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Old 24-01-2017, 09:36 PM
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Re: SAF armoured vehicles(Terrex) detained in Hong Kong port

Suspected licensing breach led to detention of SAF Terrex vehicles: HK Customs

Posted 24 Jan 2017 19:54
Updated 24 Jan 2017 20:21

SINGAPORE: Hong Kong Customs said it seized the nine Singapore Armed Forces (SAF) Terrex Infantry Carrier Vehicles in November "because there was a suspected breach of the Hong Kong law."

In a statement responding to media queries on Tuesday (Jan 24), its Commissioner of Customs and Excise Roy Tang said investigations into the suspected breach have been completed and it "might lead to criminal prosecution".
"Import, export and transshipment/transit of strategic commodities in breach of licensing requirement are criminal offences punishable under the Hong Kong law," said the statement.

"As an active and responsible trading partner in the global economy, the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region is committed to complying with international standards of strategic trade control, and Hong Kong implements a robust control system to achieve it," it added.

Singapore's Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) had announced earlier on Tuesday that Hong Kong would be returning the seized military vehicles which have been held for two months.

This was communicated to Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong by Hong Kong Chief Executive CY Leung on Tuesday.

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Old 24-01-2017, 09:54 PM
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Originally Posted by arsenal168 View Post
So much speculation by so many people but only a few got it right.

As I had said from the beginning, the 9 terrex will be returned. PRC keep for what?

They just want to teach our government a lesson n embarrass LHL & his ministers.

Objective met & they return our toys.

A phrase PRC like to use: 听其言,观其行

LHL stirred some more shit with PRC n more "hantam" will come our way in other matters.
Am I one of the few who's right ma.

Tpp no more. China start rcep or their bank, garbagement have to beg China nicely to participate
Exchange points right ma
Old 24-01-2017, 09:58 PM
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Originally Posted by skyleon View Post
Suspected licensing breach led to detention of SAF Terrex vehicles: HK Customs

Posted 24 Jan 2017 19:54
Updated 24 Jan 2017 20:21

SINGAPORE: Hong Kong Customs said it seized the nine Singapore Armed Forces (SAF) Terrex Infantry Carrier Vehicles in November "because there was a suspected breach of the Hong Kong law."

In a statement responding to media queries on Tuesday (Jan 24), its Commissioner of Customs and Excise Roy Tang said investigations into the suspected breach have been completed and it "might lead to criminal prosecution".
"Import, export and transshipment/transit of strategic commodities in breach of licensing requirement are criminal offences punishable under the Hong Kong law," said the statement.

"As an active and responsible trading partner in the global economy, the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region is committed to complying with international standards of strategic trade control, and Hong Kong implements a robust control system to achieve it," it added.

Singapore's Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) had announced earlier on Tuesday that Hong Kong would be returning the seized military vehicles which have been held for two months.

This was communicated to Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong by Hong Kong Chief Executive CY Leung on Tuesday.

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I thought garbagement said they in full compliance of the law??? Or will they as usual let other ppl like shippers take the full blame So they'll look good???
Exchange points got blame ma
Old 24-01-2017, 10:12 PM
Craz78 Craz78 is offline
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Re: SAF armoured vehicles(Terrex) detained in Hong Kong port

Originally Posted by sadfa View Post

I thought garbagement said they in full compliance of the law??? Or will they as usual let other ppl like shippers take the full blame So they'll look good???
Exchange points got blame ma
Did the govt say that? It is APL that needs to be in compliance of the law...
U write so much rubbish here...
when ppl commit crimes do u put their parents to jail?
Use ur brain before u write, dun need to show everyone how dumb u r...
Old 24-01-2017, 10:18 PM
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Originally Posted by Craz78 View Post
Did the govt say that? It is APL that needs to be in compliance of the law...
U write so much rubbish here...
when ppl commit crimes do u put their parents to jail?
Use ur brain before u write, dun need to show everyone how dumb u r...
Yes got say

Ship so many times, can get forms wrong ma. Forms wrong means confiscate ma.
Do you know anything . And need two months to say forms are wrong??

You dont even know whatz going on.
Stupid motherfucker.

Your mother was wrong not to do abortion cos Spore Is condemned bcos of brain damaged pussies like u. Fuck off la cb.
Your parents n sporeans regret trash like you.

