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Health Centre and KTV lounge Tangos It's supposed to be a state secret but you can get great SEX at these places too. Discretion advised.

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Old 28-04-2006, 04:12 PM
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Re: My afternoon delights at HCs....

Originally Posted by Optimus_Prime
Bro CL will be a bit busy eating wanton mee at lavender from next week onwards...
Why these few days got so many kakis of mine 'pitchar' my lobang huh?
Originally Posted by SexFreak
You mean our Chief Zack Tan?
Mai hai lang leh... No hor... it's the prc mentioned in my thread lah bro...
岳父女婿说: 娶我女儿快一年了,还未怀孕,难道你没看我给你的XXX片?
女婿说: 我有看。。也照着做!

岳父道: 说说看你怎样做?

女婿道: 高潮时就拔出来射在她脸上。。。

Old 28-04-2006, 04:18 PM
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Re: My LATE NITE delights at KTV....

Ok I've been a bit engrossed in WarHammer 40K Literature and game lately... so think will write my latest FR in "WarHammer" style...


The Assault on Mount "Little Stone" Pt II

2300 HRS
And now the BATTLE is joined !! My foe was skilled in her craft. Her poison-tipped tongue was trying to worm its way thru my mouth. Does this heretic mean to infect me with her vile tongue ??

I am not one to shy away from a challenge. It is better to meet the enemy head-on. My mouth cease its resistance and allow entrance to this betwiching (Ms A) herectic entry. Let's see what damage can she do ?

2315 HRS
Impressive !! The heretic and I have been locked in close quarters combat via our tongues for 15 minutes and none has manged to grasp the upper hand. It was time for me to UPPED the stakes. My arms encirled her and brought her closer to me. If it's "close combat" she wants, it's "close combat" she gets.

I worked quickly to "disarm" her biggest weapons in her arsenal. The "C" class Skull Crushers. Managed to expose the hidden trigger mechanism.. a tiny brownish-pink "button" This will require a blast of cold to freeze it's workings.

Praise the Emperor !! There was easy access to ice thanks to Brother SJG and Brother Ad Guy's quick thinking prior to the battle. Taking an ice-cube in hand, I proceeded to the trigger- "button" But the witch knew my intention and blocked my way. We engaged in a mini-clash as the ice-cube was passed from me-to-her and her-to-me via our tongues. A most refreshing battle and one I will not forget due to the skill of my opponent.

I managed to wriggle free of the heetic's sexy alluring lips, and place the last remains of the ice-cube on the trigger "button". The chill sent shivers and a low moan from the herectic as the button freeze to a nice pinkish colour. I savour the taste, these Chaos-manfactured "C" Class skull Bashers lived up to it's name. Soft and Big and can literally suffocate a grown man in its valley. No wonder it's so feared among the Space Marines...

2330 HRS
The battle seem to be going well as many of our Brothers were having the upper hand in their duels. Especially Brother Xiang Xiang and Brother Baby. As usual the most difficult foes were left to our Force Commander Brother SJG and his deputy Brother Ad Guy.

Well our reinforcement was coming as Brother SexFreak signal his impending arrival. The Calavary was arriving !!

I was not faring well as the Chief Demoness had summoned another heretic to bewitch me (Ms L) This was a deep-seated one. One can only fathom what was in the deepest reaches of her mind. All my primary assault moves have been "blocked" so far.

Brother Baby was advising me to throw in the towel. Never !! I was determined to exterminate this new heretic the way I deciminated the other (Ms A) LONG LIVE THE BROTHERHOOOD !!
I don't know why we hang on to something we know we are better off letting go.

lt's like we are scared to lose what we really don't have.

I once thought I rather have something than nothing at all, but the truth is..... To have something halfway is so fucking harder than having nothing at all.
Old 28-04-2006, 04:33 PM
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Re: My LATE NITE delights at KTV....

Ok I've been a bit engrossed in WarHammer 40K Literature and game lately... so think will write my latest FR in "WarHammer" style...


