, her eyes open, then peeled each others clothes off for great initial bod, boobs n pussy feel, accentuated by mirror effect damn bloody shiok prelude!!

Shower action: full pkge svc...soapy soothing neck n back massage...soapy raba front n back wif great boobs enjoyed snuggly feeling her fm behind becuz of her smooth big juicy ass n her nice boobs, placed me throbbing hard cock on her arse crack, squeezed her boobs, nuzzled on her neck then turned her head to french passionately wif water cascading down our bodies, super shiok feeling!!...vgd soapy boob fuck wif great eyecontact...warm water bbbj vgd three quarter deepthroat...

Bed action: full pkge svc...felt so relaxed wif UK that i just lay on me back, pulled her close to me to enjoy the feel of her lovely toned fit bod n boobs pressing agst me skin, caressed her face, looked deep into her eyes n frenched, frenched frenched!!...she then gave me a lick style catbath wif erotic sucking of me nipples...followed by a v nice boob fuck wif great eyecontact....then lifted me legs to give me a tingling slurpy lick style ar...balls sucking n licking...lick of me cock shaft n cockhead...bbbj slurpy three quarter deepthroat, continuing on wif her kneeling on the bed n me standing, playing wif her nice boobs n enjoying the side mirror effects, vgd eyecontact!... My turn to take over...lay on top of her to enjoy more of her bod, boobs n pussy feel, while caressing her face, nuzzling her neck n then frenching!...kneaded, fondled, squeezed her lovely boobs n tweaked n sucked on her tits which looked n feeled erotic when hard n erect!...vgd moans...licked her nice toned smooth fit bod all over n then went down for me tonguefu on her lovely oyster...which became wet wif nice moans n her hands gripping on me hands, her body quivering!...then moved up to place me cock in her mouth for more bbbj while i gently played wif her clitty n fingered her pussy, her bod shivering n her eyes looking deep into mine, shiok!...

FJ v enjoyable as she let herself go naturally, is energetic wif vgd stamina n v accommodative to any positions, combined wif more passionate sensuous frenching n nice enjoyed: spooning sideways, lifting one of her legs up, feeling her bod n turning her head to french while enjoying the mirror effect; doggie becuz of her hot juicy big ass, lovely boobs n beautiful smooth back arched backwards; foldable chair, wif her ass on the edge of the bed, she spread her legs wide while i slowly increased pumping momentum, held her bod close, our eyes fixed on each other frenching madly; asian cowgal n cowgal pump n grind, she holding her boobs, then me holding her boobs, finally both of us holding her boobs while i shot me load!!...ended wif a soothing massage n hot natural frenching good bye while groping her juicy big ass

Overall a v enjoyable bonk wif this newbie UK...she satisfied all my sexual desires n was also vgd fun to be wif...definite gem material n a keeper in my book!...many tks to Enigma n Jintakken for the recommendation

#Standard caveat applies.... Think it is impt for pple reading FRs/recommendations to always try n bear in mind tat based on human nature variables factor the experience each punter gets fm the mm shall prolly/possibly not be the same...heck even the same punter may not get a similar experience on rtf...the mm is human afterall, wif feelings, emotions, mood swings, prejudice/bias, health issues etc - this is the collective human nature variables factor tat i am talking abt, a fundamental std caveat whenever one reads an FR./recommendation
Old 18-05-2013, 11:23 AM
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Re: 娇娇:16巷49号门:在新加坡做小姐

Originally Posted by tikogeek View Post
Got this WL?

1.夜的到来是为了清晨的曙光.而人的漂泊却是为了昨天的遗憾同明天的期望.夜在吵闹中欢呼.人在漂泊中疲 惫,三春南国生涯.才懂得漂泊的辛酸.繁华的都市.灯红酒绿的夜晚.吵闹的人群.让人感到几许忧伤.在这个 金钱权衡的大都市里.给了行流浪者无限的向往与追求.同时也给了他们许多的失望和无奈.

