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Old 21-05-2005, 05:29 AM
Crocodile Crocodile is offline
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Re: Restart The Changi Thread....

Thank you for all those who had supported me!

For those without any car, probably u want to go to Rowell like another bro here said. In one of the pearly "gates" near a shop, there are a number of sistas there.. all packed like sardines. Out of 8 of them, about 3 are stunning!

you should check it out cos they also charge 30-20 again depending on bargaining power and time of the night. already got rooms upstairs BUT i have not been up thr so i dunno how its like.
Miss desker bapoks .. from the old days.. esp those from malaysia... hehe..
for those bros who often go to JB.. check out Jalan Dhobi. I was there a few years back... the whole back lane was filled with ladyboys... cut and un cut.. got power ones. got langgar ones also... probably on a good nite.. u can spot about 40 of them thr.. no kidding.. like pasar malam the wholeplace.. dunno if still as happening.

Anyway back to CV... was thr tonight and spotted this not too bad looking.. a little bit like J-LO kind... i drove by and asked.. she mentioned:

Name: Christie/Coco
Boobs: Solid... but to me April's better.. cos like more natural
Post-Op .. got something like pussy thr
offered FJ at a nearby hotel for 150 for 2 hours.. hotel inclusive.. din ask where cos was not interested in that offer...
anyway bj 30
Service wise.. not too good cos .. like abit rushing... dun like it ...

Saw another ah lian looking.. slim one with solid boobs... from the car la..
Name: Anabel
She said she;s post op... dunno how true.. never check or try...

For those bros who asked if the sistas got room or not.. u have to ASK... simple.. they will tell u.. normally the chinese sistas.. share that room behind the temple... sometimes got to queue... take number for ur turn...

about the garden thingy.. that was long time ago... since the ol shell was still arnd and the new jetty used to be a "garden". now the place so open ... how to ehem...

As for the big carpark behind the hdb blocks.. whr u have a lower a bit grade... i ever saw the ladyboy bring a guy to the dustbin area thr.. they did their business thr...
behind this dustbin got a park.. used to be happeneing as well.. but now.. dunno... anyone wanna comment on this..

As for the sistas' contacts.. try talking to them nicely and they will tell u... just let them know that.. u r rushing and will be back later.. normally if u relaly wanna try ..just do it.. and they will surely give their number..

one more HOT TIP,, if u drive... try not to go in big groups in the car.. limit to 2 person in a car.. cos if too many they think u r jus thr for bird watching... and therefore they mite not talk properly to u...

saw a few ah lianish looking ones today... not bad.. cv is picking up! and when i was on my way thr.. i went by GL 16... the ladyboys thr.. only a few.. not many... but the prc girls at darlene.. got new batch! this one diff thread rite... hehe

Old 21-05-2005, 02:26 PM
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Re: Restart The Changi Thread....

Thanks Bro Crocodile, for your valuable info. Cheers.
Old 22-05-2005, 12:05 AM
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Re: Restart The Changi Thread....

Originally Posted by Crocodile
For those without any car...
saw a few ah lianish looking ones today... not bad.. cv is picking up! and when i was on my way thr.. i went by GL 16... the ladyboys thr.. only a few.. not many... but the prc girls at darlene.. got new batch! this one diff thread rite... hehe enjoy!!
Fantastic info bro!
Old 22-05-2005, 12:33 PM
Franz Franz is offline
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Re: Restart The Changi Thread....

Originally Posted by lubeup69
Gonna hate the mosquitos (commandos)

Don't the ladies have rooms there? I know some do ? Saw them can you tell if they have or not??

Don't want to get hooked to one who does not have a room...any suggestions?

look for a tall n fair sista named jamie, shes got a room tat she share wif her friend.
Old 24-05-2005, 01:40 AM
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Unhappy Re: Restart The Changi Thread....

Hi Guys...i simply dun understand y do u guys haf to visit CV and get those trans to service u? espcially those who are married or attached!!!!!
Ant normal girls better than those trans?
Old 24-05-2005, 02:16 AM
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Re: Restart The Changi Thread....

