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Old 13-08-2013, 05:03 PM
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Re: L18 H36 (One of my fav houses)

thanks for saving my precious.
how are the other new girls looks.
Old 14-08-2013, 01:04 AM
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Re: L18 H36 (One of my fav houses)

Originally Posted by tastertaster View Post
tried the new G88.

she is slim and a pretty face.

But service is HORRIBLE.

don't want to elaborate too much, but to say GFE and attitude is -10 out of 10.

just warning to bros, avoid this one: L18H36G88
Thanks for the FR, up you my humble 3 pts

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Old 20-08-2013, 02:55 PM
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Re: L18 H36 (One of my fav houses)

G17 is currently my fav...
But before that, there is G88 but went back ord and G69....

G17 has a great pair of boobs and has a nice ass to me.. Willing to do any position you want... But her bath is SOP n after that its all good..
The best part is she let me fuck her mouth... Hahaahaa...

Old 20-08-2013, 03:54 PM
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Re: L18 H36 (One of my fav houses)

G17 is currently my fav...
But before that, there is G88 but went back ord not the new one.. and G69....

G17 has a great pair of boobs and has a nice ass to me.. Willing to do any position you want... But her bath is SOP n after that its all good..
The best part is she let me fuck her mouth... Hahaahaa...

Old 27-08-2013, 06:05 PM
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Thumbs up Re: L18 H36 (One of my fav houses)

Originally Posted by greef View Post
G17 is currently my fav...
But before that, there is G88 but went back ord not the new one.. and G69....

G17 has a great pair of boobs and has a nice ass to me.. Willing to do any position you want... But her bath is SOP n after that its all good..
The best part is she let me fuck her mouth... Hahaahaa...

This was my first time with this house out of all girls G17 was only one who was making eye contact and smiling so decided to took her and I totally agree with greef, excellent service. After my session she even gave Thai massage . What else you want.
Old 28-08-2013, 01:30 AM
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L18H36G88.... AGAIN....haha

I tried G17 the other day. Not much to add to other bros comments. she is good.

the funny thing is on my way out, I saw a bro complain like hell to the OKT and asked his money back. The OKT actually gave his money back and asked if he wants to try another girl. The customer said "no" he completely lost his interest. Turns out he was complaining about L18H36G88....

So I guess G88 strikes again with bad service. At least when she gave me bad service it wasn't to the extent I was going to ask for my money back.

But one bro here said G88 was good... I guess she is not a consistent performer.
Old 04-09-2013, 09:16 PM
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Re: L18 H36 (One of my fav houses)

is G5 still there working?
Old 18-09-2013, 05:50 PM
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Re: L18 H36 (One of my fav houses)

Just tried G69 on OKT's reco

Face 7
Body 7
Boobs 8 (enh c+ very well done cannot tell unless u grab hundreds of boobies like i do)
Fj 7
Bj 8 (first time w cd still got good feel, must be solid w/o)
Svc 6 (dun like to smile, but she dun smile prettier)
Lang 6.5 manageable mandarin
Massage 9!!!! Solid.
Overall 7.5

Rtf yes if i drop by L18H36 again.

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Old 18-09-2013, 06:17 PM
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Re: L18 H36 (One of my fav houses)

Originally Posted by coolguy77 View Post
is G5 still there working?
Yes, she is. Apparently she told me she's known as 'Beni Cantik'
Old 20-09-2013, 03:50 PM
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Re: L18 H36 (One of my fav houses)

Here's my FR for L18 H36 G20.

I've banged this girl a total of 3 times already, and what can I say, this girl is a gem. I first discovered her by chance a couple of months back. Now she tells me she has many customers, and backtracking on this thread, it appears quite a few have discovered her also!

Name: Wai

Face: Pretty, SYT look. Has long dyed hair, wears contacts and fake lashes.

Body/Boobs: She's not too skinny, not chubby either; presentable overall package. Boobs are B cup. Ample, but obviously real.

Shower: Usually SOP, but once she reached underneath to give a soapy surprise handjob while standing behind me.

Fingering: Seems to like her clit being rubbed before sex, also during sex in missionary and doggy positions. Allows finger penetration during foreplay.

Catbath: Enjoys rubbing her tits all over the little soldier.

Frenching: Never asked.

Painting: Never asked, won't try. I don't think it's safe practice, but that's just me.

BJ: Average; not a lot of suction of fancy tongue-ing skills, but gentle and longer than usual.

FJ: Fucking awesome. Very accomodating, during my 2nd session with her, did at least 4 different positions and never complains of being tired or asks to hurry up. She moans and sighs a lot, and I love it when I take the pumping up a notch and she goes 'Oh my god' in between her moaning. She looks into my eyes while fucking and once even put her finger in her mouth like a lollipop!

GFE: Very chatty and smiley girl; lots of personality. Speaks decent English and has a sense of humour.

What's so special about her? Wai gets perfect points from me because:

1) She's got a lot of personality and speaks decent English. She enjoys small talk, has a pleasant demeanour in general. Told me she works as a club singer back home. Lots of GFE.

2) She never rushes. She seems to enjoy foreplay; I love rubbing her clit to get her hot and bothered before we fuck. I also enjoy getting plenty of tongue action on my nipples from her, and she gives long, sensual blowjobs. She never tells me to hurry up.

3) She knows how to use her body. Needless to say, it's a world of difference between banging someone who just opens her legs and lies there like some human-masturbating-apparatus, and someone who's really into it and puts in the effort. She usually starts fucking me slow in cowgirl, gyrating her hips sensually while on top and even during doggystyle.

