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Old 10-04-2006, 12:14 AM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Originally Posted by maninsin

Anyway, juz let us know when you are coming to SHA again and am really looking forward in having the tea session with you.....

Dear Brother Maninsin,

Thank you for the kind words. I also look forward to meet you, Morningrun, SGPShanghai and our Light-house, etc for a good tea session. It will be an honour and a great pleasure for me to meet up with the two "MM" (Not Meimeis, but MR and MIS, hahahaha....). I will be in home base for quite sometimes, but will head for Europe first before coming to China. I think I would miss the Chinese Meimeis for a long time. Hahaha... Senior Bro shengge will be entrusted to look after my regular friends (the Two L's, hahaha!, he knows them).

ONS in China, especially in Shanghai is not an easy thing. Perhaps because I am a UFO (Ugly, Fat and Old), I had not more than five such lucks for my more than a decade time spent in China. They were all by chance, and not pre-planned (no way!). I got twice in Shanghai only, one in a noisy bar in XinTianDi, and one in a cafe. Twice in 6 and a half year time in Shanghai. I am convinced that it was because I am a UFO. The best thing that most of us had experienced is probably our relationship with a WL or FL started with money transaction purely in mind, and as time passed, the relationship became perhaps 50%:50% Feeling:Money. Look! These ladies are out here to make money, but not to enter into Romance.

Even with a girl from Ningbo whom I know in Shanghai, and who was working in a Food Import/Export company (not a FL nor WL), our relationship was purposely kept at 75% Feeling: 25% Money. Trust me! If one day, we needed to part, it would be easier for both of us. Well, it happened already and I was right. We are still in contact, but no more initmate relationship.

Let thing take it own natural course. Whether one gets ONS, unfortunately, girls are at the controlling end. Taking an analogy as illustration, "Push the door hard, you either force the door to open as it is not locked or the door remains stubbornly shut as it has been double locked from inside. Of course, this does not apply when you have Tom Cruise's look or you push the door with your hands full of RMB 100 notes, and a wrist with a "five-match-stick" watch.

Brothers who hope to have ONS, Feeling-filled sexual encounters, etc., please prepare to meet disappointments.

As for FOC Sexual Relations, one Taiwanese friend told me what his father had advised him before my friend ventured into commercial scene, and that is
"Things which are free, are always the most expensive!" I think those are wise words from an experienced old man.

I am going to miss Shanghai for a long time, and may I seize this opportunity to send you my warmest regards. Work Hard, but Play Hard with Cautions!

Still no FR until I hear from our adventurous newbies, one amongst whom will be in Shanghai tomorrow.

See you soon.

Just a Retired Simple Man

PuTonRen aka UFO_Man
Old 10-04-2006, 12:17 AM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Originally Posted by naemlo
Temp in SG now, so when u want to la kopi??
Old Lamp,

You are in Singapore ah! Can have Kopi lah! Can we avoid JC area?

Look at your PM for my cell phone number and we can talk.


Young Torch

Just a Retired Simple Man

PuTonRen aka UFO_Man
Old 10-04-2006, 12:21 AM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Originally Posted by PuTonRen
Old Lamp
I'm not a lamp, but a lost sheep.

Originally Posted by PuTonRen
You are in Singapore ah! Can have Kopi lah! Can we avoid JC area?

Look at your PM for my cell phone number and we can talk.

No problem.
Ma sao khong the tha thu cho nhau mot lan
Old 10-04-2006, 11:34 AM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

hee, thanks shengge for the helpful tips =x =)

Any brother staying near Pu yu road? =) maybe we can contact each other or something?
Old 10-04-2006, 01:00 PM
SGPshanghai69 SGPshanghai69 is offline
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Originally Posted by maninsin
Dear Bro SGPshanghai69.....

Hmmm....... Talking from experience arh???!!! Not a ONS but T(2)NS hor....

True enuff.... majority of the single/couple girls in popular clubs who frequent the places are either FL or WL.... Not a good chance to get any action for free... Indeed, one will need to work thru the inner circle of friends to get any actions at all.. Picking up a girl from clubs for free in Shanghai????? Heard before but not too many cases...
Yo Bro MIS,
I've been here 5 years+ whom I only encountered not more than 5 times on ONS cases myself, mainly heard alot from freinds.
Personally I had ONS usually thru my inner circle of friends be it the locals or homeland buddies.

Yes indeed that ONS don't come by tat easily, time and opportunity are an essence as well.

To any new bros whom bear the thoughts on coming here for ONS, pls do NOT bear too high hopes! Shanghai is too realistic to offer anything, literally everything FREE!! No way.........even if there's a ONS available, one still have to pay for drinks & meals.......prior to getting the date onto the bed eventually!

My cent worth of personal experience & opinion....
SGP-SHA69, Another Simple Man
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Old 10-04-2006, 01:04 PM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Originally Posted by Daemoon
I went to Tong Ren Yuan at the 74 An Ban Road at about 4pm. This place is pretty run down
Massage : Crap
Will return again if only got good recommend by bros if not should go other joints and try out.
Dear Bro Daemoon,
May be you want to try the Yu Ping Hotel HC. Just that don't know how far from your place?
Should be better than TRY.
The massage basically for ice-breaking purpose.
Damage is RMB600~650.


