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Old 14-12-2008, 03:31 PM
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Re: Home Wrecker

This recording is interesting...will follow it
Old 14-12-2008, 05:59 PM
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Re: Home Wrecker

Where's the continuation?
Old 16-12-2008, 09:19 PM
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Re: Home Wrecker

Is the TS busy? Many days no update le...

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
Old 17-12-2008, 06:01 AM
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Re: Home Wrecker

Sorry folks, been very busy, times are really bad

Sneak Preview : The BORING Part

IVS : wah, stock market drop like shit, I sure lose a lot
HW : is it? How much?
IVS : about 20k
HW : which one you bought?
IVS : XYZ, bought last year, actually went up a bit, got profit but didn’t sell, now all gone
HW : don’t worry, u can ask yr wife to support u
IVS : yeah yeah, now mention my wife pulak
HW : what’s wrong with yr wife?
IVS : we quarrel yesterday
HW : what happen?
IVS : nothing, she ask me to go back this weekend to her mum’s place, but I don want, she angry with me
HW : then u go lah
IVS : boring lah, nothing to do
HW : yr relation with yr wife’s family OK?
IVS : OK what, no problem
HW : then should be OK mah

Sneak Preview : The SEXCITING Part

IVS : mmm…your pussy still very tight
HW : Is it? How do you know?
IVS : I can feel it mah

The Dows upped 350+ points, long way to go…
Old 17-12-2008, 08:14 AM
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Re: Home Wrecker

Hope to see the next post...
Old 17-12-2008, 06:39 PM
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Re: Home Wrecker

he finally put in it!!!
Old 17-12-2008, 08:05 PM
mr.petain mr.petain is offline
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Re: Home Wrecker

wah lao!!!
Old 17-12-2008, 08:49 PM
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Re: Home Wrecker

Wow this thread quite long now... Very interesting log. Will read back
Old 17-12-2008, 11:50 PM
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Re: Home Wrecker

Well, I couldn’t be bother if HW lets IVS fucks her or otherwise, my intention to start this thread (apart from providing something which is different from the rest) is to educate people reading this thread that amongst other things:

1. There are many IVSs in this world that are ready to pound on people’s wife (In fact they are ready to pound on anything that appeals to them sexually)
2. That this HW is just another weak will slut that falls easily into the trap set up by IVS
3. It’s not enough just to provide food and shelter to your wife, but also love and care (Due to risk No.1) and if she still does it despite you fulfilling all the duties as a husband (Too bad, even god can’t help you)
4. In this world ruled by fulfilment of self interest (Including desire, what ever form they may take), moral takes a back seat (This is the root of subprime crisis that led to the financial turmoil that we are into now)
5. From No.4, it follows that I can fuck your wife but you can’t touch mine (Not applicable to those into wife sharing or cuckolding)

….what else to add? love to see contribution to this…

Not in a right frame of mind to to provide the full update coz just had a game of futsal with DH just now…poor fella…
Old 18-12-2008, 02:16 AM
makpoke makpoke is offline
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Re: Home Wrecker

hmm TS, just to comment on your points. I think point 1 is simply because human beings are greedy things...We aren't ever satisfied so easily are we? More power, more money, more never ends. Morals, be it cultural or societal and even religious ones helps us control ourselves and keep us in check.

We read these threads and get excited by such stories, and then go jerk off. Some might do likewise in the real world, while some will simply keep it inside their minds. It is innate unfortunately, that all of us has that evil in us, as does the good, and it only depends on each individual's choices in life to decide.

ok so much for the rambling, DON'T LEAVE US WITH A CLIFFHANGER!!!!
Old 18-12-2008, 10:13 AM
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Re: Home Wrecker

Originally Posted by benxmanda View Post
Well, I couldn’t be bother if HW lets IVS fucks her or otherwise, my intention to start this thread (apart from providing something which is different from the rest) is to educate people reading this thread that amongst other things:

1. There are many IVSs in this world that are ready to pound on people’s wife (In fact they are ready to pound on anything that appeals to them sexually)
2. That this HW is just another weak will slut that falls easily into the trap set up by IVS
3. It’s not enough just to provide food and shelter to your wife, but also love and care (Due to risk No.1) and if she still does it despite you fulfilling all the duties as a husband (Too bad, even god can’t help you)
4. In this world ruled by fulfilment of self interest (Including desire, what ever form they may take), moral takes a back seat (This is the root of subprime crisis that led to the financial turmoil that we are into now)
5. From No.4, it follows that I can fuck your wife but you can’t touch mine (Not applicable to those into wife sharing or cuckolding)

….what else to add? love to see contribution to this…

Not in a right frame of mind to to provide the full update coz just had a game of futsal with DH just now…poor fella…

Well, fully agree with these statements.
In fact, i believe many guys (not all) here are in some way like IVS.

