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Old 16-10-2017, 11:33 PM
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Re: ✌✌✌ MENSPLUS-Pills For Men. Faster Recovery, Harder Erections, ED Solutions. ✌✌✌

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MensPlus... No Regrets Giving It A Try!!!

Originally Posted by jaguarbkk View Post
Managed to get from supplier last night. Try it straight away and quickly heads home.

The result is fantastic. My wife kenna fucked till juice flows out. Lol. Long time never see my wife so slutty and sextified. She asked me to come back earlier tonight. Cant wait to see what she has for me.
Originally Posted by MiniCooperTurbo View Post
Picked up a bot to try n was pleasantly surprised.

Penis was super hard as per promised by seller and within 15mins, penis ready for second round. Could get hard again for 3rd round but was too tired.

makes me feel like when I was 18yo. Good stuff, thanks for the reco.
Originally Posted by siamescorts View Post
Managed to pick up from bro after work. Lucky near to my work place.

Anyway to cut the story short. When i took the pill, i feel a bit warm after 15 mins. But my dick remains as it is. Thus I though it is not working. But I already booked a thai gal so bo bian just go. The minute I saw the gal in see thru, my dick spring up. She laughed and hold my dick to shower. After some rabba, my dick becomes hard as steel. Even the gal sighed. she said she's going to be tired after servicing me. After 1st round, my dick refused to go down so 2nd round comes almost immediately after washing up.
Things doesnt stop there. When I am back home, I still have enough sperm and energy left for my wife.

Originally Posted by fucksusi View Post
Been looking for replacement since magix days. This is the closest to magix less the side effects.

meeting vendor is pretty cool. I remember meeting another guy selling pills and machiam drug dealer. This vendor is quite steady. Anyway i promised to give a review if it is good.

in general, the pill can be break into half so good for ppl who dunn need the full power. I took a full pill to guage the power. Last night my wife just cant keep her pussy of my didi. Which woman dunn like thick hard cock? She was riding me like nobody business. When i carry her fucking, she almost screamed. Haha...lucky no one called the cops. This morning whe i woke up, my didi woke up far earlier than me. In no time, he disappeared into my wife's mouth. More humping follows before i left for work. Till now when im typing my review, i still can feel the power.

To end, it is a genuine good product. At least not something thats comes from geylang street. Cheers
Originally Posted by ilovelmy View Post
I am 40++ and my erection is quite ok. However it is not as strong as what I want. Despite my daily exercise routine, it does not help alot.

I have tried some of the products sold here in the forum. Honestly speaking, only few are good. This mensplus is definitely one of them. After talking to the supplier, I just took half a pill. Beside feeling a bit warm, I do not feel any headache. I managed to recover for 2nd shot without any trouble. The hardness is like my youth days. My wife is pretty satisfied and we are now discussing where to have our date later. And of course hot sex.
Originally Posted by Alinghi View Post
Picked up a bottle last week and tried it over the weekend.

Took half a pill as per instructions and about4 5mins later, face feel warm. But penis begin to have some reaction. Started action with my wife and in no time, penis was SUPER HARD!!! Solid like a rock n even I was surprised!!

The sex lasted longer than usual as I think the hardness of my erection numbed away my sensitivity and my wife was naturally happily surprised. Asked my how come n I told her I had some tonic soup the day before.

Anyway, I discovered that even after ejaculating, you are able to achieve another erection in no time.

This has definitely improved my sex life. Currently also trying out another pill the supplier recommended and will give my FR after I finish the course of it.
Originally Posted by hayabusa2407 View Post
Met up the supplier in the central. Quickly collect, listen to his instruction and rush home as my wife is damn horny that night. As the pill needs to be raken before meal, quickly popped first. Upon reaching home, dear is waiting for me in the living room with a see thru lingerie. Immediately my didi erected to full length. See that, my wife put her hand into my pant and guide my didi to our bedroom. Hell broke loose in the room but we were in heaven after. After a while, my didi remained hard. We had another 3 rounds that night. Totally sextifying.
Originally Posted by geylangfucker View Post
I managed to pick up from the vendor in the West side. I feel warm taking it. But I dunn feel my penis bursting out. Thought it might not work. But when I reached home, my didi immediately stands when my wife came out from her shower with her pyjamas. So one thing led to another. We spent almost 3 hours in the room. One thing I realised is that the hardness maintains even after the first shot is out.
Originally Posted by hornyaries69 View Post
I must say the vendor is very honest and patient guy. He explained to me what to look out for and what to avoid to maximise the effect.

As i always goes soft half way thru fucking. It is very frustrating not to satiafy my wife. After i took the pill last night, i am able to doggy my wife's perky ass. Been a while since i am able to hear the 'piak piak' sounds. Overall, a good product.
Originally Posted by leo_ng77 View Post
This pill is as close as magix of old. Good strong erection when I only took half a pill. Instructions are pretty much the same as other ED pills. Tried yesterday night. Till now I still had hardon.
Originally Posted by Birkenau View Post
Was given a sample pill to try when I went to get some other stuff. Didn't know what to expect or rather I wasn't expectating very much.

Was SHOCKED and amazed by the effects. Penis was super hard within an hour after taking it and for my first shot, didn't even need to rest. Round 2 cintuned straight after I cummed for my first shot. Already in my mid 30s, so it came as a total shock!

The weekend was sexfilled n could even feel it in my manhood up till today. Was just fantastic.

