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Old 07-04-2023, 04:20 PM
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Re: My boring story...

8 pm to start the orgy might be a little too early.
With this bunch of horny people, especially the ladies and some of then men, if there's no sex after the bbq, something is damn wrong.
Bring on the meat, June.
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Old 07-04-2023, 06:46 PM
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Re: My boring story...

Not having sex during their bbq session I guess is already out of character.
Old 09-04-2023, 12:56 PM
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Re: My boring story...

I closed my eyes to try to nap a little more.

I woke up when I felt somebody massaging my calves. It wasn't the sensual kind of touch, definitely not the kind that would move further up and involve insertions of fingers, but more of a "I've been on my feet the whole day and this feels damn good kind of massage".

I pretended to be asleep but took a peek to see who was "molesting" me and whether he or she would go any higher.

I can't say I was surprised but it was Tom. I don't know what possessed him to come up and give me a leg massage, but I decided to pretend to be asleep and just enjoy it.

I heard a voice from the corner.

EoS: Bro are you done? I'll go down first.

I decided to continue pretending to be asleep. Maybe Tom would just strip me and start fucking me and somehow EoS would get horny just watching us then join in. But he stopped.

Tom: Yeah. Coming. She's dead to the world.

I decided to wake up.

Me: I'm awake. What's going on.

Tom: Ah. Pretending to be asleep? What if I touched you elsewhere?

Me: Haha. Touch lor. Where do you want to touch?

I took his hands and placed them on my chest. He simply laughed.

I glanced over at EoS and he seemed to be shaking his head in disapproval.

EoS: I'm really leaving. Have places to go. You better come with me if you want a ride back.

Tom: Oh yeah. Forgot about your plans for the night.

Me: Plans? Wasn't the bbq the plan?

Tom: Mr. Pious here is going church visiting.

I looked at him with incredulity. The guy who wrote a whole bunch of sex stories on a sex forum was going church visiting? The guy who I swear I saw someone on the forum write that he was a sex god… going to church?

Me: What? Seriously? Wait… oh yes! It's Maundy Thursday today.. Do you still go to church now?

EoS: I haven't gone for more than a decade.

Me: I probably haven't gone for 2 decades.

EoS: This isn't a competition.

Me: Do people actually still visit churches these days?

EoS: I used to go around the east-side churches when I was younger. But anyway after covid restrictions were lifted people started doing it again.

Me: Oh… Wait, you're seriously going? As in go in and pray and stuff? How many churches was it, five? Ten?

EoS: I don't know, I can't remember. I just followed the crowd when I was young. Now I'm just… going.

Me: I wanna go too.

EoS: What?

Me: Let me ask Mike. He hasn't been to church in years too.

EoS: Erm. I was going to go home to take a shower first.

Me: I think we all need to shower.

Tom: Together? Haha.

Me: Hahahaha. I think EoS will be the first to reject and run away.

Tom: Well, don't let me disrupt your church visiting plans. I shall just stay here and… well, see what happens.

I glanced at my phone. It was nearly 930pm. At least I managed to have a good nap.

Me: Ok. Let's go. I guess I'll see you at the church? Which one first?

EoS: The nearest from my old place. XXX. You know where it is?

Me: Ah. I've been there before. Once.

EoS: Yeah. We can have supper later after everything if anyone is still hungry.

Me: Where else are we going?

EoS: Probably the others nearby.

Me: We probably should go in one car. Environmentally friendly.

EoS: True.

Me: Mark's Catholic too right? Should we ask him?

EoS: Sure. The more the merrier I guess.

We left the house and headed back to the bbq.

Mark was a little surprised but he declined at first as he needed to clear up after the bbq. However, Jasmine wanted to go and wanted him to go with her, so she got Alicia to settle the clearing up with the rest. I didn't realise she was Catholic as well. Or maybe she just wanted to spend some time with Mark?

