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Old 28-11-2005, 12:25 AM
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Re: Beijing Recommendations

Originally Posted by ab1111
I have been to 2 big sauna center in BJ, but very disappointed. Nothing the sort of service you have for gal in similar center in Shanghai. The place I went are the Shanghai HaiKuoTianKong (in BJ) and the one opposite the Workers' Stadium North Entrance. But they are typical of BJ Sauna Center. Gals don't provide sex but just handjob. Can't even get them to go half naked when giving you a handjob, or let you lick and hug. And it cost RMB580 for a 90min service when it should have time to do many things!
Actually bro, its true that the gals only do HJ and don't provide FJ inside the centre, but that's when you show your charm to sweet talk them and ask them to meet outside the joint for dinner/supper either after their shift or on their off-days.

If she is willing to meet you outside, more than 80% of the chance you can have them in your bed there after. If not on the first date, then surely can reap the harvest on the second date. And from my experience, about 50-50 chance I don't have to pay a single cent the next morning.

And BTW, RMB580 for 90mins is way too expensive. There are many joints that offers good massage for RMB200 for 60mins, and some even charge only RMB300 for 120mins. Of cos' HJ is normally provided as part of the service. Only need to tip them extra will do.

Good luck hunting.
Old 28-11-2005, 12:42 AM
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Re: Beijing Recommendations

Originally Posted by Mark III
a source told me that the massage palour in zhaolong hotel got "special". dun know how true leh. anyone tried b4?
Yes got special. And its funny how they hide the $$ in their bra after that to avoid their supervisor's check. Just call up the health centre number and ask them send up 3 to 4 gals to your room for you to select.

I would rate the gals' look to be between 4 to 8 on a scale of 10. Did one gal during my recent trip who hail from the minority tribe of northen china....exotic look, nice boobs and sexy body....but pussy abit smelly though...

But beware of their prices for special. Starting price before negotiation for HJ is RMB500 and FJ is RMB1,500. So I'll suggest you try outside joints which are alot cheaper compared to these inhouse health centres. The plus side is the convenience and the option provided of selecting the gals (sounds hanky panky already...heh heh...). The reason why I've been such a carrot is all about paying premium for bonking one of those exotic tribal gals.
Old 29-11-2005, 05:20 PM
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Re: Beijing Recommendations

Dear Brothers,

I'm wondering if any of the brother here got any contact for beijing...

All my sale people let for shanghi for sales meeting, now me alone in the home office.. looking at the weather report... friday will be -7deg...

I don't think i might try to go out there....

Otherwise it will be another lonely weekend in Beijing.... again....
Old 02-12-2005, 06:48 PM
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Re: Beijing Recommendations

i will there next week, but only can hanky panky during 9-6pm....zzz
any ideal recommendation from the expert advices?
Old 04-12-2005, 02:07 AM
busybody busybody is offline
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Re: Beijing Recommendations

Originally Posted by firestar
i will there next week, but only can hanky panky during 9-6pm....zzz
any ideal recommendation from the expert advices?
next week ???

me too :P

will be there 11 - 14 dec, mayb can meet up for coffee
Old 04-12-2005, 05:18 PM
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Re: Beijing Recommendations

Originally Posted by busybody
next week ???

me too :

will be there 11 - 14 dec, mayb can meet up for coffee :
paiseh, is the following week....
i'll be staying at trader hotel.... dunno happening bo ?
but only working hrs free nia....nite cannot, tmd!
Old 15-12-2005, 08:50 PM
chinese_koolie chinese_koolie is offline
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Talking Re: Beijing Recommendations

Beijing Adventures and Mis-Adventures ... hahhaaaaa

Hi fellow Samsters,

Was in Beijing two weeks ago, and here is my story. I stayed at the Sheraton Great Wall.

First Night
Already scouted out the area while returning back to hotel after dinner with colleagues (witnessed a big group of girls talking with a trio of Indians at the car park, or rather, talking with the mamasan of the girls), so at about 10pm+, wandered out in search of some action.

