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Old 26-05-2007, 06:14 PM
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Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

Originally Posted by vmtech View Post
Got back from recce of last night, didnt hit much joints, just 2 from Soi Cowboy and 2 from Nana

Long Gun: shows are sceduled promptly to start @ 9pm daily, normal balloon shooting and pussy smoking stunts with some lesbian shows, prolly the closest to the now defluncted "Tiger Shows" Better shows out there, like the sexier Showgirls in AngelWitch (Nana) and the explicit lesbian show in Suzie Wong (Cowboy). only 1 gem there, ex-baccara girl named Ja. the rest are around 6/10, pop in here for the shows, not the girls.
reading your post remind me of my first trip to the agogo scene in Bangkok. I was there for five nights and I devoted three nights to exploring dozens of bars in NANA PLAZA and SOI COWBOY. I specifically remember that LONG GUN is the only one that has girls that actually appeals to me BUT to my dismay, both of them are unwilling to be barfined and to go overnight with customers. I have asked and I have seen many other customers approaching them but both of them never leave with any customer on all three nights that I went. First night, I stayed till closing time while the other two nights, I purposely went near closing time.

one of the girl is of darker skin but very pretty and look like a Malay movie star and she is one of the three very agile and well-trained POLE DANCERS. apparently, their dances are choreographed by someone, which make their performances enjoyable and totally unlike the random jerking of most dancers in other bars and even among coyote dancers in G-Clubs. it is similar to the type of performances I have seen in a New York strip club and LONG GUN was the only bar among all that I have visited at that time that it and I was amazed.

the other girl is not part of the choreographed dance performance but she is the only one with dyed blonde hair and skin fair enough to pass off as Japanese girl. she was very popular and she was given big tips by many Japanese.

I recently went back to LONG GUN and unsurprisingly, the two girls are not working there anymore BUT I was sad to discover that even the well-choreographed dance is not being performed anymore.

Bro Vmtech, since you are obviously based in Bangkok and have extensive experience in the agogo scene, are you aware of the performance I am referring to and where can I find similar dance performances in Bangkok?

Clientele in Nana is more business orientated, due to the amount of customers they get compared to other places in bangkok. but nevertheless, still able to sian ur way through if you're the kind. Barfine standard at 600thb, and depending on how well u click with ur girl, your night with here can range from 3000thb to nothing
In my last-month trip, I barfined a girl in one of the bar, (name forgotten due to drunken state) in Soi Cowboy for 500baht, not 600 baht. is it generally higher in NANA PLAZA or the overall prices have suddenly jumped?
Old 26-05-2007, 07:18 PM
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Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

Originally Posted by vmtech View Post
Rainbow4: Almost the same as Rainbow1, ...Barfine standard at 600thb, and depending on how well u click with ur girl, your night with here can range from 3000thb to nothing
Bro, thks for latest update. In my 4 years bkk forays, never tried any Nana aggs.. Heard so much on raved Rainbows 1/4.. more of jap/kor clientele or?

Will try to sneak out next x around to checkout (or get tempted by) the goods kekeke
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Old 27-05-2007, 01:08 AM
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Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

Originally Posted by vmtech View Post
Got back from recce of last night, didnt hit much joints, just 2 from Soi Cowboy and 2 from Nana

Reached Soi cowboy @ 9pm, was feeling bored so popped into Long Gun for their shows.

Long Gun: shows are sceduled promptly to start @ 9pm daily, normal balloon shooting and pussy smoking stunts with some lesbian shows, prolly the closest to the now defluncted "Tiger Shows" Better shows out there, like the sexier Showgirls in AngelWitch (Nana) and the explicit lesbian show in Suzie Wong (Cowboy). only 1 gem there, ex-baccara girl named Ja. the rest are around 6/10, pop in here for the shows, not the girls.

After the show , poped my head into devaju and immeditaely walked away, still having monstrous girls dancing naked. definately not the kind i would like to wash my beer down with.

Had a kebab from Jesus BBQ, and popped into Sharkbar.

i would rank this bar #2 in soi cowboy with the 1st being baccara for the girls, but Sharkbar is more friendly and less pushy. The girls normally wont start asking for drinks the minute they say "how do u do, where u come from"
many SYTs to choose from, all quite far, and all dancing with translucent outfits, which gives u much to imagine.

after that decided to get out of cowboy and took a motocyc to Nana Plaza, Popped into Rainbow 1 to look for my gig, darned not around today, but stuck around for a beer and chat with the mamasan

Rainbow 1: Cream of the crop in the whole of nana, better den Rainbow4. easily 80 -100 girls dancing in the bar at any one time. pop in after 10 u will almost have no space to sit. girls are at a 8-9/10 , all SYTs that almost looked dangerously underage. (not to worry they aint)

Since my gig not around, no pt sticking around, so finished my drink and head to Raibow4

Almost the same as Rainbow1, just that the girls are less petite in size, more to the OL type of look, instead of the Schoolgirl type in r1. 2 dance counters on both sides, get somewhere in the centre so u can look at both sides.

