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Old 02-05-2006, 12:20 PM
SGPshanghai69 SGPshanghai69 is offline
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation - ????

Originally Posted by PuTonRen
Dear Bro SGPShanghai69,

Well said! I do remember this Bro Alpha123, and puzzled that he felt bored after only two weeks in Shanghai. He should be out looking for brothers who are not in the TCSS group for funs, and I am sure there are many in Shanghai.

Bro Alpha123, try contact people in this forum through PM, especially those whom you know, or share your view. I am sure, when they are free, they would meet you simply out of your initiative. But, remember, bringing you around, they also pay their share of fun. If they agree to go out with you, it would be on their own free will. Afterall, why should they spend money just to cheong with you. Bro SGPShanghai69 and I always pay our share when we were free to bring the newbies around.

Regards and good luck.


Dear Big Bro PTR,
A very well said posting to you as well man! We're simply the known or said or mentioned 'TCSS' Group herein.........apologies utmostly we must say that we're only good at TCSS other than providing info or even leading any newbies to check the town as said man....

Have fun our 'Dun TCSS' but 'Only want to get info' newbie bro Alpha 123! You should be happy that you get to enjoy the quiet & tranquil May Day's Holidays which not many of us back in Shanghai dun get to man........

Cheers & have fun in the noisy, busy yet to you, the tranquil Shanghai of yours for now matey.......
SGP-SHA69, Another Simple Man
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Old 02-05-2006, 09:04 PM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

It is all misunderstake lah.. I don't mean to post the for info only things.. Sorry very much because I do not know the feeling when we are all alone in a foreign place.. Sorry bro.... By the way, I know all bro here is very BIG HEart yoh...
Definitely, if we have a chance to meet up or drink coffee, everyone will just pay their own. I don't expect bro here to spend also....
Shanghai is a quite amazing place but having said that it is a very expensive place compare even like ShenZhen...
Then I start to realize this is a really good place for TCSS although being a newbie , I still do not know anyone here.............haha...

Happy May Day everyone.......
Old 02-05-2006, 09:30 PM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Originally Posted by alpha123

Definitely, if we have a chance to meet up or drink coffee, everyone will just pay their own. I don't expect bro here to spend also....
Dear Bro alpha123,

First of all, thank you for the May Day greetings!

Secondly, I refer to the above statement that you have made. You might not have caught the idea that I was trying to bring across. It is also possible that I have not been clear in my expression. I apologise for my English expression.

What I meant is, why should the senior brothers bring the newbies to go places in the first place? Afterall, they still would have to pay their share. They can choose not to go to those cheong places and save their hard earned money, afterall, they have seen them all. Hence, when a senior brother in any town of China brings me to places, I always appreciate deeply as I know that he is doing it for me, as he does not need to go to cheong places with me and spend his own money.

For me, I am a tea drinker, and enjoy a lot in appreciating sipping good teas with friends. I do not take alcohol at all now. Why should I bring newbies around, pay for the share of alcohol consumed by the newbies? Those brothers in China with whom I have the chance to meet will tell you that it is out of my sense of friendship, and not obligation. Got it, Brother?

With best regards

Just a Retired Simple Man

PuTonRen aka UFO_Man
Old 03-05-2006, 06:54 AM
maninsin maninsin is offline
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Originally Posted by alpha123
It is all misunderstake lah.. I don't mean to post the for info only things..
Happy May Day everyone.......
Dear alpha123,

Thank you for your greetings.....

However, if you really do not mean to post that the info provided here are only for TCSS, then in the first place, you should not not have made such remarks... Please remember, the bros in Sha have built up firendships and brotherhoods not based only on cheonging but being able to support each other when things got rough... And I serously doubt if you can understand the situation here...

Please PM bros whom you think will spend their time in bringing a newbies like you around SHA but we are here not to spend our efforts and time, least said about our hard earned money for someone who do not understand and appreicate that the brotherhoods here are also build on other factors which I do not know if you will appreciate..

I concur with what Bro 69 and senior Bro PTR said... I rest my case here...

Please enjoy your quiet May Day holiday here and wish you all the best in finding bros who shared the same sentiments as you.....

Old 03-05-2006, 11:43 AM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Originally Posted by PuTonRen
What I meant is, why should the senior brothers bring the newbies to go places in the first place? Afterall, they still would have to pay their share. They can choose not to go to those cheong places and save their hard earned money, afterall, they have seen them all. Hence, when a senior brother in any town of China brings me to places, I always appreciate deeply as I know that he is doing it for me, as he does not need to go to cheong places with me and spend his own money.

For me, I am a tea drinker, and enjoy a lot in appreciating sipping good teas with friends. I do not take alcohol at all now. Why should I bring newbies around, pay for the share of alcohol consumed by the newbies? Those brothers in China with whom I have the chance to meet will tell you that it is out of my sense of friendship, and not obligation. Got it, Brother?
Dear Bro PTR,
Good Day to you and hope your family are all doing well back in SGP.

