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Health Centre and KTV lounge Tangos It's supposed to be a state secret but you can get great SEX at these places too. Discretion advised.

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Old 07-03-2005, 11:55 AM
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Re: Legends 3

Originally Posted by Zack Tan
Bro. sex and the city, alec...and too attached to be. Looks like I open another can of worms!
You really have a big can of worms in your closet.

Bro Dbono, my votes for Sammi and Rachel. Thanks.
Old 07-03-2005, 12:01 PM
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Re: Legends 3

my 2 votes for Daisy Milk
Old 07-03-2005, 12:08 PM
cunt_ranger cunt_ranger is offline
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Re: Legends 3

Originally Posted by SexAndTheCity
You really have a big can of worms in your closet.

Bro Dbono, my votes for Sammi and Rachel. Thanks.
Hi bros,

Ehh.... all relac lah.... make love not war ok???!! Let's keep the forum peaceful....

Old 07-03-2005, 08:34 PM
azreal666 azreal666 is offline
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Re: Legends 3

Originally Posted by cunt_ranger
Hi bros,

Ehh.... all relac lah.... make love not war ok???!! Let's keep the forum peaceful....

Yeah lah is short FUCK HARD ....i mean the gals lah NOT each other....ok!
Old 07-03-2005, 10:05 PM
AhYoung AhYoung is offline
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Re: Legends 3

hello, no time no see... my 2 vote to coco.... NO HORSE RUN!
New Year, New Sextifaction!!!!
Old 07-03-2005, 10:08 PM
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Re: Legends 3

so no offend ok.

Well i suppose Dbono.... he is here like me to do a stats for new comer, they just need to know who is the best rather than wasting $$$$ and try gals like serene.... i regret never read this thread before going down there.
New Year, New Sextifaction!!!!
Old 07-03-2005, 10:08 PM
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Re: Legends 3

my 2 votes and one hard erection for Coco
Old 08-03-2005, 02:24 AM
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Re: Legends 3

Originally Posted by AhYoung
so no offend ok.

Well i suppose Dbono.... he is here like me to do a stats for new comer, they just need to know who is the best rather than wasting $$$$ and try gals like serene.... i regret never read this thread before going down there.
Originally Posted by SexAndTheCity
Zack, you should not always see all others as childish and you are the only one who is the SMARTEST!!!!! You have to learn how to respect others and their opinions, as people tried to respect yours too. .......................
, talk is cheap!!!!!
Thanx Bro Ah Young & SexAndTheCity for standing up for me. We r all free to make watever speech we wan in tis forum(freedom of speech!!bout the only way here in sillypore),
so all bros can say watever they wan, me inclusive mayb i'm jus backside too itchy, but it will still need to be scratched! dun worry i'll still continue wit tis little pageant of mine. for whoever is not interested, PS: u can jus skip watever u dun like to c, or disappear fm tis forum/thread for a while, while i finish wit my 'childish' games.( jus like an itch which needs to be scratched... )

Originally Posted by Zack Tan
Bro. DBono,
....... I know you that you do the poll in jest and for fun but you turning the thread into a circus leh like wayang, wayang. A bit childish and mindless.....
Bro. sex and the city,
That's ok I can take a few knocks on my chins. It's not that I'm disrespectful, just voicing out my personal opinion just like you. No need to take it so hard and personal. To each his own. No need to put down each other down. alec...and too attached to

its ok bro, freedom of speech here. u do watever u like, & i do mine..... jus an advice bro, read my signature. sort of been 'there' as u r now....but if u r still serious bout watever u'r gonna do, wish u luck.
Thze Man looking thru the Sex-solo-scope @ The Tip of Cold Cold Turkey Mt(I HV CCTV SEX-SOLO-SCOPE OK!!DUN WAYANG!)

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Old 08-03-2005, 02:38 AM
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Re: Legends 3

HC idol- Legend HC; Legends of Legends. Voting begins !!

