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Health Centre and KTV lounge Tangos It's supposed to be a state secret but you can get great SEX at these places too. Discretion advised.

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Old 24-06-2005, 01:53 AM
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Re: Boonk the tui na girl at her house...anyone try?

You think u are fucking ROMEO or wat? Hey Wake up

Old 24-06-2005, 01:57 PM
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Re: Boonk the tui na girl at her house...anyone try?

Use your big head not small head, few years back got involved with a HC girl, then monies easy to earn, paid her $1.5K per month. Then her brain begin to show sigh of "short circuit" demand this and that "not monies" but feeling etc. ..sign....parted in the end
Old 24-06-2005, 02:08 PM
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Re: Boonk the tui na girl at her house...anyone try?

wah..if this is really true..U r damn lucky brO .. .
Old 24-06-2005, 04:19 PM
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Re: Boonk the tui na girl at her house...anyone try?

becareful, these ladies have less risk than you.. play it well .. else be prepared to get bitten... and beaten
Old 20-06-2006, 01:51 PM
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Re: Boonk the tui na girl at her house...anyone try?

Originally Posted by xiao liao
One afternoon in May, I went to jl sultan to jalan jalan… then I came across one tui na shop. I call a girl n enter. Her name is Ah Li….after the usual stuff of massage and HJ ($50), she said I have nice body and look much younger than my age. She asked for my number and I gave her.

2 weeks later, one Sunday, she sms me and asked if I remember her…after some TCSS over the sms, we dated on the following Monday. She invited me to her house (along river valley.... actually many KTV girls stay along that street, bro can go hunting there...) the afternoon of that Monday….after the cat bath, we watch the xxx movies together in her bed… then I boonk for 2 sessions…. From her BJ and the FJ, I realized she is not professional…. She said in the tui na she never do BJ and FJ for customer. Only HJ.

After the second bonk finished, she actually cannot reach the cumm…. But I all released…. So she is still wet and she then MB herself in front of me. After the fun, she never asked me for anything but I paid $100…. Paiseh lah……after that day, we continue to have this dating at her house…. now, she stopped working in the tui na and work only at night at the KTV…..

Till today…. Our relationship continues….i drop by her house 1-2 times a week to boonk….she even said she fall in love with me…???? Not sure wat the hell is this kind of relationship…any bros there got same encounter.???

U good leh! Always have these type of kang taos!
Old 20-06-2006, 02:15 PM
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Re: Boonk the tui na girl at her house...anyone try?

If really love the girl,,, i think all the bro love the sex more than the girl...
Old 20-06-2006, 04:11 PM
Teo Ken Teo Ken is offline
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Re: Boonk the tui na girl at her house...anyone try?

Bro Xiao Liao better becareful there is no free lunch. By the also to share my encounter with tunia PDMM. Been going tunia for many years and have couple of happening gettine free bonk from PDMM. But no string tied. Lately just got another one after a couple of time visiting her got chance to bring out for free bonking.
Old 20-06-2006, 05:06 PM
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Re: Boonk the tui na girl at her house...anyone try?

Free bonk at the woman's place? NOT advisable, when it is free and when it is at the woman's place (regardless of whether it is tuina lady or not)

This is from the experience of my many friends. They thought they could have free "meals" but little did they expect that the woman, who they bonk for free was actually scheming against my friend.

Incident one: The woman captured photos of my friend while he is sleeping on her bed, naked! And what the woman do? The woman blackmail my friend for money when later my friend wanted to break off. Don't pay a monthly fee and my friend's wife or family would receive the pictures. In the end, my friend agreed to pay her a monthly fee of $200, until today!!

Another separate incident involved a so-call "boyfriend" storming into the woman's house while my friend is having sex with the girl. You guess it, the "boyfriend" demanded monetary compensation or report to police that my friend raped the woman. To avoid trouble, my friend paid $1000 to the "boyfriend" and fortunately the matter rest.

