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Old 22-10-2004, 06:04 PM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by lament
i say "use your cpf" then their answer is "not fair" .....
Actually, if she is smarter, she should be willing to use her CPF.

Cos if she is the only paying party. Anything go wrong next time (*touch wood*)...divorce, the guy will not get a single cent from the sale of the flat (usually make some money especially if the flat was new or bought with grant given)

I won't mind using all my CPF thought.

Just what was she thinking....
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Old 22-10-2004, 06:30 PM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by MoonBlaze
Actually, if she is smarter, she should be willing to use her CPF.

Cos if she is the only paying party. Anything go wrong next time (*touch wood*)...divorce, the guy will not get a single cent from the sale of the flat (usually make some money especially if the flat was new or bought with grant given)

I won't mind using all my CPF thought.

Just what was she thinking....
but then again .... there was a landmark case lately whereby the wife earn more than hubby and ask for alimony but then case was thrown out and she has to pay hubby instead .........
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Old 23-10-2004, 10:21 AM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by lament
but then again .... there was a landmark case lately whereby the wife earn more than hubby and ask for alimony but then case was thrown out and she has to pay hubby instead .........
This shows how greed can show a person's character, no matter man or woman.In the case she deserve it cos she jolly well knows she earns more than him yet has the cheek to ask for alimony. Like it or not, money has always bee a major part of relationship of marriage brealk down.........
Old 23-10-2004, 11:25 AM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by OceanEleven
This shows how greed can show a person's character, no matter man or woman.In the case she deserve it cos she jolly well knows she earns more than him yet has the cheek to ask for alimony. Like it or not, money has always bee a major part of relationship of marriage brealk down.........

U still so active here....
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Old 23-10-2004, 11:49 AM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by naemlo
U still so active here....

knn ... every thread u go to u say the same thing trying to up your postings is it ......
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Old 23-10-2004, 12:16 PM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by naemlo
U still so active here....
No place to go mah, dont want to post in other bro's thread, wait kanna say hijack, so where've you been?
Old 23-10-2004, 12:34 PM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by lament
knn ... every thread u go to u say the same thing trying to up your postings is it ......

Evert thread I go u also follow me.... knn waiting for my baseball bat??
Ma sao khong the tha thu cho nhau mot lan
Old 23-10-2004, 12:37 PM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by OceanEleven
No place to go mah, dont want to post in other bro's thread, wait kanna say hijack, so where've you been?

Went oversea come back, go oversea n comeback .... Stepping in a boring land now...
Ma sao khong the tha thu cho nhau mot lan
Old 23-10-2004, 02:07 PM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by lament
but then again .... there was a landmark case lately whereby the wife earn more than hubby and ask for alimony but then case was thrown out and she has to pay hubby instead .........
that's a good case. worth learning for us.
Old 23-10-2004, 07:44 PM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

From the straits times forum page today ......... points to ponder

Time for Singapore girl to play the 'little woman'

A FEW weeks back, I was intrigued when two male friends started lambasting the Singapore female and exalting the China girl.

'China girls are so pretty and have lower expectations,' said one. Added the other: 'Singapore girls are too demanding, they have a long list of expectations.'

Each glanced at me expectantly, as if waiting for me to put up an impassioned defence of the hard-to-please Singapore woman.

I half-smiled, waiting for the 'prawn-peeling' issue to surface. This was the mode of conversation I would have expected from 50-year-old single or slighted men, but coming from the mouths of 22-year-old boys with bright futures was a stunning revelation of the mindset of the young Singaporean male. Either they have no originality or Singapore girls are really too much to handle.

The news of the past two weeks confirmed the latter for me: Young 20-something men going to Bintan for cheap sex; 30-something men going to Vietnam for quick marriages. What is going on here?

I have been to Vietnam, and I love the place. The girls, true to form, are slim, tall and soft-spoken. Every word is punctuated with a smile, even when you are driving a hard bargain with them. Their speech is melodious, and they work hard without complaining, carrying loads of cloth and vegetables in the market stalls and food places. Simple, gentle and hardworking, it's hard not to fall in love with them.

So too are Malaysian girls. Having friends who are dating these girls, I have observed that they are generally of the 'saccharine' variety. Neither loud nor argumentative, they pander to the boys' needs. Not as doormats, but as cheerful assistants, who see it as their obligation to help their men without expecting anything in return. Not that they are stupid - oh, no, the Malaysian girls I know are smart and hardworking, with careers of their own. But when it comes to matters of the heart, they play the docile, giggly girlfriend with as much aplomb as their Viet counterparts. Again, it's easy to see where their attraction lies.