Fuck off from spore far far.
Fucking parasite. Spore don't need leech like u. Hope u r a loyal bitch n join deposed garbagement when they're deposed but u r too boji. You're a fucking hanjian
Exchange points show your stupidity ma

Last edited by sadfa; 24-01-2017 at 10:31 PM.
Old 25-01-2017, 12:07 AM
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Originally Posted by FUNNYANDHORNY View Post

Sekali they use Gargle-Translate, return wLong T-Lex?....
It's OK la.

Saf is shit for a shitty garbagement.

The real vehicles will b used to roll over sporeans.
When there's real war, garbagement will be useless again n might as well use those crappy vehicles. What for waste the expensive real vehicles
Exchange points fake ma

Last edited by sadfa; 25-01-2017 at 12:23 AM.
Old 25-01-2017, 12:32 AM
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Re: SAF armoured vehicles(Terrex) detained in Hong Kong port

I saw on fb say its returning back to SG
Old 25-01-2017, 12:53 AM
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Re: SAF armoured vehicles(Terrex) detained in Hong Kong port

Originally Posted by sadfa View Post
Yes got say

Ship so many times, can get forms wrong ma. Forms wrong means confiscate ma.
Do you know anything . And need two months to say forms are wrong??

You dont even know whatz going on.
Stupid motherfucker.

Your mother was wrong not to do abortion cos Spore Is condemned bcos of brain damaged pussies like u. Fuck off la cb.
Your parents n sporeans regret trash like you.

Fuck off from spore far far.
Fucking parasite. Spore don't need leech like u. Hope u r a loyal bitch n join deposed garbagement when they're deposed but u r too boji. You're a fucking hanjian
Exchange points show your stupidity ma
U know a lot ? Looking at what trash u write tells a lot...
Yes, u only know how to complain and complain... sounding like a loser. A disgrace to be call human...
Ur parents r most prob losers like u... ur children r most prob losers but it's not their fault becos they have a loser as a parent...
不是每个新加坡人像你,国家的资产被别国霸占时你拿我国寻开心。如果你是新加坡人的话,你才是汉奸。你简直 猪狗不如。真是人神共愤。
Old 25-01-2017, 01:14 AM
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Re: SAF armoured vehicles(Terrex) detained in Hong Kong port

Originally Posted by Craz78 View Post
U know a lot ? Looking at what trash u write tells a lot...
Yes, u only know how to complain and complain... sounding like a loser. A disgrace to be call human...
Ur parents r most prob losers like u... ur children r most prob losers but it's not their fault becos they have a loser as a parent...
不是每个新加坡人像你,国家的资产被别国霸占时你拿我国寻开心。如果你是新加坡人的话,你才是汉奸。你简直 猪狗不如。真是人神共愤。
Why are you describing our PM like that?
Old 25-01-2017, 04:23 AM
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Originally Posted by JiByeLoong View Post
Why are you describing our PM like that?
Ya lor. Should isa this dumbfuck
Exchange points isa ma
Old 25-01-2017, 08:06 AM
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Re: SAF armoured vehicles(Terrex) detained in Hong Kong port

Originally Posted by JiByeLoong View Post
Why are you describing our PM like that?
真是个贱种。父母没有教好,有人不做,畜牲不如的贱种。jus becos this is the Internet and u can hide behind the keyboard does not hide the fact that u r worse than an animal. Even animals knows basic manners...
Old 25-01-2017, 08:09 AM
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Re: SAF armoured vehicles(Terrex) detained in Hong Kong port

Originally Posted by sadfa View Post
Ya lor. Should isa this dumbfuck
Exchange points isa ma
Lol... a dumbfuck calling himself... u r such a disgrace to ur parents and forefathers... but alas, 一个连猪狗都不如的贱种, 还会在乎父母亲吗?
Old 25-01-2017, 12:31 PM
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Re: SAF armoured vehicles(Terrex) detained in Hong Kong port

Apologies.. Bro Skyleon saw first.. I repeat old news

News Article as at 25 Jan 12.30 pm (based on my eyeball time).

Probe into Singapore’s Terrexes 'might lead to criminal prosecution': HK Customs

The head of Hong Kong custom authorities said Tuesday (24 Tuesday) that the investigation into Singapore’s Terrex infantry carrier vehicles “might lead to criminal prosecution”.

The comment in a statement by Roy Tang, Commissioner of Hong Kong Customs and Excise, comes after Singapore’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced on Tuesday evening that the seized Terrex vehicles will be returned to Singapore.

Tang also confirmed the return of the vehicles and the associated equipment, which were detained on 23 November last year.

