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Old 14-03-2006, 01:59 PM
SGPshanghai69 SGPshanghai69 is offline
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation - Prostitution Arrest Cases

[QUOTE=shengge]Dear Bros,
Come across this news, happened in Hangzhou. Be careful!


据青年时报报道,昨日凌晨2时多,杭州武林派出所民警在孩儿巷麒麟街路口一家旅馆里抓获一起卖淫嫖娼案。两 男两女因涉嫌卖淫嫖娼,成为今年3月1日《治安管理处罚法》实施后,杭州警方处罚的第一起卖淫 嫖娼案。

与以往不同,民警将两嫖客的行为第一时间通知其父母。两名嫖客都是杭州人,都只有20来岁,当听到自己的儿 子因嫖娼而被警方传唤的消息,两名男子的父母都气得一时说不出话来。


I fully agree with Snr Bro Shengge warnings here to all bros.....
Beware man! Especially for the fact that we're foreigners here....too much hassles involved and very sticky issues to be involved into.......

All bros, please exercise extra cautions!
Be safe than being sorry......

SGP-SHA69, Another Simple Man
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Old 14-03-2006, 02:42 PM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation - HC Scenes Info

Originally Posted by SGPshanghai69
not knowing the fact that there's a hotel Ramamda on cao bao rd afterall....paiseh lah!
Apologies many many
Don't like that lah.
Ohter than knowing a few more streets than a few of you, I am still newbie in Shanghai.
The hotel should be very near to the place where we met for coffee with bro SHT and WBT, guess you know where.


Old 14-03-2006, 03:30 PM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Originally Posted by SGPshanghai69
Bro Morningrun,
Agreed totally with u on that.
I did the same last Sunday, bought abouquet of roses, bake a chocolate cake, a box of dark choclates and last but not least, cooked beef steak for dinner, dine with her at home with candles-lit ambience....
It worked just fine.........
Well, sad to say that it's 'boh liao' but women likes it & we are to do it lor!

Cheers bros...........

So romantic, arh? Is the HS index going up? All the best with you lah!
Why you never introduce those HC when I am staying at CaoXi Bei Lu ?
Old 14-03-2006, 04:13 PM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation - HC Info

Originally Posted by Ascott

So romantic, arh? Is the HS index going up? All the best with you lah!
Why you never introduce those HC when I am staying at CaoXi Bei Lu ?
Big Bro Ascott,
1st of all, you're the 1st one among the bros here whom tried Tian Long HC so dun say I unfair to u hor!

Hang Seng Index is doing fine, other than the usual once in awhile tantrums thingys which most gals too do made at times. Other than that, all's well. Many thanks for your utmost concern.

So when r u coming again?
Hear from ya soon.........
SGP-SHA69, Another Simple Man
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Old 14-03-2006, 04:15 PM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation - HC Scenes Info

Originally Posted by shengge
Don't like that lah.
Ohter than knowing a few more streets than a few of you, I am still newbie in Shanghai.
The hotel should be very near to the place where we met for coffee with bro SHT and WBT, guess you know where.

I'm more like knowing where Tian Long HC lor Snr big Bro SG! hee....hee....
SGP-SHA69, Another Simple Man
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Old 14-03-2006, 04:20 PM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation! - Gathering

Dear Bro SGPShanghai69,

Thank you and Bro Prince Fed for the organisation of the gathering. I shall make all effort to be there to meet all the Big Brothers.

Thank you very much.

Just a Retired Simple Man

PuTonRen aka UFO_Man
Old 14-03-2006, 04:25 PM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation - HC Scenes Info

Originally Posted by SGPshanghai69
I'm more like knowing where Tian Long HC lor Snr big Bro SG! hee....hee....
Dear CEO of Shanghai and Senior Bro Shegge,

Both of you are my guiding light in Shanghai lah! I know that both of you have been very very helpful to many brothers, especially the newbies and the OLD Man like me when we are lost in Shanghai.

Stop being so polite to each other! In my opinion, you are both good light houses of Shanghai scene, although pointing into different directions.


See you soon in Shanghai.

Just a Retired Simple Man

PuTonRen aka UFO_Man
Old 14-03-2006, 05:43 PM
SGPshanghai69 SGPshanghai69 is offline
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation - HC Scenes Info

Originally Posted by PuTonRen
Stop being so polite to each other! In my opinion, you are both good light houses of Shanghai scene, although pointing into different directions.

