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Old 14-12-2011, 05:59 PM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Originally Posted by limborock View Post
I'm one of 'em!

alamak! this sounds like some scene taken from a movie. but anyway, im sure even if any of the senior AC bros 'retire' one day, there will be someone to carry on these unoffical 'duties' in the thread and carry on the legacy.

nah.. from the 1st time it was suggested abt having a list, i have indicated my support for it and i still am.

i remm u started off by posting 'Joy from Lapasha' and when i was there few weeks bck, a fren took a gerl from there and I made sure her name wasnt Joy.

hopefully i do not encounter any of these runners, but if i do, rest assure that i will definitely post her name and the bar which she comes from to warn all other bros.
Pardon an old man havin bad memory
I meant that's the spirit isn't it. Posting their names n bar so that other bros would not suffer the same fate.
It has to be a joint effort or else it comes to naught.

This trip I sensed many girls tried to negotiate ST from LT.
Old 14-12-2011, 06:20 PM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Originally Posted by Rub&Buah View Post
Regarding the runner issue we can name the girl and bar she works in or even pose picture but girls changes place of work often and don't forget forum monger make up just 10% of the overall monger so even if we blacklist them there will still be 90% sucker who fall for thier trap.
Well if we can't save the whole batallion at least we managed to save a platoon.

Originally Posted by Rub&Buah View Post
The best is never give tip to the runner even if she request if she run early.don't bring them barhopping too long or buy too many drinks for thier friends while barhopping and don't take them to expensive restaurant so to minimize own loses.Some monger treat them like princess so much that the girls develop the attitude that if the guy wanna fcuk her he has to do all those shit in order to get in her pants.We must rem to have good time but never spoil them

My 2peso worth.
Tama! Maybe only bring them for lots of barhopping or makan or disco only if she is one of yr regular gerl? perhaps that would be better idea? As for me, i dont like to be barhopping with my gerl in tow. what i normally do is, scout all the bars up to a substantial amount of bars and then return to the one where the gerl i chose is. if she is not arnd anymore, then go for 2nd choice on the list and so on. Still does not work? then start again. still young mah.. very energetic.

oh yah btw, yr 2peso taken!

Originally Posted by datou View Post
Pardon an old man havin bad memory
I meant that's the spirit isn't it. Posting their names n bar so that other bros would not suffer the same fate.
It has to be a joint effort or else it comes to naught.

This trip I sensed many girls tried to negotiate ST from LT.
Old is virtue. I have yet to reach that stage.. hehe. But even if u are, dont wori, young man here will help u recall
Life is short, live it long..
Old 14-12-2011, 06:30 PM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Originally Posted by datou View Post
Hello, ur age n mine not much difference
Don't bluff. You almost had girls everynight n have eyes like a hawk in pool games.
How can a surrendering body be playing competition pool?

Next time we don't take jeepney for less than 500m ok? we walk.
Hmmm, I think you walk alone. I wait for the jeep. Hahaha.
Thanks to those who up me points. If you did not put your name i will have headache to guess who to return favor to. Cheers!
Old 14-12-2011, 06:44 PM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Originally Posted by Rub&Buah View Post
Regarding the runner issue we can name the girl and bar she works in or even pose picture but girls changes place of work often and don't forget forum monger make up just 10% of the overall monger so even if we blacklist them there will still be 90% sucker who fall for thier trap.

Runner habit is build up by the monger who spoil them.there will be some group of monger just point and pay,get back to the room,one shot and ask them to leave with big tip and the monger repeat the same with other girls later.another type of monger buy plenty of double ld,barfine the girl go plenty of barhopping and treat them to nice restaurant make them feel like a princess go back room 1 shot then release the girl due to tireness and tip them well.

These few example is what causes the habit of runner to build up over the years and spread among themselves(bargirl)what do they wanna stay LT and let the monger fcuk them over and over while the get the same amount of share from barfine and tips from short time?in fact some of the bar encourage them to receive additional salary if they report back to work after being bar fined.

The best is never give tip to the runner even if she request if she run early.don't bring them barhopping too long or buy too many drinks for thier friends while barhopping and don't take them to expensive restaurant so to minimize own loses.Some monger treat them like princess so much that the girls develop the attitude that if the guy wanna fcuk her he has to do all those shit in order to get in her pants.We must rem to have good time but never spoil them

My 2peso worth.
Thanks for the input
There will definitely be difficulties identifying them when they change work place,

n 90% non forum cheongsters.
But that doesn't mean they won't become one right?
If we happens to associate w them ,I think they will be very interested in knowing if we mention sammyboy.
Just like I was introduced to a new forum this trip by a new friend.
It just need a little mentioning.