Conclusion here is... yes, nothing is free.
Old 21-06-2006, 09:40 PM
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Re: Boonk the tui na girl at her house...anyone try?

Originally Posted by Teo Ken
Bro Xiao Liao better becareful there is no free lunch. By the also to share my encounter with tunia PDMM. Been going tunia for many years and have couple of happening gettine free bonk from PDMM. But no string tied. Lately just got another one after a couple of time visiting her got chance to bring out for free bonking.

Bro, Teo Ken, i m interested with PDMM, i never try b4.... very keen to try ... can PM me some contact?
xiao liao

btw, all bros, i already broke off with the tuina gal last year... guess wat..KNN, she wants to offer to have a children for me!!!!! xiao liao!!!
Old 21-06-2006, 10:38 PM
Teo Ken Teo Ken is offline
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Re: Boonk the tui na girl at her house...anyone try?

bro xiao liao pm me your email add. will give contact of this PDMM i know for good massage and good in make luv. Give good bbj and fj superb by the way shes now no more in TN call her and arrange can liao. All bro can up my points if interested tks.
Old 22-06-2006, 07:16 PM
xiao liao xiao liao is offline
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Re: Boonk the tui na girl at her house...anyone try?

Originally Posted by joedovenport
Free bonk at the woman's place? NOT advisable, when it is free and when it is at the woman's place (regardless of whether it is tuina lady or not)

This is from the experience of my many friends. They thought they could have free "meals" but little did they expect that the woman, who they bonk for free was actually scheming against my friend.

Incident one: The woman captured photos of my friend while he is sleeping on her bed, naked! And what the woman do? The woman blackmail my friend for money when later my friend wanted to break off. Don't pay a monthly fee and my friend's wife or family would receive the pictures. In the end, my friend agreed to pay her a monthly fee of $200, until today!!

Another separate incident involved a so-call "boyfriend" storming into the woman's house while my friend is having sex with the girl. You guess it, the "boyfriend" demanded monetary compensation or report to police that my friend raped the woman. To avoid trouble, my friend paid $1000 to the "boyfriend" and fortunately the matter rest.

Conclusion here is... yes, nothing is free.

bro, your fren a bit unlucky lah..for incident one, may i know for $200 he pays, is he getting any service in return???

my advise to all the bro is this... if u know the gal for only 1-2 times and she invited u to her house, then use your six sense to judge if she is up to something.... if u already know her for many weeks/months, then u can say to be trusted....

so far, touch wood, all the 3 I bonk at their house, one tui na, one ktv and one student... i all dun have any problem...(instead i took their pic. when they are sleeping besides me.....)


xiao liao
Old 23-06-2006, 01:47 AM
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Re: Boonk the tui na girl at her house...anyone try?

talking about TN places have cameras hidden and installed there?
Old 24-06-2006, 03:59 PM
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Re: Boonk the tui na girl at her house...anyone try?

Originally Posted by xiao liao
bro, your fren a bit unlucky lah..for incident one, may i know for $200 he pays, is he getting any service in return???

xiao liao

Err.. I didn't ask him whether he got anything in return. I am already sorry to hear about his account that I didn't think further what other benefits he could get out of the situation.

But after the incident, he seldom mention to us about how he hook up with girls or have fun in Tuina or KTV. Think he felt the pinch and restrain himself. So I guess, probably nothing in return but just mail the money to the girl's address every month.
Old 25-06-2006, 12:22 AM
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Re: Boonk the tui na girl at her house...anyone try?

Originally Posted by Teo Ken
bro xiao liao pm me your email add. will give contact of this PDMM i know for good massage and good in make luv. Give good bbj and fj superb by the way shes now no more in TN call her and arrange can liao. All bro can up my points if interested tks.
Hi Ken

Can pm me her contact?

Old 29-06-2006, 04:14 PM
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Re: Boonk the tui na girl at her house...anyone try?

Originally Posted by strong
You think u are fucking ROMEO or wat? Hey Wake up
Why tis person so rude one ah?????
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