Hong Kong is committed to complying with international standards of strategic trade control, and that it implements a robust control system to achieve it, Tang said.

“Import, export and transshipment/transit of strategic commodities in breach of licensing requirement are criminal offences punishable under the Hong Kong law. The action by the Hong Kong Customs on November 23, 2016 was taken because there was a suspected breach of the Hong Kong law,” said Tang, adding that the investigation of the suspected breach is completed.


China poliburo is a coward ! No balls to say, make HK say and do dirty job !
Boh pian return and now try to save face by saying this.. Please la China, we not your puppet la !
China, you so blur cock meh.. Spore have many equipment and assets go here go there.
S'pore ship in front of Cheena's nose and up their arse too (esp our 155s) !

If they want to prosecute and prostitute, HK can put Mr Hen's name down on court papars ! LoL !
Anyway, next year is Rooster, so very befitting !

Last edited by ibanezjem555; 25-01-2017 at 01:04 PM.
Old 25-01-2017, 01:02 PM
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Re: SAF armoured vehicles(Terrex) detained in Hong Kong port

Originally Posted by SiaSuay View Post
Whatever the reasons behind it nobody knows why they suddenly decided to return the Terrex back to the Singapore government. The fact that certain people have failed to protect Singapore millitary hardware already speaks volume about it . Are they fit to defend Singapore ? Also this report never states why the Terrex was detained and being investigated ? Don't you find it fishy ?
Yes Bro, White Monkeys failed to protect but there is a bigger issue. MIW should not completely trust the China government after Suzhou and Eco-City. MIW still die die want to trust Cheena !

Basically the reasons for taking Terrex is that China is beh song that Spore don't recognise the 9 dash line which looks like their stumpy prick up into ASEAN's arse. ASEAN is already bought over by China with vaseline (ie money aid) so ASEAN don't mind kenna greased there. China don't want to write but let Global Times their Cheena media newspaper mouth piece say not happy with Spore lor. Of course yahoo report never say, but I know-you know-we know why they angry kind of diplomatic thingy !

Then, Taiwan pro-independence President come along. China double beh song lor ! Take Terrex can double-takan Taiwan and Spore at same time. China want to teach Spore a lesson:- see if Spore will submit, bend over and allow it to use vaseline to upp Spore's arse la.

Now, Trump lai liao want to bash China. Even seem to support Taiwan and cho cho South China Sea despite saying USA first and all other nations can F off. China losing interest in Spore's backdoor. Maybe China release Terrex hoping for Spore in future will support Free Trade with them (vs Trump smart trade). Who knows ?

One thing for sure. China is a coward and bully small nations instead of building bridges. China let HK do the dirty work. Don't trust China. China is a big bully !

Last edited by ibanezjem555; 25-01-2017 at 01:15 PM.
Old 25-01-2017, 04:49 PM
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Re: SAF armoured vehicles(Terrex) detained in Hong Kong port

SAF Terrexes in HK to be shipped directly to Singapore, hopefully home by Feb 11
Published: 3:36 PM, January 25, 2017

Updated: 3:58 PM, January 25, 2017

SINGAPORE — The nine Singapore Armed Forces (SAF) Terrex armoured vehicles detained in Hong Kong will be shipped back to the Republic directly "without any intermediate stops", Defence Minister Ng Eng Hen said Wednesday (Jan 25), expressing hopes that the shipment would be home by February 11.

Speaking to reporters on the sidelines of a military exercise, Dr Ng said it would take commercial carrier APL about a week to bring the vehicles back to Singapore. APL was supposed to ship the vehicles to Singapore in November last year from Taiwan, following a military training exercise.

But customs officials in Hong Kong seized the shipment on November 23 while it was in transit in the city's port.

"I was told that APL will make special efforts to expedite the process despite this being a Lunar New Year weekend... We are hoping that our Terrexes can leave Hong Kong soon and arrive back in Singapore to celebrate Chap Goh Mei," the minister said, in reference to the 15th day of Chinese New Year. Chap Goh Mei falls on Feb 11 this year.

Hong Kong authorities announced on Tuesday that it would return the nine Terrex vehicles it seized nearly two months ago, but its Customs officials suggested it might pursue criminal prosecution following investigations into a possible breach of its shipping rules. No dates have been announced for the vehicles release or voyage back to Singapore.

Asked for details about the issue of criminal prosecution raised by Hong Kong, Dr Ng said: "We have encouraged APL to comply with all the rules required by the Hong Kong port. That continues to be our decision.

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