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Old 26-10-2007, 06:32 PM
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Re: any club/disco/bar in pattaya or rayong called black magic???

Originally Posted by lingwu74 View Post
there is a Black Magic disco in Rayong town. It is quite popular with lot's of customers (both male and female). Rayong is not a tourist area but rather a industrial area. The customers would mainly be local thais or expats working in the factories there.

Hi thanks for informing me about this. I think this is the black magic bar she is talking about. Not the AGG bar in Pattaya. When u say customers male or female do u mean they just go in and order a drink or do they do hanky panky and more with the gals????????

Btw what do the gals/models do inside this disco in Rayong??? Since its not a AGG bar.
Old 26-10-2007, 06:37 PM
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Re: any club/disco/bar in pattaya or rayong called black magic???

Originally Posted by addoode View Post
just came back from pattaya and shagged a thai penthouse model as well, who was working as a 'exotic dancer' at my favourite club. your thai chick might be working at one of these clubs too (though i only know of two in pattaya). they're unlike the usual AGG and beer bars along walking street and are considered 'highso' clubs, or high society. u will virtually not find any farangs there, mainly thai and other foreigners like koreans. they are relatively expensive though, if u want to compare to the sleazy AGG and beer bars.

Hi care to provide more details on these type of bars. Cos for greenhorns like me for eg. We're just gonna think of AGG bars when pattaya is mentioned. I will not know of any high-classed type of clubs/bars around. Care to tell me the name of the model u shagged??? Btw why are no ang mohs found there?????? I always though ang mohs were always considered the big spenders?? Unless its racism against them which i think is good since in singapore they're always treated better.
Old 26-10-2007, 06:51 PM
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Re: any club/disco/bar in pattaya or rayong called black magic???

Okay here's what happened for the past week. I arrived in Bangkok last saturday in the afternoon. Met the first thai lady who's going to be 30 soon. She actually has a son from a thai guy. I found out about that after seeing the pictures in her digicam. She was very frenly to me and took a liking to me. Unfortunately i arrived in thailand not to see her.

Yeah i had sex with her and her hole was rather loose which confirmed to me she had a child before. Anyway here's what happened on the first night on saturday. We went to a disco called Hollywood. Ordered some bourbon whiskey, which i drank lots of. As anyone would know hollywood has a stage where bands or singers would perform at times and sometimes club music would be playing, same pattern as dragonfly in SG. Well went i got a bit tipsy in there i started getting pretty angry, cos it was soo crowded, they had rows of tables where ppl were drinking. Unlike clubs in singapore where there were fixed number of tables. They like to fill up the club with tables till there;s no walking space. So one of them bumped into me at the next table. I started a starring match with him. He had tattoes all over his arms. I was really pissed.

Later one of this frens came to speak to me. It turns out he was a singaporean from a gang called Ji tiong or 21. he asked me what gang i was in i said peh dui, next minute a bit of peace treaty Bs talk etc etc and all was fine. Who would have thought i was gonna fight with singaporeans who told me their gang in a foreign land like thailand?????? I mean does it even matter over there??? I said singaporeans shoudl help singaporean etc etc and he agreed and all was fine. Made frens with them.

In fact everyone around asked if i was fine cos i guess my facial expression looked really angry. So we left at 3am and i need to pee badly and even wanted to do it by the rdside. This thai lady was very frenly and did not throw tantrums but led me to a nearby toilet.

Reached her condo later and fell asleep, woke up the next morning and she told me that i had mistaken her fridge for the toilet and peed all over the fridge and chocolates i had given her. SHe cleaned it up and said i slept on the sofa instead of thje bed. I could not recall any of that. Anyway she was not mad at all.

Even bonked her again next morning. Later i mentioned about visiting some temples cos the fortune teller said i should visit the local temples to get protection/luck and she brought me to an indian temple and another thai one.

I would be visting my model Gf the following day, monday.
Old 26-10-2007, 06:53 PM
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Re: any club/disco/bar in pattaya or rayong called black magic???


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Old 27-10-2007, 03:57 PM
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Re: any club/disco/bar in pattaya or rayong called black magic???

Originally Posted by Shocking_vibes View Post
Hi care to explain to me what goh Hok means??????????? Fist time i ever learnt about this hokkien term. PLus i just only learnt KC after reading those tirak threads.

kohok = 骗人
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Old 27-10-2007, 04:13 PM
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Re: any club/disco/bar in pattaya or rayong called black magic???

S'porean r highly educated but foolish in real life.
Ma sao khong the tha thu cho nhau mot lan
Old 27-10-2007, 11:23 PM
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Re: any club/disco/bar in pattaya or rayong called black magic???

Originally Posted by Shocking_vibes View Post
Okay here's what happened for the past week. I arrived in Bangkok last saturday in the afternoon. Met the first thai lady who's going to be 30 soon. She actually has a son from a thai guy. I found out about that after seeing the pictures in her digicam. She was very frenly to me and took a liking to me. Unfortunately i arrived in thailand not to see her.