Old 10-04-2006, 01:48 PM
SGPshanghai69 SGPshanghai69 is offline
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Originally Posted by shengge
May be you want to try the Yu Ping Hotel HC. Just that don't know how far from your place?
Should be better than TRY.
The massage basically for ice-breaking purpose.
Damage is RMB600~650.

Bro Shengge,
As big bro PTR siad herein, you're still the soul, the light-house, the beacon & most of all, the most forgiving person here to us all!
Many thanks for your selfless thoughts & being here to provide info to us all dear bro..........................

Cheers bro Shengge.......
Wishing u well........ever!

Best regards,
SGP-SHA69, Another Simple Man
Living life simple is a true blessing
Old 10-04-2006, 02:06 PM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Originally Posted by SGPshanghai69
Many thanks for your selfless thoughts & being here to provide info to us all dear bro..........................
Bro Sgpsha69,
He has made contribution mah, so I merely tell him the only place a familair with mah. Or I should stop and wait for those able one to make their recommendation? Do advise! Paiseh!


Old 10-04-2006, 02:06 PM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Originally Posted by SGPshanghai69
Yo Bro MIS,
I've been here 5 years+ whom I only encountered not more than 5 times on ONS cases myself, mainly heard alot from freinds.
Personally I had ONS usually thru my inner circle of friends be it the locals or homeland buddies.

Yes indeed that ONS don't come by tat easily, time and opportunity are an essence as well.

To any new bros whom bear the thoughts on coming here for ONS, pls do NOT bear too high hopes! Shanghai is too realistic to offer anything, literally everything FREE!! No way.........even if there's a ONS available, one still have to pay for drinks & meals.......prior to getting the date onto the bed eventually!

My cent worth of personal experience & opinion....
Well said bro! My thoughts exactly.

I am back after a long time of MIA!!
Old 10-04-2006, 02:13 PM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Originally Posted by PuTonRen
It was nice to be in Chongqing, as the girls are really beautiful. The stay was really enjoyable.PTR
Hi honorable bro PTR,

Yes! I love Chongqing too!
Old 10-04-2006, 02:15 PM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Dear Bro Shengge

Thanks for ur recommendation! Yu Ping HC is not that far from my place the most 30 minutes drive, so i might just try it out this coming weekend!! So are do u frequent this Hc often? got any girls to recommend?? if time permits maybe we can go together!

Old 10-04-2006, 02:18 PM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Originally Posted by luvgangsta
Hi honorable bro PTR,

Yes! I love Chongqing too!
Dear Brother luvgansta,

Indeed! Chongqing girls are superb. In fact, many of my friend, including Bro SGPShanghai69 know that I like girls from Sichuan. Bro SGP said I love big boob girl, partially true lah. It just happens that Sichuan girls usually have bog boobs.



Just a Retired Simple Man

PuTonRen aka UFO_Man
Old 10-04-2006, 03:17 PM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Originally Posted by Daemoon
Dear Bro Shengge
Thanks for ur recommendation! Yu Ping HC is not that far from my place the most 30 minutes drive, so i might just try it out this coming weekend!! So are do u frequent this Hc often? got any girls to recommend?? if time permits maybe we can go together!
I am not regular there, just that I know the a few mgrs there.
I do not know any mm there, basically, when I was there with my customers, the mgr will arrange 5-6 girls for us to choose.

Thanks for the invitation. Sorry to decline you like those bros that have PM me before.


Old 10-04-2006, 03:25 PM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Originally Posted by maninsin
Dear Big Bro PTR,

Its juz sad that sometimes people do not understand the meaning of "mutual respects".... Most of the times, bros will come in here asking politely for info required and will be guided by the senior bros here...

Of cos we dun owned this thread but this thread have been contributed by bros who spent their hard earned money and time in providing info for free....

And yes, I can testify that you have been very polite when you need info and I think some bros should have learn to act this way too.... We are not arrogant or "tua liap" but we know the correct way of asking for info we need.... And as mentioned, bro SGP69 is a wonderful bro who really takes his time in guiding the newbies in SHA and sacrifrying his personal time in showing the bros around....

Anyway, juz let us know when you are coming to SHA again and am really looking forward in having the tea session with you.....


Dear Bro Maninsin

And I can testify that you are polite & helpful too.

Thanks for trusting me with the contact. I will be coming to Shanghai within the next two weeks for a very short trip with some colleagues this time round. I am not sure whether I can find the time to have some fun but if I do I will certainly let you know.

Cheers !
Old 10-04-2006, 04:28 PM
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Yu Ping

Hi Bro Daemoon,

I can vouch for girl 817 in Yu Ping but it was more than 3 months ago. The girls change quite often so now it might be another girl with the same number. Anyway, there is a pretty good selection there especially between 4pm and 8pm during the week. It is in my opinion one of the best HC in Shanghai so enjoy. And don't pay more than 650 (600 with vip card if I recall).


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