We all headed our separate ways home to shower and change first. I decided to be a little more decent and put on a loose fitting dress. Surely I shouldn't be visiting a church in shorts a t-shirt?

In the end, Mike decided to drive as he didn't want to squeeze with so many people in EoS's car.

We arranged to meet straight at the church and it was a rather long drive down despite it being late at night. EoS must have been speeding as we found the three of them standing in front of the grotto of the BVM. I went up to them. EoS looked really solemn for some reason.

What was more surprising was Mark and Jasmine. They were holding hands as their heads were bowed, possibly in prayer.

I decided to pray as well, for nothing in particular, though it felt extremely oxymoronic, considering my current lifestyle.

In the end, EoS didn't head into the church, instead informing us that he would be going to the next church.

We shrugged and followed him, ending up at the next church in less than 10 minutes. This time, he stood in front of the closed gate of what I saw was the columbarium.

He didn't say anything as usual, but just stood there for a couple of minutes. I'm guessing these places held some meaning for him.

Once again, he didn't wish to enter the actual church itself and we all headed back to what ended up as the last destination for the night, a church that was relatively close to their houses.

Again, we never really went in, he just stood outside, assumingly praying.

It was barely half past midnight when we headed to a prata place for supper. I wasn't hungry so I just got a drink, although whatever EoS ordered looked and smelt damn good, some Maggie Goreng masala thing. I wasn't a huge fan of indian food but I asked if I could have a bite. I half expected him to just push the plate over, but he hilariously took a portion and put it on the spoon before feeding it to me. Mike and Mark just laughed at the scene.

After supper, he sent Mark and Jasmine back to her place as we parted ways.

Me: That was kind of weird right?

Mike: What was?

Me: He wanted to visit the churches but he never actually went in.

Mike: Oh. Hmmm. I don't know. We didn't go in either.

Me: I know right. I think I'd feel odd if I actually stepped in after so long.

Mike: Me too.

Me: So what did you pray for?

Mike: Good health?

Me: Ya right.

Mike: And you?

Me: Obviously not for good sex with multiple partners.

Mike: Hahahaha.

Me: It's just so odd that we are the way we are now despite being raised as Catholics.

Mike: Maybe that's why we don't go to church.

Me: I guess so. Oh well, I need to sleep. The headache is back.

Mike: We'll be home soon.

Me: Why did you two laugh when EoS fed me just now?

Mike: Reflex action? Didn't expect him to feed you.

Me: It's just food. Not as if he's feeding me other things.

Mike: If you saw your face when he fed you, maybe you'd laugh too.

Me: Huh? What face did I make?

Mike: Hard to describe, you had this eager look.

Me: Really?

Mike: Really hard to describe.

Me: Ok.

Mike: I think you want to fuck him, right?

Me: Well…

Mike: Haha. Knew it.

Me: Mark first. Haha.

We reached back home, showered, and went to bed.

I guess some things wouldn't change.
Old 09-04-2023, 01:38 PM
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Re: My boring story...

just wondering how long does it take you to come up with the story

quite interesting thou.
Old 10-04-2023, 06:54 PM
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Re: My boring story...

Originally Posted by VijayBoy View Post
just wondering how long does it take you to come up with the story

quite interesting thou.
When I find the time to write, I will.

Nothing interesting is happening, so nothing to write.
Old 10-04-2023, 09:04 PM
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Re: My boring story...

Most of us, who stick on to this forum, cause its a little black diary of ours.
Nobody wants to share certain information with people that we know. For they may not understand certain speech or behaviour. Yet we need an outlet for the suppression.
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Old 11-04-2023, 01:06 AM
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Re: My boring story...

Originally Posted by junebaby View Post
I pretended to be asleep but took a peek to see who was "molesting" me and whether he or she would go any higher.
This has to be my most favourite part of the story
Old 11-04-2023, 11:36 AM
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Re: My boring story...