2. 多少年轻女孩在这个郁闷.屈辱和泪水的夜晚沉沦,堕落.他们在酒杯的碰撞中和五音不全的歌声中度过一个又一 个纠缠不清的夜晚.看似光鲜的外表.可几曾有人知道背后的屈辱与泪水.夜行女孩并非是坏女人.也非好吃懒做 ,只是其中心里有苦哀.她们有她们在向往与追求.只不过生存方式不同而已!


4、上面的朋友请你们不要骂人,做小姐不是你们说的那么难听,我现在就在新加坡 我的名字叫娇娇 芽龙16巷49号门 我来新加坡一个月了 不过也没有上面的那个朋友说的那么夸张 一个月10万是不可能的 我上了21天班才挣了13740新币 也就是人民币72409而已 没有见过10万的 最好的也是8万多而已 可能快过年的时候有吧 我倒是希望有10万 挣够钱了以后做什么都好 我倒是不管别人怎么说 真的 我一点的不在乎别人怎么看我 因为我是有钱才快乐 没钱 我可以说你什么都不是。
13740/21/70 = 9.34
Wow! She kanna screws average 9 times per day, must be one of AP.
Old 18-05-2013, 05:44 PM
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Re: 娇娇:16巷49号门:在新加坡做小姐

If like u defined 9 times per day is angpai then XLJ and lady xiao bei got 12 sessions per day is call sibei sibei ang pai lol
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Old 18-05-2013, 07:50 PM
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Originally Posted by omnia View Post
Xiao Chun (1649)..mid 20s? mm fm Guangxi...sultry demure milf OL kinda looker...163-164cm quite gd ht, nice legs, slim, A+ cups wif brownish tits...flatish ass n pussy quite well trimmed wif no smell...has previous skin trade experience n it sure shows!..

sex svc is excellent(full pkge, the works), her balls licking n sucking is amazing...gfe is vgd wif v enjoyable passionate sensual frenching...great attitude n aims to pls...nice sweet mm...definite gem material!....many tks to Unfit for the recommendation
Agree with every bit of bro omnia's FR except that Xiao Chun in fact has one of the best perky ass!
Old 18-05-2013, 07:53 PM
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A true gem with prior experience in Malaysia.

Originally Posted by omnia View Post
UK(1649)..21 yr old(she told me) mm fm Hubei...quite chio cute syt looker wif a roundish face, nice big eyes, wears fake lashes which look ok, kissable lips n has that young fresh look and feel!...165cm ht, slim toned fit bod n slightly big boned wif a lovely smooth back, has a faded tattoo on her upper left arm(fm her nottie schooldays she told me!)...lovely shaped C cup boobs(she told me) firm n perky yet soft wif small brownish tits...juicy smooth big ass n a lovely oyster, pussy well trimmed wif no smell...has silvery design fingernails , looks sexy, i like!...previous skin trade experience in Dongguan...told me she picked the name "UK" herself becuz she tot it is an easy name for other okts n customers to remember!

FJ v enjoyable as she let herself go naturally, is energetic wif vgd stamina n v accommodative to any positions, combined wif more passionate sensuous frenching n nice enjoyed: spooning sideways, lifting one of her legs up, feeling her bod n turning her head to french while enjoying the mirror effect; doggie becuz of her hot juicy big ass, lovely boobs n beautiful smooth back arched backwards; foldable chair, wif her ass on the edge of the bed, she spread her legs wide while i slowly increased pumping momentum, held her bod close, our eyes fixed on each other frenching madly; asian cowgal n cowgal pump n grind, she holding her boobs, then me holding her boobs, finally both of us holding her boobs while i shot me load!!...ended wif a soothing massage n hot natural frenching good bye while groping her juicy big ass

Overall a v enjoyable bonk wif this newbie UK...she satisfied all my sexual desires n was also vgd fun to be wif...definite gem material n a keeper in my book!...many tks to Enigma n Jintakken for the recommendation

