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Old 03-01-2008, 08:53 AM
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Re: Liverpool Fc Anfield - Reds Supporters Gatherings

and now rafa is talking about 'Luck".Sounds familiar?


7 pointers and above
Old 03-01-2008, 08:57 AM
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Re: Liverpool Fc Anfield - Reds Supporters Gatherings

I feel that Rafa Benitez has brought Liverpool to as good as he can. A new coach may be neccesary to scale new heights.

Perhaps Jose Mourinho can do a better job?
If you like me to up you with my humble point, PM me with your latest post !
Old 03-01-2008, 09:52 AM
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SKILLFULL LICK deserves a Tiger! - He's a Good Guy
Re: Liverpool Fc Anfield - Reds Supporters Gatherings

Originally Posted by Dirk Kuyt View Post
okie okie i reply lor..... rumours oso say Gilla & Hacks wanna sell liverpool coz they cannot tahan with boss benitez........ and the buyer is THAKSIN!
I heard is Mr Vince Mcmahon,the owner of WWE
Originally Posted by yellowmilk View Post
I feel that Rafa Benitez has brought Liverpool to as good as he can. A new coach may be neccesary to scale new heights.

Perhaps Jose Mourinho can do a better job?
emm...if the BPL post is open to grade ur reputation,sure u will get zap here and there...but...but,i WILL NOT zap u 4 this

Above all, I would like to be remembered as a man who was selfless, who strove and worried so that others could share the glory, and who built up a family of people who could hold their heads up high and say, 'We're Liverpool'.

Old 03-01-2008, 10:27 AM
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Re: Liverpool Fc Anfield - Reds Supporters Gatherings

Bro Skillfull Lick,

I dont mean to offend anyone here. I am a long time suffering Liverpool fan since the good Alan hanson/Ian Rush days and like many of the bros here, am waiting agonisingly for the league to be won again after a long barren decade.

My feeling is that Rafa's technique is not suitable for the EPL. He is good at the champions league, but he falls short against the english teams. I suggested Mourinho cause he was linked to the liverpool job a while ago. Other than his connection with chelsea, he is in fact a very good coach.

I apologise to any bros if i have offended you.
If you like me to up you with my humble point, PM me with your latest post !

Last edited by yellowmilk; 03-01-2008 at 10:31 AM. Reason: wrong spelling
Old 03-01-2008, 10:29 AM
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Re: Liverpool Fc Anfield - Reds Supporters Gatherings

When I saw the line-up, I said WTF playing at Home to lower team with 1 striker. Knowing Wigan would come to Anfield and depend with their lifes, why not kill them early but instead.....only bringing on crouch n Kurt in the last five mins. Same old story....Anyone notices Rafa throw his anger over the air?

Yawn...felling sleepy now after watching the game
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Old 03-01-2008, 11:00 AM
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Re: Liverpool Fc Anfield - Reds Supporters Gatherings

ya, a very disappointed performance by the Reds.
2 pts drop...

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Old 03-01-2008, 11:19 AM
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Re: Liverpool Fc Anfield - Reds Supporters Gatherings

Originally Posted by rahl
WTH we played with one striker at home to Wigan!!! Rafa, I thought we were way over that!!
Originally Posted by Cummon
Ya instead of sticking to 4-4-2 we paid too much respects to Fat Bruce knwoing that he would try to get away with a point with the same old trick.
Originally Posted by hotsoup16
When I saw the line-up, I said WTF playing at Home to lower team with 1 striker. Knowing Wigan would come to Anfield and depend with their lifes, why not kill them early but instead ...
Ok, I am the odd one out here ... yet again.

I swear this is not 马后炮 or any bootroom diplomacy ... but in my "Fantasy Rafa" line-up, I also played Gerrard as the supporting striker.
It was not 4-5-1 Rafa played ... it's a 4-4-1-1 with Gerrard in a free role, with supporting runs from deep.
After all, isn't it a fact that Gerrard is the next highest scorer after Torres??
Didn't the lot here moaned & groaned just days agao ... about how Kuyt has been firing blanks, despite being in good positions??