Hey Big Bro PTR,
Ultimately, you're the most well respected person here as compared to both of us lah!
We're only merely sharing what we know to all bros here that's all big bro whereas you're regarded as idol & the Honoable Big Bro to us all!

Snr Bro Shengge, agree??

Cheers & see ya soon in Shanghai big bro PTR.
SGP-SHA69, Another Simple Man
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Old 14-03-2006, 06:39 PM
Morningrun Morningrun is offline
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Bro Maninsin,

Many thanks for the introduction to 小玉 After a little bit of discussion and trying to find out my taste he said to leave it with him and would send someone over. I told him I wanted a not-regular type, preferably an office girl, or a University student, and he said the price would be a little higher so I agreed, since it would not be one of his regulars. I was well satisfied hat he understood my needs to the letter.

Waited about 40 minutes for him to set it up, and got a call from this xmm who was looking for the hotel…. And to my surprise works out of an office in one of the shopping centers (I think the Yaohan), so I told her to come up to my room on her own. Wanted to know if the hotel security was up to scratch… cuz if FL come in on their own, sure kena stopped, but this xmm look so decent and dressed like ordinary type person that they let her through.

OK she showed up at the room and wanted to know if I thought she was suitable and I was a little tired so I just waved her in. She is from Guangxi province, about 1.65m, nice bod, narrow hips, about 47kg (weighed her) soft cuddly boobs, a little makeup. Said she had finished work about 10:30 and was on her way home when XiaoYu called her to come over… so was still hungry so I ordered room service (Hainanese Chicken Rice) which brought back memories of my sec 3 and 4 days at Bedok Central market… She liked the chicken rice.

Then got her to shower…. I do mine first and then went to soak in the tub for a bit, while she showered down. Did not shave her pits… but almost nothing there anyway. The first thing I noticed was that she had a remarkable shape. Not to mention a really nice face that the photos do not do justice, especially when all makeup and earrings etc removed, just radiant!! (I took a couple of shots with my cellphone and will sms to you so if you will be kind enuff to post on the web for our brudders to enjoy my kampong taste… Then we went to the bed and lay down and TCS for about 30 mins to know each other. During this time, I noticed that her skin was a little dry so, “Out comes the DOVE moisturizer” and I gave her a good moisturizing down. While she is laying on her tummy and I am working the moisturizer into her thighs, and back, of course get a chance to look at her slit from behind…. And not bad… not bad at all! Very erotic when you try to have a good look from behind and press the butt apart…. Yummy!

After that it was mainly more teasing and chatting…. Nice B-cup with 2cm nipples (light brown) which really told me her age about 19 or 20…. She said her dad was 42 and working as a factory worker in Guangxi, freaked me out…. as I am coming 40 this year.

Started kissing, and she has this really small mouth with a soft tongue which really is cute. Did not really know how to do the cat bath, but it was OK. I asked her to do a bbbj, so she did, although not very experienced either and I would rate it at 4/10 no teasing, no special feeling when she bbbj, although her small mouth size did make things interesting.

In the meantime, I was fingering her and playing with her tiger grotto… which was also very neat and she had a tiny little nub there which I constantly tickled and played with until she cannot tahan…. So suddenly while she was blowing she stopped and tossed her head back and I am quite sure she came. Finger in and out and all around till she was wet…. Strangely got white liquid coming out of her hole….

Slipped on the rubber and went for it with several positions especially one that made her writhe was when I straddled one leg and put in my didi as far as it would go. Somehow I have been able to pace myself so that I did not come until till about 45 minutes of constant screwing… Quite tired out but a lot of fun… especially when you plunge deep and she is struggling to get away because of sensory overload. She was SWEATING!!!!!!

Anyway, finished up and she took about 20 minutes to catch her breath, put on one of my large shirts, and fell immediately asleep. I could tell because of her deep breathing. Anyway, Let her sleep for about 3 hours while I worked on the computer then took an hour’s nap. I then went to tickle her tits which started to stand….. kissed her awake, and attacked again. Went for about 1 hour with bbbj etc and really explored her really nice body.

Now fully awake, we both showered and got ready for work…..