Well Coco hv managed to overtake of Sammi for the crown at the moment. Seems like we'll nvr noe which 1 of tis 2 ladies will crowned the queen of legends, the one & only Legend of Legends. Wat an exciting race it'll be.Mayb a more vocal Darkhorse will do tis race better, making sure that these 2 ladies got to keep a constant look out over their shoulder. Keep ya votes cumming bros!
HC Idol 2005- Legend HC; Legends of Legend; Votes for day ended 07nd March 05.(updated where possible)

Coco : +19 {Queen in the making}
( iceman X2, DeanPaul36 X2, simplyhorny, machoman X2, monsta X2, Audi Roadster X2, benzi, Teluk X2, fungoer, AhYoung X2, Sexphantom X2 )

Sammi: +15
(Optimus Prime, petercm888 X2, king_782 X2, Aglat X2, fhfhfhX2, HC nooB X2, stone X2, marji, SexAndTheCity)

Angel : +7
( wtc321, seeknewss, azreal666, Rolling Stone I, marji , ayako, fungoer )

Fann : +5 ( chickenzip, ,wtc321, seeknewss, Mister911targa, gl lover )

Joyce : +3 ( chickenzip, grue76, ayako )

Joey : +2 ( BTech, seeknewss )

Rachel : +2 ( Rolling Stone I, SexAndTheCity )

Daisy : +2 ( ekpatX2 )

Cecilia : +1 ( grue76 )

Brenda :+1 ( BTech )

Jamie : +1 ( glgoer )

Samantha : -1 ( azreal666 )

New entries
Bros who hv made their 1 vote change

Stay tuned bros!! Let's tis pageant hots up bros!! Thanks for supporting, & PS keep ya votes coming!!!

Every1 allowed 2 votes(cos i noe every1 will hv 1 Fav queen & 1 princess; like wife n mistress...kekeke ), & 1 -ve vote; Bros mayb also cast 1 additional vote for Ex-LHC Queens(PS INDICATE, thanks). All votes casted can only be amended ONCE, so cast ya votes wisely bros!! Bros can cast ya votes for ex-LHC gals as well.The pageant will last for 16wks, till 4th June 05.
So bros here's ya time to support for ya fav gals!!

Disclaimer: This poll is done in the fun for Bros to support n vote for their fav gals, n to let bros gather info on the gals. Ps dun take this polls too serious as its all done in jest, n may not reflect wat the majority of cheongsters to LHC views are!! Hope this poll is not hving any adverse effects on the relationship btw the gals.(else me will be vry sorry) This poll is to reward them for their gd "service" n for them to gain some due recognition fm bros here.& may it motivate the gals to give maintain or better their "service".
Thze Man looking thru the Sex-solo-scope @ The Tip of Cold Cold Turkey Mt(I HV CCTV SEX-SOLO-SCOPE OK!!DUN WAYANG!)

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Old 08-03-2005, 11:11 AM
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Unhappy Re: Legends 3

Hello bros. Don't know if any of you in same boat as me. I go to HC especially L3 once every week. 3 weeks ago, I noticed there was something worng with little bro. Veri scared so went to see nearby GP, he say probably STD so need to do blood test. After 2 weeks of losing weight and sleep and a lot of pain in didi, went back to GP for test result. He confirm herpes.....I got shock but expecting it. He say better test for HIV oso.

So waiting for HIV test now. I thot HC quite safe but now got big problem. Have not visited HC for few weeks now but wanted to warn brothers.
Last few visits to L3, got BBBJ then cap as usual. Thot gals all look healthy but never examine pussy or mouth lah for ulcers...aiyo.

Worse thing dunno which gal pass to me cos did it with a few girls there. Dunno whether shirley, fann or maybe even angel....siao liao. Haven't been back to ask any of them...aiyo how anyway....feel so terrible now have to wait for HIV and test again to bros.
Old 08-03-2005, 12:49 PM
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Re: Legends 3

Thumbs Up to bro Dbono for creating this poll for the benefit of noobs.
My 1 vote goes to Coco n the other to Joey.
Old 08-03-2005, 04:02 PM
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Re: Legends 3

Good Luck Bro ....sounds terrible. Two questions for you:

1) HIV test back same day. How long have you waited?