Yeah i had sex with her and her hole was rather loose which confirmed to me she had a child before. Anyway here's what happened on the first night on saturday. We went to a disco called Hollywood. Ordered some bourbon whiskey, which i drank lots of. As anyone would know hollywood has a stage where bands or singers would perform at times and sometimes club music would be playing, same pattern as dragonfly in SG. Well went i got a bit tipsy in there i started getting pretty angry, cos it was soo crowded, they had rows of tables where ppl were drinking. Unlike clubs in singapore where there were fixed number of tables. They like to fill up the club with tables till there;s no walking space. So one of them bumped into me at the next table. I started a starring match with him. He had tattoes all over his arms. I was really pissed.

Later one of this frens came to speak to me. It turns out he was a singaporean from a gang called Ji tiong or 21. he asked me what gang i was in i said peh dui, next minute a bit of peace treaty Bs talk etc etc and all was fine. Who would have thought i was gonna fight with singaporeans who told me their gang in a foreign land like thailand?????? I mean does it even matter over there??? I said singaporeans shoudl help singaporean etc etc and he agreed and all was fine. Made frens with them.

In fact everyone around asked if i was fine cos i guess my facial expression looked really angry. So we left at 3am and i need to pee badly and even wanted to do it by the rdside. This thai lady was very frenly and did not throw tantrums but led me to a nearby toilet.

Reached her condo later and fell asleep, woke up the next morning and she told me that i had mistaken her fridge for the toilet and peed all over the fridge and chocolates i had given her. SHe cleaned it up and said i slept on the sofa instead of thje bed. I could not recall any of that. Anyway she was not mad at all.

Even bonked her again next morning. Later i mentioned about visiting some temples cos the fortune teller said i should visit the local temples to get protection/luck and she brought me to an indian temple and another thai one.

I would be visting my model Gf the following day, monday.
what a dumdass you are. Most probably the gangster saw what a chicken or small fry you are that you were not worth wasting time on.

Thailand is the land of smiles but underneath is plenty of stuff. If you are going to cheong in thailand , you better learn some thai culture before you get killed there.
Old 27-10-2007, 11:44 PM
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Re: any club/disco/bar in pattaya or rayong called black magic???

Originally Posted by ahtecklim View Post
what a dumdass you are. Most probably the gangster saw what a chicken or small fry you are that you were not worth wasting time on.

Thailand is the land of smiles but underneath is plenty of stuff. If you are going to cheong in thailand , you better learn some thai culture before you get killed there.
aiyah why you want to spoil my show watching. i always go and eat my supper at the eatery opposite Hollywood. everytime got "fighting" show to see.

when you see me, come up to me and call me David. i will buy you a jug of beer.
Old 28-10-2007, 08:29 AM
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Re: any club/disco/bar in pattaya or rayong called black magic???

Originally Posted by naemlo View Post
S'porean r highly educated but foolish in real life.
high education (academically inclined) does not equate to intelligence.
high rep points does not equate to steady samster.
high income does not prevent one from being a freeloading cheap charlie opportunist.
Old 29-10-2007, 02:33 PM
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Re: any club/disco/bar in pattaya or rayong called black magic???

Originally Posted by Shocking_vibes View Post
Hi thanks for informing me about this. I think this is the black magic bar she is talking about. Not the AGG bar in Pattaya. When u say customers male or female do u mean they just go in and order a drink or do they do hanky panky and more with the gals????????
Btw what do the gals/models do inside this disco in Rayong??? Since its not a AGG bar.
sorry can't help too much as i didn't go in. I was in another disco further down and was contemplating to go to black magic when i saw it was too crowded. judging from the patrons going there, as mentioned, local thais with mixture of gals and guys customers. maybe i can check it out the next time i am at rayong.
Old 30-10-2007, 06:16 PM
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Re: any club/disco/bar in pattaya or rayong called black magic???

Originally Posted by ahtecklim View Post
what a dumdass you are. Most probably the gangster saw what a chicken or small fry you are that you were not worth wasting time on.

Thailand is the land of smiles but underneath is plenty of stuff. If you are going to cheong in thailand , you better learn some thai culture before you get killed there.

comeon man why say like that about me???U were hoping that they all whacked me up????? They were singaporeans i was dulan with not thais. One of them told me he was in thailand for 6 years.
Old 30-10-2007, 06:31 PM
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Re: any club/disco/bar in pattaya or rayong called black magic???

Originally Posted by vmtech View Post
kohok = 骗人

why is it not called piang lang??????

In teochew my grandma would say piang le.
Old 30-10-2007, 06:38 PM
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Re: any club/disco/bar in pattaya or rayong called black magic???

Kohhok is in thai..
Old 30-10-2007, 07:56 PM
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Re: any club/disco/bar in pattaya or rayong called black magic???

Originally Posted by Shocking_vibes View Post
comeon man why say like that about me???U were hoping that they all whacked me up????? They were singaporeans i was dulan with not thais. One of them told me he was in thailand for 6 years.
Hi Shocking Vibes,

Actually, you're quite lucky they were not local mafia. Your organic gun (even on Viagra) cannot match their .22 gun.


Old 30-10-2007, 08:06 PM
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Re: any club/disco/bar in pattaya or rayong called black magic???

brother shocking_vibes,from what i gather,you are probably got angry because the disco was crowded.then why don't you go to a disco that is not crowded but simply CMI?if you had met a local gangster,you may not even be posting would be staring down the barrel of a point here is to take things easy while over in LOS.
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