I cannot comment on the Chinese girls or the girls from Bintan, but I can contrast the Malaysian and Vietnamese girls I know with Singapore girls. We are, generally, extremely driven by ideals and emotions. In an argument, the Singapore girl is twice as likely as her Malaysian or Vietnamese counterpart to stride away in a huff or throw water on the male's face or hold a public screaming or crying fit.

Not for this girl are soft, barely audible replies. The Singapore girl debates and argues impassionedly. She wants to win at all costs and treats her love conquests like those fought in the office arena. She may be pretty, yes, smart, yes, but, oh, so demanding.

The Singapore girl, in short, is a challenge to love. Although she may, at the end of the day, be a supportive and faithful spouse, the barbs hiding her soft interior are daunting to the suitor.

She is materialistic, and loves being so. Shopping is a major hobby, and looking good is absolutely essential. The man is but another accessory, a helper, chauffeur, bag carrier.

Her girlfriends egg her on, smiling at one friend as her boyfriend picks her up after class each day and cheering the girl who unceremoniously dumps her cheating boyfriend in the middle of the road.

Girl power, we think unanimously. We are not going to be one of those docile wives who nod their heads and cook for you at the slightest command. We are not going to have wool pulled over our eyes by your romantic nonsense. No way. We are women of the new age, liberal, free and... single?

Somehow the whole idea of women's liberation in Singapore seems to have come at the expense of our love lives. We have assimilated Western role models of strong women without taking into account the men that are alongside us.

I have no answers, short of comforting Singapore women with the fact that pets make quite good companions.

However, for the sake of government procreation policies, I think it's imperative that a compromise be struck between the Singapore woman and man, before the Singapore born and bred woman becomes a relic of the past.

I remember an interview years ago in which a prominent local host, very much an image of the career-driven Singapore woman, said that with her then boyfriend, she played the role of the 'little woman'. Perhaps therein lies the secret weapon that Singapore women need to cultivate: a softer un-barbed personality for matters of the heart.

Wong Mei Xuan (Miss)
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Old 24-10-2004, 11:31 AM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

SG gers are being slowly being forced down the food chain by our neighbouring countries' imports. they cannot compete with the china women, viets and for a long time, they have been losing serious ground to the malaysians. previously, marrying a sg ger would have been the norm as the others would have been considered as "of lower class". in other words, the guy is a loser not to be worthy enough of a sg wife. however, a lot of people would have figured out by now that sg women are just not worth the trouble.

it is difficult for them to swallow this bitter pill and they start to blame men for not having enough confidence to be with them. what they fail to see is that sg gers have to ask themselves "what's in it for the sg men to fall for me rather than the viet girls who are more submissive, the china girls who are more "sai nai", the m'sian girls who are more supportive and understanding, etc?" they must find this niche and make it irresistable to sg men. trust me to say that sg gers don't think this is their problem.

however, i have to agree that not all sg gers are bad on a whole, but the outside influence that caused them to behave such. be very careful of who they mix with. my personal experience with my ex-gf, her married lady friend was getting a divorce and at the same time, became some guy's mistress. needless to say, a lot of sub cards which her hubby couldn't provide. so she spent like mad, as she was never given the chance to buy with reckless abandon.

my ex's eyes got "red" and I was clearing my cards like mad every single month. imagine the service staff knew my name when i stepped into gucci paragon. moreover, she totally stopped work after a while and wanted our car for her sole daily use to do groceries, shopping, return and borrow drama serials. me, the one who had to work, took public transport.

within 2 months, she wiped out her savings and lived off my salary. luckily, i was doing well at that time, but i had to stop her from spending like before. that was when the sex stopped, cos she was sore about me curbing her spending habits. the problem with women, is that they do not know much about men. we could never really love a woman totally; we love ourselves more. if we can't get what we want, we would get it elsewhere. ktvs became my 2nd home. got to know this m'sian ger working there but sorry, no hanky panky with her at that time.

couldn't take it and broke up with my ex. she wanted the car to be given to her and paid in full. in the end, saboed me big time with some income tax issue and got fined really hard. when i was trying to borrow $ to settle this problem, as expected many "friends" avoided me like the plague and end up the m'sian girl took out her entire savings to help me get thru. I have since paid her back, last installment last month.

previously, with my pay, i was living without the worry of money not enough (of course not extravagently lah). but ktv 3 times a week was a norm. the viciousness of my ex was a surprise, whereby i found out later that it was under the instigation of her good friends and her new lawyer "golden tortoise".

have learnt a few lessons along the way, sg gers behave like that bcos we men are culprits of giving in to them. so,

lesson 1: no more sub cards, even the ger becomes my wife.

