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Old 01-07-2012, 06:10 AM
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Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

Originally Posted by Nonteerak2553 View Post
Pii those were my views only na, may not be true. I always believe cash is king, unless I have the ekin cheng look.
With the anemic global economy and the imploding debt crisis in Euroland, cash is getting harder and harder to get

Time to find a third job
Old 01-07-2012, 08:33 AM
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Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

Originally Posted by El Frances View Post
The standard price is 4k lt for people who think it's 4k.
Nope, 4k is just a guideline, of course if you're a season nana or cowboy goer, your price maybe different from the rest as you will try to nego. Anyway it's getting nowhere for the pricing. Different people may experience different pricing.

Time to make some farang friend in CNX here, I'm curious how much a farang pays for a go go girl here. In Sayuri regardless you farang or yipun or Sg, once P'Tak can smell you're first time there he will quote 2.4k baht- reason new girl.
Old 01-07-2012, 10:14 AM
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Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

Originally Posted by El Frances View Post
Again and again, only one modus operandi: don't discuss prices with mamasans or service girls, don't look at their cards with prices, discuss directly with the girl. Don't ask: how much you want? Start with a low price and go up to your target price. If the girl lowers its price, i.e. from 4k to 2.5k, she will feel she looses her face. If she gets your offer from 2k to 2.5k she will not feel the same.
It never strike my mind about the girl losing face if she lowers her price during negotiation. Now come to think of it, its a very valid point.

In oppose to asking how much they want, I think next time I will just say "I give you THBXXXX", then moving up to target price. At target price will let her decide if she wanted to accept my final offer. If she rejects, I think I move on for others.
Old 01-07-2012, 01:14 PM
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Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

Originally Posted by Soopafly View Post
With the anemic global economy and the imploding debt crisis in Euroland, cash is getting harder and harder to get

Time to find a third job
The forming of 1 union with common dollars, an early sign of downfall of these countries. The poor countries like Greece suffer more with common monetary system than Germany. Then came some idiots borrowed too much, the fools loaned too much, the worst, suckers have to bail everyone out. So is capitalism with much freedom good or evil?
Ma sao khong the tha thu cho nhau mot lan
Old 01-07-2012, 02:28 PM
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Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

Originally Posted by El Frances View Post
I also have another behaviour than the other angmo bro. I usually barfine between 10.30 and 11.30 (not by strategy, it's just my lifestyle). Japanese ATMs usually barfine earlier so girls have gone down to more reasonnable expectations at this time of the night.
I actually don't have a strategy, I mostly follow my intuition. Common sense says to negotiate with the girl and i think it's easier to get lower rates early in the evening. But I barfine whenever I feel like, not at specific timings. Otherwise I agree, everyone has different preferences which is good but implicates that there are few rules that apply for everyone.
Old 01-07-2012, 05:15 PM
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Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

I agree with you that it may be a good strategy to barfine early for st in order to get a good price. For lt i would tend to think it's the contrary. Girls may expect to meet a generous customer at the beginning of the night, and then lower their financial expectations.
One more comment: except in rainbow where i had to negotiate a bit, in the other places i did not even negotiate. It was like: you do long time-yes-i give you 3000-ok. I had the feeling it was the most frequent price for them. Maybe i could have bargained to 2500 because of low season.

Another factor that may play a role is how much money the girl thinks you have. I remember a regular i had at a good price and it was absolutely no pb for her. Then she found out that i was not poor and asked for more money. The argument was not"i am worth more money", but "i know you have money, you can pay more". :-)
Old 05-07-2012, 11:44 AM
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Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

Hey guys, after some experience of paying 4000 for Gogo girls and getting starfish, I stopped for quite a while.

Last night I decide to try Gogo girls again. Went to many bars at NEP, whole area is very low in customer count. Got a Gogo girl who is friendly enough for my preference. She quoted 4000, I looked surprise and jokingly say I have never pay so much. She lower 3500 then 3000. I took it at 3000 on condition of leaving 10am after "morning call" (BJ follow by FS) and breakfast with me. She ok.

This never happen before. I used to get quote of 4000 and the BG always refuse to negotiate. Guess this low season really affecting them.

One warning, one of Gogo I went was Mandarin. There's 2, one is table top dancing just to the right of escalator, other is u have to walk upstairs after escalator. I went to the latter.

Mama immediately sent a BG. Being polite I accept. Got her a drink cost me 170 and my beer 145. Problem is before I knew it she finished her drink and ask for next which I reject. After 5 minutes she ask for drink for 2 mama, I rejected again and decide to finish my beer, check bim and leave. Even though there are quite a few good looking ones, I never go back again for such attitude.
Old 05-07-2012, 01:10 PM
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Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

Originally Posted by stmapede View Post
Hey guys, after some experience of paying 4000 for Gogo girls and getting starfish, I stopped for quite a while.