Was immediately accosted by multiple papa/mama-sans inviting me to "Come see my KTV/Pub/Lounge, many pretty young girls, I take you" and short of beating them off with a stick, they will follow you repeating the same thing over and over. Anyway, managed to evade them and made my way to the Hard Rock Cafe where I popped my head in, and immediately popped it out again cos it was almost empty.

Wandered a bit around HRC, and then decided to head back to the hotel and see if the previous mama-san with the group of girls was still around ....... yup, she is still there .... so got to talking with her, and she was giving me the "Come to my KTV/Pub/Lounge..." spiel. Was getting a bit tired of this and I made my excuse that I needed to go back to sleep, and then she offered to show me her girls hidden away in some car in the corner. Mistake #1 - told her not interested anymore (I should have gone to take a look). So she gives me her card and say "call me if u change your mind".

Back in the hotel room, figured that a call wouldn't hurt and to check out the goods she could send up (Mistake #2). So called her and haggled a bit on the price, finally ending up at RMB500 for 1 shot.

Mistake #3 - didn't realise that Great Wall had a "No Guest after 11pm" rule (this was already around 11:15pm) and I get a call from the mama-san that the girl couldn't get past security and she needed another RMB200 to pay off the guard. So I politely declined and then told her I will call her tomorrow.

So off I go to slumberland .... zzzzzzzz .... and then at f***ing 3am .... DING DONG goes my doorbell ..... and who do I find standing outside my door? Yup, the girl that was supposed to not be able to come up earlier ... wtf .....she tells me that her mamasan gave her my room number (refer to Mistake #2). i told her "yah that was 3 hrs ago and its bloody late and i have early morning meeting" (true) ..... and sent her off. She wasnt too happy about it, but upon reflection, she wasnt that good looking either.

Back to slumberland ....... zzzzzzzzzzzz ... and WTF .... DING DONG DING DONG goes the doorbell at 4am .... 4-f***ing-AM --- don't these girls go to sleep???? Another girl now ... a lot cuter (and younger) than the earlier one .... but stilll ...... 4-f***ing -AM??? you must be kidding me .... same story, given room number by mamasan .... again sent her off (but on hindsight should have taken her cos she was really cute .... both heads must have been too sleepy to make a snap decision).

So end of first night - no action.
Old 15-12-2005, 09:08 PM
chinese_koolie chinese_koolie is offline
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Talking Re: Beijing Recommendations

Beijing Adventures and Mis-Adventures ... hahhaaaaa

Second Night

Got back to hotel after dinner with colleagues and partner around 10pm, and the mama-san must have ESP cos the moment I stepped into the room, the phone rings and mamasan says she has a sweet hot chick waiting for me. Ah well, bite the bullet and say "Ok, send her up in 45 mins time" (before the 11pm curfew).

Washed up and changed into more casual clothes and was watching TV when ..... DING DONG .... went the doorbell. This time round, the girl was somewhere between the 3AM and 4AM girls in terms of looks.

I let her into the room, and ..... booom ... she starts her haggling.

RMB500 for sex only.
RMB800 for sex with CBJ.
RMB1200 for overnight, as many times u want/can do.

When I told her that I wanted the RMB500 option, she immediately pops off her t-shirt and bra and starts rubbing her perky firm tits with eraser-sized nipples on my face and head .... and tries hard to sell me on the RMB1200 package.

When I still hesitate, she pops off her jeans and panties and sits on my lap on the bed and continues .... i wonder if i delay any more if she will start doing things for free .... unlikely hahahahhahhaa

In the end, I told her will go for the RMB800 option first and if she does well, will think about the overnight option ... fair enough she says. On to the action .... ermmm fairly standard operating procedure .... brief 2-3 minute CBJ (only redeeming thing is that she didn't use or spit out gobloads of saliva like some other girls) and then she starts on top. After a few minutes, switch to missionary and I start pumping her in earnest .... she moans "ni hen li hai ah, ni hen li hai ah" ---- and i know she is faking it cos I am not that "li hai" ahahhahahahahahahaha .... a few minutes more and its over. Total time from CBJ to finish .... probably 10 minutes; likely less ... ahahahahaha ... so i KNOW that i am not "li hai".

