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Health Centre and KTV lounge Tangos It's supposed to be a state secret but you can get great SEX at these places too. Discretion advised.

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Old 10-12-2004, 05:05 AM
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Re: Pubs along Joo Chiat

Originally Posted by big_bear

So guys, what you think... am i being a robert or not?

Sad to say... Turn back while you still awake....
Old 10-12-2004, 09:23 AM
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Re: Pubs along Joo Chiat

Originally Posted by big_bear
Have found a sweet young thing and hoping to make her my regular.
Think it will be the other will become her regular - customer instead

Originally Posted by big_bear
Only problem is, i'm someone who commits to relationships easily... yet... i know most of these girl's sweet-talking are done only because they interested to make you a carrot cake and want your money; than anything else...
Identify your purpose there. End of day, you get your rabba, drinks she gets her $$. If you are there in search of true love, it is a wrong place to start at. If you are looking for a long term relationship. you will get a rocky...heartaches and end of day very much poorer if you have to spent $$$ to substain ...

Originally Posted by big_bear
any guys know any tactics to "test" the girl to see if she really likes you or only after your money?
There is no sure 100% one test depends on their mind games and EQ and it takes time to obtain a highly accurate answer. If she always ask you for money and gift, you will know...i think bro Lament has a more comprehensive method to test....look for his return after 16 Dec.

Originally Posted by big_bear
but no sex lah, just rabba n sweet-talk. Me trying to act innocent, cos she too angelic for me liao
Maybe she also only acting innocent to project the "angelic" image to you.
Have fun and take care. Cheers!!
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Old 10-12-2004, 09:43 AM
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Re: Pubs along Joo Chiat

Originally Posted by kumfusion
First of all..Thanx all bros for ur advise...esp bro moonblaze and lament...Haha...Bro Moonblaze, u quite funny...tell me what as adviser must charge as friend no need...sound like her sia! What..."u not customer, u friend"
The distinct difference is she tell u she treat u as fren but must still pay. I do not charge fren.

Originally Posted by kumfusion
These girls no matter how sweet, sure money driven one la so i always remind myself to take everything she says with a pinch of salt...
Keep this in your mind and you will go a long way.

Originally Posted by kumfusion
That day she was coughing a little, then i told her if sick see doctor or rest at home. She say she no work cannot, no money...
Picture this...if you are working in a foreign land for money...unless your cough is rather bad, you will try to save the $ rather than spending on medical treatment.

Originally Posted by kumfusion
and went on to say 'u give me money..i no work? I just pretend i never hear..haha! Then she went on about she having no money la...every week send money home la...etc...Anyways i just listen lor...i also understand that she needs $$$ to maintain a lifelihood la...
Ask her to go fly kite. All of them have "touching" stories to tell. To believe or not is up to you. But end of day, how many can you help...i believe there are many more ppl out (handicap, sick who cant work) there who requires the $$ aid
than her plight. Just enjoy her company and pay your dues...anything further...dun get yourself too deep.

Originally Posted by kumfusion
Just yesterday, i sent her home and forgot to tip her.....$50....Sorry bros...i sure know u guys say i spoil mkt, but ok la...i happy with her so chin cai la...
Dun ever ask a gal how much to tip. Just tip her the amt you think she deserve. The problem with some of them is also that once you tip her an amt, she expect it to be min. the same if not more the next time. Dun ever feel that way as an obligation.

Originally Posted by kumfusion
My question bros is....if i every night go see her, just talk...we really bout what she likes la...learn viet from her la...etc etc..kiss kiss and hug hanky much shd i tip her? Anyways nowadays too freaking tired to be horny haha...
Their source of income comes from customers while working in the pub or ST outside. So if you are there in the pub and she has to attend to you, you have to pay or unless she din want your $.

Originally Posted by kumfusion
Anyone of u bros here attended any of their birthdays? Cos she asked me to go with her for one of her "sister's" birthday...she says she not working....celebrating at some JC pub also...but not 51. I was just i suppose to buy drinks for them...? Cos i don wanna go there be robert zai lor....Then i thinking...why she so nice, ask me go with her? How bros any advise? Should i bring my friends too?
Carrot Cake in making highly possible.

Have fun and take care.
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Old 10-12-2004, 09:47 AM
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Re: Pubs along Joo Chiat

Originally Posted by curiousboy
have been seeing this thread but not talking...

but cant tahan liao so join in....dun mind hor?

all of you seems loaded one ley...still can bring them go shopping...
Why? you jealous isit? You wan me to bring you go shopping?