Last night I decide to try Gogo girls again. Went to many bars at NEP, whole area is very low in customer count. Got a Gogo girl who is friendly enough for my preference. She quoted 4000, I looked surprise and jokingly say I have never pay so much. She lower 3500 then 3000. I took it at 3000 on condition of leaving 10am after "morning call" (BJ follow by FS) and breakfast with me. She ok.

This never happen before. I used to get quote of 4000 and the BG always refuse to negotiate. Guess this low season really affecting them.

One warning, one of Gogo I went was Mandarin. There's 2, one is table top dancing just to the right of escalator, other is u have to walk upstairs after escalator. I went to the latter.

Mama immediately sent a BG. Being polite I accept. Got her a drink cost me 170 and my beer 145. Problem is before I knew it she finished her drink and ask for next which I reject. After 5 minutes she ask for drink for 2 mama, I rejected again and decide to finish my beer, check bim and leave. Even though there are quite a few good looking ones, I never go back again for such attitude.
Hmmm...3000 for overnight unil 10am isn't so bad. Low season surely helps. Will be in BKK next week and try my luck too. Agree the mamasan in Mandarin is extremely pushy. Many punters react the same, have one dink then leave because no chance to relax and enjoy. Pity because they have some cuties in there.
Old 05-07-2012, 01:37 PM
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Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

I heard Lollipop AGoGo on ground floor left side is again a girls only joint and supposedly getting better with a few cuties in there and generally more relaxed atmosphere. Anyone tried yet?
Old 08-07-2012, 01:21 AM
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Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

Originally Posted by Flyhighwiththai View Post
I heard Lollipop AGoGo on ground floor left side is again a girls only joint and supposedly getting better with a few cuties in there and generally more relaxed atmosphere. Anyone tried yet?
Lollipop agogo have post op ladyboys working there. Do be careful when selecting your companion.
Old 08-07-2012, 03:07 AM
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Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

Originally Posted by stmapede View Post
One warning, one of Gogo I went was Mandarin. There's 2, one is table top dancing just to the right of escalator, other is u have to walk upstairs after escalator. I went to the latter.

Mama immediately sent a BG. Being polite I accept. Got her a drink cost me 170 and my beer 145. Problem is before I knew it she finished her drink and ask for next which I reject. After 5 minutes she ask for drink for 2 mama, I rejected again and decide to finish my beer, check bim and leave. Even though there are quite a few good looking ones, I never go back again for such attitude.
The mamasans at Mandarin are known for being pushy, not only with customer but also with the girls. If a dancer is sitting down and resting, they will pick her up and tell her to find a customer.

However, that's their business. If I were a bar owner, I would want the mamasans to do the same thing. Many customers complain that the dancers don't return your look, they don't come by and say hi, they just sit by their friends or look at their cellphones.

There are times when I wished the mamasan would bring over this SYT I was looking at, but who was either shy or ignoring me.

Also, if you're going to be hitting the gogos, u have to get some balls. Don't let the girls or mamasans push you around. If they think u are on their game, they will leave u alone. They never do that kind of thing with me, cause I'm a regular. Or used to be. I kinda stopped going because they didn't have cute girls like before.

If there r some syt at Mandarin, u should go back. Just show them that u will do things at your pace and will.

BTW, the mamasans in the Arab bars in SC can also be pushy. U just have to learn how to stay in control.
Old 08-07-2012, 03:14 AM
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Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations


Starting last Friday, the happy hour has been shortened. It now ends at 8 pm instead of 8:30. Still B70 tho. The problem is, at 7:30 or 8, I don't think all the dancers are already at work.
Old 08-07-2012, 07:58 AM
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Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

Er...i thought rate went up...
Was at patphong last nite,the king's bar, went for LT,paid 5,000 for it.
First time am i the waterfish here?
~ Semi Retired... Only a wet gal and huge boobs entice me now...
Old 08-07-2012, 09:07 AM
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Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

Originally Posted by sitonski View Post
Er...i thought rate went up...
Was at patphong last nite,the king's bar, went for LT,paid 5,000 for it.
First time am i the waterfish here?
Patpong? King's Bar? 5,000 bahts for LT? Paeng mak mak
Old 08-07-2012, 11:23 AM
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Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

Originally Posted by rukthai View Post
Lollipop agogo have post op ladyboys working there. Do be careful when selecting your companion.
Thanks for making us aware bro.
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