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Old 15-06-2017, 11:50 AM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by warbird View Post
Nee mu mu to all samsters! What an auspicious day!

Thank you to all who hv posted here.

I like to share an interesting and politically incorrect article on love from a woman.



The ONLY woman who can give you unconditional love is YOUR MOTHER!!


Bro WB
Bro WB

Very nice headlines above. Women are rare species and funny beings.

Please keep it coming.

Old 15-06-2017, 11:51 AM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Excellent thread by Bro WB. Support!!
Old 16-06-2017, 11:31 AM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by warbird View Post

Of course you can get girls/women to become emotionally and sexually addicted to you. But that is not true love, it's an obsession and addiction, a toxic kind of love. Just dump her and see what will happen.


Bro WB
Bro WB

I fully agreed with you if you dump the girl above as what you suggested, she will hate you like hell. Then she will find the next best man to be new bf.

Please share more with us and hope you have a nice weekend.

Yum yum cha.
Old 17-06-2017, 08:37 AM
sammyboylover sammyboylover is offline
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by warbird View Post
The following article mentions this problem.

"Hitting on your friend’s lady is just bad form. Your boy is trusting you when he introduces his girlfriend to his friends. Be nice, be playful, include her in the group, but don’t flirt with her or get overtly sexual. Be a good friend.

However, this rule doesn't necessarily apply to girls that your bro has "dibs" on, whom he hasn’t actually taken to bed. I know some guys like to "reserve" girls for their own flirting pleasure, when some other guys are more suited or able to bed them. It's really up to the kind of relationship you have with your friends.

Sometimes my friends and I set a time limit on how long one of us has to talk to a girl and get her interested before the others are allowed to move in. Other times, if a guy really, really likes a prospective girl, we just let it be."


Bro WB
Bro WB

I love the read the article above.

Let me share a few short stories

Friends can be foe very fast. Some of the friends just love to kacau the gf of others. If they (friends) managed to bed the the gf (belong to one friend) they will make a big hoo ha of that. So this is what you termed friends.

Usually when a friend identified a gal to be his target. I usually lay off my hands. Same for my friend. Unless after some months of trying and still cannot make love to the gal then we decided to quit. Even that either of us will not touch the other gal. So is the gal loss.

Setting limit is good. We usually set 3 date rules. And within 3 dates we dun bed the gal then we lay off.

I hope to continue reading your thread. Please continue to post more for horny guys.

Have a great weekend.

Old 17-06-2017, 09:49 AM
blackbitch blackbitch is offline
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by warbird View Post
Is external validation always wrong?

Gaining some validation from external sources isn’t all bad. Everyone wants to be liked or found attractive – that’s a normal human quality. If you never care about anyone else’s opinions, you may be a sociopath.

How often you seek external validation will change depending on who you’re dealing with.

It’s natural to seek some approval from people you have long-established connections with such as parents, close friends, or your significant other.

It’s not natural to seek constant approval from women you just met, have gone on a couple dates with, or haven’t even been intimate with. This includes your female friends you secretly desire.

And you especially shouldn’t seek approval from women who don’t invest in you.

I get weekly e-mails that say, “I really like this girl. But she barely responds to my texts, she’s cancelled on dates, and never commits to hanging out. How do I get her to like me without being needy?”

Every single time I want to reach through the screen and slap some sense into them. You are being the most needy motherfucker possible at that point.

This is how I’m going to start replying to those e-mails.

Again, what does that say about you when you chase someone who ignores you or doesn’t value your time?

99% of the time you’re not going to convince a girl who’s uninterested to suddenly be interested. Nor should you want to.

She’s not going to say, “I haven’t given this guy the time of day and it’s so attractive that he still keeps crawling back.”

The only way to be non-needy in those situations is to walk away. Find women who interest you and who are interested in you.


Bro WB
I fully agreed with you above especially The only way to be non-needy in those situations is to walk away. Find women who interest you and who are interested in you.

This is a good thread which I love very much.

Please help to post more to share with us.

Have a nice week ahead.

Old 18-06-2017, 09:47 AM
sammyboylover sammyboylover is offline
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Bro WB

Wishing you have a good Sunday rest.
Old 18-06-2017, 11:29 PM
warbird warbird is offline
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by Europa View Post
Bro WB

I fully agreed with you that mother love is unconditional.

Up you 2 points for fantastic thread.

I will pay more attention here.

Tks so much bro. Parental love for a child is unconditional.

Originally Posted by newbiesbf View Post
Bro WB

The above materials are music to my ears.

What a great piece of research you did above.

I will start reading your thread from first page to back. Please don't stop posting because I hope to improve.

Have an amazing day.
Hi bro,

I'll continue, but I'm constrained by time and new fresh ideas.

Originally Posted by cautroi View Post
Bro WB

I was reading your past post above and found the topic meaningful.

Gives me ah pek a chance to feel good. I am approaching late 40+ and your paragraph above made my day.

Hope you continue to make my day brighter.

Have a good week ahead.

May god bless you.
Hi bro,

You're in your prime. I'm a true lao chee ko pek. So what? My two current LPs are aged 19 and 23 respectively. And I'm always looking for younger and prettier ones.

