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Old 18-03-2024, 09:13 PM
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Re: Share your experience after taking ED/PE pills

Originally Posted by Xgenre View Post
With age catching up, the definition of fucking longer has to change too. Last time is have sex for 30 minutes or more. Now is to be able to have sex even in 5, 10 or year's time. Don't push your body too hard. Can stand, can fuck, can shoot... can already. Why need to set timer as we age?
When I cum too fast I feel my partner will not be able enjoy ... So I just want to be able to endure longer.. Not a matter of being egoistic that I must perform non stop for an hour...
Old 19-03-2024, 08:18 AM
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Re: Share your experience after taking ED/PE pills

I have anxiety that results in frequently losing wood during sex the moment i overthink some stuff. Nothing physically wrong as I can get it up and the moment i manage to stop the overthink it performs again. But it gets frustrating at times esp for the wife as they get disappointed and have to restart oral etc again before piv.

Going on cialis 5mg twice a week has changed my sex life entirely. One on monday and one on friday for the weekend. No side effects at all so far.

Wife is very happy
Old 19-03-2024, 10:28 AM
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Re: Share your experience after taking ED/PE pills

Originally Posted by kaisiong View Post
If only have 20mg cialis. Should not cut into half right?
That is only semi true. tablets are film coated for may reasons. to mask taste, for easier compounding etc. this type you can split without any side effects. the only problem is that if it doesn't have any score line, you can't really get an even cut. but thats not a serious problem.

you should not cut tablets that say SUSTAINED RELEASE or EXTENDED RELEASE on the packaging. this type really cannot cut because its designed to build that effective curve over a period of time.

Cialis if I remember correctly, is just film coated but not sustained release.

btw it comes in 5mg version too.
Old 19-03-2024, 10:33 AM
WinterMelonTree WinterMelonTree is offline
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Re: Share your experience after taking ED/PE pills

Originally Posted by Adlih View Post
I took the 20mg cialis. Works well. The only problem is I feel acid reflux or heartburn at the stomach for few days and have to take antacid to feel better.
standard side effect. its because PDE-5 relaxes smooth muscle EVERY WHERE, not just the cock. so your stomach valve also kenna. just do light frequent meals instead to reduce heartburn. esp if you dont want to eat antacids.
Old 19-03-2024, 10:35 AM
WinterMelonTree WinterMelonTree is offline
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Re: Share your experience after taking ED/PE pills

Originally Posted by fastshot View Post
any reason why not cut?

other med that I am taking prescribed from my doc for cholesterol, he also asked me to cut. no line in middle type.
read my reply to the other bro, on the logic of cutting.
Old 19-03-2024, 10:40 AM
WinterMelonTree WinterMelonTree is offline
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Re: Share your experience after taking ED/PE pills

Originally Posted by Amphib View Post
For me, since my extras activities very limited, have to get the most out of it, want to do 3-4 shots a day if possible, cause may only have the opportunity to do so once or twice a year(Im sure there are a few who know what I mean

So even don't have ED or PE, will still be curious to try and see if can get the most out of it in the one or two days per year I have.

The key is to not take the pill in one goal, but spread it out, quarter/half pill per 2-3 hours.
Cialis is 24-72 hours, but the hardness effect is significant lesser than viagra from my experience.
some people feel that way about hardness on viagra vs cialis because its the same reason why viagra last 4 hours whereas cialis last 36hrs.

it the onset of the drugs. which depends on how the body absorb and use the drug.

rule of thumb, if you go fl session, can take viagra.

if you wanna have fuck-a-thon or whole weekend as and when fucking then cialis.
Old 19-03-2024, 10:45 AM
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Re: Share your experience after taking ED/PE pills

Originally Posted by Adlih View Post
When I cum too fast I feel my partner will not be able enjoy ... So I just want to be able to endure longer..
If your purpose is to ensure your partner enjoys too, you can consider putting more into foreplay and after sex play. Lick until she orgasm before you start the pumping. Cuddle and chat in bed after sex for example. I find massaging the clit with massage oil. Two thumbs taking turns to move in a upward direction to be very effective. Left thumb moving from bottom of vagina upwards and over the clit. Right thumb move from bottom of vagina upwards and over the clit. Repeat this sequence till she super high

