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Old 22-03-2006, 06:16 PM
SGPshanghai69 SGPshanghai69 is offline
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Originally Posted by Faidenk
If you're meeting, give me a buzz. If I'm not outstation, be glad to meet up with all the brothers.
Sure thingy big bro! See ya soon.
SGP-SHA69, Another Simple Man
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Old 22-03-2006, 06:17 PM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Originally Posted by holein1
bro, get CEO69's help. he is very free fact he and me are BBB. and we always BBBJing together..tio bo, bbb69?
Dear Bro SGPSha69,
Let's drop the unhappy subject for the moment.
Look like, you got a lot of titles leh.
Can you care to elaborate on these new terms here?
Shall I make a guess?


Old 22-03-2006, 06:21 PM
SGPshanghai69 SGPshanghai69 is offline
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Originally Posted by holein1
he is very free fact he and me are BBB. and we always BBBJing together..tio bo, bbb69?

KNN you bro! You have to tell the whole damn world I CBL on new job eh? What happen if my new boss is also samster here? I die man.....

"BBBM"? So I male lead role, and you? You be the 'zero' can? hee...hee...
I free from now till end Apr to US lah bro........quite jialat anyway......everyday have to arrange my own agenda & schedule, looking for matters to do...sigh....NB.

At least I give you 'morning call' every morning hor......
SGP-SHA69, Another Simple Man
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Old 22-03-2006, 06:27 PM
SGPshanghai69 SGPshanghai69 is offline
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Originally Posted by shengge
Dear Bro SGPSha69,
Let's drop the unhappy subject for the moment.
Look like, you got a lot of titles leh.
Can you care to elaborate on these new terms here?
Shall I make a guess?

Yup Bro Shengge,
Let's all forget the unhappy subject & get happy man! I'm all looking forward to this weekend that my empress is going away to Germany for biz trips the next 12 days man! Yupee........hurray.....!

Not new titles bestowed upon me lah herein mentioned by Bro Holein1 la Bro SG, but rather it's more on the recent hype on the Ang Lee movie...."Broke Back Mountain" lah! Bro Holein1 adore the 'zero' male actor lead role he's now trying to get fresh with moir lah.....sigh.......

sibeh dangerous man.......sigh.....
SGP-SHA69, Another Simple Man
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Old 22-03-2006, 06:27 PM
Morningrun Morningrun is offline
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Originally Posted by SGPshanghai69
.....My room is full glass panel (like a fish tank) so whatever I'm doing are easily being seen & watch by others.....even my room door is clear glass lah bro! sigh......

See ya soon back here in Shanghai bro!
Cheers & take care.
Hi Bro SGPSHA69,

Yes indeed the Fish tank... Now all we need to do is get you to wear a Red or Pink Bikini and a heart shaped piece of vanguard paper with a number on it and ZAPPPP!!!! we're back in Soi Cowboy or Poisedon 3rd floor......

Just kidding.... at least you have an office.... me sitting outside with the troops.

Catch you later... just smile!!!!

Old 22-03-2006, 09:11 PM
SGPshanghai69 SGPshanghai69 is offline
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Originally Posted by Morningrun
Hi Bro SGPSHA69,

Yes indeed the Fish tank... Now all we need to do is get you to wear a Red or Pink Bikini and a heart shaped piece of vanguard paper with a number on it and ZAPPPP!!!! we're back in Soi Cowboy or Poisedon 3rd floor......


Yo Bro Morningrun,
NB....wah lan eh...all of a sudden all the bros here begining to show the 'BBM' signs & symptoms la! can you imagine me as the 'fish tank' gals in BKK lah bro!?You another 'BBM' bro like our Bro Holein1 hah?
Dun lah bro..........sibeh scary leh........

sigh.........SHA now getting sibeh dangerous man.......all the 'Broken Back Mountain' syndrome here.......
SGP-SHA69, Another Simple Man
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Old 23-03-2006, 06:21 AM
Morningrun Morningrun is offline
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Originally Posted by SGPshanghai69
Yo Bro Morningrun,
NB....wah lan eh...all of a sudden all the bros here begining to show the 'BBM' signs & symptoms la! can you imagine me as the 'fish tank' gals in BKK lah bro!?You another 'BBM' bro like our Bro Holein1 hah?
Dun lah bro..........sibeh scary leh........

sigh.........SHA now getting sibeh dangerous man.......all the 'Broken Back Mountain' syndrome here.......
BBM= No Gerr.... got guy wat...... But I think you WILL look cute in Bikini and heart number... just must grow your hair longer.... Me trying but losing hair liaoz.

Old 23-03-2006, 10:22 AM
SGPshanghai69 SGPshanghai69 is offline
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Originally Posted by Morningrun
BBM= No Gerr.... got guy wat...... But I think you WILL look cute in Bikini and heart number...
Jialat lah bro u.............I strongly feel that u should contact your FL OKT Yu at once when u get back here in SHA bro....u badly needed a good screw to release man!
You're simply showing signs & symptoms of chronic sexual deprivations.
SGP-SHA69, Another Simple Man
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Old 23-03-2006, 10:34 AM
jks6long jks6long is offline
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Bros, any recommendation for Beijing? I will be there this SUnday evening till thursday next week. Much appreciated as I am looking for safe takeaways back to hotel!

Thanks, jks6long
Old 23-03-2006, 12:26 PM
maninsin maninsin is offline
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Dear Bros SGP69 and Morningrun,

Judging by the way that you bros communicate, now I'm a little hesitant in gg bck to SHA..... Are we re-enacting the scene in "BBM"????? hmmmm...... Does that mean that I shall be Ang Lee and you two dear bros taking the lead roles????