4) She seems to enjoy the sex AND tells me how good it was. Hell, on my last session with her, she even came, then wanted to continue fucking even after I had finished. Of course, she's a hooker, perhaps one with very developed acting abilities.

Cheers bros!
Old 24-09-2013, 01:47 PM
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Re: L18 H36 (One of my fav houses)

G17 is good
G20 is even better
Robin Nightwing ....
Old 24-09-2013, 06:21 PM
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Re: L18 H36 (One of my fav houses)

Tried G20 today after so many recommendation by many brothers here..

Certainly worth more than the Blue note.

Her service is good, and not to mention also a pretty face.

Before sex she's just a cute girl, slightly resemble Japanese girls..

During foreplay she knows how to turn seductive.. hardly come by this kind of girls...

I would rate her

Looks- 6.9/10
Boobs- 6.5/10 not for big boob lover, however still appealing enough
CBJ - 6/10, need to improve on this area, but considering how well she excels in other aspect she is still ok.
Tightness : 6.8/10

Overall : 8/10, more points for the excellent GFE & Seductiveness.

RTF: No doubts.
Old 12-10-2013, 11:10 AM
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L18H36G12 LaLa - 3 months

Just had a nice session with L18H36 G12 LaLa, 22yr pretty/sweet, ex masseuse from Bangkok, tanned, A boobs, nice body. BJ, no kissing (on mouth - elsewhere OK), fingering allowed, nice moaning during FJ. Pleasant, willing to please (other than kissing) and accommodating. Just 3 months.

G3 looks very sweet - any FR?

Wishing all nice weekend. Cheers.
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Old 14-10-2013, 10:35 PM
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Re: L18 H36 (One of my fav houses)

Here's my overnight FR for L18 H36 G20.

Damage: $250 (1am-11am)
Very friendly and flexible OKT (twin brothers), referring to the one with dentures.

For the 1st hour, i help out to clear the dustbin (loaded with so many used condoms), take out blanket while she was busy doing domestic room cleaning. After the house OKTs left, gathered at the kitchen with my girl to have a mini supper-cum-talk cock session with other WLs. After supper and back to her room...

She said she was tired so i offered to give a short 10mins massage before the action began.

Name: Tidarat (her thai name)

Face: Has long dyed hair, wears coloured contact lens and fake lashes. I thought she was crazy to sleep with her makeup on.

Body/Boobs: Petite looking, B cup (real) but has flabby tummy.

Shower: SOP

Fingering: Tried to apply from i learnt in porn videos by stimulating her G-spot with a 3-finger "swivel" action. She didn't like it, of course. Maybe i was trying too hard stretching her oyster before the real penetration

Catbath: Started off with licking of ear, before heading down south to my nips, belly and my jewel.

Frenching: Not much

Painting: Yes. She seem to enjoy alot when i lick her clit. Soft moans were heard but eyes were closed.

BJ: < 1min maybe because i was in control where her head was rested on the back of the bed while face-fucking her mouth. With condom, of course...

FJ: Normal, approx 10mins. 2 positions, cowgirl and missionary. Finished off in missionary with her thighs stretching all the way back to her chest. Some deep penetration hmm...

GFE: Normal. After action, she took out her laptop to watch movie tgt with me cuddling on to her.

RTF: Maybe. L6 H66 seems to be a better alternative as ON are priced at $150...

From what i heard from this girl, she takes $100 while the other $150 goes to OKT. Unlike in normal sessions where a thai WL takes $25 (half), for overnight session the WL does not get an half of the $250. That means to say, they is less incentive for the WL to get hold of their regular ON customers.

Old 20-10-2013, 01:15 PM
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L18h36 g69

L18H36 G69

Hasn’t visited 1836 for quite long time since G7 Amy left. Last time when I visited this house OKT only provided me 80 offers. Since he provide 50 today, I will give it a try today. Few girls in the tank today, including G1, 88, 69. G1, 69 quite pretty, and choose 69.

No. 69
Name - never ask (launch 1 year, 24 years old)
Look – 7/10 (sharp nose, thick white powder makeup, OL look, long black hair, she doesn’t look good when she smiles)
Body: 6.5/10 (short 155, big bone, marks on tummy, fair smooth skin, no tattoo)
Boobs – 6.5/10 (hard enhanced C)
Bath – 6/10 (SOP, -0.5 as it takes a bit long time ~5mins)
Boob massage – 7/10 (without oil boob massage, hard working)
Catbath – 6.5/10 (only on nipples)
CBJ – 7.5/10 (patient long blow for 5 mins circular pattern on tips and cocks)
Fingering – Didn’t try
Frenching – 0/10 (cannot French can only have light kiss, when try to kiss her lips she turns head away)
FJ – 5.5/10 (after CBJ, told me she is tired and ask me to fuck; use KY before bonk; after bonk, shower herself and I shower by myself, missionary, cowgirl and missionary to cum; she didn’t feel much feeling with no moans during bonking and I thought she felt boring during bonking)
Massage – Not available don’t have the time
GFE – 5.5/10 (don’t have much GFE as she not smiles much and no feeling during bonking)
Attitude – 7/10 (still considered as friendly, let me have a rest after the bonk, however she doesn’t smiles much, did not provide water, she told me her leg pains today)
OKT – 6/10 (he used to provide me only 80 offers, I guess the business is not very good today - Halloween? Then he dragged me and provided me 50, if he provide 50 in the future then I will visit more of 1836, cannot afford 80 bonks now)
Damage - 50/25 mins
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