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Old 01-03-2013, 09:46 PM
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Re: Thread for Flammig/Exchange Points/Copy Frs/Complained.

Originally Posted by BronzeGod View Post
Wa Boh suka jiak kan tang lah...

Wa suka jiak tai kok eh tomyam ar si tiong kok eh sichuan suan la tang... Ka chi kek tampo...

Yin wei wa m si M. Jin eh M heng SBF eh towkay "ban" liao...

Yi wu sibei zhui clone... Dan si yi eh clone tar bai dio shoot gao ang ang...

Ah Siam, tan zhe wa eh power deng lai wa dio chia le jiak gam...

Heng le HUAT!
jiak sai old and fat monkey.
Heroes Don't wear capes,They wear Dog Tags.
Old 01-03-2013, 09:52 PM
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Re: Thread for Flammig/Exchange Points/Copy Frs/Complained.

Originally Posted by BronzeGod View Post
Wah lau eh, aneh kuan, wa lang long zhong si M liao... Siang boh suka jiak zhi kuan eh raisin? Char bor bang raisin heng le kua, le mai jiak, tan zhe heng mata liak...tiok boh?
only you is the old and fat si monkey.
si mi wa lang long zhong!!!
monkey tio si monkey.
Heroes Don't wear capes,They wear Dog Tags.
Old 01-03-2013, 09:58 PM
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Re: Thread for Flammig/Exchange Points/Copy Frs/Complained.

Originally Posted by BronzeGod View Post
Le boh lui dio ai ke chuay gang zhuo...

Mai na SBF liao si gan...

Zhi dao kiau ka yo lampa, chui gong lampa song, boh lui gia eh...
gong lampa song,is you.
cb old,fat,boh lampa si monkey.
Heroes Don't wear capes,They wear Dog Tags.
Old 01-03-2013, 10:06 PM
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Re: Thread for Flammig/Exchange Points/Copy Frs/Complained.

Originally Posted by BronzeGod View Post
bro ken. the way you post is really starting to remind me of one of the better known trolls in sbf...

looking at the numbers in your nick, hmm... not sure why I get this funny feeling you are a clone of another notorious samster...

my third eye like getting more and more itchy leh... LOL
si monkey.use your two Leg to pcc and three eye to see.
Heroes Don't wear capes,They wear Dog Tags.
Old 01-03-2013, 10:11 PM
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Re: Thread for Flammig/Exchange Points/Copy Frs/Complained.

Originally Posted by Wu Song Jr View Post
Wa!!! Lao gao simi pun chiak.. Mm chai wu chuak SAI bo ???
bro WSJ,monkey si mi lan jiao and lampa mai chiak.
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Old 01-03-2013, 10:42 PM
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Re: Thread for Flammig/Exchange Points/Copy Frs/Complained.

Haha!! Bro !! U post Liao tan a si monkey pun se gay siao a lah!
Lau gau Shen mi pun buay hiao baru a hiao gay siao
Old 01-03-2013, 11:37 PM
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Re: Thread for Flammig/Exchange Points/Copy Frs/Complained.

Tired watching same jav video again and again?
Enjoy this monkey adult video

Old 02-03-2013, 12:08 AM
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Re: Thread for Flammig/Exchange Points/Copy Frs/Complained.

Puzzled about what this thread is all about? Well, maybe this educational video will help you better understand ...
Dedicated to ah red and all bros here...
I know you all enjoy wanking off to this kind of video that's why you keep posting such stuff ... Hope you guys enjoy ... especially Ah Red

Old 02-03-2013, 12:37 AM
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Re: Thread for Flammig/Exchange Points/Copy Frs/Complained.

Gosh, THAT's the reason? Those are the straws you guys are trying to grasp at? Thought I explained long time ago that it was a case of your dear friend toilet$50 coming outta the blue to call me an animal first plus grouping me togther with TheGreenLantern when I NEVER EVEN spoke to him before, and I was only responding in kind with my comments later which were ONLY FOR HIM (toilet$50)and NO ONE ELSE.

I've already more or less forgiven and forgotten but you guys have to start it all over again.

Never mind, looks like I have to paste my explanation here again:

reproducing the text posted on 23 December last year (two months ago) with my explanation of the situation again from the link above for all bros who may not know what's going on:

"... Let me start by saying, I'm not here to start any fights, although others may want to instigate you guys to do so for their own personal agendas.

This post will be a little long, so bear with me, but I have to write it to clarify a few things as some of you have been mislead and perhaps even "used" by this toilet$50 to attack me.

Firstly, lets understand who started things. Was it me or toilet$50 who called me names first?

Well, let me say I do not recall ever speaking to toilet$50 in the past, but then suddenly on 11 Dec 2012, toilet$50 jumps out of the blue to call me one of the "many pets in geylang", implying that I'm some kinda animal.

