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Health Centre and KTV lounge Tangos It's supposed to be a state secret but you can get great SEX at these places too. Discretion advised.

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Old 02-07-2005, 01:44 AM
Stanleyhuang Stanleyhuang is offline
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Unhappy Re: Your Friendly Neighbourhood TNs @ Serangoon North B154

heyheyz guys...i don't post much around here...but i'll tell u something...try not to go to the one further from the overhead bridge...i tried that one...the extra service is juz a ground kissing lousy...
Old 14-07-2005, 10:16 PM
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Cool Re: Your Friendly Neighbourhood TNs @ Serangoon North B154

Just went for a massage in this area. Never chk the blk but is a shop entering from behind to 2nd level. heehee.... If i not wrong, the shop name is Xin Ye or something like that. There's a pink signboard at the ground floor.

Went up with my friends. Saw 3 PRCs. Hey, nt bad looking leh. Me took one by the name of JiaJia and my friend took Xiao Yun. The other one is call Xiao ling, i suppose. Cubicles with curtains as doors. Atmosphere not bad, at least better than some I used to visit.

Opt for 1.5hr massage($38). Really can make it. Not the piano playing type. Got strength and knows where to massage more and longer. Whole body are massaged properly then come to the MDQ. I asked for FJ but she said she only do HJ. Ok with me 'cos i asked FJ for fun only. haha.... Strip her upper part, soft B cup, suck and lick her nipples. Resist to fingering. Allow autorom. Rub my didi for abt 10 min then i explode. Cleaned up, get dressed up, pay and go.

Name: Jia Jia
Age: around early 30s
Look: 6/10
Boobs: B cup
Figure: 6/10
Massaage: 8/10 - got strength and do thourough job
HJ: 7/10 - allow autorom, obliging.
BJ: na
FJ: na
Overall: 8/10 - gd attitude, service is gd. Use wet towel to clean me up b4 dry me up. Always smile. She asked for a bit more of tips but i said later need to eat, no extra. She still smiled at me and asked me to go back again.
Total damage: $38(1.5hr)+ $32 = $70
RTF: yes

Actually this place is located quite near to the rainbow fish shop. It's somewhere behind Kang Lee TN(which face the main road). The signboard is so prominent that you can't miss it. Hope bros here will like my FR.

Old 15-07-2005, 01:09 AM
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Re: Your Friendly Neighbourhood TNs @ Serangoon North B154

i tried the kang lee twice before...
always seem to try to find out if you live there...
the two times...not very good...
my FR won't be good cuz it was a long time ago...
but i will try the xin ye? though i haven't seen it before.

i do go to alot of these TN esp at the upp serangoon, where the HK family rest. is...
Old 15-07-2005, 11:35 PM
rivaldo rivaldo is offline
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Re: Your Friendly Neighbourhood TNs @ Serangoon North B154

Originally Posted by R-K-O
Just went for a massage in this area. Never chk the blk but is a shop entering from behind to 2nd level. heehee.... If i not wrong, the shop name is Xin Ye or something like that. There's a pink signboard at the ground floor.

Went up with my friends. Saw 3 PRCs. Hey, nt bad looking leh. Me took one by the name of JiaJia and my friend took Xiao Yun. The other one is call Xiao ling, i suppose. Cubicles with curtains as doors. Atmosphere not bad, at least better than some I used to visit.

Opt for 1.5hr massage($38). Really can make it. Not the piano playing type. Got strength and knows where to massage more and longer. Whole body are massaged properly then come to the MDQ. I asked for FJ but she said she only do HJ. Ok with me 'cos i asked FJ for fun only. haha.... Strip her upper part, soft B cup, suck and lick her nipples. Resist to fingering. Allow autorom. Rub my didi for abt 10 min then i explode. Cleaned up, get dressed up, pay and go.