Originally Posted by rolandgarros View Post

I posting twice now. So what do you say now?

I cannot understand why would bozo wanted to say such things?

Hi bro, tks for your post.

Originally Posted by rolandgarros View Post
Bro WB

Very nice headlines above. Women are rare species and funny beings.

Please keep it coming.

Tks again. I'm always looking for new revelations.

Originally Posted by Abouturn View Post
Excellent thread by Bro WB. Support!!
Tks bro.

Originally Posted by buto View Post
Bro WB

I fully agreed with you if you dump the girl above as what you suggested, she will hate you like hell. Then she will find the next best man to be new bf.

Please share more with us and hope you have a nice weekend.

Yum yum cha.
Tks bro.

Originally Posted by sammyboylover View Post
Bro WB

I love the read the article above.

Let me share a few short stories

Friends can be foe very fast. Some of the friends just love to kacau the gf of others. If they (friends) managed to bed the the gf (belong to one friend) they will make a big hoo ha of that. So this is what you termed friends.

Usually when a friend identified a gal to be his target. I usually lay off my hands. Same for my friend. Unless after some months of trying and still cannot make love to the gal then we decided to quit. Even that either of us will not touch the other gal. So is the gal loss.

Setting limit is good. We usually set 3 date rules. And within 3 dates we dun bed the gal then we lay off.

I hope to continue reading your thread. Please continue to post more for horny guys.

Have a great weekend.

Hi bro,

Tks so much.

Your 3 date rule is very reasonable.

I also hv news for many bros who are courting their special one. Until you hv a regular and EXCLUSIVE penetrative penile-vaginal relationship w/ her, she is NOT your GF or LP.

Originally Posted by blackbitch View Post
I fully agreed with you above especially The only way to be non-needy in those situations is to walk away. Find women who interest you and who are interested in you.

This is a good thread which I love very much.

Please help to post more to share with us.

Have a nice week ahead.

Hi bro,

The ability to walk away from a girl you like very much is very powerful. That is awesome self mastery.


Originally Posted by sammyboylover View Post
Bro WB

Wishing you have a good Sunday rest.
Tks bro. Hv a great day!

.................................................. ...........................

Good evening!

A guru sent me the following email to promote his product. I hv my comments below.

The Only 2 Ways To Make Her Yours

There are only two paths to making a girl your girlfriend:

The first, is the “logical” path:

- You show her what a great guy you are…

- You demonstrate everything you have to offer her…

- You try to convince her you’re boyfriend material…

And… If the timing’s just right…

And she doesn’t have any ‘better’ options…

Then maybe, just maybe, she’ll agree to be your girlfriend.

The problem with this path is, it’s unreliable….

It can take years…

And even when it DOES work…

She’ll always feel like she’s ‘settling’ for you…

Forever wondering if there’s a more exciting guy out there for her.

The 2nd path to making her yours…

Is to forget about all the logical reasons she ‘should’ want to be with you…

And instead focus on TURNING HER ON.

Because here’s what a lot of men don’t realize:

When you make a woman feel powerful, sexual emotions.

Those feelings of arousal OVERRIDE her rational mind…

And any reasons she might have for NOT being with you…

Are literally erased from her brain.

In fact, new research from MIT has revealed...

Once a girl gets turned on in a certain way…

The LOGICAL parts of her brain literally shut down.

As her raw, animal instincts take over…

And all she can think about, is landing the guy who gives her these feelings.


And guys who have the MOST success with women…

Can trigger it in a woman during casual conversation.

So she has no idea what you’re up to…

No clue why she suddenly can’t stop thinking about getting naked with you…

And SHE convinces HERSELF that you’re the only guy for her.

If you want to know how to trigger the override effect in any woman…

And turn her on during casual conversation…

Make sure to watch this video right now <====

It shows you exactly how the override effect works…

And exactly what to do to unleash its powerful effects in any woman you choose.

It’s like having a secret weapon she’s powerless to resist.

Check it out here

I agree that arousing a girl is the best way to make a girl/woman yours. The logical path can get you her pussy, but you will not capture her heart.

The author is trying to sell his program called Speak to Spark Arousal. IMHO, speaking and small talk play a very minor role in arousing a girl or getting her addicted to you. It's not what you say, it's how you say it.

You attract n arouse her by being The Prize. You demonstarte your dominant and non-reactive body language, eye contact, facial micro-expressions, voice tonality and behaviour. Be completely non-reactive to your dream girl's shit tests, insults, challenges n emotional drama.

A satiated man gets invited to banquets, whereas a hungry man stays hungry. Same with sex and women. Having 2-3 LPs/mistresses/lovers/GFs will keep you very satiated. All the other SYTs will want you to make love to them. They can sense your sexual energy/vibes and non-reactive body language...they will start fantasizing getting fucked by you. Their only question left is how long can you last...

Is there a man with such awesome non-reactive behaviour and self mastery? I hv not personally met such a man. There is a fictional character though, Humphrey Bogart. Watch his movies!

