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Old 21-10-2008, 08:09 PM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

Originally Posted by naemlo View Post
I have some amulets n bucha directly from his hands, more than 10 yrs ago. Now going there to pay respect to him and see any ho liao from him. Guess not much amulets directly blessed by him recently.
Wow.....bro naemlo, power leh........10yrs ago i also dunno doing what. Maybe chionging HC......dunno abt any of this amulets stuff......maybe can share you experience when u meet LP.
Old 21-10-2008, 10:01 PM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

Hey bros, wanna check something with you guys. I do not have much knowledge on Thai Amulets. I've a Thai Amulet which i wear recently given by a customer of mine. Today I asked my friend to bring my amulet to a master in Msia to said some prayer. And the master said tat the amulet is for ladies only not suitable for guys. So can i invite the Amulet back to temple? And how sld I do it. Which temple can i invite it back to?
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Old 21-10-2008, 10:12 PM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

Originally Posted by David_Ginola View Post
maybe can share you experience when u meet LP.
No experience lah... to be exact it was 2535 amulets and bucha.

Originally Posted by VSOP Martell View Post
And the master said tat the amulet is for ladies only not suitable for guys.
Any pic to show? I'm curious abt this amulet.
Ma sao khong the tha thu cho nhau mot lan
Old 21-10-2008, 10:20 PM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

Originally Posted by CeiResident View Post
WHere is shumuli shop located? Which partf lavender?
219 Lavendar Street
Old 23-10-2008, 08:51 PM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

Originally Posted by VSOP Martell View Post
Hey bros, wanna check something with you guys. I do not have much knowledge on Thai Amulets. I've a Thai Amulet which i wear recently given by a customer of mine. Today I asked my friend to bring my amulet to a master in Msia to said some prayer. And the master said tat the amulet is for ladies only not suitable for guys. So can i invite the Amulet back to temple? And how sld I do it. Which temple can i invite it back to?
U can go to Wat Ananda (Bukit Merah)
By the way, what amulet is that? (U know the name of the amulet?)
Only suitable for ladies?
Old 23-10-2008, 08:58 PM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

Originally Posted by jim carey View Post
When will AC perm back to SG? would like to seek for his bless...
Most likely end of Nov.
Maybe u'll like to ask the Luang Pi (Shumuli)
Old 23-10-2008, 11:04 PM
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Re: Lp Sakorn - Khun Paen 2546

Originally Posted by Ah Des View Post

Luang pu chuen of Wat Ta-Ee, Buri Ram province has been a well known monk who created good amulet of Khun Paen statues and Guman Thong from Cambodia magical katha. He is a Cambodian monk and popular for his knowledge in both holy Dharma and Visha (magic) of charming. Asian people such as Cambodia, Thai, Singapore, Malaysia and Hong Kong respect such a monk who made amulet is very famous in wealth and protection. LP Cheun has been studied the art of making efficacious amulets and magic candle from many Arjarn in Cambodia.

LP Chuen passed away in Hong Kong at the age over 80 year old.

This amulet is specially made and blessed by lp chuen. The front features Khun Paen whilst the reverse features a stallion carrying a young lady. The Amulet itself features a copper and gold takrut buried in the front, and a silver takrut on the reverse. A magically aroused gem sits prominently in the chest of Khun Paen. Khun Paen is known to us from ancient Thai literature (King Rama ll) as a 'Dashing Lover' and 'Able Warrior' This amulet was made in two different sets, those with nine takrut and those with three takrut as featured here. This particular version was made in both brown and green, each in a quantity of 499 amulets. The amulets were consecrated on the 10th September 2002. This amulet was made for one specific reason only and that is as a charm to attract women. Highly recommended for people who want that extra confidence in approaching member of the opposite sex. Monies earned from the sale of these amulets will be used by Lorng Pu Chuen for the repair and construction of the principal monastery at Ta-Ei Temple. The amulet was created using a mixture of 108 highly potent herbs and sedges known to have magical qualities. Some of the more potent inclusions are listed below:

Parasitic plant found on the horseradish tree, triangle-love tree, star gooseberry tree (Mayom), crown flower tree, a drumstick tree, elephant herb (An essential ingredient in any love charm, basically herbs collected from an area where elephants are copulating. It is believed to create and stimulate sexual desire.) Traditional medicine men say that such herbs are so potent that even a tiger wants to make love with a monkey. Lost Herb: Whoever comes close to this herb will get lost in the forest until they die, Unable to find there way out of the dense undergrowth. According to a traditional belief, this herb has magical properties that inspire mercy and charm.

