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Old 10-07-2004, 07:32 AM
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Re: Cat 150 Listing - Gals and Homebase

Originally Posted by joemac21
What do you mean her last day, going back for a month or retired?
Go back for 1 month!!
Old 10-07-2004, 01:46 PM
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Red face Re: Cat 150 Listing - Gals and Homebase

Not go back one month. Can never come back liao. Sorry cant reveal more. Just put her as "retired".
Old 10-07-2004, 02:41 PM
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Re: Cat 150 Listing - Gals and Homebase

Originally Posted by shutterbugstar
Not go back one month. Can never come back liao. Sorry cant reveal more. Just put her as "retired".
Bro Shutterbugstar,

Pls do not post misleading info. She is definitely still around. And working TODAY as well.
Old 10-07-2004, 02:55 PM
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Re: Cat 150 Listing - Gals and Homebase

Originally Posted by CuteBuns
Bro Shutterbugstar,

Pls do not post misleading info. She is definitely still around. And working TODAY as well.

Sorry if my info was misleading. Tot after what happened that day she cannot come back sg anymore. paiseh bro.
Old 10-07-2004, 04:44 PM
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Re: Cat 150 Listing - Gals and Homebase

Originally Posted by shutterbugstar
Sorry if my info was misleading. Tot after what happened that day she cannot come back sg anymore. paiseh bro.
Sorry to take a dig here.

U guys must always realise that no matter how close or friendly u are with the WL... u cannot determind nor suggest her life schedule. Their brains, their connections in Malaysia can never tally with their mouths.

Lots of times we've seen it happening...girls say not returning... yet they re-appear...girls say go 1 wk break... disappear 4ever.

So let's put an effort to use words like "maybe" to avoid misleadings and embarrasement.

The Hustler
Old 10-07-2004, 06:05 PM
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Re: Cat 150 Listing - Gals and Homebase

Originally Posted by The_Hustler
Sorry to take a dig here.

U guys must always realise that no matter how close or friendly u are with the WL... u cannot determind nor suggest her life schedule. Their brains, their connections in Malaysia can never tally with their mouths.

Lots of times we've seen it happening...girls say not returning... yet they re-appear...girls say go 1 wk break... disappear 4ever.

So let's put an effort to use words like "maybe" to avoid misleadings and embarrasement.

The Hustler
No prob abt whatever dig u may intend. I am not implying that i am close to blue diamond. In fact i have nv even seen her before.

Just that something happened the day before that involves legal authorities (8A and 8B) and i dont think she can work here anymore.

Again, my apologies for causing any confusion.
Old 10-07-2004, 06:16 PM
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Re: Cat 150 Listing - Gals and Homebase

Originally Posted by shutterbugstar
No prob abt whatever dig u may intend. I am not implying that i am close to blue diamond. In fact i have nv even seen her before.

Just that something happened the day before that involves legal authorities (8A and 8B) and i dont think she can work here anymore.

Again, my apologies for causing any confusion.
Well then, u can always draw ur conclusions after witnessing certain stuffs. I've seen one too many legal enforcers at work even at the houses or girls being caught moonlighting during 'off duties'.

U should know there're many nosy and chee bye mouths in here reading n telling the girls. My advice here is try to refrain from posting infos that, once again may cause misunderstandings.

A friend,
The Hustler
Old 10-07-2004, 08:08 PM
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Re: Cat 150 Listing - Gals and Homebase

Originally Posted by The_Hustler
Well then, u can always draw ur conclusions after witnessing certain stuffs. I've seen one too many legal enforcers at work even at the houses or girls being caught moonlighting during 'off duties'.

U should know there're many nosy and chee bye mouths in here reading n telling the girls. My advice here is try to refrain from posting infos that, once again may cause misunderstandings.

A friend,
The Hustler

Blue Sky is back. According to my OKT

Cheebye Mouth
Me:Can you be my gf?
Girl:We are friends, ok?
Me: How about fuck buddies?
Girl: No. Never. You not handsome.
Me:.......(feel my hate!! dine in hell !! nbcb!! )
Old 10-07-2004, 08:57 PM
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Re: Cat 150 Listing - Gals and Homebase

Originally Posted by cbjuiceyumseng
Blue Sky is back. According to my OKT

Cheebye Mouth
Thanks CB mouth...kekeke. I already knew it thus my reply on this subject. Funny to see lots of contradicting reports and rumours about this girl.

Lanjiau Lang,
The Hustler
Old 10-07-2004, 09:48 PM
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Re: Cat 150 Listing - Gals and Homebase

Originally Posted by The_Hustler
Thanks CB mouth...kekeke. I already knew it thus my reply on this subject. Funny to see lots of contradicting reports and rumours about this girl.