June, deep down inside, you still have a bisexual desire. That's why you used he/she and not he for the bit of who was touching your calfs.
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Old 11-04-2023, 12:54 PM
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Re: My boring story...

Originally Posted by junior_cannibal View Post
June, deep down inside, you still have a bisexual desire. That's why you used he/she and not he for the bit of who was touching your calfs.
No la. I was napping in Jasmine's house, thought maybe it could have been her since she's somewhat bi? I really have no bisexual desires...
Old 11-04-2023, 03:45 PM
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Re: My boring story...

Then let me expand on it, if it wasn't Tom but a lady, Jasmine or April, would you let either one to continue making you high and wet, or you would stopped her instantly cause you are not bi? If your answer is, you will let her cause it feels good, then you are at least partially bi liao.
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Old 11-04-2023, 05:32 PM
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Re: My boring story...

Originally Posted by junior_cannibal View Post
Then let me expand on it, if it wasn't Tom but a lady, Jasmine or April, would you let either one to continue making you high and wet, or you would stopped her instantly cause you are not bi? If your answer is, you will let her cause it feels good, then you are at least partially bi liao.
Honestly speaking, if it was April I think I wouldn't mind as she did it before. If it is Jasmine I think no, I will push her away.

So maybe I'm selectively bi? Haha.
Old 12-04-2023, 09:54 AM
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Re: My boring story...

I don't know why but maybe I developed an allergy to wine or something as the headache persisted even after Panadol, and something a little stronger. I was so spaced out on the sofa that even Mike coming over to cuddle me when he took a break from his gaming didn't seem to snap me out of it. I was barely paying attention to whatever was on the screen, some action movie I think, as I absent-mindedly stroked his cock through his shorts, slid it out, popped it into my mouth and practically left it in my mouth for the rest of the movie. He did rub me in the right places, and while it felt good, my body just wasn't craving for him to stick it in me.

After it all, he just carried me to the shower, gave me a quick wash and tucked me into bed after drawing the curtains and turning on the aircon.

I slept all the way through lunch and was awakened by laughter coming from the living room.

I dragged myself out of bed, checked the time and realised it was just past dinner time.

April: Ah. Someone's awake.

Me: Hi. What's going on?

April: I came to fuck your husband.

Me: Huh?

April: Just kidding. I brought dinner.

I glanced at the table and there was a box of black pepper crabs, another box of chilli crabs with mantou, kangkong, shrimp paste chicken and minced meat tofu just lying there, still in their takeaway containers.

Me: What's the occasion? And why haven't you started eating?

April: Celebrate the death of our lord and savior?

Me: With crabs? Very funny.

April: No occasion la. The zhi char at my place had a promo on crabs so I just ordered. Obviously I can't eat alone right?

Me: Where's John?

April: Parking the car. He dropped me first.

Me: No rice?

April: Oh damn! I forgot.

Me: Seriously?

April: Do you really need rice? You look a little bloated. More carbs won't help.

Me: Bitch. Want to say I'm fat just say so la!

April: Hahaha. You've gotten fatter lor.

Me: Old age.

April: You need to exercise. Or sexercise.

Me: I do.

April: Obviously not vigorously enough.

She looked at Mike. He ignored her.

April: Not seeing Tom much?

Me: No. He's busy.

April: I see. He's a good workout partner.

Me: Noted with thanks.

The doorbell rang and Mike went to open it. John came in and we sat down to a weird Good Friday dinner.

April: Anybody going to say grace? Hahahaha.

Me: We don't do that here.

April: Neither do I.

Me: Whatever.

The chilli crabs were good. Not the overly sweet and tomato-ey kind that most places served. The pepper crab was disappointing though, as I found it too sweet for my liking. It was like the chef mistook sugar for salt or something. It was good that everything had been properly pre-cracked so all we had to do was peel off the shells. The other dishes were ok I guess.

I was still having a slight headache after dinner so I excused myself to wash up.