Face 8/10 sooooo cute
Body 9/10
Tits 8/10 B cup, nice small nipples
Butt 6/10 somehow got a little flat and not a nice curve at the small of the back… (i.e. not dancer’s spine)
Skin 7/10 a little dry
BBBJ 4.5/10 – no skill but willing to work hard no CIM
FJ – 8/10 I think I worked harder than her…..

Cost RMB2000 for 8-hours continuous… and this was not a PRO but an office girl. So I think it was well worth it, and I thoroughly enjoyed myself, so bro Maninsin, Here's to you.

Old 14-03-2006, 08:50 PM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation - HC Scenes Info

Originally Posted by PuTonRen
In my opinion, you are both good light houses of Shanghai scene, although pointing into different directions.
Dear Bro PTR,
How can I be the light house lah?
Many times I myself hit the lamp post..

I basically offer a little bit of assistant on the local street directions. Nothing more than that.

Don't know whether you keen to know that a new elevated magnetic train will be built between Shanghai and Hangzhou.

Catch up with you again.


Old 14-03-2006, 09:17 PM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation - HC Scenes Info

Originally Posted by SGPshanghai69
Hey Big Bro PTR,
Ultimately, you're the most well respected person here as compared to both of us lah!
Dear Bro SGPSha69,
Over the years indeed, bro PTR has earned lots respect from fellow bros but also some admirers, like me....

Wish him well, same to you.


Old 15-03-2006, 02:32 AM
maninsin maninsin is offline
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Originally Posted by Morningrun
Bro Maninsin,

Many thanks for the introduction to 小玉 After a little bit of discussion and trying to find out my taste he said to leave it with him and would send someone over. I told him I wanted a not-regular type, preferably an office girl, or a University student, and he said the price would be a little higher so I agreed, since it would not be one of his regulars. I was well satisfied hat he understood my needs to the letter.

Bro Morningrun,

A very well written FR........ Hmmmm..... makes me think of my first encounter thru 小玉........ hahahahhahaa.....

Well, glad that you did enjoyed yourself.... He is one that I would trust for selection of girls.... I have got a few girls thru him too for my Spore friends and so far, no one has any complained..... Though his price is slightly higher but I think that it is quite worth it for the qualities of the girls he have....

Anyway, no need to thank me...... We bros were supposed to share our intel... isn't it???? And dun forget that we still hv a "board meeting" that we need to attend.... kekekekekekkek.......

Old 15-03-2006, 10:53 AM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Very nice FR indeed bro Morningrun. Nice experience to share with everybody here. Apparently this Xiao Yu is a good provider, so you should stick with him. God know it is difficult to find a reliable one here in Shanghai. Many of my customers has been harassing me to get them girls and usually I prefer to bring them to some KTV where they can select the girls. But having a good provider is very helpful.
Hope to see you on saturday.


Old 15-03-2006, 12:42 PM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Dear Bro PF,
Yes. I agree that it is quite rare to get a reliable no-bullshit contact in shanghai. I must admit is WAS a little expensive at RMB2,000 but very well worth it. Actually she called me last evening about 5:00 p.m.and wanted to know if I could have dinner with her, however I was joining some friends Bro SGPShanghai69, Bro Cateyes101 and a couple of other guys, plus their significant others, so it was not on. I wonder what it could have led to. Still, I have to continually smack myself on the head as a reminder never to get close or involved ever again.

There is a saying which goes something like this
"There is nothing as over-rated as a bad f**k and
nothing as under-rated as a good shit"

Ever paid quite a bit of money to bring a girl back to the room only to find out that in normal lighting (not the cave style of a KTV or HC room) and find that under that makeup and glitter is Godzilla? or someone who digs her teeth and chews with her mouth open.... etc then no mood after that...? Well it has happened to me, so I am willing to pay for satisfaction... and truly I WAS satisfied.

Bros Maninsin and SGPS69 helped me to salvage something from a potential problem. and i will be forever grateful to them, and I know I have REAL brothers here... not just cheonging, but very much for the long run and shorts.

I wish I could join the thing this weekend (Really want to go meet some of you legends), but such is life. I am bringing my family over to Shanghai next week so i will not be in town.

In the meantime, Y'all PLEASE have fun.

Old 15-03-2006, 03:30 PM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Hope all dear samster, i am planning for Shanghai trip on this April. Anyone interested to join me and we can go see see and look look.

Any good recommendation as i am quite new to Shanghai?
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