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Old 26-03-2024, 06:50 PM
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Re: Alicia - Friend's Wife

Originally Posted by guyorgirl View Post
I only want to fuck her anyway.
yes yes yes
Old 27-03-2024, 09:54 AM
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Re: Alicia - Friend's Wife

Originally Posted by CowardPotato View Post
yes yes yes
I'm not here to share my love story... I don't think people here wants to talk about love, it's ideally more about fuck and conquest, so I guess that's where i stand for this story
Old 27-03-2024, 09:56 AM
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Re: Alicia - Friend's Wife

Coming right up folks... the end is nigh!

The ending is guessable but the person who caught us is not. It was somewhat a surprising twist... sigh.


A(Licia): Harder... more.... MORE!

Little gog got too excited and been a while so he gave in and shoot the hot sticky thingies into Alicia's pussy.

Alicia grabbed me tightly as she shook and gasped for breath, her legs circling my waist tightly, there was no way I can pull out. So it's not my fault if she got pregnant.

After all, I'm a gentleman.

With Alicia's head next to mine, hugging me, rushed breathing, signs that she came also. Her lust is so fulfilled without Milton being around.

Of course, what would a sex story be, if Milton didn't call while we just finished having sex? You folks will believe if I said it happened, or didn't?


A: Hello?

Alicia put a finger to her mouth as I let go hugging of her and little gog slid out of her pussy but throbbing at what she was doing infront of her lover.

A: Yes, I'm at home, alone.

I reached out two fingers and pinched her nipple for lying. Alicia hit my hand and tried to remove my fingers from teasing her nipple.

Continued pinching her nipples softly until Alicia was sharp again.

A: Went to see your parents, *yadda yadda*

Always adorable when a female lies to her husband while being in bed with another. Janice alike, Milly alike, even Alicia did that.

A: I've been a good girl, missing you too, when will you be back?

Oh good girl... so good, I tickled her pussy with my cock. We were sitting V legged across each other. Alicia twitched as I stimulated her pussy lips.

A: Ahhh, oh no, nothing, I just remembered something that my boss wants me to do.

Instinctively, I pointed at myself and mouthed the word 'boss?'. Alicia quickly shook her head.

A: Ya, off work already but he still wants something done.

I pointed at Alicia and mouthed "do you?" Alicia started to frown slightly and hit me. I pushed a few cm of little gog into Alicia and she immediately bit her lips shaking her head left and right slightly telling me "no".

Multi-tasking is a girl's forte, but talking while getting stimulated? I don't think any body can handle those tasks efficiently. I for one, can't especially when getting a blowjob while driving. Alicia could only go 'mmm, ya, unnggg, mm-hmm'.

Without warning, I yanked out little gog.

A: AHHH, huh no.. forgot the soup is boiling. I gotta go.

I held my laughter until she put the phone down and she slapped my arms playfully.

A: You HOR!!!!

*Smack smack* and I laughed.

gog: Put on your clothes, let's go out for a bite, Milt will be back in a day or two, let's enjoy what time we have before he's back.

A: Okay, let me see...

Alicia hopped to her wardrobe, picked out a spaghetti white top. It's not thin, but she slid it on anyways without a bra. Her top didn't have bra paddings also.

In the short time we've been together without Milton, she's changed a lot, more than daring and casual, in short, she might have even forgotten she's married.

A month away from Milton gave her the freedom to behave like a slut, getting used by me and enjoying the carnal desires her body craved for.

She put on a skirt which was a bit too long however, for my liking, but I can't get her to change her whole wardrobe that drastically when Milton wasn't around.

Alicia put on some make up infront of her dresser's mirror and I liked what I saw, no bra bands behind nor bra paddings from the sides.

A: What?

Alicia caught my looking from behind her.

gog: You look gorgeous.

A: You mean like this?

Alicia pulled her top tightly and tucked into her skirt, making her pokies showing obviously. Despite unable to see it clearly, you can always tell the nipple shape showing through.

A white top, 2 darkish spots below it, no evidence of bra beneath and the straps. This is how I always tell if a girl is braless or trying to show people what she's wearing.

Gog: Why not... don't wear anything at the top?

A: ...

