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Old 14-01-2014, 11:39 AM
6Friendly9 6Friendly9 is offline
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Re: Fucking in the public area

Originally Posted by lovexribbons View Post
I recently tried with my partner in his MPV. We had to find a very dark spot (for obvious reasons) and did our session at the last row of the car.

It was really exciting to see him anxious yet hungry for the sexy time! But I prefer privately because public not enough time for foreplay or orgasms (I need to concentrate before I can orgasm).

But once in a while to pleasure the partner for a quickie don't harm
==> MPV should do middle row seat... not the last row.... there are many "rather safe" places at nite if u know where to go....
Old 18-01-2014, 12:19 PM
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Talking Re: Fucking in the public area

let me share my most recent experience of doing in public area..

the most recent one is just a few day ago.. i hv met a fl few times before.. that day nite (11plus) suddenly got the urge.. msg her and ask can do in public.. this is the first time we do in public.. all before is in hotel room. surprise she reply ok as she still outside.. ask her got any public place like mscp.. she said the area she is at that time got mscp.. so arrange with her to meet her there..

reach the place (mscp downstair), and she was waiting in her car.. yes she drive.. not sure is her own car or she rented the car.. then she drive me to the mscp.. all the way up to the highest floor.. she seem know well the place.. could hv done with other customer there before.. reaching the highest floor.. we find a slot at a corner.. parked. off engine..

both move to the back area.. ask her caress my cock to make it hard first and i play with her breast.. then ask her bj me then fuck.. she remove her pants and panty.. bottom naked.. lie down abit.. i climb on top.. but dun know why my cock can't stand up.. wonder due to "scare" or wad.. haha..

not able penetrate her.. so just end up rubbing only.. then change position.. i sit n she climb on top of me.. but again not hard enough.. no choice ask her stop n bj for me instead.... she keep bj for me for a while then the feeling come.. ask her bj faster while my hand grab her head to increase the speed.. finally after a while i cum... in the condom... end up not like the thread title "fuckng in the public area", but more on "bj till cuming in the public area"..
Old 19-01-2014, 03:40 PM
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Re: Fucking in the public area

i hv posted a post on a fl who driving and do bj for me in public. some bro have pm me for her contact.

i know and met this girl for a few years (think got 4 years). she always say she is not fl and do not do often.. but i wont know.. so i still call her as fl in my post.. since I know her, she did not allow me to share her contact without her permission.. the main reason is she scare end up meeting a guy who turn out to be her friends or worst still her dad friends. She would always want the guy number first and if she ok she will contact the guys. So I just respect her this request of not to share contact.

For those bro who pm me for her contact, I can check with her whether she willing to share her contact or she want contacts from u all guys. if she ok, I will get back to u all again. sorry for not able to share her contact in advance with u all.
Old 19-01-2014, 03:53 PM
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Re: Fucking in the public area

jst had my adventure at yishun estate.... as she was massaging my bro, another car came... not knowing mine had people why parked beside... after a while when they found out... they even strip naked and continue the job.. to the couple, we really enjoyed the show....
Old 20-01-2014, 12:21 PM
ludwig19 ludwig19 is offline
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Re: Fucking in the public area

had a morning session with my gf at a mscp at dawson place. think mornings are gd as carparks are practically empty haha

(sorry that im posting pics in the discussion forum. there isnt an appropriate section in the pic sharing forum.)
Old 20-01-2014, 04:43 PM
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Thumbs up Re: Fucking in the public area

Originally Posted by ludwig19 View Post
had a morning session with my gf at a mscp at dawson place. think mornings are gd as carparks are practically empty haha

(sorry that im posting pics in the discussion forum. there isnt an appropriate section in the pic sharing forum.)
Ups u when i regain power !!
Purely because u use Good Morning Towel !!
Old 20-01-2014, 06:19 PM
singleman singleman is offline
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Re: Fucking in the public area

Originally Posted by singleman View Post
i hv posted a post on a fl who driving and do bj for me in public. some bro have pm me for her contact.

i know and met this girl for a few years (think got 4 years). she always say she is not fl and do not do often.. but i wont know.. so i still call her as fl in my post.. since I know her, she did not allow me to share her contact without her permission.. the main reason is she scare end up meeting a guy who turn out to be her friends or worst still her dad friends. She would always want the guy number to me first and if she ok she will contact the guys. So I just respect her this request of not to share contact.

For those bro who pm me for her contact, I can check with her whether she willing to share her contact or she want contacts from u all guys. if she ok, I will get back to u all again. sorry for not able to share her contact in advance with u all.
hi TS, sorry dun mind I side track a bit to clarify something using this post.

since I post the experience I have with this fl who drive.. so far there are 8 bros asking me for contact.. as mentioned I can check with her whether she willing to share her contact or she wan the contact from the bro.. if she willing to share her contact or want the number from the bro, I then get back to the bro. So bro who pm me, do not pass me ur contact first. if she wan the number from u all, then I get from u all.

