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Old 29-09-2012, 03:53 AM
crazysexycool crazysexycool is offline
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Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

Hey guys jus came out of retirement n heading bkk

Hmm seems like time for me to start sbf again .. n agg girls shall be next victims

So beside rb n aw n billboard n lasveg .. any more awesome AGG places to rec ?
Old 09-10-2012, 04:22 PM
gong2 gong2 is offline
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Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

Hello all ,

I gone to bkk several times , been to nana and soi cowboy. But have not go saphan kwai.
Can any cheongster intro a bit on this place ?
What I heard it cater more to the Thai locals , is it true ?
If we go , will we become Roberts ?
How are the girls compare to nana and soi cowboys ?

Your guidance will be greatly appreciated. As I am going next weekend

Thank you.
Old 10-10-2012, 05:09 PM
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Thailand Public Holidays 2013

Thailand Public Holidays 2013

Here is a list of Thailand Public Holidays & Festivals of calendar year 2013. There are national holidays, as well as some of the most important festivals and celebrations in Thailand. Many of Thailand holidays are based on Thai lunar calendar, thus it will have different dates from previous years.

The dates of Thailand 2013 public holidays are available below. Please note that this Thailand 2013 public holidays calendar is based on estimate only. We do not and cannot guarantee the accuracy of this Thailand public holidays calendar for the year of 2013.

Thailand Holidays 2013 & Thailand Festivals 2013
Here is the list of Thailand 2013 holidays and festivals.

New Year’s Day
The 1st day of the 1st month according to Western calendar – New Year’s Day
Tuesday, 1 January 2013

Chinese New Year
The 1st day of the 1st lunar month according to Chinese lunar calendar – Chinese New Year
Not a national holiday, but some businesses are closed.
Sunday, 10 February 2013

Makha Bucha
Commemorates Buddha’s teaching of Ovada Patimokkha.
Monday, 11 March 2013

Chakri Memorial Day
Commemorates the establishment of Chakri Dinasty – Chakri
Saturday, 6 April 2013
*Monday, 8 April 2013 (substitute)

Songkran Festival
Sonkran festival, also known as Water festival, is the traditional Thai New Year. The prime holiday in Thailand.
Saturday, 13 April 2013
Sunday, 14 April 2013
Monday, 15 April 2013
Tuesday, 16 April 2013 (*Sonkran observed)
Wednesday, 17 April 2013 (*Sonkran observed)

Thailand Labor Day
International labor day to celebrates the achievement of the workers.
Wednesday, 1 May 2013

Coronation Day
Commemorates the coronation of King Bhumibol Adulyadej.
Sunday, 5 May 2013
*Monday, 6 May 2013 (substitute)

Royal Ploughing Ceremony
Ceremony to give blessings to the farmers.
Saturday, 11 May 2013 (the date may change)

Visakha Bucha / Vesak Day
Celebrates the birth, enlightenment, and entry to the nirvana of Buddha – Vesak Day
Friday, 24 May 2013

Asanha Bucha / Asalha Puja Day
Commemorates the Buddha’s first sermon in the Deer Park in Benares.
Tuesday, 30 July 2013

HM The Queen’s Birthday
Celebrates the birthday of Queen Sirikit in 1932.
Monday, 12 August 2013

Chulalongkorn Memorial Day
Commemorates the passing of King Chulalongkorn in 1910.
Wednesday, 23 October 2013

Loy Kratong
The day to respect the goddess of the water by floating candlelit offerings on all waterways around the kingdom – Loy Krathong
Not a national holiday.
Monday, 18 November 2013

HM The King’s Birthday
Commemorates the birthday of King Bhumibol Adulyadej in 1927.
Thursday, 5 December 2013

Thai Constitution Day
Celebrates the proclamation of the first permanent constitution in 1932.
Tuesday, 10 December 2013
Old 10-10-2012, 11:19 PM
stmapede stmapede is offline
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Re: Thailand Public Holidays 2013

Originally Posted by KatoeyLover69 View Post
Thailand Public Holidays 2013

Here is a list of Thailand Public Holidays & Festivals of calendar year 2013. There are national holidays, as well as some of the most important festivals and celebrations in Thailand. Many of Thailand holidays are based on Thai lunar calendar, thus it will have different dates from previous years.

The dates of Thailand 2013 public holidays are available below. Please note that this Thailand 2013 public holidays calendar is based on estimate only. We do not and cannot guarantee the accuracy of this Thailand public holidays calendar for the year of 2013.