Okay, maybe it was a dream, any way, I don't need that kind of attention of her walking naked around with me in public. We left nearby for dinner, which... was a mistake.

Reaching back I kissed Alicia on the lips by their door, I held one hand to her breast and fondled, with her objection of course.

A: Don't, we're in public.

Quickly, she opened her door and we went in. Mistake #2 , we were too comfortable in our own lust we didn't latch the locks internally.

Undressed, dropped her skirt, top as we kissed and touched and went into their bedroom. Mistake #3 , we left evidence along the living room to the bedroom and.. yes, we didn't lock the bedroom door.

A: I want...

I unzipped and crawled onto Alicia, little gog hard as fuck, was pushing into Alicia when we heard shrieks.

Milton? Nope.

Friend? Nope.

Neighbors? Nope.


Instinctively, I rolled to one side and Alicia pulled at the bedsheets. This was the first and one of the times things never went well for me and my lust.

A(unt) N(ancy): NO!!! WHAT ARE YOU TWO DOING?

Milton's mother, Alicia's mother-in-law, my childhood friend's mom caught us both naked. My clothes were all over the house.

gog: No we....


Note the caps, it wasn't an easy moment, it was simply shouting and screaming. I gathered up my clothes, at that time, I didn't have mood to show my erection to aunt Nancy.

Alicia buried her face between her palms and was crying non-stop. I just ran first.

------- The End -------

Epilogue next.
Old 27-03-2024, 10:00 AM
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Re: Alicia - Friend's Wife


I didn't dare to show my face in church, or BS. My family didn't know what happened. Obviously, Alicia also did not contact me after that day.

Aunt Nancy was bringing some food over to Alicia, caught us walking back, but did not call out to us as she probably thought something was wrong or maybe just normal. When we exited the lift, she took another and probably caught us kissing at the door. We went in, and sort of entrapment, she gave us time to undress and... well, the rest is history.

We got too comfy and forgot we are never alone.

Like all men are, dare to play, dare to talk but a coward inside eventually. I'm also one.

A week later or so, I got a message from Milton asking me to meet. I didn't know what to reply, except that I just sent "OK". I didn't ask him the agenda or purpose, because I know it's time to man up, face what I did.

Met Milton somewhere he asked for, I looked around, I only saw Milton sitting there alone. Alicia was nowhere in sight, I'm not worried about Milton finding people to gang up on me. I just don't know how to talk about what I did.

I walked up to him and he stood up. His eyes were red, there were tears dropping down his cheeks. He was in pain. I was too, regretful of my indecent actions.

Wanting to apologise but my mouth could not find the words. My eyes looked away and avoided facing my buddy's direction. I had no courage, cowardice was in me.

What seemed like a few minutes, seemed like eternity. Janice and I sat there quietly when she told me she was pregnant. This was also almost the same.

A fist came flying in my direction faster than I can notice. I fell back and hit the floor. The pain overtook my awareness and when I had gathered my senses back, I could only see Milton walking off.

Totally, I deserved it. I like fucking married women or attached women, and that was my downfall. That said, it wasn't long before I went back to my old ways.

This lust cost me a friend, his marriage and my other friends whom I've cut off due to shame. I hurt a lot of people.
Old 27-03-2024, 10:01 AM
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Re: Alicia - Friend's Wife

Ending (reflections etc)

Some people would think I learned a lesson, learned to be better, staying away from the untouchables. I didn't. It grew on me, the thrill and excitement is what I like. Doing the unthinkable, I guess I'm not that much of a good person.

There are many girls out there, but my preference doesn't seem to change. I told myself no more, never again. It's like drugs. You say no successfully, but you itch again, yearn again and slowly... it comes more and more.

I've gotten away mostly successfully, keeping a distance and never taking it too risky. You folks really have no idea how bad it was when I woke up in Janice's home and the lights were off.

Heart was thumping away, worried her husband is out in the darkness waiting... waiting...

Shudders me to think that much but I try to avoid such situations. I MAY be lucky so far, but luck will never be on my side all the while. And until things turn bad, I won't know my luck has come to an end.

