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Old 03-01-2023, 01:34 PM
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Re: My Boss & Colleague - Janice

Is it 4p with all of them in office coming soon? 🤣
Old 03-01-2023, 04:02 PM
CapriceV3522 CapriceV3522 is offline
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Re: My Boss & Colleague - Janice

Originally Posted by timeliness View Post
Is it 4p with all of them in office coming soon? 🤣
A bit too much to ask for, but I don't mind reading hehe
Old 03-01-2023, 04:45 PM
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Re: My Boss & Colleague - Janice

Originally Posted by hloong View Post
Woah, expecting Sexciting scene soon….
Mai think too much... office ok, I am good person, I don't anyhow anyhow de hor.

Originally Posted by timeliness View Post
Is it 4p with all of them in office coming soon? 🤣
Well, if you read my introduction of them a few pages back, not really my type, I don't mind fucking but all 3? Janice will freak out if she knows I'm that kind of guy. The image of me in her heart is a decent Christian, good brother and good lover and she's the only girl in my life.

Don't 'cb gog' ah... warn liao ah!!! LOL!

Originally Posted by CapriceV3522 View Post
A bit too much to ask for, but I don't mind reading hehe
I wish I have something along this line bro, but paiseh, don't have, I'm a very 1-time-1-woman kind of man
Old 03-01-2023, 04:45 PM
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Re: My Boss & Colleague - Janice

Another short update, no mood to work today.


gog: No la I will send her home to change, then go, like that how to go church?

Q(iu) P(ing): Hahaha, how I know, I don't go church ma.

gog: Come la, I bring you some time.

QP: You not scared Janice jealous ah?

Fuck this cock teaser. Using Janice to stir me. Bitch.

gog: Haha no la, you single, I date you lor.

QP: You don't tease me la, I not pretty like Janice.

gog: No la, you are very pretty, if you are my gf, I confirm everyday go home don't go out liao.

QP: You very cheeky, don't talk to you le.

Like a little schoolgirl infront of her crush, Qiu Ping blushed and hurriedly walked to her desk. I didn't know why Wan Leng made Qiu Ping to come back on a weekend to help her work, but like I said, Qiu Ping is a very nice girl and likely because of that, she always kena bullied.

Sat at my desk, waited, Wan Leng was taking her own sweet time to ask Janice on the report she's working on. I was getting impatient. I walked over to Janice's office and knocked on the door.
Old 04-01-2023, 08:48 AM
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Re: My Boss & Colleague - Janice

Quiet day, no cb gog lol....

Anyway, here's today's instalment. Getting wordy & boring though


gog: Hey, ready to leave for church?

W(an) L(eng): Ooops sorry, I held you both back and late. Sorry...

Wan Leng turned around and tried to get up the chair but her stack of papers dropped and... well, nothing fancy, just a usual bra but I was more keen in Janice's.

Wan Leng left the room and I opened my eyes at Janice as if signaling her to get what she needs and get moving. She just pulled out a big soft luggage material type of bag and pretended it's very heavy by 'groaning' and doing the 'wipe sweat' actions. Typical of ladies... I grabbed the bag with one hand, rolled my eyes, and then left.

Reached my place and Janie skipped her way to my unit like a little girl. It's Sunday, but she's not even thinking about church.

gog: Janice!

J: Hmm? What?

I had cleared half my wardrobe space (somehow?) and was now empty enough. Hope it is sufficient for her to buy more and ... sexy ones too

gog: You can leave your clothes here.

J: Wah... so much space, I can go shopping liao. Yippee!

gog: You can get some sexy lingerie, you can use the bottom drawers.

Janice placed her hands around my neck...

J: So you think my lingerie not sexy enough?

gog: Can be better, lacy... coloured, beige is boring... try others?

J: Re-al-ly?

UH... was that a trick question? Die... I gotten myself into one of those never-correct-answer situations.

gog: I mean you look good in any lingerie, but you can look better, so, why stop at beige?

GREAT SAVE! GOOD GOAL GOG!!!! YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHH! I don't know how that reply happened, but it did!!

J: Will consider.

gog: Tell you what, since we're skipping church, why not have some fun... and we'll go lingerie shopping?

