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Old 18-08-2013, 07:46 AM
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Re: My wife's good friend's sleep-over

nice and slow build up.... dang!!!
Old 18-08-2013, 11:59 AM
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Re: My wife's good friend's sleep-over

Waiting for next instalment with popcorn
SSOU = Sudden Surge of Urge
Old 18-08-2013, 01:03 PM
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Re: My wife's good friend's sleep-over

how i wish to have such a friend to sleep at our place hahaha
Old 18-08-2013, 03:29 PM
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Re: My wife's good friend's sleep-over

Reporting for camping trip!
Old 18-08-2013, 03:34 PM
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Re: My wife's good friend's sleep-over

Thank you bros for the support. Revealing the 4th instalment. Enjoy!


We did heavy petting under the cover of darkness and a pathetic thin sheet of...towel I guess. But it was awesomely shiok!

My chain of thoughts was broken by a soft “ok”.

It was Kate.

-To be continued


Kate said okay and went quiet again, we paused the game and waited for her next sentence, which never came. Before I could speak up, she continued.

Kate: “But, if I start to get uncomfortable can we stop?”

Faith: “Of course can la.”

I couldn’t believe what I’ve just heard. My girlfriend was agreeing to a 3P invitation from her best pal with her boyfriend. Moreover, the best pal is the boyfriend’s ex-girlfriend. She was letting her boyfriend to have sexual intercourse with another girl in front of her! Wait a minute, who..who asked me??

Me: “Wait, wait, wait. Wait a minute ar. Kate, are you sure??”

Faith: *slapping my forearm* “Ooi, I thought you said ok?”

Me: “I said ok because I thought Kate will not agree mah. This is weird don’t you think?”

Kate: *Pinching me* “I want to beat you ar! U said ok and now you don’t want.”

Me: “Ouch! I didn’t say I don’t want. I just need time to digest lei. Are you sure or not? You will not get jealous or anything and then not friend your good friend here anymore and break up with me hor.”

Silence filled the room once more. Lost form, kind of regretted asking her this question. Why the fuck do I have to act gentleman and ask that question? What if she changed her mind? Nabei.

Obviously this wasn’t what I had in my mind. I was just trying to let Kate feel I am fully on her side, thinking for her feelings and care for her. Deep down…maybe not so deep la, I was thinking what to do in the bed already. I want Faith to sit on my lap, legs wrap around my waist as I rip open her bra and penetrate deeply into her ever-so-mysterious vagina while slapping that sexy butt of hers and complete it with my evil laugh! “Muahahahaha!”

Kate: “Yes, I’m sure. But if I get uncomfortable I’ll stop ok?”

Faith: “Ok can. Don’t worry darling. Now let me set the rules here first.”

Me: “What the fuck? Still got rules one ar?”

Faith: “Of course must set rules. First, must use condom. You guys got or not?”

Kate looked at me.

Me: “Of course not la! Since when we use condoms??”

Faith: “Never mind, I have.”

Me: “Whoa, how you know we will agree??”

Faith: *giggling* “Secondly, no anal hor and lastly, thank you for realizing my fantasy, hee hee hee.”

I thought she was going to say no blowing. I have no desire to try anal anyway.

Me: “Errr…are we doing it today? Here? In my room?”

Faith: “If you want some other day also can but why wait since I’m here.” *turning to Kate* “Your auntie visiting ar?”

Kate: “No. Go back already.”

Faith: “Ok then. Shall we bathe first?”

Wa seh, happy like fuckkk~ Still got the chance to bathe with 2 girls!

Kate: “Ya, I’ll pass you a towel. You bathe first.”

Me: *lost form* “Nah towel…everything is inside. Shower foam here, new toothbrush here if you want.”

Faith: “Ok. I need to call Shane first.”

Me: “Ok.”

I went back to Kate and there she was tying up her hair into a bun.

Me: “You ok or not? You sure this is what you want?”

Kate: “Emm. I want to try too. Since Faith is my good buddy and you also know her. Better to find someone I trust than to find some Tammy, Diana or Hanna right? Besides, I know you will not fall for her. Just lust right?”

Me: “What lust? I’m not a pervert lei.”

Kate: “Don’t lie la. I know you are a butt man and Faith’s so sexy. Caught you staring at it so many times already.”

Me: “That is call admiring.”

Gave Kate a peck on her cheek and went on to keep the majong set. The feeling was indescribable. Can’t wait to tell the guys about it. I was so happy!

Soon it was my turn to bathe after Kate. While in the toilet, I cleaned every part of my body thoroughly. Washed 2 times. Did a couple of sets of push up before going out. Hand on the door knob, I stopped. What if I ejaculate prematurely? How embarrassing that will be! Cannot. Must do something about it. Seriously, there’s nothing much to do except, to masturbate. Yes, I masturbated before I went out.

Now, I’m all set.

-To be continued

*PS - The next instalment is the height of this part of the story. Thank you bros for your patient and support.

