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Old 27-03-2006, 05:21 PM
LawTeoChew LawTeoChew is offline
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Bro Ad,

It all sound so familiar to me, except that it happened to me in Manila, not SH!

B-P-B is easy said than done, especially when we are alone in a new country without friends.

I was fully aware of the danger when posted to manila 9 yrs ago. I followed strictly rules of B-P-B, get a different MM every week. But being human, we tend to like some of the mm more than the others. So after a few months, got sick of looking for new mm everytime and have to gamble with the quality, and out of sheer boreness, I started to repeat the better ones...the rules had been broken and the story goes as what has quoted by bro AD!

When I finally woke up and decide to break with her, damn! she called my family! She got my details home no, address, IC number while I was asleep!

I denied till death and finally savage my roof from being burnt, but from that day, I was totally banned from going to Phil, order from minister of Home affair.

Bro, just my 2 RMB worth. It would not cause much damage no matter how much the mm love us. But, if we develop feeling for the mm, we are finished! To prevent this, we(the Manila kaki) has a simple golden rules...

1) never give your house key to the MM,
2) If you must, 10 fuks or 3 months...which ever come 1st, must dump the mm....
Greatest achievement is not having a pretty MM, but after having a pretty mm, yet able to dump her after 10 fuks, or 3 months.


I thought my relationship would be different from others (don't we all). That's why we got into it until it got uglier and uglier. Mine did not start with 10k. It started with helping out her new apartment rental. Then, supporting her studying english ... soon beauty courses, father's birthday ang-pow ... you get the idea. It added up quickly. Soon, from cash support of 10k unit, came the investment idea - open a small shop or buying an apartment, which would be in multiple 100k! The "jia-latt" feeling became unbearable. Emotion ran high. Depression sank in. I got tangled up in all sort of problems. My priorities mixed up.

I want you to know your message renewed my focus in life. I salute you and those that had posted such messages. Looking forward, it will be B-P-B for me too!
Old 27-03-2006, 06:36 PM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Originally Posted by ADog

It started with helping out her new apartment rental. Then...

Hmmm.. sound it a common tactic??
Old 27-03-2006, 06:45 PM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Originally Posted by LawTeoChew
Bro Ad,

When I finally woke up and decide to break with her, damn! she called my family! She got my details home no, address, IC number while I was asleep!

Greatest achievement is not having a pretty MM, but after having a pretty mm, yet able to dump her after 10 fuks, or 3 months.

bro, what will end up if u r still single? fuk and dump, right?
to me, so far so good...touch wood!
Old 27-03-2006, 07:01 PM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Originally Posted by supertora
bro, what will end up if u r still single? fuk and dump, right?
For me, it has always been the 5Fs: Find them, Feel them, Finger them, Fcuk them, and most importantly Forget them. It still works for me – after cheonging in the region for over 30 years. And always remember: “Business is Business, Love is all Bullshit!”

Just my 5-fen worth. Yep, I’m still single.
Old 27-03-2006, 07:50 PM
maninsin maninsin is offline
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Originally Posted by SGPshanghai69
Indeed that the KTV gals, the HC gals, the whatever gals as long as they are from the 'joints' or even cases that they are from norm day jobs life, a BIG BIG YES that they are simply all out to 'fish' the unaware's always the begining with "No, I'm not here for your money, it's you & your charismatic self that charms me....I'm most willing to part my legs for ya my dear...."



Bro SGP69....

Couldn't agree with you more than what you mentioned... At times, we are just too blinded ourselves that we just got involved into a relationship too fast.. Not realizing what comes later... Many a times, we told ourselves that this one is different, but alas, it still turn out to be the same...

Whatever it is, I hv learned and know when enough is enough.... No more such things as all the craps that they have cooked up... Sorry it sounds bitter but I'm not saying all PRC mms are like that but at least 95% will somehow behave in this way be they from north, south, east or west... Especially so when they knew that you are a foreigner....

Just my 1RMB worth of thoughts...