#Standard caveat applies.... Think it is impt for pple reading FRs/recommendations to always try n bear in mind tat based on human nature variables factor the experience each punter gets fm the mm shall prolly/possibly not be the same...heck even the same punter may not get a similar experience on rtf...the mm is human afterall, wif feelings, emotions, mood swings, prejudice/bias, health issues etc - this is the collective human nature variables factor tat i am talking abt, a fundamental std caveat whenever one reads an FR./recommendation
Old 18-05-2013, 08:01 PM
SunZhi SunZhi is offline
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Re: 娇娇:16巷49号门:在新加坡做小姐

Originally Posted by Allanooi View Post
If like u defined 9 times per day is angpai then XLJ and lady xiao bei got 12 sessions per day is call sibei sibei ang pai lol
XLJ from where? New? Have not seen FR on this chick.
Old 30-05-2013, 01:07 AM
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Re: 娇娇:16巷49号门:在新加坡做小姐

Visited this house today evening intended to try UK (mainly) or xiao chun due to the hype. Once entered the door I saw 4 MM sitting on the sofa. As only one of them suit my taste, without confirming whether she is UK or not (I knew she is not xiao chun as I saw xiao chun b4) I just picked her. Her name is Lily or LiLi.

She was quite gentle and abit shy (She dim the light just like my first encountered with lin yang) even she has been around in geylang for 6 months.According to her, today was her 2nd day of work after 2 months rest due to appendicitis operation.She has no prior experience in fresh trade。

Look: She resemblances a fraction of Loletta Lee 李丽珍, cute+sweet+shy look with moderate-sized eyes, small/sharp nose and small mouth. No heavy makeup
Age: didnt asked. But looks young
Origin: hunan
Height: should be around 160cm
Body: neither skinny nor fat.
Skin tone/complexion: on the fair side/smooth
Boob: A, sensitive nipples
Bbbj: good (bathroom n bed) (she asked for permission whether ok to bbbj)
AR: good (switched between sucking cock/balls for many many rounds for quite sometimes, while performed ass-rimming she aso did sensual hj with oil, will cum if I let myself loosen abit, which is quite rare to me)
Catbath: normal
French: excellent (her small+soft mouth is damn nice to kiss n suck, willing to let me deep French her n her style is more towards shy n passion rather than forceful n aggressive).French b4 fj and all the way during fj
Fj: She on top to perform cowgirl. To be honest, she does not know how to perform a proper cowgirl as her action is awkward. Typically a lot of girl will tell you in no time she is tired n suggest for change of position. But Lily was trying hard and can see she was enjoying herself with high facial expression. We stayed in the position with deep passionate French kiss. Before I yet to suggest a position change, she cummed and pumped me harder n harder and sucked my lips like octopus.
I couldn’t sustain for too long before I cummed in cowgirl position which was my first time in my life. FYI I cummed once in the afternoon and usually I can last alot longer.
Post-fj: offered to massage me for a while but I asked her to rest. So she just lied on my chest and chit chat.
Gfe: high
RTF: A definite YES!
Old 30-05-2013, 01:49 AM
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Re: 娇娇:16巷49号门:在新加坡做小姐

Originally Posted by korean View Post
Visited this house today evening intended to try UK (mainly) or xiao chun due to the hype. Once entered the door I saw 4 MM sitting on the sofa. As only one of them suit my taste, without confirming whether she is UK or not (I knew she is not xiao chun as I saw xiao chun b4) I just picked her. Her name is Lily or LiLi.