2) What kind of symtoms did you have with herpes? Rash... sore....blood or what?

HC and women always risky business

Originally Posted by in_trouble
Hello bros. Don't know if any of you in same boat as me. I go to HC especially L3 once every week. 3 weeks ago, I noticed there was something worng with little bro. Veri scared so went to see nearby GP, he say probably STD so need to do blood test. After 2 weeks of losing weight and sleep and a lot of pain in didi, went back to GP for test result. He confirm herpes.....I got shock but expecting it. He say better test for HIV oso.

So waiting for HIV test now. I thot HC quite safe but now got big problem. Have not visited HC for few weeks now but wanted to warn brothers.
Last few visits to L3, got BBBJ then cap as usual. Thot gals all look healthy but never examine pussy or mouth lah for ulcers...aiyo.

Worse thing dunno which gal pass to me cos did it with a few girls there. Dunno whether shirley, fann or maybe even angel....siao liao. Haven't been back to ask any of them...aiyo how anyway....feel so terrible now have to wait for HIV and test again to bros.
Old 08-03-2005, 04:13 PM
azreal666 azreal666 is offline
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FR on Sammi

decide to try no.2 sammi given high no. of votes...

now after trying her service, I guess the phrase one man's meet is another man's poison is quite true. so just want to put out this FR to put this in perspective since most guys (at least all my frens) i know have similar taste to me so I want to share this so that bros will have the right expectations when they try her (which I didnt have).

Face: 6/10 (too round face and bat ears)
Body: 6/10 (a bit short 1.58m and pudgy, skin quite smooth and fair, too much perfume which I dont like...maybe its the brand she is using)
Massage:7/10 (better than other gals i tried)
BJ: 6/10 - i think its her teeth but she keep scratching me when giving me BJ so got a bit painful....
FJ: 6.5/10 - very accomodating can try all sorts of position but stereo a bit "over-enthusiatic". several times my didi went soft - not really turn on ...
Attitude: 10/10 - very friendly, patient and smiling all the time but again depending on how you look at it, this can be rated 5/10 too as the over-friendliness becomes too "fake" if you think about it. But i will still give full marks as at least for her putting in effort to make sure that she comes across as very service-oriented and thus makes you want to RTF?

RTF: probably not

Basically, i will say that sammi is short and plump if you compare against Rachel, shirley and Angel. She is definitely not that kind of gal you will take a second look if you see on the street. She is I what I wont say sexy. (again this is subjective). For me, if I am going to spend $138/- I would want to bonk a gal that looks like one of those I see on street which would be hard to get as a girl friend...(we go to HC to live out our fantasy right not just to fuck and cum (which we can DIY anytime) not one of those you dont even think twice or look twice.

But on her own merits, she is at least proportional overall in terms of her size like her butt, boobs etc. and or course very service-oriented.

Guys who are looking for slim legs, slim body and CFM gal (irregardless of service)then I would say not to try Sammi. If you are looking for very good service and attitude, then maybe Sammi is the one for you.

I have seen Rachel thrice already and I think she qualifies with slim body, slim legs and a bit CFM look. (quite ah lian). but never try her cos not much votes. Anybody who has tried her pls give comments or FR to confirm. thanks.

I hope this is helpful to all bros out there who can then plan better on who to try in L3 since not all of us have unlimited Vit-M.

Old 09-03-2005, 04:36 PM
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Cool Re: Legends 3

I guess subjective is the word. Different people have different preferences. Oh's my first attempt on writing a FR. Hope that fellow samsters will find it a useful read.

Had time to kill the other day and so decided to check out the much touted L3. I guess this is my first foray to HC based on what i read on SBF. Was kind of confused with the location initially, especially when i entered through the Allson entrance. It was then I realised that I was in familar surroundings. Once upon a time, I frequented the now defunct Princess HC and Rappongi (now BHC) which were located on the 4th floor. was there when i first met the young and fresh eva (see BHC threads).