Thank you all for reading
Old 27-03-2024, 10:02 AM
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Re: Alicia - Friend's Wife

Damn, that's a surprise twist.
Old 27-03-2024, 10:49 AM
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Re: Alicia - Friend's Wife

What happen to Alicia after that incident? Did Milton and her still together or divorced?
Old 27-03-2024, 10:56 AM
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Re: Alicia - Friend's Wife

Bro Gog, first off thank you for yet ANOTHER great story of yours! Sincerely think you are one of, if not the best writer on this platform. Although I am a little sad that the story ended here (what am I going to look forward to every morning from now on HAHHAHA), i’m hoping you have more stories to share! Maybe you can give us updates on Janice, Linda etc. if you’re still in contact with them!
Old 27-03-2024, 12:04 PM
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Re: Alicia - Friend's Wife

*silence*… one clap.. two.. and then came the roar of claps from the entire audience.

Fiction or not, it’s one masterpiece of story telling! Thank you!
Old 27-03-2024, 12:16 PM
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Re: Alicia - Friend's Wife

Wa story ended already but it was a good run.. now gog going back to being a silent lurker liao
Old 27-03-2024, 12:56 PM
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Re: Alicia - Friend's Wife

Dafuq is this shit? Read chat gpt porn is better you cock

Originally Posted by guyorgirl View Post
This is a spawn off from my original thread - Milly - Air Stewardess which is a spawn off...


It should be known by now, the type of women I like is not everybody's cup of tea. Some will call me a homewrecker, some will call me bastard, because there are so many girls out there, but I always tread on the 'unavailable' ones. Why? I guess it's just a fetish. Everybody likes what they like.

- Thicc
- Relatives
- Ang Moh
- Pinay
- AT
and et cetra.

There's simply no lack of women but yes, I seriously only like one kind of woman. This story stems from my younger days, that kind of got me started into my current fetish (preference) for married ladies. I simply find them alluring and nice, lust ensues after attraction for sure. I do like single ones too, but purely for the physical intimacy.

Keep your gf/wives away from me will do.

If you want to blast/zap/criticise me, kindly do it via PM, I will not respond to harsh remarks in the thread. If you want to discuss something subjectively on this, feel free, I will engage on a light note and discuss this openly. I expect a few zaps to happen right after I start this thread. Let's see if they will leave their usernames down.


My life has been filled with such women, unbelievable as it might seem, but my stories always revolve around such. I guess once I started something, it just comes naturally.


Again, a lot of information is fiction, the events & situation is similar, but like I always say, ang mo kio might be queenstown, car might be van, NS might be reservist, rain might be sun, night might be day, weekday might be weekend, etc. The story is scripted in a way that makes it a romance novel of sorts, but some parts are just simply spiced up for reading pleasure.

My description of the sex is based on what I remember, and how I enjoyed it. Again, I'm thick down there, not long, so when I say the ladies say "so big", big refers to the thickness. Sadly, I don't have a long dick like ang mohs.

Everything, please take it with a pinch of salt. I will not be providing 100% accurate information about job, location and sensitive information. As the story goes, this a story on betrayal and hurting people. I did hurt some people when this happened, especially a good friend.

ps: This story is a short one like Milly. The longest I have shared, is Janice, and Janice will always be my only tryst that I hold dearest to my heart. I'm estimating about 40 pages including replies and posting.

Posting Style

- I try to post daily, and always in the mornings (before 10am). Granted there are times I might be late but I always try to post daily.

- Length of post depends on how much I write upfront, I usually write everything upfront in MS Word, then I cut and paste daily. This ensures that readers don't end up not seeing any updates for days/weeks/months before another post appears. I hate reading manga like that, the writer draws on whims and leaves everybody dangling and the story is always changing. So my posts will be shorter when I've not written anything and still want to maintain a regular daily update for you folks. Longer when I've written more ahead, so you folks can read more.

In due time when I'm done writing, I usually just post everything when I can.

- I do not pen my memories daily, sometimes I can write 1-2 hours, sometimes 5mins and some days, none at all - hey, I also got a life to live you know?!?

- I always try my best to reply to questions and replies in the thread. If I miss you out, usually is because I didn't click on quote or I am on holiday and replying on phone takes forever (and yes, I'm going on another holiday with a "friend" soon. ) just ping me to reply you.

