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Old 31-07-2013, 09:18 AM
hazelnut hazelnut is offline
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Re: Story: The Invitation

great updates bro!!! love the twists in the plot.
Old 31-07-2013, 11:10 AM
BigBoy2 BigBoy2 is offline
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Re: Story: The Invitation

Update please.... This is getting too hot.............
BigBoy 2
Old 31-07-2013, 01:01 PM
tuikboo tuikboo is offline
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Re: Story: The Invitation

Let the action begin.
TS more detail on the action pls
Old 31-07-2013, 09:57 PM
Hardaway1818 Hardaway1818 is offline
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Re: Story: The Invitation

Stay tuned for update tmr night.

Today family day looking after my kid.
Old 31-07-2013, 10:51 PM
Fowler09 Fowler09 is offline
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Re: Story: The Invitation

Eagerly awaiting
Old 01-08-2013, 06:54 PM
Hardaway1818 Hardaway1818 is offline
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Re: Story: The Invitation

Time: Friday night
Venue: Cafe

8.40 pm

I finish savoring my aromatic coffee. Full of energy now to enjoy my night with Jenny.

Finally am laying my hands on the sexy wife of George. I am going to fuck her well to repay all that George has done to Claire. Just the thought alone is making my cock stand.

That sexy body. I am going to enjoy every single part of her body, every single hole of her body. I am going to make her beg for more.

“Hi Wilson, is that you?” A very sweet and familiar voice is calling me from behind.

I turn around and see a pretty babe, Elaine (Raymond’s wife).

“Oh hi Elaine, I am just meeting a friend. He just left. What are you doing here?”

“I am supposed to meet a friend here at 8.30 pm but she flies aeroplane last minute. So I am stuck here. Phoebe and gang are going to my house to celebrate a hen’s night for one of our sisters later. But it’s still a bit too early. You got time for a drink and chat?”

In front of me is the girl of my dream. Upstairs in the hotel room is a sexy vixen waiting for me in bed.

“Errrrr… about your husband?”

“You know about my husband? Oh ya, you are Phoebe’s brother-in-law, she would have told you. My husband is watching soccer at his kakis’ house tonight. Won’t be back till morning. Told him we are partying till late and some of the girls might stay over.”

“Oh I see….” I am thinking of an excuse to leave …..

“You not free?”

“Well, actually….. I am” I not sure what come over me to blurt out such a reply. My heart just refuses to reject this pretty, doll-eyed girl in front of me.

But what to do with Jenny upstairs? Mark is also still waiting for my activation.

“Pls let me go make a call first. I will be back in 2 minutes.”

Within that few minutes, I have a new plan in my mind.

I make a call to Mark and brief him on the new plan.

Last edited by Hardaway1818; 13-08-2013 at 07:17 PM.
Old 01-08-2013, 07:40 PM
noobgunZ noobgunZ is offline
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Re: Story: The Invitation

Holy shit! More! More!
Old 01-08-2013, 08:05 PM
Hardaway1818 Hardaway1818 is offline
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Re: Story: The Invitation

Time: Friday night
Venue: Cafe

We are chatting happily about everything under the sun….. from work, to hobbies, to society issues, to religion, to favourite food, to favourite TV programs and books ….and inevitably to family.

Or rather, I purposely lead to that topic and tell her all about the issues between me and Claire and how she is staying at her sister’s place now. Of course, I distort the facts that she is having an affair with my colleague. I leave out the facts that she is actually tricked into it, while me and her husband, Raymond had a hand in it too. Yes, I will not forget what Raymond did to my wife too.

We are like long-lost friends, who seem to have a telepathic understanding towards each other, and yet, at the same time, we are strangers before this. We are curious to know more about each other.

My mind is totally on her, yet I am also distracted by the events happening in the hotel room at this moment. Part of my new brief to Mark is for him to have Jenny first. When I told him over the phone, he was elated. I even taught him what to say to Jenny in order to be able to fuck her.

He must be enjoying himself now. At this moment, a sms comes in.

“Buddy, she is incredible. You sure you don’t want to join us soon? She is looking forward to a gangbang. She wants all her holes to be filled at the same time.”

Bastard. He is making me hot.

Elaine looks like she just finishes a glamour photo shoot. She is wearing a sparkling, shiny blue dress with large conspicuous buttons at the front and a large shiny white belt. Her dress is short, stopping at her mid-thigh, showing off plenty of her creamy white legs. Her hair is done like a babydoll, dyed brown with curls at the end.

As I gaze at her beauty, my attention can’t help but to look at her figure. Her body is producing enticing curves in the dress that barely reaches her mid-thigh, displaying too much flesh. As she moves in her seat, the hemline is creeping upwards for my comfort, or rather discomfort, sometimes almost seeing a tinge of white triangle in the midst of her crossed legs.

My vision starts to blur as she speaks. I can see her luscious lips on the little mouth opening and closing, sometimes flicking the tip of her tongue in a suggestive manner. I can imagine that lips engulf the width of my hardened cock and that mouth taking in the full length. My cock is aching to be released from its bondage.

“Wilson, are you ok? Wilson.”

“Oh sorry sorry, where were we?” I wake up from my sexual slumber.

