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Old 26-01-2013, 04:23 PM
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Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

Originally Posted by niknik889 View Post
seems the muslims like baccara more, i see quite a few in there!
You seems to more observant in observing the customers rather than observing the girls.

Originally Posted by TonyCheong View Post
If you understand Thai culture well you'll know appearance plays an important part!
You'll be judged by your appearance.
Yes very shallow thinking but that's how it is in Thailand.
I concurred you statement!
Yup, I came across many times, from the immigration to till the locals.

At the immigration they greeted me in Chinese, upon saw my red passport. Didn't know Singapore belongs to the China.

The locals, asked how come I'm not having a white skin, and doesn't believe I'm a Singaporean. So it's all explains how shallow their thinking can be. And all this came from Uni grads. The immigration is Uni Grad during their internship at the CIQ counter, and the locals was a Grad. I'm wondering what did they learnt during their school days.
Old 26-01-2013, 04:43 PM
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Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

Originally Posted by indianmagicoil View Post
As Bro Tony mentioned, Thais are not allowed in coz they cun want any jealous BFs coming in and spoiling everyone's mood. I occasionally will get it if going solo. Usually they will ask a simple Q... "Kon Thai reu plow" (Thai or not?)
Most door man will ask the question 'kun Thai reu plao'if they see any pax that resemble Thai.usually a smile,I'm not Thai,I'm from Singapore.then show ID card will earns u a 'Khod thod Kup pi,Chen Kup'(I'm sorry sir,this way places)

And u walk into the cave with many naked syt monster looking at u while u on your way to the seat.

There was once at insomnia disco pattay one power hungry bastard behave damn rudely to me.He block my way while I try to walk thru the door & stare at me from head to my feet(it's a taboo act in Thai culture.something like looking down at u) starts with rude unfriendly tone.

Young DoorMan: 'NONg!!!pai nai?(young/smaller one,where u going)

Me: Pom Mai Chai Nong,Mai pai nai pai kana nai(I'm not smaller one,not going where but just going inside)

young DoorMan:Pai Tam Mai?kun Thai pai Mai dai.(go inside for what?Thai not allow to enter)

Me:Pom Mai Chai Kun Thai.((im not Thai,showing him my VIP member card which totally gets ignore)

Young DoorMan: Mai chai khun Thai tammai phut Thai dai?(if u are not Thai why are u speaking Thai?)

Me: Ta Mai Chai khun Thai phut Thai Mai dai lor?(If I'm not Thai means I'm not allow to speak Thai?

young DoorMan with a fcuk dup face: Mai Chuea..kor do ID.(I dun believe u,show me your ID)

me take out pink ic show him and the manager happen pass by & recognize me told him I'm not Thai and a regular there wtf hes doing.that asshole face totally light up 360degree change with a welcoming face.

When I exit with my companion of the night hes totally friendly now with big smile asking me to tip him which i cannot think of a fucking reason what for)

Same for many places,power hungry door man acting shit.Pass by thier door with a smile u will be reward with (.) (.).
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Old 26-01-2013, 04:43 PM
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Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

Originally Posted by Nonteerak2553 View Post
The locals, asked how come I'm not having a white skin, and doesn't believe I'm a Singaporean. So it's all explains how shallow their thinking can be. And all this came from Uni grads. The immigration is Uni Grad during their internship at the CIQ counter, and the locals was a Grad. I'm wondering what did they learnt during their school days.
Any Thai can also attend University.
Old 26-01-2013, 04:46 PM
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Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

Originally Posted by Rub&Buah View Post
Same for many places,power hungry door man acting shit.Pass by thier door with a smile u will be reward with (.) (.).
Haha that's why I only speak Thai when very necessary.
Let them know you're foreigner is the best and secretly listen if they're scamming or talking bad about you in Thai.
Old 26-01-2013, 05:31 PM
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Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

Originally Posted by TonyCheong View Post
Haha that's why I only speak Thai when very necessary.
Let them know you're foreigner is the best and secretly listen if they're scamming or talking bad about you in Thai.
555 your right.sometime need to act blur a bit.usually if they speak Thai at the door I'll reply in was that young rude doorman started those rude things that I decide to be firm else rest of the time,act blur & listen to what the girls are speaking about Esp the older bargirls teaching the newer one what to do with u.
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Old 26-01-2013, 05:56 PM
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Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

Originally Posted by TonyCheong View Post
In general the Agogo Bars at Nana Plaza, Soi Cowboy and Patpong do not allow Thai patrons to enter.