She cleans me up and then starts on her overnight thing again. I told her "thanks but no thanks", so she gets dressed and i pay her and she goes off.

All in all, 30 minutes have passed (20 mins for her initial haggling and breast-rubba-rubba-on-face act; 10 mins for the job).

Off I go to slumberland and hope that there are no more 3AM-4AM DING DONGs although my second head was secretly wishing there was ......

end of Beijing story.
Old 15-12-2005, 10:57 PM
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Re: Beijing Recommendations

haha.. bro chinese koolie' story inspired me to contribute something....

was in BJ 2 weekend ago. then got this jap ex-supplier in BJ too. he called me to show him around BJ and I was really not thinking of gg out cos got early morning flt the next day. But he like so horny and was literally begging me to bring him get some chicks.... so agreed.

he was staying at the Landmark (opposite Sheraton) so I met him at the lobby and since really dun want any actions myself, decide to bring him to Hard Rock. I don't go Hard Rock cos its just a place to slaughter foreigners!

Reached there and we were like the preys while the vultures (FLs) were all eyeing us! we bought a drink and sat down a corner. Immediately approached by 2 FLs... The chick that went to sit with the Jap was really ugly, but damn aggressive! The chick who came to sit with me was more subtle & a bit cute I must say.

Tip 1: I told both of them that though I am foreigner, I have been living in Beijing for 5 years! So they can forget about getting my business as I know the market rate for a bonk!

Tip 2: When they want to sit down, just tell them Tip no. 1 and that you will not be paying them any money(Tip) for their company, sitting with us.

Then the Jap is very irritated by his chick and told her to go away, The girl refused and keep "attacking" the Jap. Then the Jap saw a FL he likes, so me just told his chick to bring that chick he likes over & then fuck off, and I will give her RMB 50. She vanished in a flash and dragged that chick over! me gave her 50.

So now the Jap is taken care of. Then the girl next to me keep asking me to bring her up for a bonk. I told her I am just bring my friend here to look for chick & I don't intend to have any actions. and I also told her no way am I going to pay her the rates she quoted because I know the rates for 1 shot.(see Tip No. 1)

Tip no. 3: So I told her, well since you so cute, I don't mind bonking you but no way I will pay the rates you want. So I told her, you go and find another foreigner target. If you cannot find any and don't want to go home empty handed tonight, I will be willing to bonk you for RMB500. (Bear in mind weekends they have to pay RMB100 entry fee to Hard Rock).

Then she went away. Then at 1.30am we decide to leave for our room. Actually I heck care the Jap if he got slaughtered by the high rates the chick quoted, because he also quote me high price last time for his supplies! but out of kindness, I told him the rates here is 1200 - 1500 depending on your neg. Before I told him, he actually agreed to 3000 for whole night! what a idiot! So re-neg with the chick and in the end he settled for 1200 for whole night with the chick.

When we were walking out, my chick ran to the front and say ok, 500 for 1 shot with me! then I ask her got blowjob? she says yes. haha! Tip no. 4. Then I replied, ok I also don't want you to lose out too much. If you give me a nice long BBBJ to my satifaction, I will reward you additional 100 tip!

Well, you guess it! she blow me like no tomorrow and I was really sex-tified! did not regret bonking her!

points to note:

Its true that after 11pm, you need to bribe the guard at the life so that you can bring a chick up with having to register her. But RMB 50 is enough. same for Sheraton.

If you want to get FL at the carpark, must sure you check the "goods" in the car and take her up yourself. If none to your liking, no need to leave hp no with mamasan. or else you get the same disturbance as bro chinese koolie. now the rates should 400.

