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Old 07-06-2013, 01:37 PM
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Re: My Brother and Sister in law

Originally Posted by ilikeoldchangke View Post

James : How is Sylvia …. Ermm.. how should I put it… when you all are intimate ?

He seemed a little shock at that question and instinctively he looked around, checking for the girls.

Wayne: You meant what ? Like sex ?

I laughed

James : What else ?

I saw Wayne stole a look at Gillian and commented that the sisters looked kinda alike at certain angles.

I drained my coffee and replied.

James : Well,… we have a lot of talk about…

The end
I like this........ now James had taken over the role of Joe......
Old 07-06-2013, 01:47 PM
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Re: My Brother and Sister in law

Good story there bro! Really appreciated
Old 07-06-2013, 01:53 PM
rob_onny rob_onny is offline
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Arrow Re: My Brother and Sister in law

Bro ajlover, I also think James will take over Joe's role...
But I hope not the gamble part...
Bro ilikeoldchangke, pls give me part 2!!!
Trilogy!! Trilogy!!!
Originally Posted by ajlover View Post
I like this........ now James had taken over the role of Joe......
Jamie (FL) is a gem that i like a lot, & she's now on temporary retired mode 4 a few months...
For my unconventional FR on Jamie, pls kindly click here... Hope u like it
Old 07-06-2013, 01:54 PM
simp2 simp2 is offline
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Re: My Brother and Sister in law

One of the best story so far that I've read. Ts didn't go mua and complete the story as promise. Thanks.
Old 07-06-2013, 02:17 PM
MagicFingers MagicFingers is offline
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Re: My Brother and Sister in law

Originally Posted by ilikeoldchangke View Post
16th March 2013



My flight landed and I immediately took a cab to Chinatown.


I tucked my luggage by the staircase and I sat down to catch a snooze after dropping Gillian an sms.


I saw this guy arrived at the staircase and he was loitering around rather suspiciouosly, he kept checking his top, brushing his hair.

He seemed like a nice guy, a little young but overall I got a rather good vibe about him.


The rest of the family arrived with Gillian taking her time to exit the car with her swollen belly.

I wanted to burst out laughing as the guy rushed towards my FIL even before he locked the car.

The introductions were made and I exchanged some pleasantries with that guy who was introduced to me as Wayne.

I gave Sylvia a look and she stuck her tongue out at me.

Chatting over tea and breakfast, I found out that Wayne was a year younger than me.

When we had a moment alone, I asked Wayne ;

James : Bro, how ? Worse than interview right ? haha

Wayne : Eh ok la, quite stressful and weird eh. Haha.

James : don’t worry, it’ll pass.

When I had a moment alone with Sylvia later in that day over at my in laws place, I asked Sylvia .

James : Tell me the story Sylvia ..

Sylvia : Haha.. no way.. and stay away from him James.. don’t corrupt him..

May 2013

1 week before I pen down this thread.

Wayne and I were having coffee while the girls were having their nails done.

James : Wayne ar , ask you something…

Wayne : Yeah ?

James : How is Sylvia …. Ermm.. how should I put it… when you all are intimate ?

He seemed a little shock at that question and instinctively he looked around, checking for the girls.

Wayne: You meant what ? Like sex ?

I laughed

James : What else ?

I saw Wayne stole a look at Gillian and commented that the sisters looked kinda alike at certain angles.

I drained my coffee and replied.

James : Well,… we have a lot of talk about…

The end
Almost similar situation when James first met the FIL and Joe, and now James is taking over the role of Joe as some other brothers have mentioned.

Thank you iloveock for an amazingly wonderful story. I had goosebumps when I read the ending, and went "Woaaaaah" while working. >,< Will camp for your next story / adventure. Wish you all the best! !
Old 07-06-2013, 02:19 PM
htcandroid htcandroid is offline
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Re: My Brother and Sister in law

Bravo bro ilock, another masterpiece!
Old 07-06-2013, 03:12 PM
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Re: My Brother and Sister in law

Thank you ts for the story, I like it very much esp the relationship you had with Sylvia..
That's wonderful.

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Old 07-06-2013, 03:15 PM
meetheone meetheone is offline
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Re: My Brother and Sister in law

good story bro.. very good..
Old 07-06-2013, 03:17 PM
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Re: My Brother and Sister in law

One of the best stories I ever read.. pls write back soon

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Old 07-06-2013, 03:32 PM
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Re: My Brother and Sister in law

Well done bro, I can only say u got another fan, please come with another writing soon... CheerS
Old 07-06-2013, 04:01 PM
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Re: My Brother and Sister in law

This story shows dedication. Cant wait for the next one bro ilock. If you write ten stories and make into a book I will buy from you. Hahahahaha
Old 07-06-2013, 04:03 PM
maddog_mlvn maddog_mlvn is offline
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Re: My Brother and Sister in law

Bro ilock, very well written story. Dun let all ur supporters here wait too long for ur next story. Thks.
Old 07-06-2013, 04:15 PM
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Re: My Brother and Sister in law

Perfectly executed story. TS has a talent for writing. So engaging. So intriguing.
Old 07-06-2013, 05:00 PM
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Re: My Brother and Sister in law

another fantastic story ends.
Old 07-06-2013, 05:30 PM
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Re: My Brother and Sister in law

Originally Posted by ilikeoldchangke View Post

I had to call Gillian and tell her I’ll be a little late as I’m paying mahjong with my dad and my uncles.