Name: Jia Jia
Age: around early 30s
Look: 6/10
Boobs: B cup
Figure: 6/10
Massaage: 8/10 - got strength and do thourough job
HJ: 7/10 - allow autorom, obliging.
BJ: na
FJ: na
Overall: 8/10 - gd attitude, service is gd. Use wet towel to clean me up b4 dry me up. Always smile. She asked for a bit more of tips but i said later need to eat, no extra. She still smiled at me and asked me to go back again.
Total damage: $38(1.5hr)+ $32 = $70
RTF: yes

Actually this place is located quite near to the rainbow fish shop. It's somewhere behind Kang Lee TN(which face the main road). The signboard is so prominent that you can't miss it. Hope bros here will like my FR.

Was at Xin Yue this evening. Found it a very clean a cozy joint. Was told by the gals that the place is just about 3 wks old. Asked for JiaJia but she wasn't available. Saw a sweet smiling pdmm in white dress sitting at the sofa and decided to have her. Introed herself as XiaoMing. Very friendly. Massage quite good, HJ even better. Full autoroam. Tight and wet pussy. Fingered her and licked her small brown nipples till she beh tahan started to moan. I paiseh coz suspect room beside could hear her moans.

Total damage: $70 = $38(90mins massage wif free scrub) + $32HJ
RTF: will b back to try out JiaJia
Old 16-07-2005, 12:48 AM
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Cool Re: Your Friendly Neighbourhood TNs @ Serangoon North B154

Originally Posted by rivaldo
I paiseh coz suspect room beside could hear her moans.

Total damage: $70 = $38(90mins massage wif free scrub) + $32HJ
RTF: will b back to try out JiaJia
bro, no need to suspect. Sure can hear..... that time went with my friend, we converse to each other just like normal talking between 2 cubicles. Even the gal talk to my friend regarding the 'special' thing, i also can hear. heehee... BTW, did you ask her for FJ?

Old 21-07-2005, 12:23 AM
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Re: Your Friendly Neighbourhood TNs @ Serangoon North B154

Today was a 'long' journey day for me. Don't intend to go TN 'cos need to keep some bullets for a new joint in amk. ji beh, my friend 2day super horny. can't wait so i obliged but thinking no special for me today......

After work reached hougang, near blk 100+. Buy TOTO then thought of proceed to blk 108 to try out. No luck, search from behind saw one TN but was closed. So decided to go blk 203 try BR. Since not so far so walked there. Saw the place, my friend made a comment: wah, so lock cock! (old n wear down). sigh... bo bian, though legs a bit buay tahan liao, still don want to go up there. After much consideration, we decided to go to Xin Yue.

Reached there at the same time i 1st visit (4D also not that zun). Went up and saw JJ and XL. My friend take JJ and i take XL. Since reached liao and a bit tired so go in and see how lor. Cut short the session 'cos it's quite SOP. One thing i can say is XL massage is also gd, hard and thoroiugh, on par with JJ. Coming to the special part, she did not ask me and start to stroke on my didi liao. I don know why i never stop her, just let her AR. Maybe b4 doing this she give me an 'appetizer' so i feel so shiok. Well, since start liao then continue lor. I forget to ask abt the price. After i explode, she also used a wet towel and cleaned up my body followed by a dry one. Service is gd. Asked her how much, she said any amount will do. Sure not? i thought to mysekf. JJ like that she also like that. Ok lor, paid her and she also happily accept. Dressed up, drink water, tcss a while then go off. Before leaving, JJ suddenly give me a hug from behind and told me to look for her on the next visit....

Name: Xiao Ling
Looks: 6.5/10 - got 'jiu wo'
Boobs: A
Age; think got late 20s or early 30s
Figure: 6/10 - slim
Massage: 8/10 - got strength and do thorough job
HJ: 7/10 - no rushing, suck my nipples. I just finger her.
Overall: gd service, always smiled at me. Ask her why. give me the same ans as JJ, said i handsome. sigh..... typical PRC. Gd attitude also. Never ask for more when i paid her. Obliged to me during the session, like pouring water for me, air con adjust cooler a bit, tell me to let her know whatever i needed.....
Total damage: $38(1.5hr massage) + $37 = $75
RTF: of cos, Both JJ and her leave me a gd impression.

