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Keong Saik/Desker /X-Dresser central It's like Geylang on a budget!

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Old 23-05-2014, 11:51 PM
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Re: Changi Village (CV) - LIVE AGAIN

I think I'm gonna head down to CV soon, will provide a brief field update if I can!
Old 24-05-2014, 01:59 AM
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Re: Changi Village (CV) - LIVE AGAIN

Well, so. I decided to make my way down to CV tonight just to check how things were going and I have to say the situation is much better now then it was a week ago. The bright carpark lights are now park to the dim and dark levels that we were familiar with.

As for sister wise, I counted 4, perhaps a few more who were out working at the time. So after having a cup of teh si at the nearby coffee shop I decided to do a drive around and I spotted Paris, one of my go-to girls.

So I pulled over and she got in. I would say I am on a semi regular status with her, probably visited her more than 5 times all in all. For those who are not familiar with her, she's a tall, slim, relatively pretty POST-op ladyboy who usually plies the last corner of Jalan Bekukong, right by the exit of the second carpark. She is usually in high heels and very tight fitting clothes. Tonight she was dressed in a tight red dress skirt. Damn.

While I have to say her BJs feel a bit rushed at time, she's a very nice and talkative girl. I enjoy her company more than the Bjs sometimes. That aside she's an all around solid pick, she has some of the nicest breasts I've ever laid eyes on. Fake or real, these are quite epic. She also offers sex in the backseat for $60, perhaps I shall take her up on her offer one day. As for now, I'm content with the Bjs.

Also, according to her, there have been a series of hooligan/delinquent attacks on customers and ladies in cars. Apparently a bunch of Malay teens are going around, usually on PH and PH eve, weekends sometimes, and throwing water bombs filled with flour and paint thinner on cars. I am not sure if this is true, has anyone else heard of this?
Old 24-05-2014, 01:43 PM
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Re: Changi Village (CV) - LIVE AGAIN

Yes, Paris is 1 of the better ones there now
Old 24-05-2014, 02:20 PM
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Re: Changi Village (CV) - LIVE AGAIN

Thanks for the points bro W800! Appreciated. Yea, Paris is starting to seal her place as one of the queens of CV! She's one of the better ones there, friendly and chatty, my cup of tea.

But this Paris, I'm not sure if she's bullshitting me sometimes but she always telling me these really nice stories of how some bros take her on long holidays. Like she was just saying some brother brought her to LA on Singapore Airlines Business Class suite and she stayed at some bayside hotel suite for a whole week. LOL! I can't afford that though.

In her own words, "what a lucky bitch", haha.
Old 24-05-2014, 06:39 PM
HornyFreakzzzzz HornyFreakzzzzz is offline
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Re: Changi Village (CV) - LIVE AGAIN

Hi all , paris will do svc w/o cars??
Old 24-05-2014, 10:53 PM
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Re: Changi Village (CV) - LIVE AGAIN

Originally Posted by HornyFreakzzzzz View Post
Hi all , paris will do svc w/o cars??
Hi there,

To be honest, I am not sure. However, from what I know of the sisters working out of CV, majority, if not all, of them will only service people who drive by in their own cars. There is an exception to this, many of the sister's do provide outcall services to hotels but this is on the exclusive basis of knowing the customers really well. In simple terms, you will have to be one of their regulars in order to meet up with her elsewhere.

That's as far as I know, I may be wrong!
Old 25-05-2014, 07:33 PM
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Re: Changi Village (CV) - LIVE AGAIN

Didn't see Paris on Sat night, took Carrie who gives good service as usual.
Old 27-05-2014, 02:28 AM
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Re: Changi Village (CV) - LIVE AGAIN

Which part of woodlands specifically? They work the same as in CV? Around a carpark? Or a park? Am near there thinking of trying. Can any bros advise? Thanks
Old 27-05-2014, 03:10 PM
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Re: Changi Village (CV) - LIVE AGAIN

dont try woodlands garden ladyboys, rush job and lousy service for most. not worth wasting your money. they tend to act very high class and expensive
Old 27-05-2014, 03:18 PM
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Re: Changi Village (CV) - LIVE AGAIN

Any idea whete is xiao xiao?
Few month back try her services damm good.