She was quite gentle and abit shy (She dim the light just like my first encountered with lin yang) even she has been around in geylang for 6 months.According to her, today was her 2nd day of work after 2 months rest due to appendicitis operation.She has no prior experience in fresh trade。

Look: She resemblances a fraction of Loletta Lee 李丽珍, cute+sweet+shy look with moderate-sized eyes, small/sharp nose and small mouth. No heavy makeup
Age: didnt asked. But looks young
Origin: hunan
Height: should be around 160cm
Body: neither skinny nor fat.
Skin tone/complexion: on the fair side/smooth
Boob: A, sensitive nipples
Bbbj: good (bathroom n bed) (she asked for permission whether ok to bbbj)
AR: good (switched between sucking cock/balls for many many rounds for quite sometimes, while performed ass-rimming she aso did sensual hj with oil, will cum if I let myself loosen abit, which is quite rare to me)
Catbath: normal
French: excellent (her small+soft mouth is damn nice to kiss n suck, willing to let me deep French her n her style is more towards shy n passion rather than forceful n aggressive).French b4 fj and all the way during fj
Fj: She on top to perform cowgirl. To be honest, she does not know how to perform a proper cowgirl as her action is awkward. Typically a lot of girl will tell you in no time she is tired n suggest for change of position. But Lily was trying hard and can see she was enjoying herself with high facial expression. We stayed in the position with deep passionate French kiss. Before I yet to suggest a position change, she cummed and pumped me harder n harder and sucked my lips like octopus.
I couldn’t sustain for too long before I cummed in cowgirl position which was my first time in my life. FYI I cummed once in the afternoon and usually I can last alot longer.
Post-fj: offered to massage me for a while but I asked her to rest. So she just lied on my chest and chit chat.
Gfe: high
RTF: A definite YES!
Yes Lily is pretty with good service...

Next round do try GAO Qi...cute with great service too bro!
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Old 30-05-2013, 01:59 AM
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Talking Re: 娇娇:16巷49号门:在新加坡做小姐

Originally Posted by unfit View Post
Yes Lily is pretty with good service...

Next round do try GAO Qi...cute with great service too bro!
Thx for recommendation bro! GAO Qi from same house aso? I gotta RTF Lily first to strike back.
Old 30-05-2013, 07:44 AM
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Re: 娇娇:16巷49号门:在新加坡做小姐

Originally Posted by unfit View Post
Yes Lily is pretty with good service...

Next round do try GAO Qi...cute with great service too bro!
Saw gao qi before, does look cute. What is her boob size?
Old 30-05-2013, 09:59 AM
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Thumbs up Re: 娇娇:16巷49号门:在新加坡做小姐

Originally Posted by korean View Post
Thx for recommendation bro! GAO Qi from same house aso? I gotta RTF Lily first to strike back.
Enjoy her power suction Bbbj...

Originally Posted by BronzeGod View Post
Saw gao qi before, does look cute. What is her boob size?
Small b...or big a...
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Old 30-05-2013, 01:30 PM
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LiLi(1649) + Gao Qi(1649)

Originally Posted by korean View Post
Her name is Lily or LiLi.

She was quite gentle and abit shy (She dim the light just like my first encountered with lin yang) even she has been around in geylang for 6 months.According to her, today was her 2nd day of work after 2 months rest due to appendicitis operation.She has no prior experience in fresh trade。

Look: She resemblances a fraction of Loletta Lee 李丽珍, cute+sweet+shy look with moderate-sized eyes, small/sharp nose and small mouth. No heavy makeup

Gfe: high
RTF: A definite YES!
Nice one bro!...hv seen this sweet cutie afew times...on my radar liao!

Originally Posted by unfit View Post
Yes Lily is pretty with good service...

Next round do try GAO Qi...cute with great service too bro!
Wah sounds gd buddy, been eyeing this Gao Qi for awhile as well...on me radar too!...kum siah!
Old 30-05-2013, 06:14 PM
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Thumbs up Re: LiLi(1649) + Gao Qi(1649)

Originally Posted by omnia View Post
Nice one bro!...hv seen this sweet cutie afew times...on my radar liao!

Wah sounds gd buddy, been eyeing this Gao Qi for awhile as well...on me radar too!...kum siah!
Both Lily and Gao Qi can go for 150 @ 60 mins...

Service wise GQ better than LL...

Enjoy Brother...
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