The Assault on Mount "Little Stone" Pt III

2345 HRS

The battle was not going well... most of my brothers were without a foe to fight. The Herectic were now hiding in the shadows and using "Hit-&-Run" tactics. On all fronts, the situation seem bleak. I was having my hands full on my latest encounter. This sexy-clad heretic (Ms L) was employing a defence only tactic. All my approaches have been blocked. And she was determined to hide her just-as-considerable arsenal of weapons from me.

If there was time for a prayer (Space Marines don't pray for that matter).. this was the time. And like the proverbal rain that comes to quench a thirst, it arrived in the manly form of Brother SexFreak !!

Our most experienced veteran, Brother SexFreak was hardly in formation before the Cheif Demoness sent a SH-trained demoness his way. I was having a hell of a time as both my herectics (Ms A & Ms L) were assaulting me. Showing his experience, Brother SexFreak immeadiaetly cracked the puzzle of the origins of Herectic Ms A. Now one more piece of puzzle is fitting into place.

The TIME for us to be idle was over... now we pushed on to VICTORY !!
I don't know why we hang on to something we know we are better off letting go.

lt's like we are scared to lose what we really don't have.

I once thought I rather have something than nothing at all, but the truth is..... To have something halfway is so fucking harder than having nothing at all.
Old 28-04-2006, 05:35 PM
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Re: My afternoon delights at HCs....

Never know you like to play "Dawn of War", bro OP.

I also play this games...

How can you compared pretty gals to the Heretics, the ugly servants of CHAOS Marine ?

In my opinion, pretty FLs and HC gals should be called "Eldars"- Alien-race with nice body curve, who fought like women .
Pls dont up my points anymore
because I dont have time to log in SBF and repay you all.
Old 28-04-2006, 05:45 PM
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Re: My LATE NITE delights at KTV....

Ok I've been a bit engrossed in WarHammer 40K Literature and game lately... so think will write my latest FR in "WarHammer" style...


The Assault on Mount "Little Stone" Pt IV

0000 HRS
With the timely arrival of Brother SexFreak, our morale was rallied and Mount Small Stones heard our Battlecry. So much so the lights dimmed to near non-existence.

Under the cover of darkness, we striked back. Brother Xiang Xiang was doing best on our left flank. He had his herectic on the defensive. Off came her Orange-tinted armour, Brother Xaing Xiang carried his assault to the enemy and pounched on the exposed flank. Feasting our eyes on the carnage from Brother Xiang Xiang's assault (bits of cloth were everywhere), our blood pumped with more adrenaline.

0015 HRS
Brother Baby has managed to shut the trap of his witch, her native tongue-ed sorcery was silenced as he "disrobe" her of her protective gear and launched a probe to her deepest crevices.

Even Brother Ad Guy was devising a strategem to deny his herectic of her "slumber" mantra. He had by far the most diffcult foe but he was had planted the seed for future victory. Just probing gently to assess the enemy's weak spots. The next encounter will be different now that Brother Ad Guy has learnt and witness all her stratgems and device a way to break it.

My own situation was dire. I was hopelessly outflanked with the heretic forces on both sides closing in. I could not fight the enemy on both flanks, so I directed a full frontal assault on my original target Ms A and exposed my rear flanks to Ms L.

More ice-cube tactics were exchanged as we again locked in (lips) combat. I spied Brother SexFreak and he was slowly pushing his advance on his foe. His forces were now "under" their primary defences and breaching towards the inner defences. I needed to be bring the battle to her like Brother SexFreak if I wanted to achieve a total victory.

I pulled my forces back as the Heretic (Ms A) breached through my primary defences and had my front exposed !! Her targets were the two trigger "buttons" and she lavished them with the vile poison in her tongue. I must CLEANSE all the vile poison as my forces mounted a counterattack and assaulted her own trigger "buttons". This time the more we ravished it's sweet taste the more the trigger button seem to grow.