- Blue Balls: Since I always write ahead, I've ample time and brain power to decide where to stop the day's postings. This usually results in a lot of people scolding me, cursing me and say I hang them by their balls to dry. So be warned - if you read my posts, and is about to cum, rest assured the post will end RIGHT before you cum. Feel free to curse me in the thread. HAHAHAHAHAHHA!!!

By reading this story, you agree to be blue-balled, to suffer from waist down, and in no means will the writer - ME - be scolded or cursed.
Old 27-03-2024, 01:43 PM
guyorgirl guyorgirl is offline
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Re: Alicia - Friend's Wife

Originally Posted by timeliness View Post
Damn, that's a surprise twist.
Well we know it was going to end badly, but unlike what most people thought of who will be catching us, it was not my buddy.

Originally Posted by Carla97 View Post
What happen to Alicia after that incident? Did Milton and her still together or divorced?
I didn't message or call her. Last I heard, through sources, they divorced. I don't blame Milton... I don't blame her, blame little gog la.

Originally Posted by stphawkz View Post
Bro Gog, first off thank you for yet ANOTHER great story of yours! Sincerely think you are one of, if not the best writer on this platform. Although I am a little sad that the story ended here (what am I going to look forward to every morning from now on HAHHAHA), i’m hoping you have more stories to share! Maybe you can give us updates on Janice, Linda etc. if you’re still in contact with them!
It's just a normal story, spiced up to make it nice to read, the events are not really clear enough as I dropped off some bits to hide information, but the idea is there.

I'm not best writer here, I'm just converting my life story into something more readable, more fun and sadly yeah, bad endings which follows. Not all are amicable, but these 3 are the more memorable ones.

I can't help you liao who ask you every morning chase my updates, now ownself blue-ball ownself HAHAHAHAHAHHAHA.

Originally Posted by ddynx View Post
*silence*… one clap.. two.. and then came the roar of claps from the entire audience.

Fiction or not, it’s one masterpiece of story telling! Thank you!
Thanks for reading, I don't really need a standing ovation or applause, just glad you folks didn't get tired of my long-windedness, slow updates and stupid moments. Sometimes I don't even know why I should share my dumb dumb moments with you people. LOL....

Fiction, fact, whatever la. Happy can already

Originally Posted by technolink View Post
Wa story ended already but it was a good run.. now gog going back to being a silent lurker liao
I'm glad you folks enjoyed my story of betrayal and lust, it's nothing glorious or be to proud of, it's just a past story of mine... and yes, lurker mode will be turned on LOL....
Old 27-03-2024, 08:02 PM
CowardPotato CowardPotato is offline
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Re: Alicia - Friend's Wife

Originally Posted by guyorgirl View Post
Well we know it was going to end badly, but unlike what most people thought of who will be catching us, it was not my buddy.

I didn't message or call her. Last I heard, through sources, they divorced. I don't blame Milton... I don't blame her, blame little gog la.

It's just a normal story, spiced up to make it nice to read, the events are not really clear enough as I dropped off some bits to hide information, but the idea is there.

I'm not best writer here, I'm just converting my life story into something more readable, more fun and sadly yeah, bad endings which follows. Not all are amicable, but these 3 are the more memorable ones.

I can't help you liao who ask you every morning chase my updates, now ownself blue-ball ownself HAHAHAHAHAHHAHA.

Thanks for reading, I don't really need a standing ovation or applause, just glad you folks didn't get tired of my long-windedness, slow updates and stupid moments. Sometimes I don't even know why I should share my dumb dumb moments with you people. LOL....

Fiction, fact, whatever la. Happy can already

I'm glad you folks enjoyed my story of betrayal and lust, it's nothing glorious or be to proud of, it's just a past story of mine... and yes, lurker mode will be turned on LOL....
wah such a sudden turn of events
the GoG train ended, when will we have more good stories
Old 27-03-2024, 08:50 PM
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Re: Alicia - Friend's Wife

Great story, bro gog. Now when I watch porn, my mind calls those dicks little gog as well.
Old 27-03-2024, 09:24 PM
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Re: Alicia - Friend's Wife

Thanks for writing...

Last edited by fwchong; 27-03-2024 at 09:38 PM.
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