Wigan is having relegation woes becoz the team cannot win matches ... but nobody said they are a team that can be easily trodded over. In the reciprocal game at JJB, we also only won by a solitary goal via Benayoun's moment of brilliance.
So, why should it be any more of a steamroll over this same team ... when all already know they're prepared to park their team-bus in front of their goal (if the groundsman would allow them) ... especially when they've just been inspired by a managerial change ... plus an out-of-his-skin performance by Kirkland against the club who decided to let him go, despite he being an England regular.
But what pissed me most is ... I cannot recall Kirkland diving this good to save point-blank follow-up shots when he was under the LFC payroll!!!

Rafa was angry ... so was I!!
It was the players on the pitch who didn't step up to the plate & made a difference ... when playing against a team that's bent on defending, the team resorted to long balls instead of playing short passes ... & all becoz nobody was running into space** ... & probably becoz all of them were feeling the fatigue effect from the hectic festive program.

** Just try to recall how our goal was scored ... how 3 passes with some intelligent running created space from Wigan's tight defence. If that had happened more in last night's game, we would have won the game handsomely. The lack of THIS is the root of the problem last nite ... the very reason WHY Rafa was showing his frustrations on the touchline, while I was pulling my hair in front of the telly!!
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Old 03-01-2008, 10:08 PM
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Re: Liverpool Fc Anfield - Reds Supporters Gatherings

Originally Posted by KingEros View Post
[COLOR="RoyalBlue"][B]Ok, I am the odd one out here ... yet again.

But what pissed me most is ... I cannot recall Kirkland diving this good to save point-blank follow-up shots when he was under the LFC payroll!!! :

Rafa was angry ... so was I!!
It was the players on the pitch who didn't step up to the plate & made a difference ... when playing against a team that's bent on defending, the team resorted to long balls instead of playing short passes ... & all becoz nobody was running into space** ... & probably becoz all of them were feeling the fatigue effect from the hectic festive program.
I was really pissed off when I saw the match this morning. I can understand the frustration of our fellow Liverpool supporters. It was indeed a very bad game for Liverpool standard. Can really see during the match that Gerrard and Torres are trying their very best to get that extra goal and they always misfire. Can see that they are very stressed out. So what has the rotation policy had done to our team? It even make the guys more tired. Like the others tI'm also surprised that they paly with 1 striker upfront. After this game looks like the title chase is beyond our reach.Again we may have to fight for that 4th spot again.

After the match this morning the new table standings look like this :

P Pts
Arsenal 21 50
Man Utd 21 48
Chelsea 21 44
Man City 21 39
Liverpool 20 38
Everton 21 38

A 12 pt gap with Arsenal.
Please take me back to Anfield
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Old 03-01-2008, 10:10 PM
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Re: Liverpool Fc Anfield - Reds Supporters Gatherings

Really hope that Liverpool can win this Sunday with Luton.If that they can't even win I don't know what will happen.
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Old 04-01-2008, 12:16 AM
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Re: Liverpool Fc Anfield - Reds Supporters Gatherings

Originally Posted by KingEros View Post

Wigan is having relegation woes becoz the team cannot win matches ... but nobody said they are a team that can be easily trodded over. In the reciprocal game at JJB, we also only won by a solitary goal via Benayoun's moment of brilliance.
So, why should it be any more of a steamroll over this same team ... when all already know they're prepared to park their team-bus in front of their goal (if the groundsman would allow them) ...
I can only half agree here..

True, no one say Wigan can be steamroll over just because they are in relegation shit BUT its against such teams that we should pick up 3 points..

AND all along we know lesser teams come and "park bus".. Nothing new...

What makes Arsenal, Manure and Chelski champions are they are able to pick up maximum points from these 'park bus' team but we cant.. (Wigan game is not the only example)..

