Re: SAF armoured vehicles(Terrex) detained in Hong Kong port
Originally Posted by sadfa
Once again this forum needs my post to set the standards.
Phase one is China test spore by seizing vehicles. Spore failed cos they only whimper like ah qua asking can return me my vehicles pls.... Fucking useless
Phase two is solving the problem by whacking spores dog. Chinese got saying whack dog must also see who's the owner.
Now by whacking shipper, it help China n spore save face cos it's all shippers fault. Spore n China are blameless.
Now we will see how garbagement deal with phase two. I guarantee Is blame shippers n make themselves look good.
If spore do that, phase two fail also.
China is slapping n kicking spores worker who is blameless. Wats spores reaction? " Mmmmm. I don't know. Slap lor. Not my problem."
Fucking joke. Garbage ment cant do a thing.
Keep this up n China will next send PLA regiment to spore to base there without asking for permission . Just go to the newest camp n take over to keep eye on USA.
Garbagement like enuch. Whack sporeans theyre like heroes. But when the bigger monster or shark come around, garbagement can only cry n say "wat can I do. He's bigger than me u know..... "
Exchange points got phase ma
Most likely APL will be made the scapegoat . Please don't give the PRC ideas on what to do . Actually they no need to send a regimen into Singapore . Nice to see somebody getting slapped by someone else for a change . Ah Hen lucky can get to keep his job. Happy New Year to you bro .
Last edited by SiaSuay; 28-01-2017 at 08:17 PM.
Reason: Add words
Most likely APL will be made the scapegoat . Please don't give the PRC ideas on what to do . Actually they no need to send a regimen into Singapore . Nice to see somebody getting slapped by someone else for a change . Ah Hen lucky can get to keep his job. Happy New Year to you bro .
Many ppl learn their lesson supporting garbagement. Next one will be shippers.
last time garbagemenr said shipping military vehicles using commercial shippers is NORMAL. and how astute they are in using commercial shippers cos its safe n cheap. So it's all China's fault
Now leh? Garbagement will use n dispose of them like used tissue paper. Same way they treat sporeans la actually. Say its shippers fault for not using proper paperwork. Really damn suay boji assholes.
Cross river then dismantle bridge
Now China prove garbagement is the new sick man of South East Asia, they're just looking for excuse to whack them
Last time PRC bus drivers want to strike cos they've got unfair treatment compared to sporeans n Got jailed n deported
This time China embassy will tell garbagement u can't do that to ppl or our aircraft carrier together with airforce n tanks will come to malacca straits n since come so far, they'll need a harbour.
Naturally as a good host, Garbagement will have to say yes. If say no, means garbagement unfriendly to China. Like that they will have permanent base lo. They'll want base next to USA to monitor them. N China embassy will b de facto ruler of spore
Exchange points disposable ma
Re: SAF armoured vehicles(Terrex) detained in Hong Kong port
Originally Posted by sadfa
Many ppl learn their lesson supporting garbagement. Next one will be shippers.
last time garbagemenr said shipping military vehicles using commercial shippers is NORMAL. and how astute they are in using commercial shippers cos its safe n cheap. So it's all China's fault
Now leh? Garbagement will use n dispose of them like used tissue paper. Same way they treat sporeans la actually. Say its shippers fault for not using proper paperwork. Really damn suay boji assholes.
Cross river then dismantle bridge
Now China prove garbagement is the new sick man of South East Asia, they're just looking for excuse to whack them
Last time PRC bus drivers want to strike cos they've got unfair treatment compared to sporeans n Got jailed n deported
This time China embassy will tell garbagement u can't do that to ppl or our aircraft carrier together with airforce n tanks will come to malacca straits n since come so far, they'll need a harbour.
Naturally as a good host, Garbagement will have to say yes. If say no, means garbagement unfriendly to China. Like that they will have permanent base lo. They'll want base next to USA to monitor them. N China embassy will b de facto ruler of spore
Exchange points disposable ma
贱种!ur mouth is like the shit hole, ur thoughts r like the prostitues' pussy, ur writings r like crap.
Who the fuck r u to interpret what the Chinese government does? U r nothing but a loser.
Re: SAF armoured vehicles(Terrex) detained in Hong Kong port
Originally Posted by sadfa
Many ppl learn their lesson supporting garbagement. Next one will be shippers.
last time garbagemenr said shipping military vehicles using commercial shippers is NORMAL. and how astute they are in using commercial shippers cos its safe n cheap. So it's all China's fault
Now leh? Garbagement will use n dispose of them like used tissue paper. Same way they treat sporeans la actually. Say its shippers fault for not using proper paperwork. Really damn suay boji assholes.