The problem about with having sex with people our age is I find that the girls aren't as wet and they don't stay wet during sex. Suddenly dry up and she starts to feel the abrasion. I mean it's nice to want to last longer for your partner's enjoyment but for many ladies in the mid-40s onward, staying wet is no longer a given.
I don't exchange points. So no point adding me hoping I will up you back. No need to pm me about points too.
Old 24-03-2024, 10:32 AM
kaisiong kaisiong is offline
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Originally Posted by WinterMelonTree View Post
That is only semi true. tablets are film coated for may reasons. to mask taste, for easier compounding etc. this type you can split without any side effects. the only problem is that if it doesn't have any score line, you can't really get an even cut. but thats not a serious problem.

you should not cut tablets that say SUSTAINED RELEASE or EXTENDED RELEASE on the packaging. this type really cannot cut because its designed to build that effective curve over a period of time.

Cialis if I remember correctly, is just film coated but not sustained release.

btw it comes in 5mg version too.
Bro, I bought a pill cutter and cut the cialis 20mg and piligy 60mg into half and this time round no side effect at all. Can control my ejaculation as good as when I took 60 mg piligy. Though little bro not as hard as when I din cut the cialis but I think the trade off is good since no side effect. Thanks for the advice...
Old 25-03-2024, 11:58 AM
WinterMelonTree WinterMelonTree is offline
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Re: Share your experience after taking ED/PE pills

Originally Posted by kaisiong View Post
Bro, I bought a pill cutter and cut the cialis 20mg and piligy 60mg into half and this time round no side effect at all. Can control my ejaculation as good as when I took 60 mg piligy. Though little bro not as hard as when I din cut the cialis but I think the trade off is good since no side effect. Thanks for the advice...
i see what you mean. i can understand the rationale behind combined dose of priligy and cialis.

i have 1 question.

do you have erection problem with both fl and regular familiar partner? or just with fl?
Old 25-03-2024, 12:22 PM
kaisiong kaisiong is offline
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Originally Posted by WinterMelonTree View Post
i see what you mean. i can understand the rationale behind combined dose of priligy and cialis.

i have 1 question.

do you have erection problem with both fl and regular familiar partner? or just with fl?
With FL, and I am thinking is becos the medicine may not have taken full effect which is why not as hard. I took it 2 hrs plus before I visit FL. Then during the night time, my little brother seems very hard without much simulation, ie can get hard even by thinking about my earlier session. But I will oso try viagra next time.

Ask u, if viagra is 50 or 100mg. Will it be a much stronger medicine compared to cialis which is only 20mg. Somehow I read from Internet that it is OK to consume viagra with priligy but could not find the same article that support this theory for cialis and priligy...
Old 25-03-2024, 12:31 PM
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Re: Share your experience after taking ED/PE pills

I've been taking 5mg cialis for quite some years for my very mild ed.

My ed is mostly psychological but the cialis helps me keep hard when I overthink.

Have tried various other meds from viagra to even the newest spedra but cialis still works best for me as I can take small dose of 5mg for minimal side effect but still have the benefits for over long periods (at least 2 whole days)

In general ed meds give me headache and flushing, increases heart rate. This has been the worst with spedra even at 100mg (cut a 200mg pill)

I now use tadalafil films that can easily be found through the teleconsult type docs.

No need to care so much about taking before food or x hours after food as these films melt in your mouth and absorb alot better and faster.

Don't have pe so can't comment but those teleconsults can get you pe meds in spray or chewable form too
Old 25-03-2024, 12:36 PM
Upsilon Upsilon is offline
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Re: Share your experience after taking ED/PE pills

Originally Posted by kaisiong View Post

Ask u, if viagra is 50 or 100mg. Will it be a much stronger medicine compared to cialis which is only 20mg. .
My experience with both is Viagra is stronger than cialis, both effects and side effects.
I started with half pill viagra, but I don't remember the dosage, in the end, quarter pill enough for me, but I took for fun, don't have ed.
Also with full dose of cialis.
Old 26-03-2024, 10:55 AM
WinterMelonTree WinterMelonTree is offline
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Re: Share your experience after taking ED/PE pills

Originally Posted by kaisiong View Post
With FL, and I am thinking is becos the medicine may not have taken full effect which is why not as hard. I took it 2 hrs plus before I visit FL. Then during the night time, my little brother seems very hard without much simulation, ie can get hard even by thinking about my earlier session. But I will oso try viagra next time.