Clientele in Nana is more business orientated, due to the amount of customers they get compared to other places in bangkok. but nevertheless, still able to sian ur way through if you're the kind. Barfine standard at 600thb, and depending on how well u click with ur girl, your night with here can range from 3000thb to nothing
Sorry to heard that my devaju still not good yet....
hahahha This time will go Rainbow 1/4 for see see look look.....
How hard is it to book a gal overnite in Rainbow nana?
As compare to soi cowboy?
as i remember, that time when i go soi cowboy at 11~12plus...
went into devaju scan, neg and went back liao.....
Seem that rainbow/nana got more ppl.
Will it be difficult to get a overnite gal early (as in 11~12)?
Not really into 2am late nite kind......
Old 27-05-2007, 03:50 AM
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Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

Originally Posted by CowboyB View Post

Bro Vmtech, since you are obviously based in Bangkok and have extensive experience in the agogo scene, are you aware of the performance I am referring to and where can I find similar dance performances in Bangkok?
if you're talking about chearographed dancing, the best i saw was in AngelWitch (nana) , shows starts 11pm-1am

I dont remmeber seeing anywhere where they had any better coordination other den angelwitch, drinks are a lil steep, i think was 140, but kindda worth it when you're in Nana and sick of watching girls wrigggling with the poles, the showgirls are pretty nice lookin too.

Originally Posted by CowboyB View Post
In my last-month trip, I barfined a girl in one of the bar, (name forgotten due to drunken state) in Soi Cowboy for 500baht, not 600 baht. is it generally higher in NANA PLAZA or the overall prices have suddenly jumped?
Barfines in cowboy are at 500thb, with a few joints (i think baccara or was it dejavu) at 600thb, i cannot remmebr which 1 exactly already. Nana plaza's barfines are at 600thb as always as far as i can remember.
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Old 27-05-2007, 03:52 AM
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Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

Originally Posted by yinyang View Post
Bro, thks for latest update. In my 4 years bkk forays, never tried any Nana aggs.. Heard so much on raved Rainbows 1/4.. more of jap/kor clientele or?
Nana has a mixture rather but the rainbow bars are where most of the japs hangout, they normally concentrate in the rainbow 2 and 3s though, rainbow 1 and 4 has quite a bit of farangs as well.
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Old 27-05-2007, 03:57 AM
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Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

Originally Posted by berber View Post
Sorry to heard that my devaju still not good yet....
hahahha This time will go Rainbow 1/4 for see see look look.....
How hard is it to book a gal overnite in Rainbow nana?
As compare to soi cowboy?
as i remember, that time when i go soi cowboy at 11~12plus...
went into devaju scan, neg and went back liao.....
Seem that rainbow/nana got more ppl.
Will it be difficult to get a overnite gal early (as in 11~12)?
Not really into 2am late nite kind......
not hard bah, overnight will depend on the girl, sometimes the girl dont like you, or planning to go chiong after work, will tell u they can shorttime only. i dont normally book for LT immmediately. i always book ST only, and if back in the hotel can click, she'll naturally stay through the night after chatting with you. there's times where i booked the girl ST for 1500thb and after the 1st shot she bathed and slipped under the sheets and stayed till the morning, damage still 1500 lol

Once was a girl which either is still half asleep or something, she forgot to ask payment from me and kissed me byebye den went home LOOOL

Rainbow bars as i mentioned has alot of SYT, if u wanna have a WIDE range, hit the bars earlier as the flow of customers is heavy, sometimes if go too late, the good 1s are already gone. try hitting rainbowbars around 8-9 cuz some girls start work at 5pm, some come as late as 8-9pm.
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Old 27-05-2007, 01:17 PM
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Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

Originally Posted by vmtech View Post
not hard bah, overnight will depend on the girl, sometimes the girl dont like you, or planning to go chiong after work, will tell u they can shorttime only. i dont normally book for LT immmediately. i always book ST only, and if back in the hotel can click, she'll naturally stay through the night after chatting with you. there's times where i booked the girl ST for 1500thb and after the 1st shot she bathed and slipped under the sheets and stayed till the morning, damage still 1500 lol

