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Old 01-05-2013, 10:07 PM
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Re: No FRs Allowed in SBF

Hi boss, firstly thanks for replying and explaining to us. I can understand the problem of spasms and cost involved as I used to run a gaming forum with a friend in China.

I have a suggestion that I hope you will consider. Can you separate the OKTs from the "Health Centre and KTV lounge Tangos" section? I feel this section should be like how we started off in the old days, information sharing about health centres and massage joints.

I understand that the OKTs' advertisements keep this forum running, and in my opinion you did well enough to confine them in the FLs site but now they are out in the "Health Centre and KTV lounge Tangos" section as well. I am sure many forumers realised that now the massage section is just like the FL sections and need to comb through all the daily "update/up" from the OKTs before actually have a good read about the location health centres scene.

The above is just my view and I hope you will consider it.
Please don't ask me out for coffee in China because I value my privacy.

Bugger off advertisement moderators who think I am advertising, I don't need your free lunch.
Old 01-05-2013, 10:09 PM
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Re: No FRs Allowed in SBF

is it possible that some Senior & Reputable bros whom chiong FL quite frequently form a clan " band of brothers", every clan member also include in their signature all the members in their clan.(so others will know who the clan members are)

then when these bros put up FRs. We will know its ISO 9000 certified.
Old 01-05-2013, 11:27 PM
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Re: No FRs Allowed in SBF

Originally Posted by black84 View Post
is it possible that some Senior & Reputable bros whom chiong FL quite frequently form a clan " band of brothers", every clan member also include in their signature all the members in their clan.(so others will know who the clan members are)

then when these bros put up FRs. We will know its ISO 9000 certified.
ISO certified? i already following it as benchmark for years...but now no clan bro want to certify anymore. now sbf Domes already Doom liao....i have not seen clan bro around to share FRs/gals for a very very long time....apparently the reason behind is obvious....

A real Archan will NOT need to:
1.) keep saying he's selling at cost price/loss to benefit others.
2.) Earn more than 1,800% profit from cheapo amulets, keep stressing about his winning on 4Ds and being a "millionaire".
Old 02-05-2013, 12:15 AM
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Re: No FRs Allowed in SBF

Originally Posted by sammyboyfor View Post
OKTs cannot delete FRs. They don't have such privileges.

I set up this site more than 10 years ago to exchange information about legal whores and Health Centre chicks. I never wanted freelancers to crash the scene.

However, as the site grew, I simply could not keep them out. There was so much spam I gave up trying. I spent hours daily trying to remove FL ads.

I finally decided that if I couldn't beat them, I'd have to join the party so I created the FL section and subcontracted it out for someone else to run.

The money I collect is used to run the forum. Without it, I wouldn't be able to keep this site going for so long.

The mod is in charge of keeping order and his job is next to impossible to do well. When negative FRs appear, the OKT concerned will claim that it is posted by a competitor trying to sabotage his business and he will request the mod to remove the "sabo" FR. There is no way to verify such claims unless someone is appointed to fuck every single girl who is featured and come up with an independent report card which is then verified by another team to ensure there is no bias. [This would be a great job to start off with but I can bet my last dollar that after a while, the review team would be bought over by the OKT with the deepest pockets and the issue of biased reporting would surface all over again.]

If you want my honest advice, it would be to stick to the legal houses. However, I have to keep in mind that without adverts, the site would shut down as the traffic has grown to the point where it costs thousands of dollars monthly to run.

As the saying goes, it is best not to try to break anyone's rice bowl so I guess the best attitude to adopt is that if there is nothing good to say, it would be best to say nothing.

Remember sammyboy is much more than just a site full of whore ads. If it was, it would never have grown so popular. It's a place where people talk about sex, their love lives, their marriages, their heart aches, their fetishes and their fears.

Gangbangs have been arranged from this site. Sugar daddies have been netted and so have suger mummies.

Treat this place as a sex site and not just a whore mart and you won't be disappointed.