Thanks for that sample, I will be getiing my supplies really soon.
Originally Posted by ilovelmy View Post
Same here. I also have the same problem before. It is kindda of frustrating sometime. Good thing the pill works for me. 1/2 a pill is all I needs to satisfy my partner.
Originally Posted by bikersfucker View Post
Thanks for the contact. Supplier is very accomodating and patient. So a big plus already.

i took half a pill (like most guys said) this morning. It works very well. Slighly heavy headed but result is up to my expectation. Been a while since i feel hard as a rock.
Originally Posted by Regius View Post
Overdue review! Sorry been busy

Met up with supplier about 2 weeks ago. Nice chap. Had a chat in his car regarding the DO's & DON'T's. The next day, I went to Balai
I must say I didn't follow his advice exactly regarding what and what not to consume and when to consume

Went to Balai, the usual process. Once I reached my hotel I popped 1 pill knowing that the girl should be arriving in an hour. No hot flashes, no headaches, nothing. Then when the cewek arrived I started having an erection and it was rock hard! Even the cewek was surprised and asked if I took anything for it to be like that. Naturally I lied and said I only had a Stout She was slapping her face with it and said it felt like a rock! After 1 shot it was still hard. Needless to say I had an awesome time this trip. No more worries about going soft halfway. Even the cewek admitted its been a long time since she enjoyed herself. Highly recommended to all the bros here.
Originally Posted by BlueDemon View Post
Yup. This is my reviews. Hope you guys pardon for my poor English.

After weeks of going thru the reviews from bros here, i decided to give it a try. I manged to arrange for a pick up fast as it is near my workplace. I tried it out yesterday as me and my wife heading out for dinner. So I took the pill before heading out since bro told me to take before meal. Within half an hour my body heats up. My wife even asked me if I am alright. Hehe...i just told her weather a bit hot tonight.

Anyway to cut the story short, we went for a drink after dinner before heading home. I think the drink is making my wife a bit tipsy and horny. In the car, she became very touchy. So as you guys already guessed it, we cant wait to head home and fuck each other's brains out. Luckily with the pills, my dick is able to go for a few more rounds. My wife is very surprised as it has been a long time we fuck for few rounds. Normally I have to service her after 1 round.

Originally Posted by BlueDemon View Post
No worries boss. If product is good, i dunn mind writing reviews to share.

you are absolutely right. 3 nights in a row we have been fucking. Today best. We went for a jog nearby and we just made out in the public toilet. Lol. Feels like a teenager.
Originally Posted by saigonsiow View Post
I finally got hold of the pills after few arrangement. One of the bros is serving nation so a bit tight on his schedule. Surprising he also got kamagra so in the end i got bit kamagra n mensplus.

i tried mensplus. It works exactly like cialis. Strong erection but without uncontrollable erection. Upon arousement, you will see you cock grows. Unlike V. V basically make your cock stand without any arousement.

stay tuned for my reviews on kamagra.
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Old 17-10-2017, 01:28 AM
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Re: ✌✌✌ MENSPLUS-Pills For Men. Faster Recovery, Harder Erections, ED Solutions. ✌✌✌

Originally Posted by Prince7 View Post
Bro MensPlus
Can see many bros’ good reviews on your products
I am tempted to try too
Originally Posted by Supervert View Post
Up this good thread !!
Thks for the support!!
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Old 17-10-2017, 07:56 AM
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Re: ✌✌✌ MENSPLUS-Pills For Men. Faster Recovery, Harder Erections, ED Solutions. ✌✌✌

Good Morning To All SBF Bros

Originally Posted by MiniCooperTurbo View Post
Picked up a bot to try n was pleasantly surprised.

Penis was super hard as per promised by seller and within 15mins, penis ready for second round. Could get hard again for 3rd round but was too tired.

makes me feel like when I was 18yo. Good stuff, thanks for the reco.
Originally Posted by siamescorts View Post
Managed to pick up from bro after work. Lucky near to my work place.

Anyway to cut the story short. When i took the pill, i feel a bit warm after 15 mins. But my dick remains as it is. Thus I though it is not working. But I already booked a thai gal so bo bian just go. The minute I saw the gal in see thru, my dick spring up. She laughed and hold my dick to shower. After some rabba, my dick becomes hard as steel. Even the gal sighed. she said she's going to be tired after servicing me. After 1st round, my dick refused to go down so 2nd round comes almost immediately after washing up.
Things doesnt stop there. When I am back home, I still have enough sperm and energy left for my wife.

Originally Posted by fucksusi View Post
Been looking for replacement since magix days. This is the closest to magix less the side effects.

meeting vendor is pretty cool. I remember meeting another guy selling pills and machiam drug dealer. This vendor is quite steady. Anyway i promised to give a review if it is good.

in general, the pill can be break into half so good for ppl who dunn need the full power. I took a full pill to guage the power. Last night my wife just cant keep her pussy of my didi. Which woman dunn like thick hard cock? She was riding me like nobody business. When i carry her fucking, she almost screamed. Haha...lucky no one called the cops. This morning whe i woke up, my didi woke up far earlier than me. In no time, he disappeared into my wife's mouth. More humping follows before i left for work. Till now when im typing my review, i still can feel the power.

To end, it is a genuine good product. At least not something thats comes from geylang street. Cheers
Originally Posted by ilovelmy View Post
I am 40++ and my erection is quite ok. However it is not as strong as what I want. Despite my daily exercise routine, it does not help alot.

I have tried some of the products sold here in the forum. Honestly speaking, only few are good. This mensplus is definitely one of them. After talking to the supplier, I just took half a pill. Beside feeling a bit warm, I do not feel any headache. I managed to recover for 2nd shot without any trouble. The hardness is like my youth days. My wife is pretty satisfied and we are now discussing where to have our date later. And of course hot sex.
Originally Posted by hornyaries69 View Post
I must say the vendor is very honest and patient guy. He explained to me what to look out for and what to avoid to maximise the effect.

As i always goes soft half way thru fucking. It is very frustrating not to satiafy my wife. After i took the pill last night, i am able to doggy my wife's perky ass. Been a while since i am able to hear the 'piak piak' sounds. Overall, a good product.
Originally Posted by BlueDemon View Post
Yup. This is my reviews. Hope you guys pardon for my poor English.