Old 27-03-2006, 07:54 PM
LawTeoChew LawTeoChew is offline
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Originally Posted by supertora
bro, what will end up if u r still single? fuk and dump, right?
to me, so far so good...touch wood!

Haha...So far I have not heard of single kena this kind of thing, may be single is immuned ba?

Old 27-03-2006, 08:39 PM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Originally Posted by SGPshanghai69
.KNN...only can blame my 'small head' always think faster & over rule my big head then lah........Nabei......

I swear I will never will & never shall kenna this 'gong tao' or black magic again.....only 'Pay & Fuck' from now onwards......all the way.......
Bro...u sure or not?? You can meh??

Being too humble can be interpreted as being Boastful
Old 27-03-2006, 10:51 PM
Morningrun Morningrun is offline
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Originally Posted by maninsin
Bro SGP69....

Couldn't agree with you more than what you mentioned... At times, we are just too blinded ourselves that we just got involved into a relationship too fast.. Not realizing what comes later... Many a times, we told ourselves that this one is different, but alas, it still turn out to be the same...

Whatever it is, I hv learned and know when enough is enough.... No more such things as all the craps that they have cooked up... Sorry it sounds bitter but I'm not saying all PRC mms are like that but at least 95% will somehow behave in this way be they from north, south, east or west... Especially so when they knew that you are a foreigner....

Just my 1RMB worth of thoughts...

But sometimes they start out in the 95% category but can be pulled out of that category by long traiing and suffering. Hor? MIS Hor? ... as you said today.... they need to win your trust. As a rule be more than suspicious at the start.

Me? still pained that Joy and I parted company, but now the pain is almost a distant flicker..... All you brothers are correct. Keep it transactional.

Power to y'all
Old 27-03-2006, 11:24 PM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Originally Posted by Huzige
For me, it has always been the 5Fs: Find them, Feel them, Finger them, Fcuk them, and most importantly Forget them. It still works for me – after cheonging in the region for over 30 years. And always remember: “Business is Business, Love is all Bullshit!”
Well said, Bro Huzige,

B-P-B is easy said than done, I fully agreed. It takes time and some bad encounters to harden oneself to do that. I did have the tendency to go back to the girls who provided good services. Nowaday, I still keep some loose relationships, but it is always pay after each time they have spent time with me. It is clear to both of us that a relation would never be established.

Now, let us compile a list of excuses and sweet words that bring down a man in PR China:

1. I am sure this girl is different, she is not after my money.

2. She washes my clothes, cooks for me, and ..., and she refuses to take my money.

3. She told me that between a loving couple, money should not be a blocking stone to our relationship.

4. ............ Brothers! Please add on. I am limited.

Adding to this list does not demonstrate that you have been conned before. Nevertheless, I admit that I had even fallen in to the traps before! So what? An awakening has wised me up.

With best regards

My 0.01 RMB worth
Just a Retired Simple Man

PuTonRen aka UFO_Man
Old 28-03-2006, 12:32 AM
alpha123 alpha123 is offline
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Dear All bro here,

I think Shanghai Recommendation or the Shanghai forum has become bigger and bigger. And it is tough for many people to find informations because we have to scroll and read 300 pages to find the infomation. Can we separate 1 section for Shanghai friends talk and another is the info available?

Thank you
Old 28-03-2006, 02:28 AM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Originally Posted by supertora
Hmmm.. sound it a common tactic??
Dear Bro supertora,
Hi there!
It basically goes down to each other get what they want.
I saw one incident myself about 6 years ago. A old jap, mm and mm mother, at a property agency. They couldn't even communicate much with each other, at time the sales person has to translate for them, and they are buying apartment.
To me, the old man got young pussy via his money,
while the mm got money via her young pussy, simple as that.
So if one does not have to plan to keep one, I don't think he will invest that much of money, unless one plan to marry her, which in this case, I do not think so.
Hope you are not in this situation. (no offence!)
Take Care!

p/s: glad to see so many bro participating...Keep it UP....