Your Muslim friend must have resembled like a Thai due to skin colour.
In this case just show your passport or tell them you're not Thai will do.
I guess so cos hes quite tall n dark.

Originally Posted by indianmagicoil View Post
How they knew your friend was Muslim?

What u mean by "a Muslim"? Islam is a religion not a skin color or race. You have Arabs, Malays, blacks, Chinese and even European Muslims. I hope u didn't go to grope & ask everyone whom you tot was a "Muslim" to see if they were circumcised or not!
Hes just tall n dark, but shouldnt they ask him first if hes local rather than just shoo-ing him away?
Old 27-01-2013, 01:14 AM
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Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

Originally Posted by Rub&Buah View Post
Most door man will ask the question 'kun Thai reu plao'if they see any pax that resemble Thai.usually a smile,I'm not Thai,I'm from Singapore.then show ID card will earns u a 'Khod thod Kup pi,Chen Kup'(I'm sorry sir,this way places)

And u walk into the cave with many naked syt monster looking at u while u on your way to the seat.

There was once at insomnia disco pattay one power hungry bastard behave damn rudely to me.He block my way while I try to walk thru the door & stare at me from head to my feet(it's a taboo act in Thai culture.something like looking down at u) starts with rude unfriendly tone.

Young DoorMan: 'NONg!!!pai nai?(young/smaller one,where u going)

Me: Pom Mai Chai Nong,Mai pai nai pai kana nai(I'm not smaller one,not going where but just going inside)

young DoorMan:Pai Tam Mai?kun Thai pai Mai dai.(go inside for what?Thai not allow to enter)

Me:Pom Mai Chai Kun Thai.((im not Thai,showing him my VIP member card which totally gets ignore)

Young DoorMan: Mai chai khun Thai tammai phut Thai dai?(if u are not Thai why are u speaking Thai?)

Me: Ta Mai Chai khun Thai phut Thai Mai dai lor?(If I'm not Thai means I'm not allow to speak Thai?

young DoorMan with a fcuk dup face: Mai Chuea..kor do ID.(I dun believe u,show me your ID)

me take out pink ic show him and the manager happen pass by & recognize me told him I'm not Thai and a regular there wtf hes doing.that asshole face totally light up 360degree change with a welcoming face.

When I exit with my companion of the night hes totally friendly now with big smile asking me to tip him which i cannot think of a fucking reason what for)

Same for many places,power hungry door man acting shit.Pass by thier door with a smile u will be reward with (.) (.).
Wah Lau Eh! Your Thai power sia. Luckily never kena me. I would have spoken hokkien and send regards to the doorman's mom. Probably he would think it's a native language in the outskirt of Thailand. Hahaha
Old 27-01-2013, 03:49 AM
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Talking Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

Originally Posted by TonyCheong View Post
I don't look like a typical Thai guy.
Thai Chinese maybe?

In my case or probably your friend's case as well it was due to client profiling by that individual not management.
Rainbow 4's market is "spolit" by Japansese and Korean customers.
If you're Japanese and Korean you'll be treated like a VIP.
No offence to Japanese/Korean brothers out there.
But these are true facts.
Oh maybe he has his songkok on and they profile him as Muslim since these AGG girls are non-halal LOL
In addition to Thais, some girls tell me that RB also usually ban Africans whereas the other smaller bars in Nana accept Africans.
Maybe in past, Koreans get treated like VIP with Japs. But these days, I hear they get bad rep cos girls say they are weird, abnormal, rude, stingy. The odd Korean may be treated same as Jap cos the girls cannot tell the difference from their looks and their language. IMHO, Chinese get treated better than the Koreans. Samsung, Gangnam style and Ban Ki Moon may be on top the world but one area the Koreans ain't ruling is BKK AGG