After weeks of going thru the reviews from bros here, i decided to give it a try. I manged to arrange for a pick up fast as it is near my workplace. I tried it out yesterday as me and my wife heading out for dinner. So I took the pill before heading out since bro told me to take before meal. Within half an hour my body heats up. My wife even asked me if I am alright. Hehe...i just told her weather a bit hot tonight.

Anyway to cut the story short, we went for a drink after dinner before heading home. I think the drink is making my wife a bit tipsy and horny. In the car, she became very touchy. So as you guys already guessed it, we cant wait to head home and fuck each other's brains out. Luckily with the pills, my dick is able to go for a few more rounds. My wife is very surprised as it has been a long time we fuck for few rounds. Normally I have to service her after 1 round.

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Old 17-10-2017, 10:01 AM
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Re: ✌✌✌ MENSPLUS-Pills For Men. Faster Recovery, Harder Erections, ED Solutions. ✌✌✌

*** Get Your M+ Today ***

Originally Posted by saigonsiow View Post
I finally got hold of the pills after few arrangement. One of the bros is serving nation so a bit tight on his schedule. Surprising he also got kamagra so in the end i got bit kamagra n mensplus.

i tried mensplus. It works exactly like cialis. Strong erection but without uncontrollable erection. Upon arousement, you will see you cock grows. Unlike V. V basically make your cock stand without any arousement.

stay tuned for my reviews on kamagra.
Originally Posted by loneyheart View Post
I am a weekly man n this is my 4 times taking ... every time 1/2 pill
1st time after 5 min can feel head abit ticking n some blur sight but bareable .... 2nd time onward OK get use to it
No reaction below wo action but once start fonding n kissing slowly hard n turn out as a rod

Never had I dream again as a aged man I still can ....
Stand as a hard rod pointed 70 degrees
Do my fav position doggie again
Make my partner cum n wet n maoning for more

Make me feel young again n more horny .... keekee
But mayb due to age I cant go for 2nd round n I cum too fast if she is super horny tat day .... but I cum alot too .... heehee

Thxs TS MensPlus for sharing .... appreciated ... at 1st feel 120 for 10 quite ex but think abt it 1/2 pill per sexxion only $6 OK la .... what worth more then u can feel n bonk happily young again .... wahaha

Another sharing ... if u hv taken t pill but last min cancel action ... u can drink alot of pain water to past out so to prevent t ejection

Abv IMHO n exp to each it may vary ... just past on sharing spirit ... hope no long term side effect
Originally Posted by liverpoolreds88 View Post
Owe Bro a review.

I plan a night out with my gal in Changi Village Hotel last weekend. So a very good time to try out the new pill. After usual stuffs ie makan & boozing, we headed back to our rented love nest just before midnight. The night started when she came out of shower with a Army singlet (which I bought for her in E-mart) and cute little panty. The sight of it immediately made my didi stands.

The hardness reached to the maximum when we are stroking each other under the blanket while watching TV. We stroked till she's in the mood and hell broke loose. We had 3 sextifying rounds. Best part is my didi still managed to erect in the morning. So in the end, one more round before breakfast.
Originally Posted by Jason33 View Post
Thank you Bro MensPlus for the recommendation of this magical regrets!

Very happy with the effect...super strong hard rod within 1 hour. After taking it, my wife can also tell the difference in our sex life.
Now can even go for 2nd shot in 1 hour...really no horse-run

This shiok-a-do feeling is unimaginable...just like Super-Man!
Originally Posted by geylangfucker View Post
I tried taking a pill before. The erection is very strong and It stays hard for almost 2 days.

@ TS, can introduce the spray for PE? I usually lasts 5 full mins (pure fucking). Hoping to tahan longer.
Originally Posted by CiDeR View Post
I have try the pills last really damn good lo. I only take half a pills and my cock was fsmn hard.even my wife can feel the difference. Next time round I also want to buy cock spray to prolong my ejectulation.cheers.
Originally Posted by bikersfucker View Post

Managed to pick up the P-spray last night. Never regret. I used to last at most 3 mins. Sometime only 1 min. After using the spray, I pumped until sweat. Estimated a good 20 min. With the Mens+ pills, it is just a heaven. For the 1st time in past 3 years, she managed to cum with me fucking her. It just make my sex with my wife more enjoyable.

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Old 17-10-2017, 05:17 PM
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Re: ✌✌✌ MENSPLUS-Pills For Men. Faster Recovery, Harder Erections, ED Solutions. ✌✌✌

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Originally Posted by gojibery1234 View Post
Ok just gonna share my experience with Men's Plus.

Just a little about myself, i am a salesman in my 20s i own & run my own sales company. I make quite alot of $$ and have basically whatever i want. Just for fun, I go to school part time.

1. Basically my experience in school: The subject matter of the courses i study are very stressful and it doesnt help that the environment is also very pressurizing, the girls in my school need an outlet for their stress and they're boyfriends aren't satisfying them ( guys beware, girls really are like that, most i fucked are attached). They need a guy for a quick release but are of cus too shy to approach any, so if they find a guy who can and will remain discreet, they will share info with friends.

My experience; I'm not naturally well endowed down there, but after taking the pill, not only am i able to remain hard for hours and cum more than once, i **feel (personal opinion)** that my cock has also grew alot bigger in size, and my school mates have also mentioned they feel the difference, some have even said that it hurts.

The benefits i have recieved is that the girls i banged would talk about it in their circles and this have made other girls approach me before.

2. Sometimes I get really horny and would sweep geylang for good fucks, now this is where the fun really comes in! This pill works magic here! i can pick up any girl who is pretty enough to fuck and not have to worry about meeting another one after who might b prettier. I have the freedom to bang any chick for 30mins str8, and once our time is up, i'll continue hunting for the next one, and so on. i don't have to worry aou exhaustion or cumming too soon! I would bang prettier and prettier girls, and by the time i get to the 5th one, i'll cum. So this have made banging, freaking enjoyable, imagine banging 5 girls in a night!