Indeed great words from you, that's why I "quote" most of them, right to the points, and IMHO that is the exact situation for most bros stationed here. Many failed to understand this. However, I must add that bros here are not expecting any form of treat from them in return.

Beside the Chairman Mao issue, I think TIME is another issue. Everybody has 24H a day and got no obligation to fix into others.

Since we are discussing about this matter, I would like to say something....
Some came into the forum without realised they got to be more specific when ask for assistance, and there are a few expected to be served. Questions like,
a) Hey guys, I am coming to Shanghai, need help.
b) Can someone help to organise a gathering when I am in Shanghai?
c) Where to Cheong?
d) many more...

Sad to see when they did not got a response, they thought they were ignored; when got a hard response, they felt offended. If there is a little thought for others....

Like you always says, be polite and be humble......

Just my RMB0.20 worth.


Old 03-05-2006, 03:36 PM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Originally Posted by PuTonRen
Dear Bro alpha123,

First of all, thank you for the May Day greetings!

Secondly, I refer to the above statement that you have made. You might not have caught the idea that I was trying to bring across. It is also possible that I have not been clear in my expression. I apologise for my English expression.

What I meant is, why should the senior brothers bring the newbies to go places in the first place? Afterall, they still would have to pay their share. They can choose not to go to those cheong places and save their hard earned money, afterall, they have seen them all. Hence, when a senior brother in any town of China brings me to places, I always appreciate deeply as I know that he is doing it for me, as he does not need to go to cheong places with me and spend his own money.

For me, I am a tea drinker, and enjoy a lot in appreciating sipping good teas with friends. I do not take alcohol at all now. Why should I bring newbies around, pay for the share of alcohol consumed by the newbies? Those brothers in China with whom I have the chance to meet will tell you that it is out of my sense of friendship, and not obligation. Got it, Brother?

With best regards

Bro alpha123,
Cheong places for most of us has become a part of work. When we go out we prefer not to cheong. Once in a while a close friend or business associate comes in we bring them only because we do it for them. The novelty wears out in around three to six months for some of us, and a little longer for the rest.

Bro PTR,
I got my hands on some very good tea leaves. Waiting for you to be back in Shanghai again so I can let you try some and let you bring some back to Euroland with you.
Old 03-05-2006, 03:47 PM
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Talking Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Originally Posted by shengge
Beside the Chairman Mao issue, I think TIME is another issue. Everybody has 24H a day and got no obligation to fix into others.

Since we are discussing about this matter, I would like to say something....
Some came into the forum without realised they got to be more specific when ask for assistance, and there are a few expected to be served. Questions like,
a) Hey guys, I am coming to Shanghai, need help.
b) Can someone help to organise a gathering when I am in Shanghai?
c) Where to Cheong?
d) many more...

Sad to see when they did not got a response, they thought they were ignored; when got a hard response, they felt offended. If there is a little thought for others....
Bro Shengge is right. I am also sick and tired of the typical Singaporean hunger for easy instant gratification. I think it has a lot to do with the way singaporeans are brought up, being spoon fed and all. A lot of them seems to think everyone in the world owes them something.

Part of the shanghai experience is to explore and find out the ins and outs on your own. Build up your own circle of local friends and you will find a nice new angle to things, list of restaurants and other entertainment locations. Honestly speaking, finding a nice quaint little restaurant with good food gives me more delight than finding a new KTV with wild girls. I speak for only myself but I think my stomach rules my brain more than my libido. No wonder I am Fat and Ugly.
Old 03-05-2006, 04:48 PM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Originally Posted by luvgangsta
Bro alpha123,
Cheong places for most of us has become a part of work. When we go out we prefer not to cheong. Once in a while a close friend or business associate comes in we bring them only because we do it for them. The novelty wears out in around three to six months for some of us, and a little longer for the rest.

Bro PTR,
I got my hands on some very good tea leaves. Waiting for you to be back in Shanghai again so I can let you try some and let you bring some back to Euroland with you.
Bro luvgangsta,

Thanks for the offer of the tea leaves, I certainly look forwards to try them, and your offer is deeply appreciated. Yes, I am also quite sicked of going to cheong places, and do it once in a long while. We can sip tea in a nice tea house and watch the mei meis walking by mah.

Leaving for Euroland next week. Sigh.......Have to drink tea alone liaoz.


Just a Retired Simple Man

PuTonRen aka UFO_Man
Old 03-05-2006, 04:51 PM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Originally Posted by luvgangsta
more delight than finding a new KTV with wild girls. I speak for only myself but I think my stomach rules my brain more than my libido. No wonder I am Fat and Ugly.
Well said Bro luvgangsta,

I join your sentiment in the above statements, as I am not only Fat and Ugly, but am also Old (UFO mah!) To believe me, wait till you see me and I am sure you will agree. I am not as handsome as our Bro shengge.