My deep scan team had reached their objective in the nether regions of this herectic. A sparse forest hid the entrance to her inner-most secrets. However, the forces were having some diffculty breaching the blast-doors. Just as we had pry-ed open the blast doors and about to enter the wet dark clampy cavern within. The damn herectic cast a hex and disappeared again.

0045 HRS
Brother Xiang Xiang has retreated aftter dispatching the enemy on our left flank. Brother Baby is now fighting on two fronts as well as the herectics were combining forces and assaulting him with their native tongue. Force Commander Brother SJG was bored with the lack of intellect on his opponent.

My fight was going well, I had managed to keep the second heretic (MS L) on a short leash. There was to be no escape for her from my fury as we had arranged to settle our dispute in a location outside of Mount Small Stone. I could not concentrate my forces on the other herectic (Ms A)

She (Ms A) was aggressive in her assault as she "mounted" a direct attack and climbed over my weaken defences. My Artillery team was now exposed and she was pounding up and down on them. Only a thin piece of war garment seperate the secrets of her nether region from the full blast of my main Artillery. I can overhear my other Brothers as they witness the relentless assault from the herectic. My forces did a manouver and assaulted her flanks and pinned her "C" Class weapons down while I personally kept her vile posion-tipped tongue in check with my own.
I don't know why we hang on to something we know we are better off letting go.

lt's like we are scared to lose what we really don't have.

I once thought I rather have something than nothing at all, but the truth is..... To have something halfway is so fucking harder than having nothing at all.
Old 28-04-2006, 10:16 PM
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Re: My afternoon delights at HCs....

Originally Posted by ang076
Never know you like to play "Dawn of War", bro OP.

How can you compared pretty gals to the Heretics, the ugly servants of CHAOS Marine ?

In my opinion, pretty FLs and HC gals should be called "Eldars"- Alien-race with nice body curve, who fought like women
Brother ang076... I can see your mind has been posioned by the Chaos sorcery of the Herectics.

Never Fear Brother, I shall cleanse your spirit and get a few "Eldar HC Gals" to tie you up and ride you till dawn.

PS: Shall finish my report on Mt Samll Stones tml

Praise the Emperor !!

The League of ExTra HorNy GentleMEN & SeXy LADIES
I don't know why we hang on to something we know we are better off letting go.

lt's like we are scared to lose what we really don't have.

I once thought I rather have something than nothing at all, but the truth is..... To have something halfway is so fucking harder than having nothing at all.
Old 29-04-2006, 11:22 AM
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Re: My LATE NITE delights at KTV....

Ok I've been a bit engrossed in WarHammer 40K Literature and game lately... so think will write my latest FR in "WarHammer" style...


The Assault on Mount "Little Stone" Pt V

0100 HRS
Finally discovered the secret to unleashing the power hidden in my 2nd Herectic witch. She seem to be drawn to the intoxicating beats of music. With our Force Commander personally hand-picking the apprioate rhytmns, I had the herectic flaying her head in motion to the thumping beat. Finally, the beast within her was out. And I also managed to get a close-quarters scan of her own "B" Class Skull Bashers, not as dangerous as my original Herectic (Ms A) but it was soft enough. Finally I had the situation under control.

But alas, I spoke too soon as the battle was again joined when my first herectic demoness returned. Shaking her body with even more vigour, she soon was rubbing her soft butt against my main arsenal. It was code-red for my artillery cannon.

"Damn that bewitching temptress" I thought to myself.

I pinned her to the wall and adminstered my "Kiss of Death". It was suffice to say we were both soon infected with an intoxicating virus that would have claim both our lives if my space marine doctrine did not avocate safety at all venues.

The hour was late as the first herectic beat a hasty retreat to the darkness and I left my fellow brother-in-arms at Mount Small Stones. This was a personal duel between the new-comer herectic (Ms L) and myself.

Two hours of sweat and heavy work later. I claim my prize. This is the following logistic report for costs to be claim from the Empire for my Duel with the Herectic.