Bringing them go shopping does not mean you have to pay everything/what she it at your own will....unless one is damn loaded, else better control oneself when at the cashier.
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Old 10-12-2004, 10:35 AM
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Re: Pubs along Joo Chiat

Originally Posted by poolhot
KNN........ wat abt me??????
knn... you always come go no shadow. how to catch you? anyway, i ask rj to activate you can oridi wat. we thinking about next tue to meet up. you on boh????
Old 10-12-2004, 10:41 AM
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Re: Pubs along Joo Chiat

Originally Posted by D^KnighT
Though I am not referring to GS but I have to agree with you that though many of us at JC are sitting by the same table but to be honest, behind the backs, many are back stabbing one another just a matter of time when you know it. I believe I mention this to Lament before, I am just hanging around the streets for 2 months and is quite sad to see such things. Whether any of you is trying to be popular in JC or a money talker or putting up a show infront of your girl, let's put it this way, respect the rules and the game we play. Fair and square. At the end of the day is all is all entertainment we are talking about.
agree with bro dk. we play different games (though i dun play, hehe!) with different rules. just dun step into other people's games unless it involves the same "player" or rather "playee". Even then, its a bit dumb to fight over a WL right?

let's all live and let live...... dun wan to see people i know making black faces against each other. Just my 0.00000002 cents worth......

The neutral monk,
Old 10-12-2004, 10:54 AM
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Re: Pubs along Joo Chiat

Originally Posted by big_bear
Bros... i know in my heart the answer already... but i need some scoldings and fuckings in my face to wake my bloody idea up. Please read my story and gimme your opinion whether i'm Mr "Robert Zai" or not.
Hi Robert...... why dun you try this.... say your wife (dun matter if you have one or not...) sick, cannot co her to shop. Later at night, visit her at her working place and ask her if she did go shopping or not and what she bought. Then, that night itself, purposely forgot to tip her but purpose is not to escape tips but rather to see if she will ask for it the next few nights or not. but warning hor... no trick or trap is foolproof. For me personally, i tried it only once. Other bros are free to comment. hehe!
Old 10-12-2004, 10:59 AM
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Re: Pubs along Joo Chiat

Originally Posted by kumfusion
Haha...she told me she wanna go mustaffa center sia....but funny thing is....she never go before! She just hear from her friends its nice thats all

Knn....scarly she ask me buy her colour tv send back to vietnam!
you can always buy a 21" colour tv. shouldnt cost you a bomb...... but in any case, leave your wallet in your car (or somewhere else). When she ask you to pay, reach for your pocket and scream...... I"VE BEEN PICKPOCKETED!!!!! (disclaimer: this can only be performed once)
Old 10-12-2004, 11:41 AM
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Re: Pubs along Joo Chiat

Originally Posted by wahpiang
say your wife (dun matter if you have one or not...) sick, cannot co her to shop.
Originally Posted by wahpiang
...leave your wallet in your car (or somewhere else). When she ask you to pay, reach for your pocket and scream...... I"VE BEEN PICKPOCKETED!!!!! (disclaimer: this can only be performed once)
You are very creative...i also must try next time...kekeke....
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Old 10-12-2004, 11:58 AM
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Re: Pubs along Joo Chiat

Originally Posted by MoonBlaze
You are very creative...i also must try next time...kekeke....
Remember to post whether it works or not. Then again, tricks will be well-known oridi. Hmmm.... must start my inert brain working again..... hehehe!

(btw, thanks for upping me pts!)
Old 10-12-2004, 12:24 PM
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Re: Pubs along Joo Chiat

i've been with my gal for half a year and still yet to bring her near any shopping area... so wtf... they dun need it really?

a lot of replies posted, all very pessimistic, but given the circumstances, beware...

if got time later then i post my own thoughts heh
Old 10-12-2004, 12:27 PM
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Re: Pubs along Joo Chiat

Originally Posted by naemlo
Wow so many 'fighting' here.... cool down, forget everything, drink n enjoy the bonk. Just finished 2 shots in Nataree, very tired.

Bro, when are you back... everytime see me only to get beaten up by you... kekeke... miss those pains and cries... kekeke...

While waiting for my 'em yue' to be back, guess I am out of Blue Region and Jazzy for awhile but still along JC IN THE KTV ROOMS... kekeke
Old 10-12-2004, 01:32 PM
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Re: Pubs along Joo Chiat

To Kumfusion and Big_Bear,

to score at such an outlet.. u have to bear in mind a few things..