Hahaha.... Looking forward to meet you in person.


Just a Retired Simple Man

PuTonRen aka UFO_Man
Old 03-05-2006, 11:03 PM
alpha123 alpha123 is offline
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

To All bro here,

Thanks for the remarks. I do not think it is any problem to treat the bro here if it is within my ability.....
Hmm.. as per cheonging .. maybe all bro have their different point of view.. for me I don't really like KTV scene.. as I feel it is time consuming and wasting money in Shanghai.. Rather go to some Pub or Disco to meet people there and get to know some new friends. . Today get to know 2 young gal and maybe the happening time will start from now........ Sorry if I really cause some problems to the bro here as view me as too demanding...
I think we are here to make friends, maybe next time can have business together also for all the Singaporean...
Life is quite boring in Shanghai probably it is too hectic in Singapore.. haha
I like this amazing place although when everyone rest on May Day yet I have to work everyday like normal because it is Singapore boss..
Hmm.. my last request is whether any bro here can provide some info on some pub or disco that have a lot of locals and not so expensive.. I know HengSan Road, TongREn Road, SInTianDi but I do not know which 1 is good.. Thanks for the enlightenment...
I do heard there is some striptease show in PuTuo Area , is it true?
Old 03-05-2006, 11:32 PM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Originally Posted by alpha123
To All bro here,

Hmm.. my last request is whether any bro here can provide some info on some pub or disco that have a lot of locals and not so expensive.. I know HengSan Road, TongREn Road, SInTianDi but I do not know which 1 is good.. Thanks for the enlightenment...
I do heard there is some striptease show in PuTuo Area , is it true?
Suggest u cheong urself to see lor. I see that in ur opinion we r all juz a bunch of TCSS bro only. Thus if we share information with u, we r afriad that we will kena suan by u again as TCSS. We r of a different wave length than u mah .... Enjoy ur golden week in SHA ....
Old 04-05-2006, 12:01 AM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Originally Posted by alpha123
To All bro here,

Thanks for the remarks. I do not think it is any problem to treat the bro here if it is within my ability.....
Dear Bro alpha123,

In case you have misunderstood me, please allow me to tell you about the un-written habit of brothers in Shanghai. When we cheong, either in KTV, Disco, Pubs, etc. no one is expected give other brothers a treat, nor any bro is expected to be treated. We have fun together, we share the expenses.

I am sorry to learn that you have to work during the May Golden Holiday week. Well, it is life! I do have a feeling that you might not have the same wavelength as many brothers in Shanghai. Well, there is nothing wrong to explore the place yourselves. There are enough written reports about Pubs and Discos, either through FR or through our TCSS postings. When I first came to Shanghai, there wasn't any Forum like this one, well, I went places alone most of the time. Brothers here are still willing to help if anyone asks specific questions the answers of which are still not in the postings.

Shanghai is not a boring place. Based on my humble experience of more than 10 years in China, I have to admit that Shanghai is an expensive place for most of the things, nevertheless, it is also a place where one can derive a lot of funs.

With best regards

Just a Retired Simple Man

PuTonRen aka UFO_Man
Old 04-05-2006, 12:21 AM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Bro CatEyes,

Do not know whats your meaning. But I think i consider myself as a TCSS bunch also as there is nothing wrong to do that woh ..........

Bro PTR,

Thanks for all the encouragement. I will start explore the amazing places. The best thing I like here is the safety level that may reACH SGPore level. Election coming in 2 days time... Alone here doesn't mean lonely woh... Nice chatting with you here.....
Old 04-05-2006, 12:30 AM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Originally Posted by luvgangsta
Part of the shanghai experience is to explore and find out the ins and outs on your own. Build up your own circle of local friends and you will find a nice new angle to things, list of restaurants and other entertainment locations. Honestly speaking, finding a nice quaint little restaurant with good food gives me more delight than finding a new KTV with wild girls. I speak for only myself but I think my stomach rules my brain more than my libido. No wonder I am Fat and Ugly.
Hi Snr Bro luvgangsta,
I merely add on to what bro PTR has said, thanks for sharing the same thought.

On the other hand, I totally agreed with what you said. I don't think it is no longer about spoon fed, more like logical thinking of most sgporean.


Old 04-05-2006, 12:32 AM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Originally Posted by PuTonRen
I join your sentiment in the above statements, as I am not only Fat and Ugly, but am also Old (UFO mah!) To believe me, wait till you see me and I am sure you will agree. I am not as handsome as our Bro shengge.
Dear Bro PTR,
How come you quote my name here?
Buay gum leh, suan-ing an ugly man like me.
I think chairman Mao is the most handsome person.


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