This is the post from toilet$50, attacking me (saying there are "many pets in geylang" and grouping me with TheGreenLantern) which started it all:

Of course, since toilet$50 decided to shoot at me first when I've never spoken to him before, I thought that it'd be no harm for me to fire back right, since he refered to me as one of the "many pets in geylang".

So I posted this reply:

Now, of course, toilet$50 decided to use this to rally many of you bros to come attack me. However, the post is directed at him and no one else! Plus he is the one that said that I'm one of the "many pets in geylang" first!

So since he likes talking about animals and saying that others are "pets", I thought I just reply him to, "Please go back to your cat 50 shit kennel, lots of dog, cat and pigs there wanting to play w you in your toilet."

Now he used this statement above to try to get you guys to attack me.

However, if you read it carefully, I am only refering to him and no one else. Since he is called toilet$50, I mean he gave himself this nick, so I just asked him to go back to his $50 toilet or "cat 50 shit kennel". I mean he is toilet$50, so I assume that maybe he uses this nick cos he owns a $50 toilet somewhere or he likes toilets?

And since he like saying that there are "many pets in geylang", I just asked to go play with such pets - dogs, cat, and pigs - in his toilet. I mean, his name is toilet$50 and he like talking about "many pets in geylang", so seems natural to ask him to return to his $50 toilet to play with them instead of disturbing others.

So, my comment has NOTHING TO DO with any other bros here or with any one else in geylang scene. It is NOT an insult to those who go to the nice thai houses that cost $50 per session. Even I have been going to thai WLs for more than 20 years, and even brought some of these girls out for shopping and trips to the zoo, etc. So I have NOTHING against bros who visit $50 thai houses. Let us all be very very very clear about this. I AM NOT CALLING ANYONE CATS DOGS OR PIGS!

Now if my post SEEMED to be insulting any of you, for that, I sincerely apologise for maybe not wording it clearly. It was not meant to insult anyone else, as it was directed purely at toilet$50, who decided to insult me first.
And if you read it again, and also read the post that toilet$50 first made earlier to say I'm one of the "many pets in geylang", I think you'll understand why I replied him that way. I mean, he said I'm one of the "many pets in geylang" so I just simply ask him to go play with such pets - cats, dogs and pigs - in his toilet. That's all! Nothing to do with anyone else!

So after reading this note, I hope we are all clear now. If still unclear, pls pm me or you can post here and I will try to reply you when I can.

And by the way, for just one posting that's directed ONLY at him and is a reply to him when he insulted me first, this toilet$50 went to gather soooo many of you like lauliao, thai31, el bistro and others to attack me soooo many times all over the forum, but I just kept quiet and left you guys alone. So far, I didn't do anything at all, because I really have better things to do lah...

But I found it quite strange, as I was only replying to toilet$50 who insulted me first by calling me one of the "many pets in geylang".

What I would say is, it's one big misunderstanding, and unless you guys are clones, but if not, then it's obvious that toilet$50 has used you to fight a "battle" which he started himself. It's like when one goes to school, you punch a boy and then he punches you back, but you not happy that he returned your punch so you lie to your brothers that the boy also insulted them, so they come and help you to beat up the kid when in fact, you threw the first punch and they had nothing to do with your fight. That's basically what toilet$50 did here, and you guys got used by him. Sorry to say that.

Even then, I don't have anything against toilet$50 or any of you, for that matter. I am writing this note NOT to start any fights, but to explain once and for all what the situation is for the many who missed it and were misled by toilet$50.

And toilet$50, you really should NOT use others to attack me when you are the one who insulted me first, hor? I was merely replying you. I sincerely hope after reading this, you and your friends would realise that what you guys did was uncalled for, and you would stop. Thanks.

And on the totally separate topic brought up by launua about making jokes on newbies, come on, ALL OF US ARE GUILTY of doing so.... there's nothing that makes me or you different from anyone else.... plus you ask me to guide newbies, I've been doing so, there are so many newbies in cat 150 scene that have been following my posts and rankings, sending me messages to ask for tips and I've been replying all of them the best I can.

And if you guys want to enjoy some of the best PRC chicks, I've compiled a good list of some of the best for you to enjoy:

All are welcome to try and post your FRs in the PRC threads

I hope this post makes everything clear.

Thanks all for reading and enjoy the week bonking, whether it is thai, prc or whatever suits your taste at different times of the day!

Many thanks and best wishes to all, including the person who decided to start all this -toilet$50

oh, and also, merry christmas and a happy new year!

Peace Out

BronzeGod ..."
Old 02-03-2013, 01:00 AM
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Re: Thread for Flammig/Exchange Points/Copy Frs/Complained.

by the way, not trying to start a fight here. I come in peace.

but since kumsiatiko wanna bring up old things, I just re-paste an old explanation that I gave last year. I wanted to just leave it alone but then Ken88999 will say I "gay siao" with his half-past-six hokkien again, so boh bian lah. Just re-paste the old explanation again.