Thailand Holidays 2013 & Thailand Festivals 2013
Here is the list of Thailand 2013 holidays and festivals.
Thanks for the info. Very helpful for everyone to avoid going on holidays where bars are close or when its dry day.
Old 11-10-2012, 03:12 AM
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Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

Rainbow 4

Originally Posted by acmilan View Post
I tot RB4 has 4 floors/ rounds. And at least 2 rounds have bevies of SYTs bunched together.
Yes, RB4 used to always start with 4 flrs. So did RB2 and I think RB1. I've been going to RB4 since it opened and they have always had only 1 fl with the younger girls. That doesn't mean that there aren't any lookers in the other 3 fls, like #100.

Used to have a GF from RB4 but finally couldn't take all the lies and games. Once i paid the BF and she did a runner. After that, she had to BF herself if she wanted to go with me from the bar. Usually she would come over to my place by herself, so I didn't have to pay any BF, just the taxi fare (and her regular fee, no discount).

RB4 girls have developed a bad reputation, which is why the Jps have returned to RB2.

There's a new (to me) girl in the SYT group, #157. Not sure if I already mentioned her. She's a bit on the skinny side but amazingly has nice BBs. The problem is that she's BFd before she even finishes dancing one set, so I haven't had a chance to talk to her.
Old 11-10-2012, 03:22 AM
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Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

Golden Group (Soi Cowboy)

The bars seem to have new (to me) drink menus. Bottled beers and most hard drinks are now B190!

The BF for go go dancers and hostesses has gone up to B800, but falls to B700 after 10 pm. It shoots up to B1,600 or B1,800 (can't remember) on holidays (and probably holiday eves).

Rio has stopped its all day, every day draft beer special, except for Mon-Wed. But they kept the draft beer price at B90 (thank god) instead of raising it to B110 like all the other bars in the group did a long time ago.

And all the bars have eliminated happy hour. I used to go during HH a lot until they started having coyote dancers. The coyotes don't start dancing until 9 pm so u couldn't see them during HH. Plus sometimes during HH the go go dancers weren't taking their tops off. Sahara never had a HH.
Old 11-10-2012, 03:50 AM
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Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

Deja Vu

If u r into coyotes, this bar has more of them than any other on SC. At one time they can have 18 coyotes dancing - 13 on the main stage and 1 each on the 5 satellite stages.

I like this bar because it's big and roomy. Some of the Golden bars like Kiss are so tight that they have signs warning u not to kick the panels or u will be made to pay for any damage. It's so big that the back corners are somewhat private so u can do some roaming on the coyotes.

The coyotes here are also hot. Some of them do the "itchy ear" dance, which is amazing.

And the coyotes here are young, like teens, while some of the other bars tend to have older, quieter coyotes. There's quite a bit of turnover, so there are usually many new girls.

There's one coyote named Fai that maybe is not a super SYT but seems to be nice. Like her trim body. The coyotes don't have badges but she has a scar on her lower belly from an appendix operation.

The Golden Group of bars have so many coyotes now, that I think the quality has gone down a little. They used to have some real stunners like May at Sahara, but now most of them are run-of-the-mill. They aren't any different than go go dancers used to be.

Last edited by Siammy; 11-10-2012 at 03:54 AM. Reason: correct name of bar
Old 11-10-2012, 12:35 PM
stmapede stmapede is offline
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Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

When you say Golden Group Bars, are you referring to the Arab Bars (chain of bar suppose to belong to an Arab/Middle eastern man).

If that's the case, high and raising price of drinks and barfines has always being a norm in these bars.

Many experiences of high bills and overcharging in these bars can be found reported in various sites if you spend some time google it.

I had only step into one long long time ago and never set foot in any one of them after that. A 20mins stay with a few drinks for myself and 2 LD set me back THB1500. Didn't bother to challenge it as I was new to the scene then and was not aware of the bad reputation of these bars.

Got to know all these info about the Arab bar from a farang guy whom I talked to later in a beer bar one afternoon. He claims he is regular in BKK nightlife. When I came back home, I googled and found his claims not unfound.
Old 11-10-2012, 12:54 PM
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Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

It has been more than a year since I came back to Soi Cowboy AGG bars and wanted to see what has changed - prices for one!

Started my bar hopping at Baccarra. Place was already packed when I arrived at 9pm. Luckily managed to score a nice sofa seat in front of the stage. There must b 50 girls downstairs that rotate in 2 groups. Upstairs also 2 groups - one tat takes their top off and the other don't. Downstairs girls will b in bikinis and taller. Upstair girls are shorter & dance without underwear so u can see their pussies through the glass ceiling below.