Powder from Ma Sep Nang Herb (A male horse courts a female horse), powder from "Nang Ok Taek Herb (Broken-hearted woman), powder from "Thep Ranchuan Herb"(Charming Angel), magic powder from "Chang Pasomklong Herb (Elephant Herb)

Powder from flowers of gold, Choong Nang Herb (Herb for attracting a lady), Khun Paen Herb "Khun-Paen-spells-an-army herb"(good for spelling a lady) and "magic powder from all auspicious herbs

Finally the amulet is then blessed with ancient incantations, such as the 'Nangyan Hongron' spell, the 'Golden Swan' spell, both of which are known to enhance male charm. This amulet is ideal for the man that wants to increase his natural attractiveness to the opposite sex, someone that wants to be charming and surrounded by female company. Whoever owns this idol will be so attractive and fascinating that the ladies never want to leave. This is the miracle that Lorng Pu Chuen prayed for during consecration. Many Thai men have accredited amulets made by Lorng Pu Chuen with amazing efficacy; even thoughts of a particular woman will attract her. Lorng Pu Chuen is also very well known monk, particularly with foreigners. In addition to the amulet we will provide the Katha (in Thai) which Lorng Pu Chuen has said should be chanted to activate the magical properties. This spell can be used to charm the ladies, for making sacred perfume powder, aromatic oil, clothes to charm a lady, bring about good luck and for commercial purposes. The amulet is supplied in the original case, along with the Temple Katha.

This amulet is best for
1) Attraction of opposite sex
2) Charisma, sex appeal, strong confidence in yourself
3) Make a woman love you and will not leave you
4) Sales luck
5) Able to persuade easily.
6) Always be surrounded by members of opposite sex.
7) Never be alone.
8) Lucky in love and strength to be brave.
9) Courage to overcome fear
10) Meet the RIGHT women.
11) Increase the amount of friends and dates you have.
12) Able to present yourself with power so you gain the respect you want.
13) Feel positive and radiate positive energy to people round you.
Bro is an amu like this considered a barang or not?
Old 24-10-2008, 08:46 AM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

Originally Posted by Outbox View Post
U can go to Wat Ananda (Bukit Merah)
By the way, what amulet is that? (U know the name of the amulet?)
Only suitable for ladies?
I just visited Wat Ananda on Sunday. Was surprised to find there is an amulet shop just next to the wat at the void deck of the 5 room HDB block. Lots of amulets to see and imho the person in charge young chap was knowledgable about amulets. I ordered from him a set of to be launched takruts at $80 (same price as advertised on the promo poster) but need to wait until December for delivery.
Old 24-10-2008, 10:52 AM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

Originally Posted by jim carey View Post
When will AC perm back to SG? would like to seek for his bless...
end of NOV at ShuMuLi 219 Lavendar Street.
Old 24-10-2008, 01:41 PM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

Thailand Culture,Spiritual,Amulets,Magical Charms.: Archan Perm

Can I ask if this person is he someone every body's talking abt that gone missing? His nick starts with N********R.
Old 24-10-2008, 02:21 PM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

Sori for the late reply. The master said the one i wearing now is good for ladies not suitable for guys. Below is the pic.

Flickr: aar0nkia's Photostream
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Old 24-10-2008, 02:31 PM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

Originally Posted by VSOP Martell View Post
Sori for the late reply. The master said the one i wearing now is good for ladies not suitable for guys. Below is the pic.
Errr nothing wrong with the amulet.... Y guy can't wear?
Ma sao khong the tha thu cho nhau mot lan
Old 24-10-2008, 04:21 PM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

Is that LP Koon rian?
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Old 24-10-2008, 06:09 PM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

I tink is LP Koon nt sure as well... But the master say the one i holding better for ladies nt for guys
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Old 24-10-2008, 06:56 PM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

Originally Posted by saddleup View Post
Thailand Culture,Spiritual,Amulets,Magical Charms.: Archan Perm

Can I ask if this person is he someone every body's talking abt that gone missing? His nick starts with N********R.
Not the same guy. The blog guy goes by the name of skybeliever. That's where the differences end. Both are conmen. If anyone bought his AC Perm things at $158, $168 or more u have been chopped vegetable head oreadi.
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