lesson 2: monitor closely who my gf/wife mixes with.

lesson 3: treat sg gers as equals to the viets, chinese, m'sian gers. no more giving more tips at ktv just bcos they are locals, unless they wear real gold plated panties and bra. this would certainly piss them off big time. think if all bros here start to do the same, their premium fucks would be wiped out in no time. why should i pay 400 for overnight, just bcos the are from sg when i can get it for 200 with our dear neighbours. somemore this one cannot, that one cannot. if they don't like it, they can go fuck themselves. soon enough, the girls on the streets would also come to feel it when our neighbours here start looking down on them as well.

sorry if people here feel that i have no right to say so much or being irrelevant. been pent up for 6 months without an avenue to vent my anger. imagine 6 months never go party liao. end of the month, i will come out of hiding and try and regain my "karaoke killer" status.

one last thing, the gf who is sg sabos u and the m'sian ktv girl comes to the rescue???? where is the logic hah?
Old 25-10-2004, 11:08 AM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by lament
but then again .... there was a landmark case lately whereby the wife earn more than hubby and ask for alimony but then case was thrown out and she has to pay hubby instead .........
Dun know abt the actual story but, if she is working, dun need to seek money from him unless she has to bring up any child from the marriage.
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Old 25-10-2004, 11:09 AM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

”Somehow the whole idea of women's liberation in Singapore seems to have come at the expense of our love lives. We have assimilated Western role models of strong women without taking into account the men that are alongside us.”

I love this line, this truly reflects the current situation in S’pore, women gets stronger, more independence at the expense of men but at the same time demand for the same amount if not more of attention, love, care regardless of our personal affection.
Old 25-10-2004, 11:35 AM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

The "liberated" SIngapore women is a paradox in itself. On one hand, she is strong, so-called career minded, self sufficient, and independent women who is now the typical"cosmopolitan" lady which threathen our traditional male egos and assaults our male values. But this same "liberated" Singaporean women also wants - a) men to pay for as many things as possible, b) accuse us of not fulfilling our "manly duties" when we allow them to be "liberated women" (eg. asking them to change their own lightbulbs or other acts of female independence), c) play up the weaker sex card whenever possible when life's odds are stacked against their favor! So there lies the double standard between the same liberated Singapore female and her so-called traditional female half who emerges as and when it is convenient!
And now they find competition from their gentler cousins in the Northern regions, and they slag off the competition calling them "whores", "crows" and other names. But the fact remains, the competition is here to stay as they seem to fulfill the void that the "Cosmopolitan" women seem to have left empty in our male lives. Mainland Chinese, Vietnamese, Thai, etc. women are no-lesser than Singaporean women - just smarter at appealing to our male egos. Tme will tell how this plays out, but I honestly feel that at the end of the day, there is still greatness and goodness amongst all our local ladies - they just have to come down to earth and know that they are not Carries Bradshaws (like in Sex N e city), whom I know many secretly admire!
Old 25-10-2004, 03:01 PM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

We, men without a doubt are naturally born skirt chasers; anything with a small, tight top or above knee length will warrant a second look from us. May it be ogle, scrutinize, stare, gawk, glance; these are simply natural reflexes, which are triggered by, in born generics actions reaction bio effect which we subconsciously having a hard time to adhere to.

Regardless of the nationality of the ladies, I do not foresee the peril of replacing our “Singapore made, Horning for egalitarianism, Insist on gentlemen treatment, Talk number one” ladies. In short, SHIT ladies. With all due respect, the liberation of their mind does not go hand in hand with their behaviors whereby choices given to us are simply “Yes” or “Ok”. The advance of their mentality have greatly surpass the manners in which they conduct; more often than not, leaving a sour aftertaste. Point is, men had succumb to the fact that this is the trend and allow the women to be in the driving seat, not because they do a better job but simply to avoid a pointless tongue of war. As time moves on, it leaves a significant disparity between the two sexes. It drains the vigor out of men and boosts the newfound belief of the women. This is the time where foreign talents move in to fill in the void left behind. Men are still flesh and blood nevertheless; we do yearn for the little bit extra romance, care and attention deep down our heart. In order not to jeopardize the heart felt relationship they spent years cultivating, they have to lead a double life. In the day, a hardworking and loving husband, then a man in mask trying to quench the lustful thirst when the sun don’t shine. All these done without anyone getting hurt or upset with their own hard earn money. One cannot totally attribute all responsibility to the man for things not granted when asked, things not work out when endeavored. It is always a vicious cycle, some things went wrong some time somewhere but not one person gives a hoot about. Like a Chinese saying;”Ice freezes three feet thick does not simply happen overnight.”
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