Old 28-03-2006, 02:46 AM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Originally Posted by ADog
Bro ShengGe,
Thank you for welcoming me .. it is an honor to see your reply.
There is no doubt you are another wise sifu, with not one but double spotlights to guide the way.
Dear Bro AD,
Paiseh lah!
After all these years, I am still learning, and for sure I am not wise and qualify to be a sifu. Bros here basically shares from the experiences they have seen, heard and encountered.
When I was here many years ago, really there was no one to seek advice, nor there is spotlights to guide the way leh. For me, there are too many spies around, I cannot have spotlight with me nor be a spotlight, or else......

I am sure you got plenty to share over here.

Good Luck!

Old 28-03-2006, 05:16 AM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Originally Posted by PuTonRen
Now, let us compile a list of excuses and sweet words that bring down a man in PR China:

1. I am sure this girl is different, she is not after my money.

2. She washes my clothes, cooks for me, and ..., and she refuses to take my money.

3. She told me that between a loving couple, money should not be a blocking stone to our relationship.

4. ............ Brothers! Please add on. I am limited.
Alright, bro PTR – I’ll try to add…
4. “This MM is different and filial. She has been sending home every Yuan that I have given her…” (Oophs… he forgot to check if she has a LaoGong at home)
5. “This is a very smart and capable MM, carry herself very well and has been a big help in my work with her extensive network of contacts…” (Very dangerous mixing work with pleasure. I know a guy who lost it all when he took his MM’s suggestion to register the business in her name in order to “short-cut” the local administrative requirements.)
6. “OMG, she is pregnant with my baby and refuses to get an abortion…” (see liao lah! )

Well, I’m only human and had my moments when my small head vetoed the big head and costing a few extra $$ but luckily no major damage. I put that down as my school fee in the University of Life. Luckily, I was much hardened by the time I came to China, but still diligently learning from the “mistakes” that other friends made.

Then again, this is not unique to Chinese MMs. I do have an extreme case – a married Aussie colleague got involved with a bar girl on his first visit to Bangkok that ended tragically with him taking his life when he could not get out of the shit-hole he managed to dig himself into. I still think he is an idiot taking the easy way out – totally unnecessary, leaving behind a son. And I still remember what he told me – his marriage was becoming monotonous and he never had a MM taking such good care of him – even though I told him there are plenty more where they came from! But she soon demanded he get a divorce, etc etc….
Old 28-03-2006, 09:33 AM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Originally Posted by shengge
Dear Bro AD,
Paiseh lah!
After all these years, I am still learning, and for sure I am not wise and qualify to be a sifu. Bros here basically shares from the experiences they have seen, heard and encountered.
When I was here many years ago, really there was no one to seek advice, nor there is spotlights to guide the way leh. For me, there are too many spies around, I cannot have spotlight with me nor be a spotlight, or else......

I am sure you got plenty to share over here.

Good Luck!
Hi Senior Bro shengge, My light-house with two big rotating big-bulbs,

You are really good and experienced, I am sure the brothers here benefit from your wise advice and vast experience. Why not add on to the list that I have posted and then added by Bro Huzige, I am sure you have a lot to add.

Regards (Will be in another far away part of China... sigh... Miss you all in Shanghai, and the SYT).

PT Lao R
Just a Retired Simple Man

PuTonRen aka UFO_Man
Old 28-03-2006, 09:37 AM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Originally Posted by alpha123
Dear All bro here,

I think Shanghai Recommendation or the Shanghai forum has become bigger and bigger. And it is tough for many people to find informations because we have to scroll and read 300 pages to find the infomation. Can we separate 1 section for Shanghai friends talk and another is the info available?

Thank you
Dear Bro alpha123,

Brothers in this forum enjoy mixing the provision and sharing of information with friendly chats between them. We have all learnt and enjoyed reading this thread. I am afraid you just have to leave with it. In any case, you have not posted frequent enough to enjoy the fun.

If you wish, you may like to consider starting another thread, let us call it "Shanghai Cheong-scene information" or words to that effects.

My 2 cent worth.


PT Lao R
Just a Retired Simple Man

PuTonRen aka UFO_Man
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