Old 16-12-2005, 01:25 AM
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Re: Beijing Recommendations

Went to Sheraton and found that Passion was closed. In the end, I went to a nearby KTV joint (Forbidden Palace - Li Cheng Ju Le Bu). The entire night cost me 2700 RMB ( room + tip for all personnel). Is this a fair price.?Anyway, the gal ( from dalian) offered to keep me company for 1000 tomorrow night.. is this a fair amount?... I am actually keen on places which practice the Passion method - gorgeous babes wanting to keep you company for a couple of hrs for 500 RMB... Is there a such a place in BJ or am I damned to visit KTV again?


Old 16-12-2005, 10:22 AM
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Re: Beijing Recommendations

Originally Posted by massageboy666
Went to Sheraton and found that Passion was closed. In the end, I went to a nearby KTV joint (Forbidden Palace - Li Cheng Ju Le Bu). The entire night cost me 2700 RMB ( room + tip for all personnel). Is this a fair price.?Anyway, the gal ( from dalian) offered to keep me company for 1000 tomorrow night.. is this a fair amount?... I am actually keen on places which practice the Passion method - gorgeous babes wanting to keep you company for a couple of hrs for 500 RMB...
1. 2700RMB abit too exp! usually 1500RMB (medium room whoch is quite big already) gets you free flow of chivas. high class ktv mummy 400, chick 400, waiter 100/200. Not that high class place, mummy 300, chick 300, waiter 100. If you go alone and paid 2700, thats too high.

2. 1000RMB for 1 shot or whole night? you can get 1 shot for 400 easily, but if this Dalian chick is a gem, 1000 is alright. if its overnight, even better! hahaha

3. why would you want to go places like Passion where you have to pay 500RMB for a girl to chat with you when you are sitting in the hall or bar? that is ridiculous! unless its to prove you are damn rich, otherwise such places should be avoided!! Only Passion can have that kind of nonsense happening because it used to be the best KTV in whole of china and the chicks there are damn good looking.

4. maybe you can try Banana or FU HUA ktv
Old 16-12-2005, 03:16 PM
tokyoboy tokyoboy is offline
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Re: Beijing Recommendations


how is fu hua ktv? heard many people talk about it. been fooling around with the mama at my regular k and now i can't hunt in my own candy store anymore. looking for new stomping grounds now. . . .

Old 16-12-2005, 03:37 PM
ultra88man ultra88man is offline
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Re: Beijing Recommendations

Hi Bros of BJ (beijing lah !),

Long time never post here liao, since i moved to SH. Occasionally, I still go to BJ for Business, therefore still quite familiar with the scenes thru my contacts there.

Few weeks ago, I was in BJ for a 3D2N business trip. Got my "fren" to book Kempinski hotel for me (bros, this hotel is gal friendly). Upon reaching, sms my room number to her, she replied she will not be able to meet me this time because her mother was ill and she have to take care of her everyday after work. I sian 3/4 so jio my BJ chinese fren lor ...

He asked me to join him for dinner with a few of his frens, i nothing to do so said ok. Went there, disappointed lah .. all hammers .. tui kah tui dinner. I told him I want to go "tang hui" (not bad right ??!! have been in SH for almost a year liao, still know Angel...). He said OK, then he jio his "new" gal, I jio a gal I met during my previous biz trip.

The gal: Good-looking executive look, first met her at a coffee place, then followed up by a drink at chao yang park. Nothing happened then, so this trip, wanna try to bonk her.

We went to pick up my fren's gal and on the way, he told me she from some KTV with sauna. This place is his new haunt and fav place as can do normal KTV and if feeling is right, straight away bring to sauna, open one VIP room at RMB150 and bonk inside. all-in-all only need to pay the gal 600...

when the gal got up the car, tried to take a look and scan her .. not bad .. sweetie-cute, my fren told me she is 19 !! so we went to "tanghui" ...

My gal then called me at about 10pm, say she still busy at work, cannot come liao ... i like 100% sian !! both gals played me out !! so i told my fren to tell his gal to get a gal out from her KTV/shower place to accompany me.