Happy May day.
Happy labour day to you too, big guy....
Old 02-05-2013, 12:28 AM
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Re: No FRs Allowed in SBF

Just got zapped but person never left the name. Says he disagrees the FRs
are deleted, see what we mean, it defeats the entire system

To the person who zapped me do have a decency to leave a name
Old 02-05-2013, 01:35 AM
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Re: No FRs Allowed in SBF

Even that's a FR, oso post by OKT.
Old 02-05-2013, 10:56 AM
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Re: No FRs Allowed in SBF

Appreciate the explanation by Da Boss... But as others pointed out.. The mods deleting reviews upon requests are similar to the OKTs removing it. Can we have a seperate section for bros to submit FRs.. Somewhat similar in concept to the HK XXX site where FRs are in a seperate section.. Of coz bros have to clarify which whore they are talking about.. Usually by quoting the URL in their FRs.... Let the surfers decide if its genuine or not ... I'm sure most will be able to.. Or will learn the hard way which Bros to trust.. Jus like buying stuff online.. The person who has the most feedback(in this case our points?) might b an indicator of trustworthiness of his FR..
Happy new year to all bros..
Old 02-05-2013, 11:06 AM
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Re: No FRs Allowed in SBF

I agree. Months back, I wrote a review cautioning bros on the girl, the okt stated $100, but in the room she demanded another $100 for bj, and $50 for fj, as she tells me $100 was just to strip naked, $250 in all! For an Indo girl and the okt with the nick starting with Indo, zapped me for warning the bros. Well, I was only commenting on this particular girl, not his stable best he can do was to rectify it. Nuff said.
Old 02-05-2013, 02:10 PM
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Re: No FRs Allowed in SBF

Originally Posted by superk92 View Post
Sounds like my own experience. Mine was worse. Straight to the hotel room, the FL charged me extra $100 (on top of the 100$) for shooting her wearing the pants+shirt I brought. It was for 10mins, rest of the 40mins she spent talking. Then refused to return my pants and shirt! She stinks (and to think she was called 'Princess' in Malay) and used hand to finish everything and ended in 10mins. Super crap service, and whats worse the boss zapped me further for commenting.
Originally Posted by superk92 View Post
I agree. Months back, I wrote a review cautioning bros on the girl, the okt stated $100, but in the room she demanded another $100 for bj, and $50 for fj, as she tells me $100 was just to strip naked, $250 in all! For an Indo girl and the okt with the nick starting with Indo, zapped me for warning the bros. Well, I was only commenting on this particular girl, not his stable best he can do was to rectify it. Nuff said.
Bro, your 1st FR, 2nd comment, 3rd comment all different version.
Thanks for trying so hard to make up story. Well done
Old 02-05-2013, 03:07 PM
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Re: No FRs Allowed in SBF

Originally Posted by black84 View Post
is it possible that some Senior & Reputable bros whom chiong FL quite frequently form a clan " band of brothers", every clan member also include in their signature all the members in their clan.(so others will know who the clan members are)

then when these bros put up FRs. We will know its ISO 9000 certified.

many years ago it was like need clan or band, just by their nicks others will already give them credibility. Ads will still be Ads, they are for selling stuff afterall. What do you expect from sellers except good things to say about their wares.
Old 02-05-2013, 05:39 PM
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Lightbulb Re: No FRs Allowed in SBF

count me in for Band of FRs!

let's just focus on SG FLs & bring back rates down to 250.

What we need is a seperate dome for FLs not under OKTs
if FLs get 5 FRs … can post for their listing for free

OKTs & advertising are fine & I've had some good experiences with OKTs - a good RTF & pre-launch BONK & finding more horny SYTS is what they need to do to get our repeat business

Originally Posted by Willie View Post

many years ago it was like need clan or band, just by their nicks others will already give them credibility. Ads will still be Ads, they are for selling stuff afterall. What do you expect from sellers except good things to say about their wares.
Old 02-05-2013, 07:12 PM
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Re: No FRs Allowed in SBF

Hi bros,

seems like there are alot of so called "fake FRs" as well as inconsistency in standards among FLs and such, personally i'm still very new in this field (used to surf and read FRs only), and have tried 2 massage, both were OK. Would like to know if there are still any "trustable" OKT around, just wanna ask if there're any tips around in terms of choosing and such
Old 02-05-2013, 11:10 PM
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Re: No FRs Allowed in SBF

Originally Posted by bibu400 View Post
what happen?? She look so pretty
The OKT at the beginning advertised some services which she didn't do, frenching being one of it. Afterwards I posted my FR the OKT changed the service descriptions. Also, there are 2 more girls in the same house, which I had a brief look and I'd say I wouldn't do either one either. The girl I got damn fucking hard sell, kept pestering me to take the other 2 girls outside for action. Even when fucking she kept saying it. Totally turn off and no mood.

Now the FRs there need to take it with a pinch of salt.
Old 03-05-2013, 12:10 AM
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Re: No FRs Allowed in SBF

Now the only way to explore is to try out myself, FR don't seem to be reliable anymore.

However I think some of the senior KTO still trying hard to keep to their standard.
Old 03-05-2013, 12:11 AM
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Re: No FRs Allowed in SBF

I mean OKT (typo)
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