Ask u, if viagra is 50 or 100mg. Will it be a much stronger medicine compared to cialis which is only 20mg. Somehow I read from Internet that it is OK to consume viagra with priligy but could not find the same article that support this theory for cialis and priligy...
do you know why i asked this question?

there's two types of ED. psychological and physiological.
psychological is usually due to nervousness, anxiety and stress. and thats very common when you meet fl for the first time. thats also why so many prefer go ktv for "kum ching". its to break the ice and reduce anxiety. not every man is like a porn actor. can instant hard, instant fuck and cum as needed.
the drug to treat psychological ED is priligy.

priligy is an antidepressant belonging to a class of drugs called SSRI. basically it prevents your body from reabsorbing your seratonin, which is needed to make you relax and happy. once you're mentally relaxed, you can began sexual stimulation.

Cialis works by mechanically forcing you body to relax and therefore allowing blood to flow to your cock. BUT if you're not relaxed mentally, no matter how much you take also no use. remember cialis cannot give you an erection without sexual stimulation.

to take both together means a real doctor have diagnosed you and judged you to have serious ED. if you're self diagnosed, you should never take them together.

based on your case, it sounds like you have a problem mentally rather than physically because your cock still can get hard when you're not with the fl. to treat mental ED, there are may ways without taking drugs at all.

Re cialis 20mg vs viagra 50mg
do not be fooled by the physical weight. drugs do not work like that. efficacy is only based on effective dose and purity. aka sometimes a 5mg drug can be must stronger than a 100mg drug of the same class.

i suggest you research on ways to treat your mental ED and trial and error with fl. if it works, you can cut back on drugs reliance.

beyond fl, you try getting a regular partner. usually with partner, the anxiety is a lot less because you know her and have an actual relationship.

BTW not sure why someone flamed my post. all the info ive presented are freely available on the internet with accredited sources for one to double check my words. its always like this in sbf. give proper advice, proper fr also got people not happy. fucking retards.
Old 26-03-2024, 11:00 AM
WinterMelonTree WinterMelonTree is offline
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Re: Share your experience after taking ED/PE pills

Originally Posted by marini123 View Post
I've been taking 5mg cialis for quite some years for my very mild ed.

My ed is mostly psychological but the cialis helps me keep hard when I overthink.

Have tried various other meds from viagra to even the newest spedra but cialis still works best for me as I can take small dose of 5mg for minimal side effect but still have the benefits for over long periods (at least 2 whole days)

In general ed meds give me headache and flushing, increases heart rate. This has been the worst with spedra even at 100mg (cut a 200mg pill)

I now use tadalafil films that can easily be found through the teleconsult type docs.

No need to care so much about taking before food or x hours after food as these films melt in your mouth and absorb alot better and faster.

Don't have pe so can't comment but those teleconsults can get you pe meds in spray or chewable form too
you know whats the greatest advantage of Caliberi? (tadalafil films)

married bros can easily hide in wallet or pocket because it's thinner and smaller than a tablet packaging. LOL
Old 26-03-2024, 11:14 AM
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Re: Share your experience after taking ED/PE pills

Originally Posted by WinterMelonTree View Post

priligy is an antidepressant belonging to a class of drugs called SSRI. basically it prevents your body from reabsorbing your seratonin, which is needed to make you relax and happy. once you're mentally relaxed, you can began sexual stimulation.
My advice to ALL is to stay well away from all SSRIs as they can cause untold harm to your sex life.

Priligy works because Serotonin inhibits orgasms. It is prescribed in low doses for those to those who suffer from premature ejaculation as it numbs the penis by interfering with the process of reaching a climax.

While it may work as intended at the beginning long term use may result in a permanent inability to reach orgasm or worse still.. the inability to experience physical sexual pleasure at all. Worst of all it appears to be incurable in numerous cases and persists years after SSRIs have discontinued.

This condition has an official name viz PSSD. The medical industry has long denied it existed but the mounting evidence is now to overwhelming to keep under wraps.

Google "PSSD". For those who consider good sex to be part and parcel of life this condition could be absolutely devastating. Sufferers have committed suicide as a result of being diagnosed with this incurable malady.
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