Regarding the big spenders n pamperers nothing we can do.
We can only identify as much runner as possible n reduce probability of gettin one ourself.
Ain't it great if I know a runner before barfining n avoiding one.

But if nothing is done, then I guess it will gets worse by the day in the end all LT cheongsters will leave the scene.
We just had one example here , who quit AC because of runner.

It's not easy for eliminating runners but it has to start somewhere.
Wat is Important now is contribution of runners names n bars.

Tip runner? I don't even give motorcycle money S$1.50 to them in Indonesia.

Last edited by datou; 14-12-2011 at 06:51 PM. Reason: editing
Old 14-12-2011, 07:00 PM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Originally Posted by ZIEBART View Post
Hmmm, I think you walk alone. I wait for the jeep. Hahaha.

Don't worry, Sunny day I also take jeep one. Don't want bad smell of sweat when with girl.

Body deteriorating still don't exercise.
500m maybe from hotel to mini-stop only mah.
Old 14-12-2011, 09:07 PM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Originally Posted by Boat collector View Post
Mami Mita (the earlier shift mami) at Gecko is very good, she would tell you who are the STer (likely to do runner) and who are the "good girls" who can do double, etc.. Making frineds with the Mami and letting the girls see you being good friends with the mami also makes them scared to do runners.

Don't worry XiongMao, we can try again in Feb!
good input....hope to meet u in Feb

Originally Posted by soundguy View Post
Nice to see you have not given up on AC.
yup...will be back again in Feb, thanks for yr encouragement

Originally Posted by datou View Post
I was fed up that a newbie friend I guide whose precious 2 nights was destroyed by a runner n a say "pussy pain" girl.
I will try to find out their names, n come Feb I'll try to get names from other bros meeting in AC. Till then hopefully names start rollin in.
So paiseh to say I am that newbie friend of yours....already provide the names to u...

Last edited by xiongmao; 14-12-2011 at 09:09 PM. Reason: wrong spelling
Old 14-12-2011, 09:35 PM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Originally Posted by xiongmao View Post
good input....hope to meet u in Feb

yup...will be back again in Feb, thanks for yr encouragement

So paiseh to say I am that newbie friend of yours....already provide the names to u...

Thks Bro xiongmao for the info
2 runners n 1 pussy pain girl recorded.

Needs more contribution from other bros.
Old 14-12-2011, 10:53 PM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Wow few days nvr pop in here and the thread is moving fast again.
Ok going to post my FR before commenting. Hope wont be boring anyone.

FR- 22 Nov
Woke up around 930am, woke her up for breakfast but she wanted sleep more than food, so decided to go up to the resto bar at the top floor for my compimentary breakfast. They resto bar offered 12 different sets of breakfast, so decided to order 2 sets so that I can tried out everyone of them in 6 days time. :P

Took set-2(Fried longaniza & Egg with garlic rice) and set-3(Vegetable omelette with toasted bread). After that went to chat with the cashier to do some ice-breaking to know more about the resto bar as well as the staffs there(that's what they called themselves even though they are working as the waitress/dish cleaners/cashiers). Chatted for almost an hour before I headed bck to the room. Hazel was up and give me a morning hug before asking me where I have went for so long. After that 2 rounds of pumping by her again before I sent her out of my rooms. Was a wonderful gal to have. But decided to go and source for new gals.

Went to an internet shop for an hour before taking a walk and glanced thru at Santos street. Did not visit any bars on that street and head out to Mayon Street.

Took me around 25 mins to reach Mayon Street by walking. Decided to pop into Niffty to have a cold beer to kill my thirst.

2 gals(Imee and Ann, both are B cupped, but Imee have the looks) immediately rushed to me as I am the 3rd guests in the bar. They were touching and caress my bro. Have a chit chat with them to know more about the rates. As it's not the rate I was told so decided to skip and head to "Rio"(not sure is it called rio) to double check the rate.

Went in, as usual 2 gals rushed to me. Nothing to shout about though. They are not as active as the gals in Niffty. Not much autoroaming frm them and for me. Did noticed a syt(small young thing)
on the stage, she looks very young but was told she was 20 yrs old.
Chat with the 2 gals then also said the same rate as Niffty.

Decided to head over to sweety. Totally shortage of gals in here, only 7 gals and 3 were with customers. Took a drink and left within 15 min after seeing no new gals.

decided to head out to the next bars,Back to School, that's around 15 mins away from mayon street.