Went CV few time always can't see her again..

Any ideas ??
Old 29-05-2014, 07:32 PM
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Re: Changi Village (CV) - LIVE AGAIN

Originally Posted by tomjoe View Post
Any idea whete is xiao xiao?
Few month back try her services damm good.

Went CV few time always can't see her again..

Any ideas ??
Anybody know? Or late night at CV did I get the wrong service?
Human or ghostly....
Old 29-05-2014, 10:49 PM
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Re: Changi Village (CV) - LIVE AGAIN

Past few weeks I have noticed a couple of new faces in CV but could not approach them as I was having my early morning BX.
Anyone know who these new faces are?
Old 05-06-2014, 12:00 AM
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Re: Changi Village (CV) - LIVE AGAIN

Anyone seen Sandy back in action?
Old 06-06-2014, 01:49 AM
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Re: Changi Village (CV) - LIVE AGAIN

Originally Posted by roymkt View Post
Well, so. I decided to make my way down to CV tonight just to check how things were going and I have to say the situation is much better now then it was a week ago. The bright carpark lights are now park to the dim and dark levels that we were familiar with.

As for sister wise, I counted 4, perhaps a few more who were out working at the time. So after having a cup of teh si at the nearby coffee shop I decided to do a drive around and I spotted Paris, one of my go-to girls.

So I pulled over and she got in. I would say I am on a semi regular status with her, probably visited her more than 5 times all in all. For those who are not familiar with her, she's a tall, slim, relatively pretty POST-op ladyboy who usually plies the last corner of Jalan Bekukong, right by the exit of the second carpark. She is usually in high heels and very tight fitting clothes. Tonight she was dressed in a tight red dress skirt. Damn.

While I have to say her BJs feel a bit rushed at time, she's a very nice and talkative girl. I enjoy her company more than the Bjs sometimes. That aside she's an all around solid pick, she has some of the nicest breasts I've ever laid eyes on. Fake or real, these are quite epic. She also offers sex in the backseat for $60, perhaps I shall take her up on her offer one day. As for now, I'm content with the Bjs.

Also, according to her, there have been a series of hooligan/delinquent attacks on customers and ladies in cars. Apparently a bunch of Malay teens are going around, usually on PH and PH eve, weekends sometimes, and throwing water bombs filled with flour and paint thinner on cars. I am not sure if this is true, has anyone else heard of this?
Originally Posted by roymkt View Post
Thanks for the points bro W800! Appreciated. Yea, Paris is starting to seal her place as one of the queens of CV! She's one of the better ones there, friendly and chatty, my cup of tea.

But this Paris, I'm not sure if she's bullshitting me sometimes but she always telling me these really nice stories of how some bros take her on long holidays. Like she was just saying some brother brought her to LA on Singapore Airlines Business Class suite and she stayed at some bayside hotel suite for a whole week. LOL! I can't afford that though.

In her own words, "what a lucky bitch", haha.
i always go for carrie or ann..
crap dunno too long nv go come i never saw or heard a paris..

Carrie has v nice boobs too..the feel is natural and soft..
Old 06-06-2014, 01:52 AM
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Re: Changi Village (CV) - LIVE AGAIN

Originally Posted by asscrack View Post
Any status on CV now? Seems very quiet nowadays. Old birds like summer, Dawn seldom see them liao.

Any bros knows there whereabout?retire?
Summer i heard moved to Geylang liao..
dawn is still around..but out of 3 times i went (i probably go once a mth only)
i only saw her once..
but she is so obvious..she mostly in heels and in tight revealing dress and her ink is v obvious..
She quite a beast
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