Again the girls here have said that my penis is too big and painful, thus enforcing my believe. I honestly do not think that the original size of my cock is big because i have seen pics of other brother's cocks here and most look alot bigger than mine.
Originally Posted by fucksusi View Post
Bro Lek, I have a similiar experience too. I also passed to my fd who is having problem having sex with his wife. He is 50s while his Viet wife is 30s. They have been trying to have a kid but my fd have problem performing. Good thing his wife is very accomodating. After trying the pill i passed to him, he looks happier now. I gave him my whole bottle as I really want him to be happy. He told me he is happier cos he feels more like a man now. Even if no kid, at least a normal sex life is back.
Originally Posted by kenneth38 View Post
Just a quick FR.

Both pills and the lill extra that I also bought from supplier were good.
No side effects thus far, and performance was immediate that evening, half pill, effective after 30 minutes or so. For the latter, my other half was crazy.. and we had a super enjoyable time. Piak until both parties also sore, and its only 1 round.

Good one! Haha
Originally Posted by teamlh View Post
Pick up from vendor last friday and only managed to try yesterday with a SYT.

Usually I can erect but the hardness is not like the young days. Moreover sometime it will goes soft very fast. With Men+, its like taking a time machine. Good strong erection and best part I can manage a few more rounds.

Haha...I got myself another date this week.
Originally Posted by harmfree View Post
Thanks bro TS for sharing contact.

Met up with vendor. As a newbie to such products, he was kind enough to give his advise on dosage based on my lifestyle, as well as instructions like no caffeine drinks before popping.

Took half a pill an hour before action. Start to feel body heat up a bit and penis starts to feel a little sensitive. Can really feel erection is much harder and able to sustain as compared to before. A much more enjoyable bonk!

Morning wake up with full throttle erection too. No major side effects for me as first timer.

Cheers to mensplus
Originally Posted by bankrobber View Post
bought and tried once. i felt like i could last as long as i wanted did feel the body heat up, and super, super slight headache. other than that, great product.

curious abt the second time feel. hope works well also. see from other bros here saying it doesn't work as well when the body gets used to it?

anw kudos to vendor.
Originally Posted by zack1 View Post
thanks to Vendor, took from him on PH last wed.
hmm..had 1/2 pill then, slowly can feel the build up. Bro became sensitive less than one hr
Absolute best, managed to last very long with partner
had another half in the evening, another round...better results
no noticeable side effects...easier erection, till the next morning.

going to get the spray next.

try to believe bros... cheers!
Originally Posted by 8Black View Post
Was given a sample when I went to purchase something else n its amazing. Works wonders n full hard erections followed by faster recovery after you ejaculated. Just AMAZING! Highly recommended for bros not having a full on erection.
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Old 17-10-2017, 08:03 PM
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Re: ✌✌✌ MENSPLUS-Pills For Men. Faster Recovery, Harder Erections, ED Solutions. ✌✌✌

Originally Posted by MensPlus View Post
Thks for the support!!
Up thread for support !!
Welcome 7 points and higher trade with my 14 points

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Old 17-10-2017, 08:28 PM
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Re: ✌✌✌ MENSPLUS-Pills For Men. Faster Recovery, Harder Erections, ED Solutions. ✌✌✌

Originally Posted by MensPlus View Post

*** One Of The Best Around ***
Kt up 10 to sapport bro TS too
Kit Tueng Mak Mak welcome above 3 power for tradings.

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Old 17-10-2017, 09:11 PM
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Re: ✌✌✌ MENSPLUS-Pills For Men. Faster Recovery, Harder Erections, ED Solutions. ✌✌✌

Have You Had Your MensPlus Today?

Originally Posted by Cumaster View Post
Is damn shiok rite? Lol. Really different from before n can give more confidence. The girl feel ur rocky little bro liao already feel shiok. My girl feels turned on just by touching and sucking on it. She say feel like very swollen wen inside her n make her more shiok.
Originally Posted by bcguy View Post
Just cum from my 2nd round not so long ago. Decide to sneak in a quick afar since my girl has fallen asleep. Definitely didn't plan for 2nd round as I'm usually a 1 shot man.

After done with 1st shot, was lying in bed chatting when my girl was holding on to my dick and rubbing my dickhead with her thumb. Asked me if I'm horny as she feels abit different today but in a good way. Before I know it, her thumb made my dick come alive again n there we went for round 2. She was as shock as I but she definitely wasn't complaining. Dick really rock hard and I'm sure she love that feeling.

Would recommend this to bros out there who wants abit more kick in their birdie. 2 thumbs up! Nite guys.
Originally Posted by Loverofpussies View Post
The pills are really fantastic! It's kind of a rainy day thing for me. On days when one is really exhausted and simply can't maintain an erection due to fatigue, the pills are a life-saver. One's performance shoots through the roof whenever one takes it and it helps one to last longer as well. I can't count the number of times when I can't seem to be in the mood as well as rise to the occasion, but by taking the pills, I seem to have overcome that.
Originally Posted by fishee50 View Post
Bought last year to help with my erections since age is catching up.

Basically what has been said abt this pill has already been said. The erections are rock hard and my partner enjoys the fuller me. Definitely gives a very fast recovery time as u will easily get hard again. I had limited side effects which went away as I consume the pills more over time. So can't complain. From its price and it's worth, it's definitely money well spent.
Originally Posted by TheEmpire View Post
Popped a pill yest morning. Have been having sex since yest afternoon n today the cock still can get up n hard with the slightest of arousal. Penis is rock hard and it really helps for a more consistent erection without fear that the cock will get soft. It's like it's on auto-pilot. Partner had a good time riding me and good to feel her juices rolling down my shaft to my tummy. Get even more turned on and dick gets even harder. Omg. Also find that I can last longer cos it's so hard.
Originally Posted by Elstrom View Post
Purchased it few months back and now using a bottle a month.

When I first started, I had some very mild flushes with increased heartbeat but after using it like twice a week, after 2 weeks I don't feel those anymore.