“We were talking about your wife when your sms came in. You seem distracted after that. You ok?”

“Ok I am ok. It’s my wife. She said she wants to be separated from me.” I am lying through my teeth.

“Sigh so bad ah…..frankly speaking I am having a rough patch with my husband too.” Until now she still does not know that I am Raymond’s boss.

“Huh what happened? Care to share? I am a good listener.”

“Well it’s nothing glamorous. In fact I have told no one else in the world before.”

“What exactly happened? I am sure you can trust me. I have told you all the things between me and my wife.”

“My husband has not touched me for almost half a year.”


How is that possible? If I have a wife like her, I would fuck her everyday. But on second thoughts, actually I and Claire are not as sexually active anymore as compared to before as time passes. But 6 months is still too long a time. Raymond must be eating a lot outside. Have heard a lot of stories about his sexual exploits in office. Looks like the rumours are true.

“I also don’t know but he seems to lose interest in me.”

“That’s ridiculous. Who would lose interest in such a pretty girl like you?”

“Haha you like to joke. I am not pretty.”

“If you are not pretty, there is no pretty girl in this world anymore.”

Another sms comes in.

“Buddy, he just calls to say he is reaching in 5 minutes”

9.25 pm

“Hey I saw a friend downstairs.”

I purposely point to downstairs at a guy so that Elaine would look down.

“Huh? He’s your friend? That’s my husband, Raymond.”

“Raymond is your husband? I am his boss at work.”

“Oh no, what a small world! Wilson, you must keep our conversation a secret ok?”

“Of course, you can trust me. But what is he doing here? I thought you said he is at friend’s house watching soccer.”

“I am not sure too.”

“He is taking the lift now. That’s the lift to the hotel. Come, let’s go find out what he is up to.”

I grab Elaine’s hand and make a move, not even giving her a chance to hesitate.

We rush to the lift lobby. The lift stops at 16th floor.

We go up to the 16th floor. There is no one in sight along the corridor. I know which room they are at, so I purposely walk towards that area.

We are like two headless chickens roaming outside the room without any clue.

“Wilson, forget it. There is no way we can find him like that. He might be just here to watch soccer with his friends anyway. I know of guys booking a room to drink and watch soccer.”

At this moment, one of the rooms’ door opens and a guy comes out. Before closing the door, the guy shouts into the room, “Raymond, you carry on first. I go downstairs to get a few more condoms.”

I grab Elaine’s hand and move towards the room. I push the guy aside and go into the room.

A naked man and a naked woman are on the bed.

Jenny pulls up the blanket to try cover herself.

A shocked Raymond tries to grab his pants and shouts out “Elaine, sorry, wait.”

Elaine immediately breaks into tears and runs out of the room.

I go after Elaine immediately.

As I go past Mark at the door, our hands meet each other in mid-air with a high five.
Old 01-08-2013, 08:08 PM
Hardaway1818 Hardaway1818 is offline
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Re: Story: The Invitation

In my new plan, I ask Mark to tell Jenny that the Special Club has given her a special privilege to enjoy three strong hunks tonight, namely I, Mark and Raymond. If she is agreeable, she is to make a call to Raymond and asks him to come to the hotel room immediately and she will enjoy a good gangbang. If not, she will not get anyone at all.

To get Raymond in, Jenny is to tell him that the Special Club has managed to shake off George entirely for the night and he can enjoy a gangbang with her and a lady named Claire. That will surely make Raymond come. The lure of both Jenny and Claire.

The sacrifice of this new plan is that I have to give up my fun with Jenny tonight, and might not even have a chance again after this.

The gain is that I have gotten back at Raymond as well.

Most importantly, Elaine is heart-broken with Raymond now.
Old 01-08-2013, 08:19 PM
tmoonfoxy tmoonfoxy is offline
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Thumbs up Re: Story: The Invitation

Fantastic plot bro Hardaway.....

Hope this won't be last installment tonite....
Old 01-08-2013, 08:57 PM
MagicFingers MagicFingers is offline
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Re: Story: The Invitation

Originally Posted by Hardaway1818 View Post
The sacrifice of this new plan is that I have to give up my fun with Jenny tonight, and might not even have a chance again after this.

The gain is that I have gotten back at Raymond as well.

Most importantly, Elaine is heart-broken with Raymond now.
Jenny will continue to cheat on the limp dicked George.

Jia you TS! Even though I'm busy with work will still come and read your updates.. Haha..
Old 01-08-2013, 09:42 PM
sstam sstam is offline
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Re: Story: The Invitation

Perfect plan. Just have a feeling that all these ladies will be yours soon...
Old 01-08-2013, 10:29 PM
welcomemdc2 welcomemdc2 is offline
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Re: Story: The Invitation

u gonna get it bro!!! more please!
Old 01-08-2013, 11:34 PM
Hotspotxxxxx Hotspotxxxxx is offline
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Re: Story: The Invitation

Absolutely marvellous plan.

Get Elaine first, then go back to Jenny.
Old 02-08-2013, 05:19 PM
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Re: Story: The Invitation

Great story. So many twist and turns. Waiting for next chapter
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