Walked into L3 and was pretty impressed with the surroundings. Nice décor, fittings and ambience. Most of the ang pais were not available and was allocated Samantha. Got into the room, showered and waited with anticipation – fueled by the mixed reviews on her…..model-like, poor service, -1 in the polls. Waited for a good 10 minutes before she walked in. Well, one thing for sure, she’ll tall (+ 1 bonus) and seemed taller in her 3inch hideous platforms (-1). Quite pretty with good features and nice big eyes (+1). She was in a tight top which made her looked rather flattering with the boobies almost popping out (+1) and a mini skirt in appalling prints (-1). Was greeted with a nice smile and in English (+1). Can’t say that it was really fluent but good enough for a banana like me (yellow on the outside and white inside) who cant speak much mandarin. Seem friendly and had a decent conversation (+1) while she went about with her massaging. Was accommodating with my requests on the massaging (+1). It wasn’t long before she popped the magic question and was told the price. Was surprised that she asked for $100 for BBBJ and $120 for FJ, but agreed as I haven’t been getting much from CO lately. From what I read, I certainly hoped that I would find some value in the money that I was about to spend.

She came back with her barang and immediately start to undress. With 2 swift actions she was in her matching bra and g-strings (+1). She turned around and gave me a naughty look as she removed her bra and slipped out of her g-strings. It was then reality sets in… the seemingly full and firm boobies immediately drooped and her ass didn’t seem as tight (-1). I guess it was one of those cases when a gal looks better and more teasing when she just give you a peek-a-boo. She then climbed on top of me and laid in my arms, and letting her hand wandered on me. Curious that she did that for a while, even after announcing that there isnt much time left. There wasn’t much of a catbath (-1) apart from some light licking of my chest and one nipple. She then capped me before starting the BBBJ which consist of monotonous repetitive stroking of the shaft with her mouth (-1). Cant imagine how I would have felt if I had paid $100 for just the BBBJ. She then laid on her front, and asked me to take me from behind which I responded eagerly (+1). After pumping for a while, asked her to turned around, as I want to see her face and the boobies shaking (afterall, I somehow think that I just bonking a pretty face). She immediately draw the boundaries…cannot lick, touch face, go south with my fingers, suck and be faster (-1). Was kinda turned off, so in my mind, I just want to give her a hard one and get over with it. Surprisingly, she seemed to enjoy it, and in the frenzy, I managed to steal some kisses, nibbles and run my unshaven chin up and down her body and all over her face. I came, and laid together for a while and that gave me a slight gf feeling (+1).

FR on Samantha
Look, -- 8/10 - Quite pretty.
Body – 7/10 - Nice long slender leg, tall but look better in clothes
Boobs - 4/10, B cup at most
BBJ – 3/10, nothing spectacular.
FJ – 6/10
Attitude – 6/10, polite and can converse well. feels like ONS when service is bonus
RTF - perhaps
Overall – 4/10
Samantha – local who claims she’s part time model, 23-24 yrs, 171cm, 52-54kg, works weekdays only and usually in the day.

I guess her service or rather lack of it; stems from her being a local and a part-time model. She feels that some of the “services” that some of the rest provide is degrading and claims that if she’s more known for services, being a local, she will bring more flak and unwanted attention upon herself and her career. So, if you are looking for a good lay, refer to other threads for other recommendations. Look for her only if you want to do a pretty face and have some decent conversation.

Hope that fellow samsters will not find this too long-winded and opinionated. Kindly up my rep if you like it.
Sex:the thing that takes up the least amount of time and causes the most amount of trouble.
Old 10-03-2005, 12:05 AM
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Re: Legends 3

Hi wingnut,
I agreed with your views on Samantha. I understood from her that she had very expensive creams on her body and boobies to keep her in tip-top conditions.