Location - Lavender Sector 81
Used Up Protection - 3
Ammo Unloaded into Her - 2 Full Clips
Convulsion Disorder ("shakes") experienced by Herectic - 4 Times
Time Taken - 2 HRs
Monetary Cost - $150+tips

I don't know why we hang on to something we know we are better off letting go.

lt's like we are scared to lose what we really don't have.

I once thought I rather have something than nothing at all, but the truth is..... To have something halfway is so fucking harder than having nothing at all.
Old 29-04-2006, 01:36 PM
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Re: My afternoon delights at HCs....

wah since u cum out of the mountain u become extraordinary huh? guess the "tainning" did u goot...hehhee...more battlefield report pls....
Every day is a enjoy every minute of it....
Old 29-04-2006, 03:42 PM
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Re: My afternoon delights at HCs....

OoooPeeee... ur FRs and Reports getting very very creative horr... congrats on another beautifully written 'battlereport' .. cheers
PRC always make us think we are special, the moment we believe them is when we are the one getting fcked
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Old 29-04-2006, 04:55 PM
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Talking Re: My LATE NITE delights at KTV....

Originally Posted by Optimus_Prime
........The Assault on Mount "Little Stone" Pt I ~ V ...Location - Lavender Sector 81....~~END OF REPORT~~
Oh my! A most vivid & enticing report, this is! Bro-OP is really in his element, true to his reputation as THE LEGEND's (League of Extra-horny Gentlemen and Erotic Nubile Damsels) Chief Scribe!!!

So Comd-OP, which zone in Lavender Sector 81 are you referring to - Classic or Elegance?!?!?!?!
Due to overwhelming demand (2 months!), exchange for now is restricted to minimum 7 points. Cheers!
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Old 29-04-2006, 05:19 PM
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Re: My afternoon delights at HCs....

Originally Posted by KLKOOL
OoooPeeee... ur FRs and Reports getting very very creative horr... congrats on another beautifully written 'battlereport' .. cheers
Bro KLKOOL, I have suggest to battle Mount Small stones wif u when u come down south next week. rite ? Bro OP, On boh?
Old 29-04-2006, 05:43 PM
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Re: My afternoon delights at HCs....

Originally Posted by sexy rabbit
Bro KLKOOL, I have suggest to battle Mount Small stones wif u when u come down south next week. rite ? Bro OP, On boh?
I've been waiting and waiting for Bro KL Kool to confirm.... I am ready for battle... my little brother is ready... just waiting for the CALL !!!
The League of ExTra HorNy GentleMEN & SeXy LADIES
I don't know why we hang on to something we know we are better off letting go.

lt's like we are scared to lose what we really don't have.

I once thought I rather have something than nothing at all, but the truth is..... To have something halfway is so fucking harder than having nothing at all.
Old 29-04-2006, 07:49 PM
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Re: My afternoon delights at HCs....

Wah sia, Bro.OP, I see you are putting your "tongue-ful" trainings to devastating effects,ke,ke. But how cum you used up 3 protective gears but unloaded only 2 ammos during your assaults? This could be a court marshal offence you know? May have to confer a tribunal to check this,ke,ke. But in any case, it's a well conceived frs. and I thank you for keeping me accompanied in this cold lonely early hours here.
Old 30-04-2006, 05:02 AM
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Re: My afternoon delights at HCs....

Op your FR is VERY CHIM i have to flip dictionary in order to understand wat u're writing about.
I think u can change nick to LICK GOD liao.

*just found a few new strand of white hair*
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Old 30-04-2006, 05:54 PM
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Re: My LATE NITE delights at KTV....

Originally Posted by Optimus_Prime
Ok I've been a bit engrossed in WarHammer 40K Literature and game lately... so think will write my latest FR in "WarHammer" style...


The Assault on Mount "Little Stone" Pt V
Si op ah what the hell is this wah lau eh i see untill cock eye liao !!! But nice lah
Cb la, i with my bf together cant surf sbf and post la!
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