We dont win the other big 4, we dont win the other teams, then why should we carry on talking about challenging title.. Might as we discuss how far we can get in the Uefa cup?
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Old 04-01-2008, 01:20 AM
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Re: Liverpool Fc Anfield - Reds Supporters Gatherings

Originally Posted by KingEros View Post
Ok, I am the odd one out here ... yet again.
Come on King, you know me, I don't diss Rafa for nothing. The point is pure and simple - against Wigan at Anfield, Stevie can play higher up in midfield with two strikers ahead of him. We can afford to do that. There is no need to change the formation and play a lone striker in order to accommodate Stevie as a supporting striker. The only explanation is the 'Sven' syndrome - Rafa simply wants to play his best midfield players at the same time.
Old 04-01-2008, 03:00 PM
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Re: Liverpool Fc Anfield - Reds Supporters Gatherings

Originally Posted by yellowmilk View Post
Bro Skillfull Lick,

I dont mean to offend anyone here. I am a long time suffering Liverpool fan since the good Alan hanson/Ian Rush days a long barren decade.

My feeling is that Rafa's technique is not suitable for the EPL.

I suggested Mourinho cause he was linked to the liverpool job a while ago. Other than his connection with chelsea, he is in fact a very good coach.
Mourinho got class too. Have you started to see thta rafael is starting to murmur to himself like Gerrard Houlier?

But with the image Mourinho worked built and made in Chelski, hard to see him coming. I would love a vulgar-filled manager.

Do I need to bring my oldoldoldold post up stating to sack him(Bunny)?

Ahlac Fuckerson dun play for draw. Least to say lose.
Bunny plays for no lose.
Arsenal goes for attack and flair. Win/lose/draw. wateva.
Chelski plays anything. As long as it showed that money paved a way for victory.
And we can see, the one who heck care and only aims for victory pawns. Pressure is all due. Bunny is still there.

Go Go Liverpool.
Retired chiongster Genuinely selling this account for SGD600. Do leave pm.
Old 04-01-2008, 10:29 PM
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Re: Liverpool Fc Anfield - Reds Supporters Gatherings

Don't write off Liverpool, warns Wenger
Updated: Jan. 4, 2008

Arsenal manager Arsene Wenger has not written off Liverpool's title challenge just yet.

Liverpool's 1-1 draw with Wigan last weekend left them 12 points behind Premier League leaders Arsenal and outside of the Champions League places.

To make matters worse for under-pressure Anfield boss Rafael Benitez, his side still have to travel to Arsenal, Manchester United and Chelsea.

But Wenger knows from personal experience that Liverpool cannot be discounted with half the season remaining. In 1997-98, Arsenal came from 13 points off the pace to win the title.

And Wenger said: 'I wouldn't say it is completely (a three horse race). I still feel Liverpool are in the race but they cannot have any blips anymore.

'They are still a dangerous team. The disadvantage for them is that there are three teams in front of them (Arsenal, Manchester United and Chelsea) who might not drop many points.

'I still don't dismiss them at this stage. It happened to us in 1997-98 and we made the ground up.'
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Old 04-01-2008, 10:50 PM
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Re: Liverpool Fc Anfield - Reds Supporters Gatherings

Sometimes, I prefer it when the whole world writes us off... If true Pool fans know what I mean...

...And FFS, stop likening Rafa to Ged... There was, is & never will be any comparison between the 2 of them. Rafa's of a different class... Just like Torres is of a different class to "See-Saang"...
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Old 04-01-2008, 11:25 PM
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Re: Liverpool Fc Anfield - Reds Supporters Gatherings

Paul Eaton 04 January 2008

Steven Gerrard, Alvaro Arbeloa and Fabio Aurelio have all been ruled out of Sunday's FA Cup third round clash at Luton Town.

All three players picked up muscle injuries against Wigan in midweek and are sidelined for the trip to Kenilworth Road.

Manager Rafael Benitez confirmed: "Steven and Alvaro have a calf problem and Fabio has a hamstring injury.

"They are all out of this weekend's game and will work with the physios to be ready for Middlesbrough next Saturday."
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