Pill does all the the previous reviews mentioned ie, super hard dick, recovery(get hard again) with 10-15mins after u ejaculate. My personal record is 4 times a nite from 9pm to 9am. Of cos in between got sleep la.

Absolutely no regrets using it. Really makes you feel so much better with more confidence with my performance in bed. Highly recommended.
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Re: ✌✌✌ MENSPLUS-Pills For Men. Faster Recovery, Harder Erections, ED Solutions. ✌✌✌

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Originally Posted by Cumaster View Post
Is damn shiok rite? Lol. Really different from before n can give more confidence. The girl feel ur rocky little bro liao already feel shiok. My girl feels turned on just by touching and sucking on it. She say feel like very swollen wen inside her n make her more shiok.
Originally Posted by bcguy View Post
Just cum from my 2nd round not so long ago. Decide to sneak in a quick afar since my girl has fallen asleep. Definitely didn't plan for 2nd round as I'm usually a 1 shot man.

After done with 1st shot, was lying in bed chatting when my girl was holding on to my dick and rubbing my dickhead with her thumb. Asked me if I'm horny as she feels abit different today but in a good way. Before I know it, her thumb made my dick come alive again n there we went for round 2. She was as shock as I but she definitely wasn't complaining. Dick really rock hard and I'm sure she love that feeling.

Would recommend this to bros out there who wants abit more kick in their birdie. 2 thumbs up! Nite guys.
Originally Posted by Loverofpussies View Post
The pills are really fantastic! It's kind of a rainy day thing for me. On days when one is really exhausted and simply can't maintain an erection due to fatigue, the pills are a life-saver. One's performance shoots through the roof whenever one takes it and it helps one to last longer as well. I can't count the number of times when I can't seem to be in the mood as well as rise to the occasion, but by taking the pills, I seem to have overcome that.
Originally Posted by fishee50 View Post
Bought last year to help with my erections since age is catching up.

Basically what has been said abt this pill has already been said. The erections are rock hard and my partner enjoys the fuller me. Definitely gives a very fast recovery time as u will easily get hard again. I had limited side effects which went away as I consume the pills more over time. So can't complain. From its price and it's worth, it's definitely money well spent.
Originally Posted by TheEmpire View Post
Popped a pill yest morning. Have been having sex since yest afternoon n today the cock still can get up n hard with the slightest of arousal. Penis is rock hard and it really helps for a more consistent erection without fear that the cock will get soft. It's like it's on auto-pilot. Partner had a good time riding me and good to feel her juices rolling down my shaft to my tummy. Get even more turned on and dick gets even harder. Omg. Also find that I can last longer cos it's so hard.
Originally Posted by jaguarbkk View Post
Good product. I ordered thru post few months back.

Half pill is than sufficient for me.

Good value for $$$
Originally Posted by Herus View Post
Had purchases the pill and tried it. All I can say is that all the claims are true. These pills are FREAKING AWESOME!!!!!

Rock hard penis, fast recovery, lasts long and minimal side effects. Anybody who enjoys having sex should try this stuff. Damn good. Rather, damn fucking good these pills.
Originally Posted by geylangfucker View Post
Of course they are awesome. I'm been using for the past one year.

Everytime my gf never get enough of my hard dick. I think I need more tonics now. Lol
Originally Posted by weihc View Post
long overdue review owed...
have no issues getting hard and no pe to worry about... but that means I would sometimes get too tired out by pumping too long... so much so that I could get flaccid if I don't come after 20-30mins.

so last night, I took half a pill...was just after dinner so, worried if the effect enough or not.

by the time I got to bed with wife... we messed about in 69 and I was rock hard... felt harder and hotter than usual... and I proceeded to really start pumping my wife...which this time round... I was hard all the way for 30+mins...before I came real hard in my wife. which surprised her a little by our more intense session.

too bad, I was still hard after the deed. but I'm not fit enough for round 2 lol. tired out by the more intense session.

but to my surprise... I woke up with morning wood and my wife felt me spooning her... and this morning we had another round for 30mins before we got ready for work. didn't have issue maintaining hardness due to the urgency to finish before going to work lol.

good stuff. not much other effects felt, except that I feel my heart/pulse beat faster and thirstier.
Originally Posted by weihc View Post
lol... my wife likes sex often... so... every other day we have sex... the pill in a way helps me keep up when we go over drive, especially over the weekends.
Originally Posted by weihc View Post
yup, I'm liking the increase intensity and looking to try a bit rougher intensity.. though more shag lol

not specifically about the hardness. but about my morning hardness. coz I'm usually not a morning person, despite the usual morning wood.

but that following morning while I woke my wife for work, I spooned her with my stiff little bro and she was surprised at my morning interest and hardness. coz usually if she wanted sex in the morning, she would have to blow me for a few minutes before the little bro wakes up.
Originally Posted by Rayes View Post
I registered with SBF just for this thread in order to get hold of MenPlus.. And woah..... Totally no regret and enjoying my Making love session with gratitude...

I suffered "0" side effect. And it took less than 30mins to see the effect of the pill and then on.... Like Duracell Battery..
Originally Posted by TheGreatArtiste View Post
This is my short FR.

Pill is Fucking Power. Fucking Awesome. Hard as rock. No horse run. Sibei Power OMG! Totally blown away by it.

Amazing Cock Power!!!

