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Old 23-10-2006, 03:44 AM
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Re: BMW The Flawless Gem!

Hi bro, I very "inactive" in the "D" other side and even SB compared to a few years back thats why my info not updated. Juz that when I had supper with the M of the other side, he was updating me about bro bjmydong and your FRs on BM causing a storm .... ha ha ha

I don't lose anything as I have been in GL for donkey years and all experienced brothers know good things have to wait and for new hot gals, it is best to wait till the storm blows over then try. We can never understand the pressure these gals feel.

Give you another "gem" to try out ... check your PM ...cheers

Originally Posted by escobar43535
dude i suggest u do a check more on this truly flawless Gem was released there sometime before our frs in SBF...i guess u snooze u lose

as BMW is probably going back to Ipoh on Sun, 29/10, best bet wld be to go to her house, L24M13, to get doubt u shall probably hv to wait but hey like they say "something good is always worth the wait" and if u r into excellent sexy flirtatious gf service, like say Mei Zhi, San San and the naughty retired Hai San, u shall probably not be disappointed wif this tip top BMW M6 classy model...moreover she comes across as a nice gal and is not a time watcher...

as for gals' ages, i am a poor judge...but if she is in fact 28, she sure does not look it & more imptly her pussy is pretty tight...

btw hv u or any of yr friends tried the other apparent new ang pai, Cookie of L28H41A who recently went back to M'sia on her break?...i hv yet to see a detailed fr on this gal and am real curious as to why there was so much pent up demand for her...i believe some chaps even booked her for up to 4 sessions straight! much so that she appeared "baked" up at L28H31B more than at her own homebase...strangely reminded me of the time when San San was real hot and cld be found more easily at Tommy's place than at her homebase, L22H22A...the politics of GL never fails to amuse me...LOL...
We the BROTHERS of GL SAF, swear to have FUN by finding the BEST CUNTS!

"King's Latest Party Gals" thread will have the details of the GL 150 gals I had since July 2001

Go to "GL Newest Party Joint" thread for the latest GL updates with the help of all the brothers who PM or sms me or post in the thread.

Will be fading away from GL soon but as I said "No one retires from GL" .... who knows?
Old 24-10-2006, 11:35 PM
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Re: BMW The Flawless Gem!

Originally Posted by cuntking
Hi bro, I very "inactive" in the "D" other side and even SB compared to a few years back thats why my info not updated. Juz that when I had supper with the M of the other side, he was updating me about bro bjmydong and your FRs on BM causing a storm .... ha ha ha

I don't lose anything as I have been in GL for donkey years and all experienced brothers know good things have to wait and for new hot gals, it is best to wait till the storm blows over then try. We can never understand the pressure these gals feel.

Give you another "gem" to try out ... check your PM ...cheers
dude i was writing tongue in cheek don't take it personally...u r probably rt to wait until the brouhaha dies down...however i don't think BMW is the type of gal that feels pressured by the demand...i note that she still appears to take her own slow sweet time to service her clientele be they regulars or first timers...that appears to be her style and i think it helps that she was previously in this line in M'sia before coming over to GL...oh and she also appears to be a hard worker but knows how to pace herself as she does take the odd day or two off to rest after every few days of work...

btw appreciate the heads up on another apparent new gem...looks like the recent batches r finally throwing up the odd gem or two after along while eh?...regards

ps. any info on Cookie of L28H41A?...still curious dude...
Old 25-10-2006, 12:08 AM
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Smile The Queue for BMW

Originally Posted by vader69
i guess i will wait for her to get back. I have experience the waiting hell for girls b4 once a hot FR is written about them
i think it is perhaps wise of u to do just that...heard that BMW has not left her "garage" in days...worse still some chaps r booking her for multiple beat the queue apparently one kiasu punter even turned up at L24M13 before 12 noon to be first in line
Old 25-10-2006, 03:42 AM
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Re: Gl 150

book bmw for multi sexxion is ok lah, but Q up b4 12pm real surprise leh. like buy toto 10 million jackpot prize like that leh. this bmw must be making tons of $$$ and her okt also must be smiling liao
"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder"

Old 28-10-2006, 01:39 AM
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Re: Gl 150

Any update on Miki1 ?

I remembered when I tried her the last time, she didn't like me to touch her breast. Whenever I want to grab her breast, she will take my hands away to touch her pussy.

She still like that ?
SSOU = Sudden Surge of Urge
Old 28-10-2006, 11:40 AM
glstunner glstunner is offline
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Re: Gl 150

Originally Posted by SSOU
Any update on Miki1 ?