Anyway I do know she is very careful type.. hv ever tried pass a guy number to her. then when I ask her whether got contact the guy or not, she just refuse to let me know. I oso dun know why. maybe she dun wan me know she got eventually call up the guy n met him. but of course I hv check with the guy and she did not call him..

so bro who wan pm me for her contact, take note of the above..

ok let get back to the thread. for sharing experience in doing in public. not to so much discuss on this fl.. sorry TS once again for using ur thread to post some clarification.
Old 20-01-2014, 06:28 PM
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Re: Fucking in the public area

sorry TS just use ur thread to clarify one more thing.

just recv one more pm from another bro, maybe I will just ask or persuade her to start a thread in this forum if she willing to do "business" with the bro here. of course need to pay for the advertising fee to the boss. then I no need recv so many pm and keep checking with her or reply to bro.

think better no more discussion for this fl here.. if not is against the purpose of this thread. if got more experience with her for doing in public area then will post again here.

Old 20-01-2014, 11:22 PM
ajlover ajlover is offline
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Re: Fucking in the public area

Originally Posted by ludwig19 View Post
had a morning session with my gf at a mscp at dawson place. think mornings are gd as carparks are practically empty haha

(sorry that im posting pics in the discussion forum. there isnt an appropriate section in the pic sharing forum.)
solid pic !! i love it.. up my humble points
Old 21-01-2014, 12:56 PM
24mscooby 24mscooby is offline
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Re: Fucking in the public area

Bro my gf n i stay at yishun too. Feel like bonking her tonight. Where is this place
Old 22-01-2014, 10:16 PM
mrdonkey mrdonkey is offline
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Re: Fucking in the public area

Not very exciting but just my 1cent experience.

1.Habor front center handicap toilet at 7pm?
2.sentosa near Azzura beach club public toilet at 1am? bathe and fuck till nobody business. Guys toilet btw.
3.Esplanade handicap toilet at 6pm peak hours tho.
4.mount faber carpark in the car at the middle of the night. TWICE.

just my 1 cent experience.
Old 22-01-2014, 10:32 PM
lovejl lovejl is offline
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Re: Fucking in the public area

Originally Posted by mrdonkey View Post
Not very exciting but just my 1cent experience.

1.Habor front center handicap toilet at 7pm?
2.sentosa near Azzura beach club public toilet at 1am? bathe and fuck till nobody business. Guys toilet btw.
3.Esplanade handicap toilet at 6pm peak hours tho.
4.mount faber carpark in the car at the middle of the night. TWICE.

just my 1 cent experience.
Not very exciting? Not scared of camera in harbor front center?
Old 23-01-2014, 12:29 AM
rawpenis rawpenis is offline
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Talking Re: Fucking in the public area

Pasir Ris swimming complex. In front of the baby pool there's a handicap toilet with seat for shower. Just did with gal friend this afternoon.
Old 23-01-2014, 04:01 PM
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Re: Fucking in the public area

Originally Posted by mrdonkey View Post
Not very exciting but just my 1cent experience.

1.Habor front center handicap toilet at 7pm?
2.sentosa near Azzura beach club public toilet at 1am? bathe and fuck till nobody business. Guys toilet btw.
3.Esplanade handicap toilet at 6pm peak hours tho.
4.mount faber carpark in the car at the middle of the night. TWICE.

just my 1 cent experience.
Bro, next time can try one level down below the peak of Mt. Faber, walk all the way in and can doggie there. Damn gan cheong and shiokkkkk !!!!!
Old 23-01-2014, 05:16 PM
Roozu Roozu is offline
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Re: Fucking in the public area

before i start my next adventure. i would like to thanks those who upped me back for those "personal" zap that i was hit with. just sharing my story. dnt need to get personal pls.

anyway, last night went to rivervale mall for some shopping at diaso with gf. those who went there should know how cold the aircon was. both of us started to fell horny and teasing each other. while walking back to the car, gave a good smack at her big booty which makes her more horny.

while driving down the steep mall carpark, she help me with changing my gear. out of the mall and i drive straight to the newly open mscp nearby which was along the tpe. reaching the mscp, she again help me with my gear by releasing it to get fresh air and start changing shift even faster. went up and find a good spot. had trouble parking the car as she started to blow me already.

finally managed to park and gets my hands free to roam her boobies. her nipples are already hard and pointy. guess its already hard while at the daiso. hands went south and its all warm and wet. went out of the car and start doggy with her leaning on the railings looking out to the tpe. such an open view with cool breeze. finish off on her booty
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