Loot my gf till she tolong ask me stop. Tell me next time sex don't take it cos she scared her pussy will become loose!!! Took half on Friday nite, then this morning top up another half pill. I have never fucked any girl till such a state in all my life. Fucking out of this world! Now I know why some bro say feels like IronMan!
Originally Posted by weihc View Post
follow up review (1 full pill)
previous only consumed half as adviced.

this time round tried out 1 full pill last night with the missus.
first, basically side effects felt were no different from half pill. raised heartbeat and increased thirst.

now the action.
please don't consume full pill if you got plans for other stuff or chores to do...
i took 1 pill after dinner at 9pm I was ready... fooled around and we started session 1...that lasted me freaking 50mins of pumping my wife in various positions before I unloaded into her.

dick was still freaking hard and standing while I caught my breath and drank water. 15mins later my wife tired, but started licking me all over and I wasted no time dogging her from behind. this time, because I came earlier, I lasted even longer. a freaking 1hr of slow, medium and hard bonking... wife was coming hard and loud. luckily we had earlier decided to turn on the TV program loudly before we started. this time, I came as hard but volume much lesser already. freaking dick was still hard as I laid on bed panting away...

missus was querying how come so "super" lol.
i just sheepishly said, I was super turned on by her. by this time, I was really tired... but decided to see how far I can, while still cuddling... I tried spooning and starting bonking again. this time round, really tired, hence mainly did slow gentler strokes for the missus... and because I came the twice earlier, I wasn't going to come anytime soon and my dick is still rock hard. stroked for 20mins or so and was starting to feel some urge and started to really give it to my wife for the last 10mins before I cleared my last load of the night... practically left with a small dribble of cum only.

uncle and missus was totally wasted physically last night. after bonking from 9pm till almost 12am... maybe another side effect to note, missus' was feeling slightly sore in her pussy after last night's sessions.
Originally Posted by weihc View Post
ya... I know I'm 1 lucky sob... I'm not complaining lol.

last night without any pills, I managed 1 round of about 20mins...really tired out from previous night. came fast and hard, but soften real quick lol. I think I'll rest tonight.
Originally Posted by Hot cake View Post
Thanks TS for arranging a bot of Men plus!

I had been using another product from any bro from another threat.

But I think he up the lorry liao as his threat is gone n I'm unable to contact him.

Thus decided to give Men plus a try.

Tried 1/2 a pill the next day before going home. Who knows my OC mc...!

Had a hard on through out the night...! Simply sleeping with a thick hard meat stick sticking out of my pants!

Next morning still hard... Have to put on undies so that my kids wouldn't see the hard on as I always wear a boxer around the house...

In the afternoon quickly made appointment for release...!

Still can feel the power containing in little bro.

Good thing was that I do not feel headache but can feel very warm in the whole body including little bro...

Will try again when my OC recover.

Thanks TS for sharing!
Originally Posted by 3Dragon View Post
Honestly, that ROCK HARD dick gives you the feeling of invincibility. N when u pump the girl, u can almost feel her cringe everytime u thrust inside her. If only there are words to describe how the girls feel...
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Re: ✌✌✌ MENSPLUS-Pills For Men. Faster Recovery, Harder Erections, ED Solutions. ✌✌✌

What is More Sextifying than Having a Good Morning Wood?
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Re: ✌✌✌ MENSPLUS-Pills For Men. Faster Recovery, Harder Erections, ED Solutions. ✌✌✌

Wishing All SBF Bros a Happy Deepavali !!!!
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Re: ✌✌✌ MENSPLUS-Pills For Men. Faster Recovery, Harder Erections, ED Solutions. ✌✌✌

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*** Wednesday Reviews ***

Originally Posted by fucksusi View Post
Been looking for replacement since magix days. This is the closest to magix less the side effects.

meeting vendor is pretty cool. I remember meeting another guy selling pills and machiam drug dealer. This vendor is quite steady. Anyway i promised to give a review if it is good.

in general, the pill can be break into half so good for ppl who dunn need the full power. I took a full pill to guage the power. Last night my wife just cant keep her pussy of my didi. Which woman dunn like thick hard cock? She was riding me like nobody business. When i carry her fucking, she almost screamed. Haha...lucky no one called the cops. This morning whe i woke up, my didi woke up far earlier than me. In no time, he disappeared into my wife's mouth. More humping follows before i left for work. Till now when im typing my review, i still can feel the power.

To end, it is a genuine good product. At least not something thats comes from geylang street. Cheers
Originally Posted by ilovelmy View Post
I am 40++ and my erection is quite ok. However it is not as strong as what I want. Despite my daily exercise routine, it does not help alot.

I have tried some of the products sold here in the forum. Honestly speaking, only few are good. This mensplus is definitely one of them. After talking to the supplier, I just took half a pill. Beside feeling a bit warm, I do not feel any headache. I managed to recover for 2nd shot without any trouble. The hardness is like my youth days. My wife is pretty satisfied and we are now discussing where to have our date later. And of course hot sex.
Originally Posted by Alinghi View Post
Picked up a bottle last week and tried it over the weekend.

Took half a pill as per instructions and about4 5mins later, face feel warm. But penis begin to have some reaction. Started action with my wife and in no time, penis was SUPER HARD!!! Solid like a rock n even I was surprised!!

The sex lasted longer than usual as I think the hardness of my erection numbed away my sensitivity and my wife was naturally happily surprised. Asked my how come n I told her I had some tonic soup the day before.

Anyway, I discovered that even after ejaculating, you are able to achieve another erection in no time.

This has definitely improved my sex life. Currently also trying out another pill the supplier recommended and will give my FR after I finish the course of it.
Originally Posted by hayabusa2407 View Post
Met up the supplier in the central. Quickly collect, listen to his instruction and rush home as my wife is damn horny that night. As the pill needs to be raken before meal, quickly popped first. Upon reaching home, dear is waiting for me in the living room with a see thru lingerie. Immediately my didi erected to full length. See that, my wife put her hand into my pant and guide my didi to our bedroom. Hell broke loose in the room but we were in heaven after. After a while, my didi remained hard. We had another 3 rounds that night. Totally sextifying.
Originally Posted by geylangfucker View Post
I managed to pick up from the vendor in the West side. I feel warm taking it. But I dunn feel my penis bursting out. Thought it might not work. But when I reached home, my didi immediately stands when my wife came out from her shower with her pyjamas. So one thing led to another. We spent almost 3 hours in the room. One thing I realised is that the hardness maintains even after the first shot is out.
Originally Posted by ah rat View Post
That is the power of the pill
Originally Posted by hornyaries69 View Post
I must say the vendor is very honest and patient guy. He explained to me what to look out for and what to avoid to maximise the effect.