Originally Posted by Nonteerak2553 View Post
The locals, asked how come I'm not having a white skin, and doesn't believe I'm a Singaporean. So it's all explains how shallow their thinking can be. And all this came from Uni grads.
cos the famous politicians, celebs, businessman who are Thai Chinese are mostly white skin. They are just uninformed and ignorant not shallow.
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Old 27-01-2013, 06:16 AM
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Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

i give agogo dancers all the credit in the world. they are not ignornant. Say middles east men give their peers a hard time, aka known as NO GOOD man. Why should newer girls giev these men the benefit of the doubt. They are being paid for sex, not selling clothes.
Old 27-01-2013, 02:09 PM
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Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

Originally Posted by cooler07 View Post
i didnt see you dance much in the last meet up. maybe we have a dance party in our next meet up... RCA or funky villa + scratchdog... 5555
Sure bro,awaiting our next meet up over here.
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Old 28-01-2013, 11:52 AM
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Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

Uni grad must also see what standard mah... Thailand got so many unis but not all are of the same standard. Even Sillypore world class uni turns out book smart but not life smart grads.

Bro R&B, sometimes dun bother with these people. Example is the security guards at my office. Damn-straight-as-a-rod-follow-orders type. Try to nego with them always say "cannot-cannot" damn frus... so I juz speak with security manager or building mgmt lor... thats why some people can be managers some people juz make good workers

Bro Silver Dragon, then juz open your golden mouth and they will realize u r a foreigner. I can speak Thai also but sometimes why bother? See situation and apply according

Bro AC Milan, yup agreed about the Koreans. Most AGG girls I spoke with say they are "rough" but usually the older ones. The younger ones are still OK. Anyways all generalization... Lets talk about the different type of AGG girls better. Bro Nik Nik would be most interested
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Old 28-01-2013, 11:24 PM
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Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

Originally Posted by indianmagicoil View Post
Bro Silver Dragon, then juz open your golden mouth and they will realize u r a foreigner. I can speak Thai also but sometimes why bother? See situation and apply according
Thks for the heads up bro!
Old 29-01-2013, 03:55 AM
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Talking Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

Originally Posted by indianmagicoil View Post
Bro AC Milan, yup agreed about the Koreans. Most AGG girls I spoke with say they are "rough" but usually the older ones. The younger ones are still OK. Anyways all generalization... Lets talk about the different type of AGG girls better. Bro Nik Nik would be most interested
Want to talk about girls patterns I think need few threads for it.
Got kuai kuai obedient type
Got playful fun type
Got lying multiple timers
Most types of girls we men can handle but the type we men cannot handle is the "crazy type" or "the type with a complex". i mean like the one with Dr Jeckyll and Mr Hyde personality or the one who ask where you live and suddenly next day appear in front of your room with her suitcase or the one who suddenly laughs out hysterically nonstop every now and then for no apparent reason. But these are not certified mental asylum crazies. Sometimes we comes across a beautiful girl who is the "crazy type". We men like to think we can handle her and we can handle the challenge but really we cannot. Word of caution: When you come across the "crazy type", run far away. If it is your wife or gf of cos you are stuck and cannot run but here you can run and you better run

Originally Posted by SilverDragon View Post
Thks for the heads up bro!
Yep that's right. When I go BKK they think I am Thai, when i go Manila they think I am Filipino, when I go Jakarta they think I am Indonesian, when I go Taipei they think I am Taiwanese Chinese. But when I open my mouth they all disown me from their country.
I don't have "mistaken identity" issues at AGG bar. My mistaken identity issue is when I am bar fly and part of furniture around pool bars/pubs in Sukhumvit- few times farang think I am the staff and either order drinks from me or ask me to rack the pool balls for them
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Old 30-01-2013, 01:58 AM
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Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

Originally Posted by acmilan View Post
few times farang think I am the staff and either order drinks from me or ask me to rack the pool balls for them
happens to me too so I make the best use of the situation by asking them for tips.
Old 30-01-2013, 12:07 PM
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Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

I am sometimes mistaken for a thai too.

I realise that these people (BG, Doorman, Mamasan, Papasan etc) are quite clever. They will test you by speaking thai. When I response in English "What?" with a blur face, they quickly change to english. That is when they conclude I am not thai.
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