Basically this place is not bad. All the gals are friendly to you. They will not be unhappy if you choose who to service you. Hope bros here will enjoy reading my FR and maybe can up a bit of pity points(同情分) to me. heehee....

Old 21-07-2005, 12:42 AM
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Unhappy Re: Your Friendly Neighbourhood TNs @ Serangoon North B154

i really can't find the shop...there have alot of pet shops...and 2 coffeeshops...if u walk both ways...which side is it on?
Old 21-07-2005, 10:27 PM
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Cool Re: Your Friendly Neighbourhood TNs @ Serangoon North B154

Originally Posted by tomdickharry
i really can't find the shop...there have alot of pet shops...and 2 coffeeshops...if u walk both ways...which side is it on?
If i not wrong there's a ntuc nearby. from ntuc, you walk to behind the carpark. walk along the carpark, towards the main rd. right side are the pet shop and xin ye is at the left. remember is enter from behind.....

Old 22-07-2005, 01:05 AM
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Re: Your Friendly Neighbourhood TNs @ Serangoon North B154

Originally Posted by R-K-O
If i not wrong there's a ntuc nearby. from ntuc, you walk to behind the carpark. walk along the carpark, towards the main rd. right side are the pet shop and xin ye is at the left. remember is enter from behind.....

Enter from behind.... Hmmm.... I like it.... Hahahahahaha
Old 22-07-2005, 02:09 AM
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Re: Your Friendly Neighbourhood TNs @ Serangoon North B154

okie will try it out some other day...
live there like so long liao...din noe...=\
Old 22-07-2005, 02:22 AM
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Re: Your Friendly Neighbourhood TNs @ Serangoon North B154

ok will scout around fer it...n FR when i get in
Old 22-07-2005, 04:13 PM
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Re: Your Friendly Neighbourhood TNs @ Serangoon North B154

For your information , this Xin Yue TN is at blk 513 and not blk 514 .

Reach there at about 0130 pm at blk 514 , search for it until 0215 pm , give up . Before i left , i saw it in blk 513 but too late , go back for meeting .

Will go there next Monday as i looking for good massage
Old 23-07-2005, 02:30 PM
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Re: Your Friendly Neighbourhood TNs @ Serangoon North B154

After reading so much abt this place, sort of make me gian gian liao. Will make a trip down for appetiser before going down BHC for the main course
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Last edited by akaza24; 23-07-2005 at 02:42 PM.
Old 23-07-2005, 11:45 PM
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Arrow Re: Your Friendly Neighbourhood TNs @ Serangoon North B154

can i tell u guys.
it's blk 153.
it's behind the 7-11.
the 7-11 right? go behind to the carpark.
keep to the right...sure see the pink Xin Yue signboard enter frm behind to 2nd level.

those ppl who said near rainbow near amk ave3...all is 'true' but not entirely correct.
haiz make me...spend more than 4hours walking around an area that i live for more than 10yrs...=\
i felt quite silly...

anyway i went fer a 30min massage...
not sure who msg me din ask
but she was abit plump. not tall.
xiao hui or something like that...
massage: 8/10 strong (but after i said i din want special...she play piano already)

RTF: will come back to try another called xiao miu/meow...couldn't hear clearly what's her name...she is thinner and looks better

not very good FR. went today at about 5pm. was quite busy lei the place.
prefer go on weekday less ppl in the shop
Old 23-07-2005, 11:46 PM
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Cool Re: Your Friendly Neighbourhood TNs @ Serangoon North B154

Originally Posted by ckxky
For your information , this Xin Yue TN is at blk 513 and not blk 514 .
bro, shd be 153 and 154

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