James : Sylvia, I have something else for you.

I retrieved the gold items Joe gave me and I passed them over to Sylvia.

Sylvia : Oh my god… how did you ?

James : I.. ermm.. made a bit of money from the stock market… and I bought the pawn tickets from Joe..

Sylvia : I can’t accept this James.. I’m …

I gave Sylvia a kiss and just smiled at her.

James : It’s ok Sylvia…. Take it.

She hugged me and I could tell she was about to cry but she recovered.

Sylvia : It’s funny what I’m feeling right now James.. haha, i don’t know what to say.

James : I’m sorry if this reminded you of Joe….

She kissed me again and replied.

Sylvia : No it does not…. It’ll only remind me of you..

We cuddled up a little longer in bed and Sylvia snuggled tightly against me.

I made no mention of the cash in RM that Joe passed to me.


James : It’s coming to 12..

Sylvia : Haha.. carriage changing back to pumpkin ..

We both laughed.

12 Midnight.

We parted reluctantly from each other’s arms and got dressed.


I let Sylvia went on ahead to reach home as I hung around the estate.


I got back in and Gillian was already fast asleep.

7th January 2011

I got married on the 1st week of the new year to Gillian and she moved over to my parents place while waiting for the completion of our new flat.

Feb 2011

Sylvia moved back with her parents and rented out her place at Simei.

March 2011

Sylvia and I kept our distance away from each other as agreed. We are still close , we hung out together but we did not cross the line again except some harmless flirting.

There were moments when I felt we were about to cross the line but one of us always managed to slap some sense into each other.

I kept the occasional contact with Joe until I lost touch when his numbers was changed. The last time I saw him was on the October of 2011

I’ve only heard about the occasional rumor from Gillian that Sylvia had quite a few suitors but nothing concrete was happening.

I tried to dig when I had the time alone with Sylvia but she just brushed me off.

Sylvia : My heart is with you la James… haha.

What prompted me to start writing about this was something that happened on 15th March of 2013.

Barely a couple of months ago.

15th March 2013



I was in the middle of a work trip in Taiwan when my phone rang.

Gillian : Dear, Your’re reaching Singapore tomorrow in the morning right ?

James : Yup what’s up ?

Gillian : what time ?

James : I think around 6am or so I think.

Gillian : Daddy asking us out for breakfast at Red star.

James : You’re kidding.

She went on to say that if I can’t make it it’s fine.

James : I’ll try to be there on time.

16th March 2013



My flight landed and I immediately took a cab to Chinatown.


I tucked my luggage by the staircase and I sat down to catch a snooze after dropping Gillian an sms.


I saw this guy arrived at the staircase and he was loitering around rather suspiciouosly, he kept checking his top, brushing his hair.

He seemed like a nice guy, a little young but overall I got a rather good vibe about him.


The rest of the family arrived with Gillian taking her time to exit the car with her swollen belly.

I wanted to burst out laughing as the guy rushed towards my FIL even before he locked the car.

The introductions were made and I exchanged some pleasantries with that guy who was introduced to me as Wayne.

I gave Sylvia a look and she stuck her tongue out at me.

Chatting over tea and breakfast, I found out that Wayne was a year younger than me.

When we had a moment alone, I asked Wayne ;

James : Bro, how ? Worse than interview right ? haha

Wayne : Eh ok la, quite stressful and weird eh. Haha.

James : don’t worry, it’ll pass.

When I had a moment alone with Sylvia later in that day over at my in laws place, I asked Sylvia .

James : Tell me the story Sylvia ..

Sylvia : Haha.. no way.. and stay away from him James.. don’t corrupt him..

May 2013

1 week before I pen down this thread.

Wayne and I were having coffee while the girls were having their nails done.

James : Wayne ar , ask you something…

Wayne : Yeah ?

James : How is Sylvia …. Ermm.. how should I put it… when you all are intimate ?

He seemed a little shock at that question and instinctively he looked around, checking for the girls.

Wayne: You meant what ? Like sex ?

I laughed

James : What else ?

I saw Wayne stole a look at Gillian and commented that the sisters looked kinda alike at certain angles.

I drained my coffee and replied.

James : Well,… we have a lot of talk about…

The end
Bye bye Sylvia.
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