I heard Mike saying good bye to both of them before he came into the bathroom.

Me: Not fucking her?

Mike: Oh? I thought she was kidding.

Me: Was she?

Mike: I think so?

Me: Be honest with me. Are you really ok with it?

Mike: Yeah? If it makes you happy and less guilty about sleeping with other guys.

Me: Ah ha! You finally said it.

Mike: Huh?

Me: Guilty. You think it makes me feel less guilty.

Mike: Isn't that the reason? Or one of the reasons at least.

Me: I never said I was feeling guilty. Hahaha. I just want you to be able to have your own fun too since I am.

Mike: Oh… Well… It isn't really my idea of fun.

Me: Ya. I don't know how you can sit in front of the computer for hours playing the same game.

Mike: It's fun to me.

Me: Sex isn't?

Mike: It is. When it's with you.

Me: And April?

Mike: Well…

Me: Do you enjoy it?

Mike: Well…

Me: Just tell me la!

Mike: I do. It's pretty exciting doing it with someone else. And she's so horny.

Me: Wah wah wah. Are you saying I'm not horny.

Mike: I don't want to enjoy it too much actually.

Me: Why?

Mike: Feels odd.

Me: You're allowed to enjoy it, you know.

Mike: I did enjoy it. Just trying not to enjoy it too much.

Me: What about with the other girls? Jasmine? Shirlyn? Rebecca?

Mike: I guess I enjoyed all of them. In some way. Just don't wish to enjoy it that much.

Me: You don't have to hold back just for my sake. I don't hold back when I'm with Tom.

Mike: I know. He told me. Haha. And Dan, now that he's back, I'm surprised you haven't met him more often.

Me: Dan's changed. He's a different person now.

Mike: Oh.

Me: You know why I think John asked you to take care of April's needs when he's away?

Mike: Because he trusts me and he doesn't want her going overboard with other guys, or even finding new ones to satisfy her new found lust.

Me: That… was exactly what I was going to say.

Mike: I know what's going on la. John is just worried.

Me: So are you going to do it?

Mike: Maybe. If she asks I suppose. I'm not going to be proactive in this matter. If she wants it she can come get it.

Me: Haha. I'll let her know you said that.

Mike: Sure…

Me: Give me a head massage later?

Mike: You should see a doctor about that headache.

Me: I probably should.

We finished showering and I lay on his lap on the bed as he massaged my temples. It didn't really make the headache go away.

Me: Can you massage my neck too?

Mike: Sure.

I flipped over and planted my face into his crotch, sneaking his cock out from the slit of his boxers and slipping it into my mouth.

Mike: Oi. What are you doing?

Me: Massaging your head too.

Mike: With your tongue?

Me: Yup.

I could feel him awkwardly trying to massage my neck and shoulders while I swirled his growing cock around in my mouth, stopping when he was as hard as a rock.

Me: I want the Rebecca package.

Mike: Huh???

Me: Fuck me hard and don't stop.

Mike: To cure your headache? Haha.

I lay on the bed and spread my legs for him.

Me: Yes. Please fuck my headache away.

He thrust in and rammed me hard, I felt his hand go around my neck.

Mike: You sure about this?

Me: Er… you choked her?

Mike: She asked me too. Nearly passed out a few times.

Me: And you didn't stop?

Mike: Nope. She told me not to. And to go harder in fact.

Me: Oh. Wow. And somehow after that she became afraid of you. Just how long did you do it for?

Mike: An hour plus?

Me: Non-stop?

Mike: Yeah? She wasn't really moving much after that. I got kind of worried. Then she asked me to do it again.

Me: Ok. Crazy bitch. I guess she was testing her limits?

Mike: Maybe. After the third time I just went to shower and covered her up. She was just lying there staring into space with a funny look on her face.

Me: I hope you didn't give her brain damage or something.

Mike: No la. She said thanks before I left. But she was still in that position.