1) cost = set ur cost (budget) first.. dont know how.. go ask ur finance department how they do it.. lets say.. it takes u S$100 or $120 (if u cant negociate) to bonk a viet.. so set aside S$100 or S$120 as the cost to sian her before u ask for the bonk...

2) be agressive... if they mention they like u.. or they wan u as their boyfriend.. tell them u wan to fark them at the end of the day.. or at the end of the day... side track to a hotel 81 before send them back.. have a good bonk with them... if they give u fark excuse.. u know u are a robert liao.. so fark it...

3) dont get influence by their sweet talk... make sure they are not representive from NATO.. (no action talk only..) that means.. they say 10000 sweet things to u.. .saying is easy.. make sure they do it.. they say got special feeling with u.. the only way to test is.. to make sure u have sex with them... if they say.. ah.. i dont have sex so soon with ppl i just know.. dump her immediately.. cause she is bull shitting with u.. she comes all the way to SG to work.. she definately know the games that she is in...

4) give her some black face to see.. dont always be a chin chai man.. that means if she do something stupid behind u.. like asking u for more $$$ or give u the standard no money here.. no money there.. give her black face to see..
tell her, "hey, u say u love me or u love my money.. and if u love me.. we should work hard to obtain wat we wan.. not everytime, i give, i give and i give.. if u think that is right.. u are treating me as a robert and u WALK OFF ANGRYLY.. BE FIERCE and FORCEFUL!!"

if u manage the above 4 points, things will be fine... i used to have a viet back at 51.. would is damn nice to me... didnt ask for any money from me... i told her i sick.. she will bring me to see doctor and pay for my medicine fee.... and give me free fark without asking for any return... this is a long time ago.. i give up on her as i am afraid.. this kind of KC debt.. very hard to return...


Old 10-12-2004, 01:59 PM
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Re: Pubs along Joo Chiat

Well, since there's like 2 or 3 bros here who seems to be targetting some girls in the region, let me share some of my personal views. which is seriously very personal because everyone has different playing styles.

Firstly, you definitely must get to know them very well and extract some real information. A very essential info is how long/many times they have been here. Cos the longer/more times then the more experienced they are and less likely (note, i say less likely, not impossible) to be swayed. Play safe and ask the same questions again after you have been with them a few times and a certain comfort level has developed. Coz they might not have been all that truthful when you asked them the first time round. Another thing you can ask is whether they "work" with customers away from the pubs. May sound like a no brainer, but really 1 out of 20 girls there don't do anything further from accompanying customers in the pub. (I have a 100% record of hitting these rarities, all of the girls i've sat with do just that only!) There can only be two reasons why they are this way: one, they already have bf/hubby either here or back in sg (in which case, dun waste your time). two, they simply dont want to (which is a plus point)... oh, actually, add a third point: they're lying again!

It's no exact science but these things can help you make an informed choice of what you want to do with the target. And i dont think it is a decision that can be made the first time you're with them unless you're damn experienced like lament or only have certain other sexy priorities in mind anyway. so from these info that you have learnt, you should be able to decide whether you want to keep them as a real gf, stay in a regular customer relationship, drop them immediately, or get a free bonk and forget it (which is a bad choice if you are gonna be a regular jc chiongster cos if you cannot master the deception, then bad word will spread about you among the girls sooner or later).

more to come if i'm still free...
Old 10-12-2004, 02:55 PM
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Re: Pubs along Joo Chiat

For love or money? (different from for sex ok?)

You can never really tell until months down the road (as lament will say, at least six months?). But starting out, $$$ is always an issue. Some guys will tend to give more tips to attract attention. This is actually a good way but then keep in mind that you start out too high then you get stuck at that rate, especially if they become reliant on your tips. But, if you cannot afford the time to go down very often then this is one option. (those that give standard but go down every nite... ends up the same anyway). Personally I give slightly higher tips than normal too.

It is quite difficult to skip these stages (again, note i say very difficult, not impossible... some guys have all the luck/skill!), just do what a gentleman would do. If paying for meals (hey, you asked her out remember?), expect to pay for her friends as well. Let the girl have the face to show off a bit. After all, it cant cost more than 2 jugs of beer (kopitiam fare... else where did you bring her go makan?). You can try leveraging it with lower tips after the meal or something like that. If she complains, then fxxx, it might not be worth it (though I'm not saying you cannot continue trying).

Basically, money CAN buy love. If you can afford to take care of them, this is a simple route to take. And who's to say its wrong?

more... maybe... later...
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