Now thinking abt it, maybe that wasn't a bad idea at all..... Let me get bck to SHA and shall brainstorm on how to re-film the enactment for you two dear bros again... Which means that I will still need to find the right location in SHA.... Or if bro SGP or MR already has a location in mind????

See you bros in SHA soon......

Take care and cheers....
Old 23-03-2006, 01:11 PM
SGPshanghai69 SGPshanghai69 is offline
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Originally Posted by maninsin
Dear Bros SGP69 and Morningrun,

Judging by the way that you bros communicate, now I'm a little hesitant in gg bck to SHA..... Are we re-enacting the scene in "BBM"????? hmmmm...... Does that mean that I shall be Ang Lee and you two dear bros taking the lead roles????

Bro MIS,
Wah lau another one trying to instigate Bro MR??!! Dun lah...sibeh dangerous la.....

Re-enactment of BBM? I'll be Ang Lee role la bro as I'm youngets of all, both Bro MR & you are closer in age so you guys would be more suited to take up the 2 lead roles ma.....
Maybe change the script abit & include in Bro Holein1, giving more spice to the story bro....three-some maybe? keke....kekeke......

See ya on Sat bro!
SGP-SHA69, Another Simple Man
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Old 23-03-2006, 02:15 PM
Morningrun Morningrun is offline
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

This thread is getting interesting and fun again!

Anyway, let's all get in on the act. Can we find a good jacuzzi which can acomodate about 6 or 8 ppl? and can Xiao Yu arrange for the "entertainment"? 4 on 4 or 4 on 5? meaning 4 on plus 1 reserve...... Br MIS is right... I think the 2 weeks deprivation is making me see things...... eyes all getting goggly..... HELLLLLPPPPPPPPP
Old 23-03-2006, 04:45 PM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Originally Posted by SGPshanghai69
Bro MIS,
Wah lau another one trying to instigate Bro MR??!! Dun lah...sibeh dangerous la.....

Re-enactment of BBM? I'll be Ang Lee role la bro as I'm youngets of all, both Bro MR & you are closer in age so you guys would be more suited to take up the 2 lead roles ma.....
Maybe change the script abit & include in Bro Holein1, giving more spice to the story bro....three-some maybe? keke....kekeke......

See ya on Sat bro!
hmmm......... why don't we juz do our own movies.... with bro Holein1 involvement and if I remembered correctly, MR also invited bro shengge, and maybe wif the involvement of some of the other bros, we shall called it "Broke Back City" since the scene will be in the city instead of in a mountain....

I will still be Ang Lee and bro SGP69 can be the script writer... And with the involvements of the rest of the bros, I think it will be a best selling movie... Bro MR came up wf some ideas which can be considered by bro SGP69 as a script writer.... hahaahahhaa....

Now we really hv a story going on.....kekeekekeke....

Old 23-03-2006, 05:44 PM
holein1 holein1 is offline
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Originally Posted by maninsin
hmmm......... why don't we juz do our own movies.... with bro Holein1 involvement and if I remembered correctly, MR also invited bro shengge, and maybe wif the involvement of some of the other bros, we shall called it "Broke Back City" since the scene will be in the city instead of in a mountain....

I will still be Ang Lee and bro SGP69 can be the script writer... And with the involvements of the rest of the bros, I think it will be a best selling movie... Bro MR came up wf some ideas which can be considered by bro SGP69 as a script writer.... hahaahahhaa....

Now we really hv a story going on.....kekeekekeke....

okie, all my BBBs, here's the initial storyboard concept:-
Film: black & white with occasional showers of color; we'll reserve the kinky purple to bbb69.
Name: Broke Back Sin City
Storyboard: About a bunch of SINgaporean guys who found true love while making out in Shanghai City.
Act 1, Scene 1, Pudong, Jin Mao
BBB69 as the famous Assassin going after the HC Scarlet Dress Girl who dumped him many years ago. BBB69 flirts with Scarlet Girl, pulls out his gun, and shoots all over her body. Girl dies of extreme shots cumming over her body.
Act 1, Scene 2, Pussy (i mean Puxi)
Holein1 and PTR arrived at the scene reported by an unnamed caller. Yes, that SOABit** is gonna do that little girl there.
PTR told H1 to f*** it. Not worth the efforts, furthermore, that psychopath's dad is SHA's mayor.
"I'm old man liao, satisfied with a few good rounds every now and then..", PTR said.
"We have a responsibility, dude", H1 rebuked.
H1 gives a tight slap to PTR...PTR faints.
H1 got to the little girl (later on gonna grow up to be Jessica Alba or ZZY) and got her away.
Act 1, Scene 3.
They got to the pier. Psychopath appears, battles with H1. PTR opens shots from behind. Damn! Never underestimate an old man's rifle. H1 falls, multiple wounds. Little girl cries.
Scene slowly fades out.
Act 2, Scene 1.
MR making out in one of the HC. He's so shiok and feels that after all that, he would definitely write a good FR on that. He thinks, he smiles, he makes out, he falls asleep. When he woke up, heon gan! The girl lays motionless beside him. He heard voices...and running boot steps (Gong An?)...Siao Liao the rest of the story you guys know.
Old 24-03-2006, 09:30 AM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Originally Posted by maninsin
hmmm......... why don't we juz do our own movies.... with bro Holein1 involvement and if I remembered correctly, MR also invited bro shengge, and maybe wif the involvement of some of the other bros, we shall called it "Broke Back City" since the scene will be in the city instead of in a mountain....
Now we really hv a story going on.....kekeekekeke....
I see my name is mentioned here.
I thought should be "Broke Back Mainland". And what is the rating? U17?
Can I be the viewer?


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