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Old 11-10-2006, 08:49 AM
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Re: Lisa DeINN,PJ.

Originally Posted by Brainy
You know the best thing about advice? You don't have to take it...
Precisely! So why so flustered over Tua_Lang replies? No necessity to imply that his replies are childish and that he is saying things just to gain points in this forum. You have posted asking the bros here to be easy on their replies, yet when Tua_lang replied, you reacted rather strongly. This is how flame wars are started.

The advice you have given is nothing new to the bros here and I believe everyone knows the risks of commercial sex. I agree that precaution is better than cure but for some things like frenching, to each his own. The moment you start having different partners for sex, you are already running a risk. Having commercial sex is sometimes not just pay, wham and fark off. Using a quote from bro dathinman "Different people Different strokes".
Old 11-10-2006, 09:55 AM
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Re: Lisa DeINN,PJ.

Originally Posted by Brainy
Also, I am curious as to why would anyone want to french kiss a WL
To each his own... Dun like it den dun do... dun ask others why they do...
PRC always make us think we are special, the moment we believe them is when we are the one getting fcked
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Old 11-10-2006, 12:57 PM
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Re: Lisa DeINN,PJ.

Mr Brainy,

BTW you know tat most WLs are much cleaner than our average GFs and wives? even tho they take so many customers per day, do you know how they clean up after every session?

the few times i kena fungal infection etc is not from WLs....instead, i got it from my ignorant and "dont care" attitude GFs!!!

Please lah...b4 you go round making further comments and giving irrelevant advice, i think you better go smell more pussies 1st, both GFs and WLs', ok? After you compare, then come tell us the result ya?

Over and OUt!!!
Old 11-10-2006, 01:25 PM
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Re: Lisa DeINN,PJ.

Originally Posted by mbz777
Mr Brainy,

BTW you know tat most WLs are much cleaner than our average GFs and wives? even tho they take so many customers per day, do you know how they clean up after every session?

the few times i kena fungal infection etc is not from WLs....instead, i got it from my ignorant and "dont care" attitude GFs!!!

Please lah...b4 you go round making further comments and giving irrelevant advice, i think you better go smell more pussies 1st, both GFs and WLs', ok? After you compare, then come tell us the result ya?

Over and OUt!!!
Yow! I said go easy guys. Just being friendly. I'm Cool. I know it's all been said and done before.

I will remember to type: 'Just my 2 cents worth' after writing anything.

Got the forum a bit juiced up though didn't I???
Old 11-10-2006, 02:02 PM
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Re: Lisa DeINN,PJ.

Originally Posted by mbz777
Mr Brainy,

BTW you know tat most WLs are much cleaner than our average GFs and wives? even tho they take so many customers per day, do you know how they clean up after every session?

the few times i kena fungal infection etc is not from WLs....instead, i got it from my ignorant and "dont care" attitude GFs!!!

Please lah...b4 you go round making further comments and giving irrelevant advice, i think you better go smell more pussies 1st, both GFs and WLs', ok? After you compare, then come tell us the result ya?

Over and OUt!!!
mbz koh,

Pls use ur brain b4 u post something!

U should post: mbz koh think most of the WL are cleaner than ur GF! And not being sure abt it! U want me prove the opposite? I bring u to Klang, where some of the used cd with content lay days onder the bed and after a session wait for u to clean they chee bye, during peak hours they where got time to clean after a session?... everything has exception... please!

This 1 ur problem... u can always teach her how to keep it clean! If she refuse.. u donr fark her loh!

mbz koh, noticed nowadays u like to personal attack ppls.. pls lah, knew u in person for so long tot ur most positive point is being frenly to all of us... u can use this in forum too. Why u can help a jobless captain to find a job and at the same time being rude to newbie's

Sorry mbz koh, really dont wanna see Malaysian Thread will becomes Fark Newbie's Thread!

PS: Tonite my younger bro and me will try some thai stuff, are u interested?
Old 11-10-2006, 02:26 PM
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Re: Lisa DeINN,PJ.

Originally Posted by DeKuip
mbz koh,

Pls use ur brain b4 u post something!

Sorry mbz koh, really dont wanna see Malaysian Thread will becomes Fark Newbie's Thread!
Kekeke....well said DeKuip.

No offence also to Bro mbz who I can safely presume just mean well but I agree with DeKuip. I also dun want to see the KL threads become Fark Newbies Section.

We can try to educate them by reasoning or showing them the way but farking them for every little thing normally does not help. Mbz koh seems very heaty today. About time to go for afternoon pleasures.
Old 11-10-2006, 02:51 PM
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Re: Lisa DeINN,PJ.