No malice or ill intentions, just to help keep things clear. Peace Peace.

Oh by the way, lauliao, thanks for your advice on using baygon to kill cockroach. Saw a few in my office and the cleaner seemed to have trouble killing them with other brands of insecticide so I reconmmend him use baygon... wah, just spray one time on the cockroach and it straight away died and the rest of its cockroach friends also came out from their hiding place and died there... good stuff this baygon... thanks to lauliao for the recommendation!

And using the lighter thing suggested by Ken88999, I think, is not a good idea actually, it's dangerous. I saw someone do that and the bottle exploded in his face because the flame got sucked back into the bottle...

Just sharing with all bros in case you all went and tried what Ken88999 suggested and end up hurting yourselfs.

Cheers and have a good bonking weekend ahead to all bros here.
Old 02-03-2013, 01:30 AM
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Re: Thread for Flammig/Exchange Points/Copy Frs/Complained.

Originally Posted by BronzeGod View Post
by the way, not trying to start a fight here. I come in peace.

but since kumsiatiko wanna bring up old things, I just re-paste an old explanation that I gave last year. I wanted to just leave it alone but then Ken88999 will say I "gay siao" with his half-past-six hokkien again, so boh bian lah. Just re-paste the old explanation again.

No malice or ill intentions, just to help keep things clear. Peace Peace.

Oh by the way, lauliao, thanks for your advice on using baygon to kill cockroach. Saw a few in my office and the cleaner seemed to have trouble killing them with other brands of insecticide so I reconmmend him use baygon... wah, just spray one time on the cockroach and it straight away died and the rest of its cockroach friends also came out from their hiding place and died there... good stuff this baygon... thanks to lauliao for the recommendation!

And using the lighter thing suggested by Ken88999, I think, is not a good idea actually, it's dangerous. I saw someone do that and the bottle exploded in his face because the flame got sucked back into the bottle...

Just sharing with all bros in case you all went and tried what Ken88999 suggested and end up hurting yourselfs.

Cheers and have a good bonking weekend ahead to all bros here.
3 eyes God...

how abt this?
Old 02-03-2013, 01:45 AM
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Re: Thread for Flammig/Exchange Points/Copy Frs/Complained.

Hi bro Thai31,

All is explained by the note I posted above.

Old 02-03-2013, 01:46 AM
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Re: Thread for Flammig/Exchange Points/Copy Frs/Complained.

Originally Posted by BronzeGod View Post
Gosh, THAT's the reason? Those are the straws you guys are trying to grasp at? Thought I explained long time ago that it was a case of your dear friend toilet$50 coming outta the blue to call me an animal first plus grouping me togther with TheGreenLantern when I NEVER EVEN spoke to him before, and I was only responding in kind with my comments later which were ONLY FOR HIM (toilet$50)and NO ONE ELSE.

I've already more or less forgiven and forgotten but you guys have to start it all over again.

Never mind, looks like I have to paste my explanation here again:

reproducing the text posted on 23 December last year (two months ago) with my explanation of the situation again from the link above for all bros who may not know what's going on:

[I][SIZE="3"][COLOR="Blue"]"... Let me start by saying, I'm not here to start any fights, although others may want to instigate you guys to do so for their own personal agendas.

This post will be a little long, so bear with me, but I have to write it to clarify a few things as some of you have been mislead and perhaps even "used" by this toilet$50 to attack me.

Firstly, lets understand who started things. Was it me or toilet$50 who called me names first?
does he toilet$50 mention ur name n you'r pets?
Old 02-03-2013, 01:49 AM
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Re: Thread for Flammig/Exchange Points/Copy Frs/Complained.

Originally Posted by BronzeGod View Post
Hi bro Thai31,

All is explained by the note I posted above.

this called explained?
Old 02-03-2013, 01:59 AM
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Re: Thread for Flammig/Exchange Points/Copy Frs/Complained.

Originally Posted by Thai31 View Post
this called explained?
Yep. Sorry but it's all explained already. It's a very long long note I wrote last year.

I wrote it sincerely, with good intentions and no malice.

I've already forgiven and forgotten about all that even though you guys attacked me so many times again and again.

I think for every one post I made to explain, you guys will gang up like a bunch of bullies to reply with at least 50 posts of insults. That's really uncalled for.

But still, I forgave abnd forgot till now you guys wanna bring it all up again, so I just re-paste the explanation from before.

I even try my best to be nice to you guys and make friends plus support your threads by posting some nice vids or even tips for bros like Wu Song Jr when he asked who is the girl he might have seen walking to 2062.

I really mean well and am not seeking to argue or fight or anything.

Hope you understand.
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