Anyway, it depends on which side of the story are you in:

Imagine you are like a kaki to IVS, you will say he is a champion and salute him for what he has done and even envy him.

But of course, if you are on DH's side, you will curse and swear at IVS!

That's life, i believe cos we often tend to listen to 1 side. Like a guy i know, who I thought was forced out of a money making business by his partner. I would say his partner is evil, cunning and 'no staedy'. But others who know this partner, praised him for his business mind and tatics. So it all depends on which side we stand.

To add to item to TS's comments: There are many woman who are like HW, not weak in will, but all out to have fun too. They are as 'playful' and 'tiko' as men. They want to try what men does!
Old 18-12-2008, 02:58 PM
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Re: Home Wrecker

Originally Posted by humpcheepang View Post
Bro, it may be difficult for you to tell DH as it may sour the relation between him & HW, but I think it maybe better to find an opportunity (before HW & LVI do it in Hotel) to talk to HW alone, that you knew about everything and hope that she will stop, not to ruin her happy marriage and the trust that DH has for her, and you will keep mum about it. I am sure her guilt will overcome the lust, and this LVI is just another cheeky humpsub man trying to hook married woman.

All the best!
Good intention and good suggestion from Bro humpcheepang....... BUT ...........
A good friend of mine was in the similar situation as the TS. When he approached the equivalent of 'HW' and advised her against going into the pit, she persisted and later complained to her husband that TS sexually harassed her. As a result, DH and TS became enemies.
Old 18-12-2008, 04:08 PM
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Re: Home Wrecker

We can theorize and compare but in the end we humans are not far removed from animals! In spite of us becoming 'civilised' our basic instincts are still the same as wild animals. When hungry we eat. When tired we sleep. When horny we look for a fuck! In the wild the alpha male will dominate as big a harem as it can control. Aren't we humans the same? In every society from time immemorial, the rich and powerful always keeps a harem. It is only in modern times with religious tainted morality that civil laws try to limit 1 man to 1 wife.

Why do prostitution (both male and female) prevails? Because we men AND women can't keep to 1 partner IF WE CAN HELP IT! Especially when we have the means and opportunities. Take away morality then any female is fair game. Even TS admited his lust for HW and perhaps for other women, even wife swapping? Some have the immorality to do what they fantasize whilst others do not!

Now you tell me...what is the difference for a man to fuck a woman other then his wife than for a woman to be fucked by a man other than her husband? Is one more wrong then the other? If a woman wants to keep her husband to herself then she better know how to take care of him...satisfy his every needs. Our famous Mrs Donaldduck is a prime example! Likewise in DH's case if his libido can't match HW...then perhaps he shouldn't have married HW. He should marry an ugly duckling and have less worry of other men eyeing her.

But then again how do we know that DH objects to HW fooling around? Haven't we also read Peterpan's story of how he actually gets off knowing his wife is screwing another man? It takes all kind to make this world!

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Old 18-12-2008, 04:24 PM
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Re: Home Wrecker

Well said, bro yang punk.

We have 2 kinds of morality side by side: one which we preach but do not practice,and another we practice but seldom preach.

That is why whenever you are to do a thing, though it can never be known but to yourself, ask yourself how you would act were all the world looking at you and act accordingly.
Old 18-12-2008, 05:00 PM
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Re: Home Wrecker

Originally Posted by benxmanda View Post
This is the root of subprime crisis that led to the financial turmoil that we are into now...…
Since this is a sex forum not sure if it is appropriate to add my 2 cents worth to this ...

This world wide economic cycle is as natural as high and low tides. What goes up must inevitably comes down, and when it is down it can only go up. Each economic boom is followed by recession and thereafter another boom.

One time its due to 9-11 or SARS and now sub-prime... Property prices the world over goes up in good times and down in bad. It is man's greed to expliot such opportunities...even here in Singapore or Malaysia. Buy low and sell high. Its the inexperienced who are caught ...those who enter the market too late at the peak and are caught with their pants down.

This sub-prime problem actually started in China, India and all the cheap labour 'workshops' FOR the west! In the USA often the whole town/community can be dependant on 1 industry/factory. When there are jobs with high wages people move into that town...of course they will buy homes when they can afford with generous loans. Standard of living goes up likewise demand for higher wages. Then the capitalist realised they can manufacture the same product in China for a fraction of the cost in USA! They make more profits by closing down their factories in the US and opening up in China. What do they care when the whole community collaspes and the breadwinners lose their jobs and can't service their mortgages?

Meantime these home loans companies re-mortgaged their portfolios to banks who inturn repackage these debts to bigger financial institutions who inturn 'sold' them to other financial institutions around the world, eg DBS who inturn sub-sell to the investing minnows. So when the value of the homes collapse so do all the dominos down the line. But the beauty is the capitalists who made a fat pile also lost their money to people like Madoff. So what goes around comes around!

Will people learn? Answer this in 7-8 years time!

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