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Old 28-07-2012, 12:28 PM
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Re: A Relationship With 2 Spinster Sisters

Originally Posted by BCL25 View Post
Bro, if you can afford to help her then loan her d money, you will never know when you will need her help in return. One good deed deserves another.
That is a very kind and humane way to live.
Old 28-07-2012, 12:48 PM
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Re: A Relationship With 2 Spinster Sisters

if u lend her and she gets caught.. i dont think she will sabo ur name.. even if she does.. u can say there is nth wrong lending a friend money as u do not know she needed it for illegal use...

if she didnt get caught? u can continue to bonk her ! hahahaha
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Old 28-07-2012, 02:20 PM
escaflower escaflower is offline
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Re: A Relationship With 2 Spinster Sisters

lend and request free piak anytime anywhere and as much as u want.. haha..
Old 28-07-2012, 04:34 PM
Ocean22 Ocean22 is offline
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Re: A Relationship With 2 Spinster Sisters

If you google tontine, it says successful bidder gets a large amount. But it did not say have to then return large amount, but have to keep on paying monthly premium (i.e small amount).my guess is she may be a treasurer of a club (at work?) she may have "taken a loan" & have to return "loan" asap. If not, got discovered, then it is cpib case liao
Old 28-07-2012, 05:52 PM
Spud_Boy Spud_Boy is offline
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Re: A Relationship With 2 Spinster Sisters

lend money u can afford to lose.. have the mentality that she isn't going to return & if she does return eventually, then good for u...

have lend $$ to few "friends" who plead so much when wanna borrow, but totally disappear when they promised to return the amt within a certain period..

anyway, the loan from u might give u some gd karma in future.. =)
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Old 29-07-2012, 01:58 AM
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Re: A Relationship With 2 Spinster Sisters


firstly, your "tao hua yun" is super blooming, bonking so many gals at the same time. Congrats!

secondly, if you can afford the loan, and if she is in deep trouble, you can consider, but just treat it as good as gone once you have given to her and its only a bonus if you get it back, which is my experience that i had learn many times before, but still no regrets doing it.

and i dont feel sore over it bcos i feel that if you can help, it means you can afford.
Old 29-07-2012, 03:16 AM
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Re: A Relationship With 2 Spinster Sisters

Hmm...seems to me nothing in this world is for free. But hey look....its ur money and go with ur gut feelings. If u got money to spare then maybe u should think abt it. After all give her the benefit of the doubt...fool me once shame on u...fool me twice shame on me. We can give u all our opinions but at the end of the day u know her better than we do
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Old 29-07-2012, 08:45 AM
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Re: A Relationship With 2 Spinster Sisters

On the safe side just prepare a IOU for her to sign stating as a personal Loan.
Old 29-07-2012, 12:41 PM
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Re: A Relationship With 2 Spinster Sisters

Bro, it may take this $5k to see a person's character. Its cheap for some, not-so-cheap for others, depending on how much value you place on this new found fuckship. Personally, there is only one kind of people I don't lend to - gamblers - no exceptions to that rule. However, I must add that she is really someone rather new to you and has probably exhausted her means to borrow from more acquainted people to have to come to you. With that knowledge, bear in mind repayment may be a long time coming.
Old 29-07-2012, 01:41 PM
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Re: A Relationship With 2 Spinster Sisters

very true, nuclearkid. never ever loan any money to gambler n the likes, its gone even before you can think of it.

Last edited by horsehliao; 29-07-2012 at 01:56 PM.
Old 30-07-2012, 07:33 AM
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Re: A Relationship With 2 Spinster Sisters

I agree with Bro Spud Boy. If you can afford to load then by all means do so, but with the mindset that you'll never see the money again. If she does repay you, then it is a bonus. Just make sure your missus doesn't find out about it.
(Eagerly anticipating the next chapter of your riveting story - keep it up )
Old 30-07-2012, 10:24 AM
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Re: A Relationship With 2 Spinster Sisters

Originally Posted by boob_man View Post
Hahaha........Bro, that's a good one! Release what?? My jizz or me.....Tks for your reply! Appreciate it
Yes, release whatever but not the money. Here's why....

Originally Posted by boob_man View Post
Chapter 46 – “You can’t hide your lying eyes…..”
She didn’t look at me as she nodded her head while resting her cheek on her left hand and aimlessly stirring the glass with her other hand.

“Are you sure?” I questioned her, “Are you telling me the truth?” She took a deep breath and exhaled heavily. She then sat up straight, with her eyes focussing on anything except me....

She again looked at the table and nodded her head sheepishly.
Above highlighted in RED are selective quotes from your narrative.
IMHO, hints are everywhere that she is lying.
TS, u definitely have eyes of the Eagle

Lastly, look at the title of the narrative..

Eagles - Lyin' eyes with the lyrics You can't hide your lying eyes
Old 30-07-2012, 10:33 AM
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Re: A Relationship With 2 Spinster Sisters

my views are like the rest...if you can afford the 5k and the 5k wont hurt your finances in anyway..go lend her...who knows she will reccomend better curries to you...

But its important never to let anyone knows abt your relationship with her...even your 3 closest companions and your one should know abt the loan except yourself and her..

BUT you must be clear and firm to her its a one-time loan...dont ever let her feel or think you are her atm...this i believe u will be able to handle it better than me.
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Old 30-07-2012, 01:43 PM
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Re: A Relationship With 2 Spinster Sisters

5k is a big sum for me la... If its like lose change 4 me... I may juz lend out of good will... But if ur wife take note of ur finance, mayb juz tell her u helping ur police friend. Hee She sucked u dried b4 liao... U like that feeling? Lol i personally dun like to be sucked dry. Damn shag...haha not forgetting u are no longer young. once in a blue moon ok but TS take care of ur health! I wanna hear more of ur story

Just my 2cents
Old 30-07-2012, 04:34 PM
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Re: A Relationship With 2 Spinster Sisters

So after all these opinions...when's the next instalment coming up??
To the Cheongsters who up me thank you so much!

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