Cross river then dismantle bridge
Now China prove garbagement is the new sick man of South East Asia, they're just looking for excuse to whack them
Last time PRC bus drivers want to strike cos they've got unfair treatment compared to sporeans n Got jailed n deported
This time China embassy will tell garbagement u can't do that to ppl or our aircraft carrier together with airforce n tanks will come to malacca straits n since come so far, they'll need a harbour.
Naturally as a good host, Garbagement will have to say yes. If say no, means garbagement unfriendly to China. Like that they will have permanent base lo. They'll want base next to USA to monitor them. N China embassy will b de facto ruler of spore
Exchange points disposable ma
Hey lau chee bai sadfa. U talk like as though u from RSIS. Go apply for a guest talk from CNA lah. Then people will respect u. Otherwise u talk nothing over here except gabage talk!
Re: SAF armoured vehicles(Terrex) detained in Hong Kong port
Originally Posted by sadfa
Many ppl learn their lesson supporting garbagement. Next one will be shippers.
last time garbagemenr said shipping military vehicles using commercial shippers is NORMAL. and how astute they are in using commercial shippers cos its safe n cheap. So it's all China's fault
Now leh? Garbagement will use n dispose of them like used tissue paper. Same way they treat sporeans la actually. Say its shippers fault for not using proper paperwork. Really damn suay boji assholes.
Cross river then dismantle bridge
Now China prove garbagement is the new sick man of South East Asia, they're just looking for excuse to whack them
Last time PRC bus drivers want to strike cos they've got unfair treatment compared to sporeans n Got jailed n deported
This time China embassy will tell garbagement u can't do that to ppl or our aircraft carrier together with airforce n tanks will come to malacca straits n since come so far, they'll need a harbour.
Naturally as a good host, Garbagement will have to say yes. If say no, means garbagement unfriendly to China. Like that they will have permanent base lo. They'll want base next to USA to monitor them. N China embassy will b de facto ruler of spore
Exchange points disposable ma
If a child does not know the meaning of a moron, I will direct him to look at SADFA and he will know straightaway what a moron is!
Re: SAF armoured vehicles(Terrex) detained in Hong Kong port
Originally Posted by Craz78
贱种!ur mouth is like the shit hole, ur thoughts r like the prostitues' pussy, ur writings r like crap.
Who the fuck r u to interpret what the Chinese government does? U r nothing but a loser.
Wa steady you are spot on describing our PM, you deserve a holiday at Changi chalet
Re: SAF armoured vehicles(Terrex) detained in Hong Kong port
Originally Posted by Craz78
贱种!ur mouth is like the shit hole, ur thoughts r like the prostitues' pussy, ur writings r like crap.
Who the fuck r u to interpret what the Chinese government does? U r nothing but a loser.
Originally Posted by unicornboy
Hey lau chee bai sadfa. U talk like as though u from RSIS. Go apply for a guest talk from CNA lah. Then people will respect u. Otherwise u talk nothing over here except gabage talk!
Originally Posted by cqueen
If a child does not know the meaning of a moron, I will direct him to look at SADFA and he will know straightaway what a moron is!
Sadfa is SBF smlj also know professor leh. His knowledge is vast n limitless. From virginity to National issues, he smlj also know. We must treasure such valuable think tank leh.
Re: SAF armoured vehicles(Terrex) detained in Hong Kong port
Originally Posted by FreebiezWanker
Sadfa is SBF smlj also know professor leh. His knowledge is vast n limitless. From virginity to National issues, he smlj also know. We must treasure such valuable think tank leh.
Gong Xi Fai Cai FreebiezWanker,
Pardon my ignorance. SMLJ = Simi LanJiao? Another similar term is Simi Sai, SMS, he also know?
Re: SAF armoured vehicles(Terrex) detained in Hong Kong port
Originally Posted by FreebiezWanker
Sadfa is SBF smlj also know professor leh. His knowledge is vast n limitless. From virginity to National issues, he smlj also know. We must treasure such valuable think tank leh.
sadfa is just a coconut head 贱种。why coconut? Becos it's empty with no brain just liquid... but this 贱种thinks he knows a lot... even try to tell everyone what other countries head of state thinks ... LOL... 贱种 is so laughable and he thinks everyone needs a coconut head to tell us what to do.