Last edited by Thug; 18-08-2013 at 06:56 PM. Reason: Spelling mistake.
Old 18-08-2013, 03:52 PM
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Re: My wife's good friend's sleep-over

Eagerly looking forward to the sexcounter, upz
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Old 18-08-2013, 05:21 PM
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Re: My wife's good friend's sleep-over

True story???

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Old 18-08-2013, 09:53 PM
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Re: My wife's good friend's sleep-over

Exciting part is coming up! Can't wait!
Old 18-08-2013, 11:51 PM
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Re: My wife's good friend's sleep-over

Very nice....upped!
Old 19-08-2013, 12:18 AM
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Re: My wife's good friend's sleep-over

Thank you bros for the support. Its making me want to write further. Here's my 5th instalment. Enjoy before your beauty sleep.


What if I ejaculate prematurely? How embarrass that will be! Cannot. Must do something about it. Seriously, there’s nothing much to do except, to masturbate. Yes, I masturbated before I went out.

Now, I’m all set.


In the room, lights were off and the ray of the setting sun shone through the drawn curtains, filling the room with maroon. The air-conditioner was at the right temperature. With the aroma from Kate's Dove shower foam lingering in the room; I can make out a familiar music, the album of Michael Bublé playing in the background through my speakers at the softest yet audible volume. I knew it was Kate's idea. She loves listening to him.

Child-like giggling could be heard from my king size bed under the covers. Not wanting to intrude, I stood at the foot of the bed and asked for permission to enter. Kate popped out from the comforter and hid back underneath it like a kid playing peek-a-boo. I heard her telling Faith: "He is not naked yet." Faith stuck out her hand and signalled me to enter.

Eagerly, I wriggled under the quilt from the bottom of the bed and through the "tunnel of lust". Faith was still wrapped with the towel I gave her earlier. Kate was already in her birthday suit. I guessed Faith was not prepared to show her boobs in front of Kate just yet. She felt inferior.

I stopped where I could see their faces, lying on my tummy and resting on my elbows to support my body, I asked them: "How are we going to start?"

Faith: "Chat a bit first la. So horny ar?"

Me: "No la. Ok ok, what do you want to chat?"

Faith: "You are very lucky to have Kate you know? Look at those boobs! Shane is the unlucky one. I always catch him staring at ladies with big boobs."

Me: "Haha, ya. I know I'm lucky. Ask you ar, did you ever catch Shane looking at Kate's chest?"

Kate: *slapped my arm* "Wei, why you ask this kind of question?"

Faith: "Hahaha, ya. He did. He says Kate's quite big."

Me: "What?! Quite big? These are melons! Hahaha."

I started hugging Kate, tickling her at the same time. In the midst of the wrestle, one thing led to another, we started kissing. I don't know how long did we kiss, but Faith was cast into oblivion. I was indulged with the kissing till I felt a third hand caressing my back.

I opened my eyes and looked at Kate. She gave me the go-ahead. I turned and gave Faith my most assuring smile and a peck on her lips. And then another one, soon our tongues were swirling in each other’s mouth. The feeling was different from the one I had in the chalet. This time, I gave my all.

Her left arm was trapped awkwardly under my body. I made some room for her to free it, at the same time opening up the towel that was hugging around her body. Her light brownish nipples were standing all so proudly and her down bush was nicely trimmed and neat. While caressing her boobs, I continued my tongue swirling in her mouth. Her right arm wrapped around my neck but her left wasn't on me. I took a peek. Oh my god, she was kneading Kate's 34C. I raised myself up and signalled her to move in closer to Kate.

With 2 naked ladies presented in front of me, I got on my knees and admired the 2 hot bodies. Not wanting to upset Kate, I went down on her first. I started kissing and licking every inch of her body. From the neck to the belly button and from there down to the pelvis area. I continued to make my way to the inner thigh then to the knee and further down to the south, licking and sucking her toes.

I spread her legs and crawled back up. Teasing her by blowing air gently at her already wet vagina. She jerked a bit when I gave a light lick at her labia and moaned like she had never moaned before when I went in full force. I did what she usually enjoys most but I spent more time than usual because upsetting her was the last thing I want to do.

Faith was looking all this while. Playing with Kate’s breasts still, she gave me a CFM face. Ignoring her I continued my thing on Kate. Soon, Kate arched her body backward pushing into the bed trembling while pushing my face away from her dripping wet vagina. She came. A powerful one.

-To be continued

Last edited by Thug; 21-08-2013 at 01:24 AM. Reason: Rephase
Old 19-08-2013, 01:12 AM
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Re: My wife's good friend's sleep-over

nice.....keep it up...
Old 19-08-2013, 01:17 AM
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Re: My wife's good friend's sleep-over

Good stuff bro. Please continue.
Old 19-08-2013, 01:21 AM
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Re: My wife's good friend's sleep-over

WOWWW steamy ...
Old 19-08-2013, 03:29 PM
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Re: My wife's good friend's sleep-over

good one bro! waiting for next installment.
Old 19-08-2013, 04:00 PM
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Re: My wife's good friend's sleep-over

interesting story bro
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