Saw a few nice ones downstairs. #245 had a nice set of racks & looks but doesn't smile. Too many girls squeezed on stage so unless u walk a bit u can't see all the girls. Waitress with #30 tag was also not bad. Paid for my drink went upstairs. If u like small girls with big tits then upstairs is for you. #28, #67, #24 and a few numbers I can't recall off hand.

Realized that Baccarra girls are nice (about 100 girls working and maybe 20% are OK?) but not really friendly. Don't want to risk a star fish so finished my drink and left.
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Old 11-10-2012, 01:05 PM
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Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

Originally Posted by indianmagicoil View Post
......Realized that Baccarra girls are nice (about 100 girls working and maybe 20% are OK?) but not really friendly. Don't want to risk a star fish so finished my drink and left.
At the end of the night, blue balls or star fish? Hummmm....I guess I'll take the fish
Old 11-10-2012, 01:33 PM
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Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

Went next door to Sharks. Apparently business not bad so their 2nd floor is now opened but take note that it's a smoking section so if u don't want to smell like an ashtray then stay below. Sharks maybe 30 plus girls working? Rotate i think, dance downstairs then go up? Shark's girls standard maintained 50/50 hits & misses and may not b every bro's cup of tea but girls r friendlier. #1 downstairs fair skin, tall and great pole grinder. After watching her grind her ass again for the nth time i paid up and left.

Headed to Long Gun where i met a nice cute one a when i last was there. Girls standard dropped drastically. Dark skin, lumpy with small tits more suited for working in a bar beer. Give them "A" for effort as the bar tired to put up a show rather than ask the girls shuffle on stage.

Another strike.. where next? I have been to a few before and didn't like them. Tilac too much mirrors and strobe lighting and some were jurassic park with dinosaur on display outside. Peeped into Fanny and Raw Hide but empty so went to Deja Vu coz got pulled in by SYT in cute racing queen uniform intact they got a whole bunch of them outside. Went in and big mistake. NOBODY! Only 2 farangs... then realize was the Arab rip off joint. Saw menu and it's Bht 190 for a bottle???!!! 3 SYTs come attack me. All damn cute and petite. Ask them LD how much. "Bht 220". Huh? Did i hear wrong? Asked again. Bht 220. Told them so expensive and 2 of them split. Last one trdied her best but i finished my "happy hour" beer, small mug Bht110, and quickly split. Siammy are u Golden Group FR writer? Last time i went Sahara also kana carrot with my friend.

SC no luck so tried one last one, Sheba. Small bar with less than 20 girls. Here mamasan tried her luck. My birthday... yeah right. Said mine also today! Not happening for me...
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Old 11-10-2012, 02:58 PM
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Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

Noob question. Anyone tried BF those coyotes " race queen uniform " girls? What's the rate like? Need to let a friend of mine know because he asked me and I never entered those bars.
Old 11-10-2012, 07:14 PM
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Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

Originally Posted by rukthai View Post
Noob question. Anyone tried BF those coyotes " race queen uniform " girls? What's the rate like? Need to let a friend of mine know because he asked me and I never entered those bars.
U noob? Maybe in SC....but can't say the same for NEP....haha
Old 11-10-2012, 07:30 PM
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Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

Damage list from my survey last night. IMO Baccaraa seems to be the cheapest of all the AGGs I went to.

Baccarra: Bht150
Shark: Bht145
Long Gun: Bht155
Deja Vu: Bht110 (small mug of "HH" beer). Didn't bother to check whisky prices if beer already Bht190 for a small bottle.
Shebas: Bht160

All joints I ordered a sangsom soda with exception of Baccarra where I had a JW Black soda. So looks like drinks at Baccarra are the cheapest and Deja Vu the most expensive.

Striking out and dun want wait til midnight to watch the show at Suzie Wong's so decided to head over to NEP. Walking over saw many FLs along the sidewalk. Walked passed Tharmae, hmmm... Also so long never go in see... Wahh... More girls than guys. Bro Soopa, I didn't get blue balls last night... FR will be posted in Bangkok Field report thread

Bro Rukthai; my friend tried to BF a coyote for Sahara (same Arab owner) and they told him "cannot" so never asked further.
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Old 11-10-2012, 10:52 PM
SilverCynical89 SilverCynical89 is offline
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Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

Any brudder here at BKK ? Staying near Baiyoke manage to have 2 hours time off as gf shopping any AGG recommended to have ST , budget at around 2-3k. Went this afternoon for massage manage to have a private room with the price 200b plus 1.2 with a syt near hotel.
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