The "new" gal came, not bad, but not as pretty as my fren's gal, but no fish prawn also good lah .. since so far away from my OC, have to be mischevious for a night mah .. brought her to the hotel and bonk her for the whole night. nothing fantastic, but alright .. guessed i have no time and choice that night ...

the 2 gals i wanna bonk this trip cannot make it .. i thought i would be wasted .. until the 2nd night ...
Old 16-12-2005, 04:10 PM
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Re: Beijing Recommendations

2nd day ...

First gal still cannot make it, cos mother really sick (true! as she say she will compensate me the next trip). 2nd gal, want me to pick her up from her office at zhong guan chun ... I told her i really busy (actually, i damn fed up and don't do this kinda thing !) So, called up my fren and talked biz over coffee. He just cannot stop telling me about the KTV and goes on and on during coffee ... I told him I cannot do anything that night as will be back to SH and my OC the following day. Stock check is inevitable.

Then, we decided to meet his investors for dinner. He also called some common friends along. During dinner he kept going on and on about this new place he found and got everyone interested. 5 men having dinner, what you expect ? we proceed to the KTV ...

Bros, pay attention here: it is at zuo jia zhuang, forgotten it's name, but easy to find, just across the road of International Friendship Gardens (popular apartments with the expats). I dunno room rates, but should be about 800 for a room enough to house all of us plus the gals, 10 in all, with free flow or beers.

I was honoured with the first pick and chose a gal from xinjiang. She looks gorgeous with mix-blood look and blonde hair. All the guys were eyeing her. After the whole parade and selections, all sit down to do their normal raba raba and feel the whole gal body. (SH bros: this is normal and open here !!)

Then I found out my gal was really sexy and have a body to die for, 36D-26-35, although a bit short but who cares. If she is taller, she would be a model. Then I realised that she wears a g-string, I have never met a gal with g-string in a KTV before, thongs yes, but no g-stings. She was damn sexy and with that killer eyes, anyone would want to have wild sex with her. I know my limits and stock check the next day, so i resisted all temptations of asking her to go to sauna.

All the guys, one-by-one, left the room to have their fun in the sauna. left me with her in the ktv room. so, we tcss, like normal but a bit of sexy remarks and kisses here and there. She told me she don't go sauna and have not have sex for 3 months liao. I asked her if the client insisted, she say she will give up her tips and let the client choose another. (Later, I found out it was true). So, we continue chit-chat until all of them come back and asked for the bill and ready to go. She asked for my mobile number.

Tree down, monkey disperse. I went back to hotel, alone and proud of my persistance (or was it she also don't do?) Kinda felt wasted. Cannot forget her angelic, yet seducing face and the devilish body !!

Took a shower and got ready to sleep early, i think only about 12pm, ready for stock check by OC the next day ....

mobile rang .. xinjiang gal ... ask me where am I .. told her at kempinski ... asked me why stay in hotel ... told her i am on biz trip, going away the next day ... she asked if the hotel allows guest (bingo !) .. i said yes .. she said she have knock off and still early to go home, which is near to the KTV, which is also near to Kempinski (bingo, bingo !!) I ask her if she is interested to come over for a drink .. she replied, what's your room number (bingo, bingo, bingo !!!)

well, I think the rest is not important ..

you guys have the location and hope you find fun there ... ciao ...
Old 16-12-2005, 07:36 PM
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Re: Beijing Recommendations

Originally Posted by +++yoboy

how is fu hua ktv? heard many people talk about it. been fooling around with the mama at my regular k and now i can't hunt in my own candy store anymore. looking for new stomping grounds now. . . .

Hi Bro!

Fu Hua is really nice. Brought a few bros there the last time we had a gathering there. Lots & lots of chicks there!

For a medium room which seated us 6-7 bros comfortably, just pay 1500 nett for the room. free flow of Chivas! they will bring in 2 bottles 1st, and if you finished them they will bring in another 2 bottles! mummy 400, chicks 400, waiter 100/200

have fun bro!
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