Trying to turn Sbf into a political forum... this cheebye 贱种,混蛋东西。
Re: SAF armoured vehicles(Terrex) detained in Hong Kong port
Terrex vehicles back in S’pore, to undergo thorough checks on Tuesday
By Faris Mokhtar
Published: 3:13 PM, January 30, 2017
Updated: 11:52 PM, January 30, 2017
SINGAPORE — The nine Singapore Armed Forces (SAF) armoured Terrex vehicles and other military equipment that landed home on Monday (Jan 30) will be transported to an SAF camp within a day, with a thorough inspection set to be conducted on Tuesday.
The vehicles and other equipment arrived in Singapore at 2.20pm, after being detained by Hong Kong Customs for about two months.
They will undergo “post-training administration”, which includes thorough serviceability checks and routine maintenance, according to a Ministry of Defence (Mindef) statement on Monday.
Although the camp the vehicles will be taken to was not specified, TODAY understands that all Terrex Infantry Carrier Vehicles are based at Kranji Camp II, which also houses the Motorised Infantry Training Institute, where infantry troops learn to engage in combat alongside these vehicles.
In a Facebook post on Monday, Defence Minister Ng Eng Hen said the Terrex vehicles will undergo detailed checks, which will take a few days.
Dr Ng also said he was “proud of how Singaporeans rallied together during this episode” and thanked citizens for their support.
He had previously described the seizure as a “low point” for Singapore from a “defence perspective” in a Facebook post on Dec 30, while parliamentarians also raised the issue when the House sat earlier this month.
He said then that Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong had written to Hong Kong Chief Executive Leung Chun-ying to request the immediate return of the vehicles.
Dr Ng also told Parliament that the SAF had reviewed its shipping procedures comprehensively following the seizure.
The nine Terrex vehicles were being shipped from Taiwan after a military training exercise when Hong Kong Customs seized the shipment and held them at Kwai Chung Container Terminal.
No formal reasons were given for the move, despite three meetings held between APL and Hong Kong Customs in the initial weeks of the seizure.
Re: SAF armoured vehicles(Terrex) detained in Hong Kong port
Originally Posted by skyleon
Terrex vehicles back in S’pore, to undergo thorough checks on Tuesday
By Faris Mokhtar
Published: 3:13 PM, January 30, 2017
Updated: 11:52 PM, January 30, 2017
SINGAPORE — The nine Singapore Armed Forces (SAF) armoured Terrex vehicles and other military equipment that landed home on Monday (Jan 30) will be transported to an SAF camp within a day, with a thorough inspection set to be conducted on Tuesday.
The vehicles and other equipment arrived in Singapore at 2.20pm, after being detained by Hong Kong Customs for about two months.
They will undergo “post-training administration”, which includes thorough serviceability checks and routine maintenance, according to a Ministry of Defence (Mindef) statement on Monday.
Although the camp the vehicles will be taken to was not specified, TODAY understands that all Terrex Infantry Carrier Vehicles are based at Kranji Camp II, which also houses the Motorised Infantry Training Institute, where infantry troops learn to engage in combat alongside these vehicles.
In a Facebook post on Monday, Defence Minister Ng Eng Hen said the Terrex vehicles will undergo detailed checks, which will take a few days.
Dr Ng also said he was “proud of how Singaporeans rallied together during this episode” and thanked citizens for their support.
He had previously described the seizure as a “low point” for Singapore from a “defence perspective” in a Facebook post on Dec 30, while parliamentarians also raised the issue when the House sat earlier this month.
He said then that Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong had written to Hong Kong Chief Executive Leung Chun-ying to request the immediate return of the vehicles.
Dr Ng also told Parliament that the SAF had reviewed its shipping procedures comprehensively following the seizure.
The nine Terrex vehicles were being shipped from Taiwan after a military training exercise when Hong Kong Customs seized the shipment and held them at Kwai Chung Container Terminal.
No formal reasons were given for the move, despite three meetings held between APL and Hong Kong Customs in the initial weeks of the seizure.
Go ahead and check . Bet you the Chinese government would have already copied the technology of the Terrex . What a DISGRACE .
贱种,u think put me in ignore list will help ? Ur mother never teach u not to spread rumors or becos ur mum is also a 贱种? 全家的贱种。畜牲都不如。
When u choose to ship things commercially as a government, u will not ship things that r sensitive that u won't want others to copy. If China wants to copy then copy lo.... it's nothing sensitive to begin with. Why this 贱种 down here talking cock? Just like u copying the news and pasting here, this news is no secret. But u kept copying and pasting such news, did u ask for permission? U r such a 贱!
Re: SAF armoured vehicles(Terrex) detained in Hong Kong port
Indeed. What a disgrace you and your likes always politicise this issue for your own self motivated political interest. Your aim is to cause my country's discord and disrupt our social harmony.