Janice raised an eyebrow at the word 'fun' and before she knows it, I was between her legs again. Lingerie shopping is fun, hehe... she washed them and aired them at my place. Must look weird, a single man having lingerie hanging out for sun. Hope nobody finds out.
Old 04-01-2023, 12:08 PM
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Re: My Boss & Colleague - Janice

I know there is a church in some rich estate , their followers cannot marry other religions and if married cannot have sex with the husband and wife. The most sad part is those followers who joined them later but can have sex with guy jin their own church anybody encounter before....I cannot say out the name but is along upper Thomson Rd, very holy and think other religions r not pure as them, therefore Yr story is ok both same religions mah no t si fil
Old 04-01-2023, 04:46 PM
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Re: My Boss & Colleague - Janice

Test 123456487uwuwu3u3u3u
Old 04-01-2023, 09:43 PM
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Re: My Boss & Colleague - Janice

Janice isso fun to be with, camping here for more juicy updates please.
Old 04-01-2023, 11:30 PM
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Re: My Boss & Colleague - Janice

Great share, camping for daily updates!
Please refrain from up-ing my points if you have < 4 power, as it will take longer for me to return the favour
Old 05-01-2023, 12:47 AM
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Re: My Boss & Colleague - Janice

Excellent story bro, please continue!
Old 05-01-2023, 09:44 AM
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Re: My Boss & Colleague - Janice

Really nice read!! Waiting for today’s installment 😬
Old 05-01-2023, 11:11 AM
guyorgirl guyorgirl is offline
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Re: My Boss & Colleague - Janice

Originally Posted by wins1973 View Post
I know there is a church in some rich estate , their followers cannot marry other religions and if married cannot have sex with the husband and wife. The most sad part is those followers who joined them later but can have sex with guy jin their own church anybody encounter before....I cannot say out the name but is along upper Thomson Rd, very holy and think other religions r not pure as them, therefore Yr story is ok both same religions mah no t si fil
It's best for believers to marry the same beliefs. I've seen marriages mixed, it works for some, but for others, it can be very daunting and trying.

As for sex with partners, it is same across all religions, lust is never a welcome thing in any religion so no comments on that part. As for the church along upper thomson road, there are a few, but I will not name nor ask, let's just say some Christians are on the extreme end of their beliefs, some are overly done which brings a bad name, while some are more accepting but they get mistaken for being a bad Christian etc.

Originally Posted by otamay View Post
Janice isso fun to be with, camping here for more juicy updates please.
More fun soon, right now it's the draggy portion again. Like initial, the build up. Next story should be into highlights, then more highlights, then... I think will end soon.

Originally Posted by bbsf21 View Post
Great share, camping for daily updates!
Thank you sir! Appreciate the support, sorry today late!!!

Originally Posted by jacket View Post
Excellent story bro, please continue!
Thank you sir, coming, coming!! Was a bit caught up today, late liao, paiseh paiseh.

Originally Posted by Starr6 View Post
Really nice read!! Waiting for today’s installment 😬
Thank you sir, coming already, lai le lai le!
Old 05-01-2023, 11:14 AM
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Re: My Boss & Colleague - Janice

This is a fast forward, very fast forward but timeline wise not a lot, but I do want to write more on Janice, and how she changed, it's wordy but not sure worth it.


Fast forward, it was near my birthday again. Janice was having a headache wondering how best to make it memorable. That's her, always thinking of others and since we started this affair, she has been putting in double effort, ensuring her husband is happy and also making sure her darling me is well taken care of.

Honestly as a wife, she is doing all she can for me. Less than a few months together I already feel I'm in bliss. Having Janice to care for me and being a lover while she juggles a few roles - boss, colleague, church friend, friend and lover. Probably more hats than that too.

gog: *tsk* it's okay, I'll be happy with just a blowjob on my birthday. Don't fret about it, okay?

J(anice): Pervert.

gog: Just once... you'll like it, I promise.

J: ...

Janice was giving an unhappy look, I better don't push it. What's so horrible about a blow job? She enjoys it in her pussy, why not in her mouth too? She enjoys it when I lick her too.

J: You behave okay, else I will cut it off!!

gog: You bear to or not... then how to let you happy? Hehe...

J: Idiot.

Janice arranged for a dinner at a classy restaurant. She believes that no expenses should be shared when dining with a loved one. I felt bad because it's expensive but hey.. she's earning more than me.

However the arrangements, it is ME - with the car - that is still her ahmad. Sigh but oh well. Arranged with her on Saturday (not the actual birthday) to celebrate. She seems excited, let her do what she wants. I'll just enjoy the moment - and the ending. Hehehe.

Picking her up at 5pm. I hate queueing to find parking, so I have this tendency to just leave house earlier and get a nice lot and laugh at all those who likes to reach shopping malls and restaurants at 7-8pm and end up having no lots.

It was 2pm, when suddenly, my main door unlocked. Wasn't expecting Janice, and only she has access to my door. Hmm? I sat at my sofa continued watching my TV and I heard a voice.

J(anice): HEY! Help me.

gog: Huh? What???

Janice was standing there with a big bag, looking unkempt - her hair was deliciously messy, kind of sexy in a way. She was dressed in a usual black tee and shorts.
Old 05-01-2023, 11:36 AM
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Re: My Boss & Colleague - Janice

Big bag of lingerie and toys, perhaps?
Old 05-01-2023, 03:25 PM
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Re: My Boss & Colleague - Janice

Fantastic story TS, camping here ....
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