Me: Haha what. Anyway I hope you didn't take any pills or drugs.

Mike: I didn't, and I won't. Why?

Me: Because that sounds unreal. I don't think we ever had such rough sex for that long. I don't recall you being able to last that long. From what I know, only Tom does it and it's because of his supplements.

Mike: Oh. I can fuck way harder and last longer than Tom.

Me: Really?

Mike: That's what Rebecca said.


Was my husband hiding his actual skills from me all this while? We had great sex all along but apparently now others were somehow hinting that maybe Tom wasn't the beast I thought he was.

Mike: Oh… I didn't know you wanted that. You never really asked. And you're my wife… Besides, the Rebecca package is… really quite rough.

Me: Jasmine enjoyed it right?

Mike: Err… yeah… those ladies are mad.

Me: Give me the Rebecca package please.

Mike: You sure?

Me: Fuck me till I need to go to A&E.

Mike: Hahahahahaha. That's not possible.

Me: Just do it. Long weekend anyway. Haha.

Mike: Alright then.

He leaned down to kiss me gently. I felt this rush of emotions. Did he kiss them the same way? Wow. I never really realised it before but Mike was pretty damn good at this whole thing. I guess I was so used to him being mine already that I took him for granted.

He thrust into me slowly, I was already so wet from his kisses and caresses.

He put his hand on my neck again and thrust harder, looking at me.

Mike: Ready?

I nodded.

I felt a gentle pressure which gradually increased. Honestly I was a little confused and getting a little dizzy. Then I felt it. The rush of endorphins I think. As he released his grip and then tightened again. I wasn't struggling to breath but it wasn't very easy. I guess the lack of oxygen somehow enhanced the sensations? How did that work though? I really couldn't tell. It was a new and strangely nice feeling.

About 15 minutes of hard pounding and light-headedness I felt a warmth inside me and Mike pulled out.

Mike: Oops.

Me: So fast?

Mike: Erm.

Me: Put it in start again?

Mike: Erm…

He was soft already.

Mike: I guess it doesn't work with you.

Me: Why????

Mike: The feelings are more intense when I have sex with you.

Me: They got loose pussies?

Mike: No… not that… I just feel more… connected with you. And I just can't control it.

Me: I think it's because you love me and not them.

Mike: I think so too.

Me: Aiyah… I wanted to experience the Rebecca package. Haha.

Mike: Sorry. I love you too much to fuck you that way.

Me: Awww…

We went to shower as I felt his cum dripping out quickly. There was so much inside me as if he didn't cum for many days.

While I was glad Mike still loved me and we still had great sex after so many years, I really wanted to experience the Rebecca package. Perhaps I should ask Tom to be rougher and choke me a little when he fucks me. Assuming he could find the time for me.

Maybe on the Wednesday when I work from home.
Old 12-04-2023, 04:06 PM
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Re: My boring story...

Originally Posted by junebaby View Post
Honestly speaking, if it was April I think I wouldn't mind as she did it before. If it is Jasmine I think no, I will push her away.

So maybe I'm selectively bi? Haha.
Haha, can tell you don't like Jasmine that much, maybe it's the way she treats Mark. Somehow you have a soft spot for him.
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Old 12-04-2023, 05:34 PM
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Re: My boring story...

Originally Posted by junior_cannibal View Post
Haha, can tell you don't like Jasmine that much, maybe it's the way she treats Mark. Somehow you have a soft spot for him.
It's not that. It's just I'm more familiar with April. If I was familiar with Jasmine.... Who knows what might happen?
Old 12-04-2023, 08:41 PM
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Re: My boring story...

Originally Posted by junebaby View Post
It's not that. It's just I'm more familiar with April. If I was familiar with Jasmine.... Who knows what might happen?
Whatever, I bet most guys wouldn't mind hearing the bi romps you have or will be having. It's kinky to see two ladies making out
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