Originally Posted by Brainy
Yow! I said go easy guys. Just being friendly. I'm Cool. I know it's all been said and done before.

I will remember to type: 'Just my 2 cents worth' after writing anything.
Well, there will still be opinions no matter what is said. IMHO as long as your statements are not being personal, then you are entitled to voice your opinions.

Enjoy SBF and may it be fruitful for you.

Cheers and happy bonking.
Old 11-10-2006, 03:03 PM
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Re: Lisa DeINN,PJ.

Originally Posted by shiok1968
Well, there will still be opinions no matter what is said. IMHO as long as your statements are not being personal, then you are entitled to voice your opinions.

Enjoy SBF and may it be fruitful for you.

Cheers and happy bonking.
hihi, it true also..........Totally agreed with Bro SSH even Bro Brainy said i m childish.....

However, Bro Brainy do you has other sex expriences except ur GF/HM. Just wondering how u handle it since u r so "carefull"....

Tell us and share to us lehhhhh
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Old 11-10-2006, 03:18 PM
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Re: Lisa DeINN,PJ.

Originally Posted by shiok1968
No offence also to Bro mbz who I can safely presume just mean well but I agree with DeKuip. I also dun want to see the KL threads become Fark Newbies Section.
How come today u so kind and agree with me? Must be the same otak otak we ate yest i think.
Old 11-10-2006, 03:30 PM
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Re: Lisa DeINN,PJ.

Originally Posted by DeKuip
How come today u so kind and agree with me? Must be the same otak otak we ate yest i think.
Actually I agree with you bcos you promise to bring me out and drink. If by this weekend you dun keep your promise than I will start to fark you.
Old 11-10-2006, 03:45 PM
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Re: Lisa DeINN,PJ.

Originally Posted by Tua_Lang
hihi, it true also..........Totally agreed with Bro SSH even Bro Brainy said i m childish.....:

However, Bro Brainy do you has other sex expriences except ur GF/HM. Just wondering how u handle it since u r so "carefull"....

Tell us and share to us lehhhhh
hahaha... where got childish? Like Brainy said it was ur advise.. ppls can take it if they want do.

But hor... if i see u with a lolli pop in ur mouth i will say u are childish.
Old 11-10-2006, 03:45 PM
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Re: Lisa DeINN,PJ.

Well, I was a newb before or even now i still consider myself a newb in SBF... I have started a stupid thread like 'where to find a nice indian chicks' but i am so lucky that i didnt get farked by the senior otherwise i dun see any reason why i contribute in this forum. So, i strongly believe that we should not be too harsh to the newb who have post some 'not so useful' statement in this forum. If I dun agree with some comments i will just keep quiet and if someone who post a useful one i will reward them with a point. If we keep farking the newb, i am afraid this forum will become a few senior playground.
Old 11-10-2006, 03:47 PM
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Re: Lisa DeINN,PJ.

Well, I was a newb before or even now i still consider myself a newb in SBF... I have started a stupid thread like 'where to find a nice indian chicks' but i am so lucky that i didnt get farked by the senior otherwise i dun see any reason why i contribute in this forum. So, i strongly believe that we should not be too harsh to the newb who have post some 'not so useful' statement in this forum. If I dun agree with some comments i will just keep quiet and if someone who post a useful one i will reward them with a point. If we keep farking the newb, i am afraid this forum will become a few senior playground.
Old 11-10-2006, 04:27 PM
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Re: Lisa DeINN,PJ.

Originally Posted by jerrystockton
Well, I was a newb before or even now i still consider myself a newb in SBF... I have started a stupid thread like 'where to find a nice indian chicks' but i am so lucky that i didnt get farked by the senior otherwise i dun see any reason why i contribute in this forum. So, i strongly believe that we should not be too harsh to the newb who have post some 'not so useful' statement in this forum. If I dun agree with some comments i will just keep quiet and if someone who post a useful one i will reward them with a point. If we keep farking the newb, i am afraid this forum will become a few senior playground.
Not so useful - totally accepted by me, i also posted a lot not so useful information. (new bird always like that, can be forgive lah....)

Always think that 2 become thread started, u must contribute 1st before other member add on others..NEW THREAD SHOULD NOT STARTED JUST FOR ASKING / REQUEST INFORMATION.....

To Bro DK: if u see got lolli pop in my mouth, i m not childish, but i m something wrong

My 2 Cents Worth........
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Old 11-10-2006, 04:59 PM
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Re: Lisa DeINN,PJ.

i kena zapped one point, which i expected. He didnt leave his name, which i expected as well. But at least tell me a reason...
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