I remembered when I tried her the last time, she didn't like me to touch her breast. Whenever I want to grab her breast, she will take my hands away to touch her pussy.

She still like that ?
Yes still sensitive on those parts.....sigh but service still there!
Old 28-10-2006, 05:19 PM
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Re: Gl 150

Originally Posted by glstunner
Yes still sensitive on those parts.....sigh but service still there!
I don't remember her moving my hands away when I fondled her tits the last time I had had her. However, one thing for sure, she does not allow people to mess with her hair during the session ... kekeke!
There's a dark side to male sexuality that operates on an intrinsically primitive level. Unleash it and you can't help but see evidence of raw, uncontrollable emotion ...

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Old 31-10-2006, 10:31 AM
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Re: Gl 150


Was sitting at my usual joint and thinking hard on who to look for. OKT
recommended for me to RTF Iris. After much consideration, due to the
previous SOP session, decided to take up his suggestion and I was not disappointed.

Looks: 7.5
Looks much better than before. She's a young & sweet looking gal with a nice
round face, sweet smile and long straight black hair.

Body: 7.5
Her body looks stunning with clothes on and I was not disappointed when the
clothes came off but her tits are a bit small. However her butt is solid, firm
& perky.

A lot better than my previous visit. Spends a long time in this department.
OK suction and she tries to deepthroat too.

AR: Never try.

FJ: 7
Very natural, responsive and proactive. Really like her facial expressions
and the way she moans.

Quite a chatty gal who aims to please. Her PR skills improved by quite a bit
since my last visit. Does not rush you and tries her best to provide a good
session. She is not a commando service type of gal and will recommend to bros
who are into gf type treatment.

RTF: A potential regular.
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Old 31-10-2006, 07:57 PM
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Re: Gl 150

can bros out there tell me which gal got wavey hair ?
Old 04-11-2006, 03:54 PM
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Re: The Queue for BMW

Originally Posted by escobar43535
i think it is perhaps wise of u to do just that...heard that BMW has not left her "garage" in days...worse still some chaps r booking her for multiple beat the queue apparently one kiasu punter even turned up at L24M13 before 12 noon to be first in line
She is on home leave now. Maybe we all should start queing now ? Hahaha
Old 05-11-2006, 11:29 PM
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Thumbs up Cookie (W16H04)

finally managed to call Cookie since her return(this is her 3rd mth in
GL) and yes she has moved house to W16H04 (tks to BJmydong's info)...

she hails fm KL, ok looking face, neither fair nor dark skin tone,
shortish brown neck/shoulder length hair, firm succulent C cupper
boobs wif brownish tits quite large aereola, pierced belly button,
neatly trimmed cunt hair, abt 1.6m in ht, ok ass, painted nails both
fingers and toes, looks to be in her mid 20s...looks abit like Wine
(especially the boobs)quite voluptuous although her personality is
more outgoing, chatty, bubbly and quite frank...speaks v little

action starts in the shower...she goes behind and lathers the cock and
balls wif soap, then lathers her boobs and gives a soothing boob
massage...ooh i like...turns me ard then nibbles my nipples and plays
wif my cock, i lift up her face and we french while the warm water
trickles on us...quite a good frencher, gets my cock rock hard, she
then squats goes south and gives me a warm water bbbj...ooh i like
this even more...

on the bed, i was instructed to turn on my front while she gives me a
pleasurable catbath on my back using her fingertips to quite good use,
afterawhile she get's me in doggie and slowly licks my ah wif sensuous
wet licks and simultaneously plays wif my cock and balls...she then
goes underneath and bbbj's me medium suction, nice wet & slurpy...this
is followed by her applying baby oil to my cock which she lovingly
strokes, she also applies baby oil to my ass cheeks and to her boobs
and proceeds to boob massage my ass cheeks and crack, quite unique and
exhilarating...i then turn ard and lay back to let her bbbj me fm the
front, she sucks and gives me the cfm look, i get excited and squeeze
those those luscious melons...following which i straighten my back cup
her face while she sucks me and slowly draw her up to face me, we
slowly french like long lost lovers...while she strokes my rock hard

my turn to service her, so i manouevre her to layback...take a short
moment to admire her perky tasty C cuppers, dip my fingers in her
sweet mouth then sensuously arouse her titties which become erect in
no time followed by suckling and massaging of her boobs...Cookie seems
to enjoy this activity and softly moans, i look up wif a boob in my
mouth and catch her cfm look which makes me squeeze her other boob
harder...then french abit and slowly go south giving her a sensual
catbath, reach her clitty and cunt...dip my fingers in her sweet mouth
once again and then lubricate her clitty pearl following which i
simultaneously finger her cunt which becomes dripping wet in no
time...she squirms and moans more urgently which turns me on further
and i squeeze those lovely boobs as well...