As i always goes soft half way thru fucking. It is very frustrating not to satiafy my wife. After i took the pill last night, i am able to doggy my wife's perky ass. Been a while since i am able to hear the 'piak piak' sounds. Overall, a good product.
Originally Posted by leo_ng77 View Post
This pill is as close as magix of old. Good strong erection when I only took half a pill. Instructions are pretty much the same as other ED pills. Tried yesterday night. Till now I still had hardon.
Originally Posted by MensPlus View Post
Good to hear reviews from a senior sbf member.

Originally Posted by Birkenau View Post
Was given a sample pill to try when I went to get some other stuff. Didn't know what to expect or rather I wasn't expectating very much.

Was SHOCKED and amazed by the effects. Penis was super hard within an hour after taking it and for my first shot, didn't even need to rest. Round 2 cintuned straight after I cummed for my first shot. Already in my mid 30s, so it came as a total shock!

The weekend was sexfilled n could even feel it in my manhood up till today. Was just fantastic.

Thanks for that sample, I will be getiing my supplies really soon.
Originally Posted by ilovelmy View Post
Same here. I also have the same problem before. It is kindda of frustrating sometime. Good thing the pill works for me. 1/2 a pill is all I needs to satisfy my partner.
Originally Posted by bikersfucker View Post
Thanks for the contact. Supplier is very accomodating and patient. So a big plus already.

i took half a pill (like most guys said) this morning. It works very well. Slighly heavy headed but result is up to my expectation. Been a while since i feel hard as a rock.
Originally Posted by Regius View Post
Overdue review! Sorry been busy

Met up with supplier about 2 weeks ago. Nice chap. Had a chat in his car regarding the DO's & DON'T's. The next day, I went to Balai
I must say I didn't follow his advice exactly regarding what and what not to consume and when to consume

Went to Balai, the usual process. Once I reached my hotel I popped 1 pill knowing that the girl should be arriving in an hour. No hot flashes, no headaches, nothing. Then when the cewek arrived I started having an erection and it was rock hard! Even the cewek was surprised and asked if I took anything for it to be like that. Naturally I lied and said I only had a Stout She was slapping her face with it and said it felt like a rock! After 1 shot it was still hard. Needless to say I had an awesome time this trip. No more worries about going soft halfway. Even the cewek admitted its been a long time since she enjoyed herself. Highly recommended to all the bros here.
Originally Posted by BlueDemon View Post
Yup. This is my reviews. Hope you guys pardon for my poor English.

After weeks of going thru the reviews from bros here, i decided to give it a try. I manged to arrange for a pick up fast as it is near my workplace. I tried it out yesterday as me and my wife heading out for dinner. So I took the pill before heading out since bro told me to take before meal. Within half an hour my body heats up. My wife even asked me if I am alright. Hehe...i just told her weather a bit hot tonight.

Anyway to cut the story short, we went for a drink after dinner before heading home. I think the drink is making my wife a bit tipsy and horny. In the car, she became very touchy. So as you guys already guessed it, we cant wait to head home and fuck each other's brains out. Luckily with the pills, my dick is able to go for a few more rounds. My wife is very surprised as it has been a long time we fuck for few rounds. Normally I have to service her after 1 round.

Originally Posted by BlueDemon View Post
No worries boss. If product is good, i dunn mind writing reviews to share.

you are absolutely right. 3 nights in a row we have been fucking. Today best. We went for a jog nearby and we just made out in the public toilet. Lol. Feels like a teenager.
Originally Posted by loneyheart View Post
I am a weekly man n this is my 4 times taking ... every time 1/2 pill
1st time after 5 min can feel head abit ticking n some blur sight but bareable .... 2nd time onward OK get use to it
No reaction below wo action but once start fonding n kissing slowly hard n turn out as a rod

Never had I dream again as a aged man I still can ....
Stand as a hard rod pointed 70 degrees
Do my fav position doggie again
Make my partner cum n wet n maoning for more

Make me feel young again n more horny .... keekee
But mayb due to age I cant go for 2nd round n I cum too fast if she is super horny tat day .... but I cum alot too .... heehee

Thxs TS MensPlus for sharing .... appreciated ... at 1st feel 120 for 10 quite ex but think abt it 1/2 pill per sexxion only $6 OK la .... what worth more then u can feel n bonk happily young again .... wahaha

Another sharing ... if u hv taken t pill but last min cancel action ... u can drink alot of pain water to past out so to prevent t ejection

Abv IMHO n exp to each it may vary ... just past on sharing spirit ... hope no long term side effect
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Old 18-10-2017, 05:03 PM
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Re: ✌✌✌ MENSPLUS-Pills For Men. Faster Recovery, Harder Erections, ED Solutions. ✌✌✌

*** You can do more than just hanging a towel with mensplus ***
Originally Posted by saigonsiow View Post
I finally got hold of the pills after few arrangement. One of the bros is serving nation so a bit tight on his schedule. Surprising he also got kamagra so in the end i got bit kamagra n mensplus.

i tried mensplus. It works exactly like cialis. Strong erection but without uncontrollable erection. Upon arousement, you will see you cock grows. Unlike V. V basically make your cock stand without any arousement.

stay tuned for my reviews on kamagra.
Originally Posted by loneyheart View Post
I am a weekly man n this is my 4 times taking ... every time 1/2 pill
1st time after 5 min can feel head abit ticking n some blur sight but bareable .... 2nd time onward OK get use to it
No reaction below wo action but once start fonding n kissing slowly hard n turn out as a rod

Never had I dream again as a aged man I still can ....
Stand as a hard rod pointed 70 degrees
Do my fav position doggie again
Make my partner cum n wet n maoning for more

Make me feel young again n more horny .... keekee
But mayb due to age I cant go for 2nd round n I cum too fast if she is super horny tat day .... but I cum alot too .... heehee

Thxs TS MensPlus for sharing .... appreciated ... at 1st feel 120 for 10 quite ex but think abt it 1/2 pill per sexxion only $6 OK la .... what worth more then u can feel n bonk happily young again .... wahaha

Another sharing ... if u hv taken t pill but last min cancel action ... u can drink alot of pain water to past out so to prevent t ejection

Abv IMHO n exp to each it may vary ... just past on sharing spirit ... hope no long term side effect
Originally Posted by liverpoolreds88 View Post
Owe Bro a review.