Originally Posted by wingnut
I guess subjective is the word. Different people have different preferences. Oh's my first attempt on writing a FR. Hope that fellow samsters will find it a useful read.

Had time to kill the other day and so decided to check out the much touted L3. I guess this is my first foray to HC based on what i read on SBF. Was kind of confused with the location initially, especially when i entered through the Allson entrance. It was then I realised that I was in familar surroundings. Once upon a time, I frequented the now defunct Princess HC and Rappongi (now BHC) which were located on the 4th floor. was there when i first met the young and fresh eva (see BHC threads).

Walked into L3 and was pretty impressed with the surroundings. Nice décor, fittings and ambience. Most of the ang pais were not available and was allocated Samantha. Got into the room, showered and waited with anticipation – fueled by the mixed reviews on her…..model-like, poor service, -1 in the polls. Waited for a good 10 minutes before she walked in. Well, one thing for sure, she’ll tall (+ 1 bonus) and seemed taller in her 3inch hideous platforms (-1). Quite pretty with good features and nice big eyes (+1). She was in a tight top which made her looked rather flattering with the boobies almost popping out (+1) and a mini skirt in appalling prints (-1). Was greeted with a nice smile and in English (+1). Can’t say that it was really fluent but good enough for a banana like me (yellow on the outside and white inside) who cant speak much mandarin. Seem friendly and had a decent conversation (+1) while she went about with her massaging. Was accommodating with my requests on the massaging (+1). It wasn’t long before she popped the magic question and was told the price. Was surprised that she asked for $100 for BBBJ and $120 for FJ, but agreed as I haven’t been getting much from CO lately. From what I read, I certainly hoped that I would find some value in the money that I was about to spend.

She came back with her barang and immediately start to undress. With 2 swift actions she was in her matching bra and g-strings (+1). She turned around and gave me a naughty look as she removed her bra and slipped out of her g-strings. It was then reality sets in… the seemingly full and firm boobies immediately drooped and her ass didn’t seem as tight (-1). I guess it was one of those cases when a gal looks better and more teasing when she just give you a peek-a-boo. She then climbed on top of me and laid in my arms, and letting her hand wandered on me. Curious that she did that for a while, even after announcing that there isnt much time left. There wasn’t much of a catbath (-1) apart from some light licking of my chest and one nipple. She then capped me before starting the BBBJ which consist of monotonous repetitive stroking of the shaft with her mouth (-1). Cant imagine how I would have felt if I had paid $100 for just the BBBJ. She then laid on her front, and asked me to take me from behind which I responded eagerly (+1). After pumping for a while, asked her to turned around, as I want to see her face and the boobies shaking (afterall, I somehow think that I just bonking a pretty face). She immediately draw the boundaries…cannot lick, touch face, go south with my fingers, suck and be faster (-1). Was kinda turned off, so in my mind, I just want to give her a hard one and get over with it. Surprisingly, she seemed to enjoy it, and in the frenzy, I managed to steal some kisses, nibbles and run my unshaven chin up and down her body and all over her face. I came, and laid together for a while and that gave me a slight gf feeling (+1).

FR on Samantha
Look, -- 8/10 - Quite pretty.
Body – 7/10 - Nice long slender leg, tall but look better in clothes
Boobs - 4/10, B cup at most
BBJ – 3/10, nothing spectacular.
FJ – 6/10
Attitude – 6/10, polite and can converse well. feels like ONS when service is bonus
RTF - perhaps
Overall – 4/10
Samantha – local who claims she’s part time model, 23-24 yrs, 171cm, 52-54kg, works weekdays only and usually in the day.

I guess her service or rather lack of it; stems from her being a local and a part-time model. She feels that some of the “services” that some of the rest provide is degrading and claims that if she’s more known for services, being a local, she will bring more flak and unwanted attention upon herself and her career. So, if you are looking for a good lay, refer to other threads for other recommendations. Look for her only if you want to do a pretty face and have some decent conversation.

Hope that fellow samsters will not find this too long-winded and opinionated. Kindly up my rep if you like it.
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