to take a breather, she baby oils her boobs and i partake in a boob
fuck where she squeezes her boobs together to envelope my cock while i
move up and down to gain friction, and enjoy her cfm look at the same
time...nice, almost spurted my juice on her a variation, i
rubbed my cockhead on her erect oiled titties...she then get's up and
goes into 69, shaking her ass in my face while she blows away on my
cock...i slurp and finger wif her juices now dripping dowm her ass and
my face, her moans getting louder...can't take it much longer so i get
her to cap me and i mount her first missionary, then change to doggie
wif me slapping and squeezing her ass cheeks than squeezing those
luscious boobs fm behind, then got her on the edge of the bed
straddled her legs on my shoulders while i pumped and squeezed away,
finaly ended off wif her riding me bronco, her cfm face turning me on
while i squeezed & tasted those luscious boobs and came wif a bang...

ended the session wif a good hard massage and a short chit
chat...Cookie is v experienced in this line and has extensive
international experience including places like London and
Toronto...quite a good mix of commando and gf service...treat her
right and i don't think u shall be disappointed...oh and enjoy the
luscious boobs and baby oil
Old 07-11-2006, 04:02 PM
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Re: Gl 150

My first try at CAT150 – Evon

Went down with a friend to his regular joint at W06, it was a nice big place. Was sitting there, drinking tea and chatting with my friend and the OKT when I saw a pretty young gal walk past. Seeing my reaction, my friend asks me if I’m interested. Of course I am, so he informs the OKT and I followed her ass upstairs.

Once in the room, found out she is called Evon and a house girl of W06. Saw her undress and I quickly jumped out of my clothes. After which, was led to the showers. Nothing much happened in the showers. After drying up, quickly jump onto the bed to wait for her.

She started off lick from my neck to my nipples while her hand keep stroking junior which is already standing up in attention. Slowly she move down to junior and proceed to give me a nice BBBJ. After quite a while, she ask me to turn over and gave me a AR which I must say was quite uncomfortable as I am not used to it. Told her to skip it and turn over again for her to continue with BBBJ.

Soon the cap is on and she climb onto me and rode me. Seeing her rocking me with her eyes closed, her tits bouncing up & down and her sexy moans, I almost lost it there and then so decided to take control and change position. Changed to missionary and then to doggy and finally unloaded. She helps me clean up and did a massage for me before proceeding to shower. Dress up; say the goodbyes and the session is over.

Looks: 7 (Pretty, young and sweet looking)
Body: 7.5 (Slim & fair with nice complexion. Tits are a bit small with pink nipples and nice butt)
FJ: 7.5
Old 09-11-2006, 11:51 AM
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Re: Gl 150

Yesterday was really a bad day. Went down to GL to look for BMW or Kico after some great FRs from Bro BJmydong and Escobar. Went to BMW house after some searching and was told she back home liao. Then decided to call Tommy to ask about Kico and she is back too. Guess I have no fate with them and GL 150... Haiz, went back with ammo intact.

Shoould have asked around before going down.

Thanks & Best Regards

Always in search of BIG boobies, the bigger, the better...
Old 09-11-2006, 02:59 PM
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Re: Gl 150

Originally Posted by GiftonJS
Yesterday was really a bad day. Went down to GL to look for BMW or Kico after some great FRs from Bro BJmydong and Escobar. Went to BMW house after some searching and was told she back home liao. Then decided to call Tommy to ask about Kico and she is back too. Guess I have no fate with them and GL 150... Haiz, went back with ammo intact.

Shoould have asked around before going down.

Thanks & Best Regards

bro, worry not... try them another day lor
Old 09-11-2006, 05:44 PM
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Re: Gl 150

halo...yo bro...u meantion that u call tommy to ask for kico & he say she went back liao...say only lor...on sun ..i oso call tommy to ask for kico..he oso say she went back...then i go kico house & ask for her...she is around !! sometimes his words cant b trusted too much...of cos he oso got his good points...wat i like is his house...big & comfortable...& he is frenly...
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