Originally Posted by Franz
look for a tall n fair sista named jamie, shes got a room tat she share wif her friend.
Wow...bro...any report on Jamie?

Wonder if she's like our Jamie yeo that hot.....
Old 24-05-2005, 04:57 AM
B0SS B0SS is offline
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Re: Restart The Changi Thread....

Bros here heard or tried Vivien b4? She looks a lot like Aileen Tan frm Mediacorp. She is post op too.. Tight there
She operates behind the 7-11...
Dun u find tat the open carpark gets too high profile nowadays wif pesky "kids" and "man in blue" ??
Old 24-05-2005, 06:19 PM
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Re: Restart The Changi Thread....

Originally Posted by B0SS
Dun u find tat the open carpark gets too high profile nowadays wif pesky "kids" and "man in blue" ??
just my opinion, those operate behind car park one are TCMI. been roaming there, but none of them can really caught my attn. found alot of "dinasaur" wif damn thick ICI paint on thier face...
true nowaday getting more and more "kids" there just to look see look see... also bo pian la.
Old 24-05-2005, 06:27 PM
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Re: Restart The Changi Thread....

Originally Posted by forever_love
Hi Guys...i simply dun understand y do u guys haf to visit CV and get those trans to service u? espcially those who are married or attached!!!!!
Ant normal girls better than those trans?
Bro i think u r in wrong thread. Its not that we don like gals, but this is kinda new experience for us to try trans. We not pervert or wat....
We are more into service and pleasure.i bet those bro who ever try trans will will give them a thumbs up, they really know how to please u.
Some post op trans are totally like a normal gal and u might not able to tell.
Old 24-05-2005, 10:30 PM
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Re: Restart The Changi Thread....

Originally Posted by forever_love
Hi Guys...i simply dun understand y do u guys haf to visit CV and get those trans to service u? espcially those who are married or attached!!!!!
Ant normal girls better than those trans?
Hello Bro, out here maybe not many trans are good looking. But if you go to Bangkok, for example, Patpong area, the trans are much better looking than the girls! Plus once you get BJ from trans, chances are, it's better than girl give you!

You want to say married etc. then if like that shouldn't go to any WL!
Old 25-05-2005, 03:28 AM
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Re: Restart The Changi Thread....

Help needed urgently! Any brother know where Summer go to??? She went MIA again, tried calling her many times but no answer. Check with one sister from CV and was told she went Australia hug Coala Bears!!!
Old 25-05-2005, 03:36 PM
xen0n xen0n is offline
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Re: Restart The Changi Thread....

Originally Posted by forever_love
Hi Guys...i simply dun understand y do u guys haf to visit CV and get those trans to service u? espcially those who are married or attached!!!!!
Ant normal girls better than those trans?
It's the experience. Some say only one who has it knows how to play with it.

But if u wanna try it, be safe though.
Old 25-05-2005, 03:39 PM
xen0n xen0n is offline
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Re: Restart The Changi Thread....

Originally Posted by forever_love
Hi Guys...i simply dun understand y do u guys haf to visit CV and get those trans to service u? espcially those who are married or attached!!!!!
Ant normal girls better than those trans?
They say it takes one who has one to know how to treat one right.
Old 25-05-2005, 11:48 PM
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Re: Restart The Changi Thread....

Originally Posted by Benz_Cunt
Some post op trans are totally like a normal gal and u might not able to tell.
Yup, like the CV gorgeous regulars, angel, jialing.....but never see them for quite a long time, just too busy & too far to go CV..sign...
Old 26-05-2005, 09:30 AM
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Re: Restart The Changi Thread....

Originally Posted by goo_ey
Yup, like the CV gorgeous regulars, angel, jialing.....but never see them for quite a long time, just too busy & too far to go CV..sign...
Far? ya for most of bro. this place abit far.... but whenever u think of meeting all this gorgeous babes.... Uhhhh how far u'll also chiong there one.... Cheers!
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