I plan a night out with my gal in Changi Village Hotel last weekend. So a very good time to try out the new pill. After usual stuffs ie makan & boozing, we headed back to our rented love nest just before midnight. The night started when she came out of shower with a Army singlet (which I bought for her in E-mart) and cute little panty. The sight of it immediately made my didi stands.

The hardness reached to the maximum when we are stroking each other under the blanket while watching TV. We stroked till she's in the mood and hell broke loose. We had 3 sextifying rounds. Best part is my didi still managed to erect in the morning. So in the end, one more round before breakfast.
Originally Posted by Jason33 View Post
Thank you Bro MensPlus for the recommendation of this magical regrets!

Very happy with the effect...super strong hard rod within 1 hour. After taking it, my wife can also tell the difference in our sex life.
Now can even go for 2nd shot in 1 hour...really no horse-run

This shiok-a-do feeling is unimaginable...just like Super-Man!
Originally Posted by geylangfucker View Post
I tried taking a pill before. The erection is very strong and It stays hard for almost 2 days.

@ TS, can introduce the spray for PE? I usually lasts 5 full mins (pure fucking). Hoping to tahan longer.
Originally Posted by CiDeR View Post
I have try the pills last really damn good lo. I only take half a pills and my cock was fsmn hard.even my wife can feel the difference. Next time round I also want to buy cock spray to prolong my ejectulation.cheers.
Originally Posted by bikersfucker View Post

Managed to pick up the P-spray last night. Never regret. I used to last at most 3 mins. Sometime only 1 min. After using the spray, I pumped until sweat. Estimated a good 20 min. With the Mens+ pills, it is just a heaven. For the 1st time in past 3 years, she managed to cum with me fucking her. It just make my sex with my wife more enjoyable.

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Re: ✌✌✌ MENSPLUS-Pills For Men. Faster Recovery, Harder Erections, ED Solutions. ✌✌✌

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Old 18-10-2017, 07:46 PM
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Re: ✌✌✌ MENSPLUS-Pills For Men. Faster Recovery, Harder Erections, ED Solutions. ✌✌✌

Good Evening To All SBF Bros!!!!

Originally Posted by harmfree View Post
Thanks bro TS for sharing contact.

Met up with vendor. As a newbie to such products, he was kind enough to give his advise on dosage based on my lifestyle, as well as instructions like no caffeine drinks before popping.

Took half a pill an hour before action. Start to feel body heat up a bit and penis starts to feel a little sensitive. Can really feel erection is much harder and able to sustain as compared to before. A much more enjoyable bonk!

Morning wake up with full throttle erection too. No major side effects for me as first timer.

Cheers to mensplus
Originally Posted by bankrobber View Post
bought and tried once. i felt like i could last as long as i wanted did feel the body heat up, and super, super slight headache. other than that, great product.

curious abt the second time feel. hope works well also. see from other bros here saying it doesn't work as well when the body gets used to it?

anw kudos to vendor.
Originally Posted by zack1 View Post
thanks to Vendor, took from him on PH last wed.
hmm..had 1/2 pill then, slowly can feel the build up. Bro became sensitive less than one hr
Absolute best, managed to last very long with partner
had another half in the evening, another round...better results
no noticeable side effects...easier erection, till the next morning.

going to get the spray next.

try to believe bros... cheers!
Originally Posted by paul55ho View Post
I think u mean they have been around longer than others? Most sellers come n go n you cant find them after awhile.
Originally Posted by tongkatKing View Post
I would not say longer than others. I can only say the product has been here for quite a while. Good product is meant to stay. Hope MP will be the same.
Originally Posted by albertlimCC View Post
Same sentiment bro.

My 3rd restock. Result is still good. MUST try with the spray. Damm Tock Kong. Fuck until my girl soaked with pussy juice.
Originally Posted by hardsean View Post
Promised to give a FR after trying out.

Bought the spray and men's plus tried it today with my SB.
It pills will make ur man hood harder and fuller ,the spray make it less sensitive but still,able to feel the man hood. After 1st round, my SB start to play with my bro and surprised that little brother react a lot faster and erected full again.with the combination of spray it last me more than 20-30 min of pumping and still can hold the cum till my SB say she too tired to carry on. Thanks TS for this wonderful product

Side effect:slight headache
That all
Originally Posted by SexOnTheBeach View Post
I remembered my 1st time using. My FB was super surprised by the harness. Bj halfway stop and ask me if I'm ok, why my birdie so hard. N the best is even after ejaculated, the birdie still so hard and can continue pumping. Bloody awesome.
Originally Posted by indianmansg View Post
Received and working perfectly as always. Thanks a lot.
Originally Posted by motorsiowSG View Post
Finally had the chance to try out the new pills. My verdict is simply no side effects (for me) and it works like magic when my GF touched my cock.

Understand this is specially only for regulars. Bros who keen better fast hand fast leg.
Originally Posted by Hot cake View Post
Just repeated my order of 2 bots of Men Plus again from the same kind bro!
Do not remember how many times I had bought from him Liao...

Really work well for me when I need an extra Zest, really made my wife a happy, satisfied woman...!

Thanks bro for your great service!


Happy bonking!!!
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