Once was a girl which either is still half asleep or something, she forgot to ask payment from me and kissed me byebye den went home LOOOL

Rainbow bars as i mentioned has alot of SYT, if u wanna have a WIDE range, hit the bars earlier as the flow of customers is heavy, sometimes if go too late, the good 1s are already gone. try hitting rainbowbars around 8-9 cuz some girls start work at 5pm, some come as late as 8-9pm.
Wah.... Bro u must be damn handsome or very good in sianing gals.....
hahahha will ask u out when i'm there so u can show me the ropes....
Old 27-05-2007, 01:29 PM
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Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

Originally Posted by vmtech View Post
there's times where i booked the girl ST for 1500thb and after the 1st shot she bathed and slipped under the sheets and stayed till the morning, damage still 1500 lol

Once was a girl which either is still half asleep or something, she forgot to ask payment from me and kissed me byebye den went home LOOOL
bloody cheapskate and taking advantage of working girls. you are a bloody disgrace to Singapore. next time say you are from North Korea!
Old 27-05-2007, 02:37 PM
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Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

Originally Posted by Mr.romantic View Post
bloody cheapskate and taking advantage of working girls. you are a bloody disgrace to Singapore. next time say you are from North Korea!
why would i need to tell people i am from Singapore? lol.
you walk around telling people that? or u have your red passport taped to ur frommer's guidebook hanged over ur neck ?

anyways, expected a reply from u once i hit the submit button last night, but let's get back to the topic of the thread ok? bring anything else to PMs, thanks.
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Old 27-05-2007, 05:53 PM
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Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

wow! thanks for the info bro vmtech!

will try sharkbar on my next visit soon, for r1, u r rite! its the best place of syt, last few months im there, its about 40-50 gals only i think, but now reaching up 70-80 already?!...will try go again this time!

btw, the standard st for r1 is 1500b???

my last agogo bar booking was 2000b in baccara, as the gal said cannot do LT coz she say her sis (then showing hand sign combing hair), then just settle for st, but spent more than 3 hours with me as earlier told me that st is for 1 shot/2 hours (whichever comes 1st).
also i asked her whether she needed to leave already when done my job she say no need then continue tcss till dunno the time...its quite a good experience

btw, anyone know wat this 'combing hair' hand sign means???

Last edited by solid_snake; 27-05-2007 at 06:04 PM.
Old 27-05-2007, 06:13 PM
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Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

Originally Posted by solid_snake View Post
wow! thanks for the info bro vmtech!

btw, the standard st for r1 is 1500b???
er no, when they open mouth sure 2k or so , but there's never a fix price for that, just a figure that the girl will be comfortable with, might be more or might be much lesser.

Originally Posted by solid_snake View Post
my last agogo bar booking was 2000b in baccara, as the gal said cannot do LT coz she say her sis (then showing hand sign combing hair), then just settle for st, but spent more than 3 hours with me as earlier told me that st is for 1 shot/2 hours (whichever comes 1st).
also i asked her whether she needed to leave already when done my job she say no need then continue tcss till dunno the time...its quite a good experience

btw, anyone know wat this 'combing hair' hand sign means???
so 2k for a longtime aint bad at all.
combing hair? duno leh, maybe she telling u that means her sister lor lol
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Old 27-05-2007, 06:25 PM
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Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

Originally Posted by vmtech View Post
er no, when they open mouth sure 2k or so , but there's never a fix price for that, just a figure that the girl will be comfortable with, might be more or might be much lesser.

so 2k for a longtime aint bad at all.
combing hair? duno leh, maybe she telling u that means her sister lor lol
ic, thanks!

no 2k is a st, she just oerstayed.
yes, she is saying her sister will be doing something but dunno how to say, so showing hand sign, so she have to go there or attend, so no lt for me
Old 27-05-2007, 06:42 PM
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Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

icic, btw few nights back i rmember seeing girls holding a luminous signboard saying that hollywood casourol has coyote dancers, didnt wanna go up and see cuz didnt felt like it, anyone been up and seen inside ? i havent step inside any of the 3rd floor bars for like almost 2yrs i think
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Old 27-05-2007, 11:24 PM
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Re: Dedicated to BKK's a-go-go recommendations

vmtech r u residing in bkk permanently?
Old 28-05-2007, 03:52 AM
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nope. not permanent
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