Do use touch and massage to physically arouse a girl. It's like adding fuel to fire. Don't forget to arouse her emotionally and make her react to you, not the other way round.


Bro WB

Last edited by warbird; 19-06-2017 at 12:36 PM.
Old 19-06-2017, 02:18 PM
buto buto is offline
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Always love this thread .
Old 19-06-2017, 02:42 PM
blackbitch blackbitch is offline
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by warbird View Post

Hi bro,

The ability to walk away from a girl you like very much is very powerful. That is awesome self mastery.

The 2nd path to making her yours…

Is to forget about all the logical reasons she ‘should’ want to be with you…

And instead focus on TURNING HER ON.

It shows you exactly how the override effect works…

And exactly what to do to unleash its powerful effects in any woman you choose.

It’s like having a secret weapon she’s powerless to resist.

Check it out here

Bro WB
Bro WB

Thank you for taking time to reply.

I am still trying to find how to be effective with self mastery.

I prefer the 2nd path above and take lesser time although I may not know exactly how to do it. Just need practise.

Will try to focus on this thread.

Thank you and have a nice day.
Old 19-06-2017, 04:26 PM
Pastori Pastori is offline
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Very good thread, thanks bro WB!
Old 20-06-2017, 11:20 AM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by warbird View Post
Albert Ellis

Go out there n approach 200 girls/women in the next 30 days. That would be a good start.

A man should be very comfortable in his own skin when interacting w/ girls/women and must remain nonreactive whatever happens...


Bro WB
Bro WB

Tks for recommending me to read Dr Alber Ellis books.

I wish to approach 200 girls and test out my skills. I hope to do so after reading more of Dr Ellis books.

Hope to read more and pls post more.

Have an amazing day please.
Old 20-06-2017, 11:28 AM
DominicSolanke DominicSolanke is offline
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by warbird View Post

I agree that arousing a girl is the best way to make a girl/woman yours. The logical path can get you her pussy, but you will not capture her heart.

The author is trying to sell his program called Speak to Spark Arousal. IMHO, speaking and small talk play a very minor role in arousing a girl or getting her addicted to you. It's not what you say, it's how you say it.

You attract n arouse her by being The Prize. You demonstarte your dominant and non-reactive body language, eye contact, facial micro-expressions, voice tonality and behaviour. Be completely non-reactive to your dream girl's shit tests, insults, challenges n emotional drama.

A satiated man gets invited to banquets, whereas a hungry man stays hungry. Same with sex and women. Having 2-3 LPs/mistresses/lovers/GFs will keep you very satiated. All the other SYTs will want you to make love to them. They can sense your sexual energy/vibes and non-reactive body language...they will start fantasizing getting fucked by you. Their only question left is how long can you last...

Is there a man with such awesome non-reactive behaviour and self mastery? I hv not personally met such a man. There is a fictional character though, Humphrey Bogart. Watch his movies!


Bro WB
Bro WB

Humphrey Bogart Quotes

"The problem with the world is that everyone is a few drinks behind."

"I was born when you kissed me. I died when you left me. I lived a few weeks while you loved me."

"A hot dog at the ballgame beats roast beef at the Ritz."

Actually Bro WB is my idol rather than Humphrey Bogart.

Hope you continue to post more.

Have a great week ahead.
Old 20-06-2017, 02:20 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

This is a really good thread.
WB keep it up
Old 20-06-2017, 03:07 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Perhaps these excerpts from a recent NYT article titled "In China, the anxious lap up advice to avoid being 'leftover women'" may interest samsters following this thread?

Ayawawa is apparently one of China's most popular advice columnists. Ayawawa is the online name of Yang Bingyang, one of several online advice dispensers who have won celebrity in China by tapping into urban women's anxieties about finding a man to marry.

Ayawawa explains on her wechat homepage, "MV" stands for "Mate Value" and "PU" refers to "Paternity Uncertainty".

She elaborated :" A man's MV is determined by his age, height, looks, wealth, IQ, EQ, sexual capacity and willingness to make a long-term commitment".

Whereas the eight elements in a women's MV are her "age, looks, height, bra cup size, weight, academic degrees, personality and family background."

As for PU, Ayawawa said, "In human evolutionary history, a man's great concern is that he cannot be certain if he is the father of his partner's child."

She advises her female readers: "Don't wear revealing clothes. Don't be always posting pictures of yourself drinking in a bar. Be a lady, speak softy, be modest."

Her suggestions to women include: Letting the man take the lead. Don't call him for the first few dates. Don't have sex for the first few months.

In response to one young woman's request for advice about a suitor, she counseled, "Hold back. Make him invest more in you" , meaning both time and money.

Many of Ayawawa's fans consider her the personification of the success they crave for themselves: attractive, married to a husband she describes as a loving husband, the mother of two children.

By contrast, Lu Qi, a popular online relationship adviser with 26 million followers on Weibo, owes much of his credibility to being a single man in his 30s, who presumably knows firsthand what such men really think.

Mr Lu shares: " For women, spending more time with a man deepens her love. But for a man, the longer he stays with a woman, the less he loves her."
Old 20-06-2017, 06:34 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Very good thread here, thank you bro WB!!
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