Lanjiau Lang,
The Hustler

Relak...sure will have rumour here and there lah...but ppl should speak of sensitive subjects only without disclosing the girl's name. But nvm....lets talk on other things....

Btw, bit of advice for BlueSky fans and dying to try brothers......

She is kept, well locked in her basehouse.....lagi hard to get her even in same lorong...

CK back...Jaguar back....Queen still around.....DongDong home....Diamond home....Kayan home.......Sally home.....BingBing here....

Alot of girls home....but some good ones are around. Missed Kayan though and XinXin most.
Me:Can you be my gf?
Girl:We are friends, ok?
Me: How about fuck buddies?
Girl: No. Never. You not handsome.
Me:.......(feel my hate!! dine in hell !! nbcb!! )
Old 10-07-2004, 10:56 PM
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Misleading Info

Originally Posted by shutterbugstar
Sorry if my info was misleading. Tot after what happened that day she cannot come back sg anymore. paiseh bro.
Bro Shutterbug,

Its ok. Sorry that I sounded a bit harsh earlier. Sometimes, our little actions in this forum have huge repurcussions outside. Your post about BD not coming back has led to countless customer phone calls to her mobile phone, making her very irritated, as she is working today.

One funny thing though, if u had not seen her b4, how do u know it was her that u witnessed 2 days ago? Juz a thought, pls do not answer if the reply is going to be sensitive info.
Old 10-07-2004, 11:08 PM
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Re: Cat 150 Listing - Gals and Homebase

Originally Posted by shutterbugstar
In fact i have nv even seen her before.
That makes it even worst. Don't these girls go through enough without this kind of stuff being started?


Old 10-07-2004, 11:17 PM
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Re: Cat 150 Listing - Gals and Homebase

Originally Posted by Jang5556
That makes it even worst. Don't these girls go through enough without this kind of stuff being started?


Precisely bro, but I dun blame shutterbugstar...he comes across as sincere with sharing but maybe over zealous. Some minor confusing earlier about BD, but good news is that she's back and everything else...cast behind.

Noted another guy who posted earlier bout how some girls will do extra bits like anal, cum in face etc.. for extra monies WHICH THEY DUN! Really can be traumatic for the girls with persistent customers claiming they've read it here lah, hear from their friends lah.. End of it, I was glad his repute pts got deducted here by guys who knows his intentions.

Oh btw, Jean is back but still erratic working days.

Truth Cumming,
The Hustler

PS: When u leaving town again? For where?
Old 10-07-2004, 11:28 PM
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Re: Cat 150 Listing - Gals and Homebase

[QUOTE=The_Hustler]Precisely bro, but I dun blame shutterbugstar...he comes across as sincere with sharing but maybe over zealous. Some minor confusing earlier about BD, but good news is that she's back and everything else...cast behind.

Noted another guy who posted earlier bout how some girls will do extra bits like anal, cum in face etc.. for extra monies WHICH THEY DUN! Really can be traumatic for the girls with persistent customers claiming they've read it here lah, hear from their friends lah.. End of it, I was glad his repute pts got deducted here by guys who knows his intentions.

Oh btw, Jean is back but still erratic working days.

Truth Cumming,
The Hustler

LOL...that guy (posted about anal/cif = $) is a joke............
Yap...Jean, East lah...all these pretty girls are back. Gnn....i realized alot of them are quite "lazy"...always dun like to work.

Very Lazy =

Pinky, Queenie, Jean,etc

Btw alot of the GL150 girls complained of bad business....they claim it is due to competition from the china mei meis...
Me:Can you be my gf?
Girl:We are friends, ok?
Me: How about fuck buddies?
Girl: No. Never. You not handsome.
Me:.......(feel my hate!! dine in hell !! nbcb!! )
Old 11-07-2004, 09:29 AM
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Re: Cat 150 Listing - Gals and Homebase

Originally Posted by The_Hustler
Precisely bro, but I dun blame shutterbugstar...he comes across as sincere with sharing but maybe over zealous.

Noted another guy who posted earlier bout how some girls will do extra bits like anal, cum in face etc.. for extra monies WHICH THEY DUN! Really can be traumatic for the girls with persistent customers claiming they've read it here lah, hear from their friends lah..

PS: When u leaving town again? For where?
Ok, on your say I will put Shutterbugstar's comments down to over zealous like you said. Still, should have been confirmed by the "horses mouth" before putting it in an open forum I think.

The second note regarding false info on girls..I wrote in the other site yesterday regarding this..a little pillow talk..and it upset me that the girls have to do more than wahat I believe any person should. It is a tough job so why make it tougher? That could be a reason why we have such a high turnover in GL. Girls just get fed up and leave.

Leaving Tuesday for HK You?


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