Reached there and only so so there. Decided to buy the waitress(Mhalou) a LD to kill my time there. Actually the waitress looks nice too, so decided to pop the BF, but she rejected as she just broke off with his ex. LOL. After the drink headed out to LIA. LIA also totally nothing that attracts me. Bought a drink there hoping to see more gals, but none was added in. So decided to head back to hotel for dinner before heading out to Field Ave.

Gecko was the first bar I started. Saw the gal that was posted before by Ah Hia, but she was with customer so not sure is she working there. Looked around and no-one attracts me. Even waitress also dun bothered about me, so finished my drink and pay for the bill then the waitress asked me to pick a gal.

Headed over to Q bar, nothing to shout also. around 20 gals for the 2 shifts. 2 gals trying to tempted me to buy them LD but I just smile at them and left the place after I finished the drink.

End of day-2 to rest alone in the room + recharge.

Niffty/"Rio" rates:
st - 800p
lt - 1200p
motel nearby - 200p/hr
Old 14-12-2011, 10:56 PM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Fr - 23 Nov
Head out to Santos street again after surfing the internet. Was walking when the gals in black pearl waving to me to attracts me. So in order not to waste their effort, popped in.

2 gals (Jane and Mitch, B cupped) sat with me side by side. Have a chat with them to know about the rate there. After around 20 mins later decided to BF Jane. Jane was actually 1 or 2 heads shorter than me. Have a chat with her and knew that she got another sister who is a twin. Have a bigger rack than her and have the same look. Too bad she's not working in this line yet, else will be a doublefly for me with the 2.

Went back to the hotel and start of round 1. Nothing special to shout, norm stuff. Finished washed up. Went for dinner at Jolibee.

Back and have round 2 with a CIM. She dont really like CIM. So washed up and decided time for her to leave as she's just a plain gal that I decided to look for a new gal at the bars.

Decided to head over to Gecko to have a look whether the gal I liked works there. Went in did not saw her but 1 waitress(Bell) and 1 dancer pulled me into a seat. Having lots of fun with both and them and decided to buy them a LD. Have some fun before decided to BF Bell even though she's having code red. She's having the bunny-look and her friendliess that attracts me.

Bck in the hotel did nothing much other than chit chat and while watching TV. Around 3 hrs later she decided to autoroam me and give me a nice blow. Small light brown sensitive nipples, she was actually getting horny with me licking her nipples and ears but due to code red, so cant do the pumping. So I was investing on her hoping able to pump her in the next few days when her code red gone.

End of 3rd day.

Black Pearl rates:
st - 700p
lt - 1500p
Gecko rates:
ST/LT - 1500p

will post the rest of the FR soon.
Old 14-12-2011, 11:48 PM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Originally Posted by ProfessorOokami View Post
No use, they are everywhere now, seems like a trend...gone are the days when I first arrived and cheonged in AC way back in 2006. I had to kick the girl out and not the girl running away

Anyway, no more AC for me as the last trip I got 6 runners for 3 nights. I BF one and she ran away at 8 pm, nvm, BF another and she ran off at 12 midnight (Cinderella?) and this went on for 3 nights (all girls from different bars, notably Doll house, Blue Nile and Gecko)

All the tricks were the same and reused often:

# received SMS telling her mother fell down; or son fell into the well; luckily didn't say "neighbour raped her mother when she was away on LT"
# Telling you that private parts swollen cos your dick was BIG and u fucked too hard (actually they applied some red lotion, maybe HOONG FAH YAO
# need to see doctor for check up
# the most ridiculous one: FORGOT TO FEED BABY

and if all failed, she will show face throw tantrums and avoid physical contacts with you, so no fuck loh.
Wow really a bad trip for you to met so many runners in a short period. Hope you will have return to AC again soon even thought the runner rate are going up daily.
Old 14-12-2011, 11:51 PM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Originally Posted by Boat collector View Post
I must have been pretty lucky.. I had LTers both times I ewr the ones I chose. Then again, "apparently" both of the girls I chose was pretty new. 1 SAID that it was her second day on the job and I was the first person she decided to go out with while the other said it was her first day back on the job after taking a few months break.

Mami Mita (the earlier shift mami) at Gecko is very good, she would tell you who are the STer (likely to do runner) and who are the "good girls" who can do double, etc.. Making frineds with the Mami and letting the girls see you being good friends with the mami also makes them scared to do runners.

Also if you make friends with some of the foreign locals eg. Emirico, etc. They can give you the names of the better ones.. then up to you to choose la.

I tend to overstate how long I am going to be there too.. That way they think that if you are staying longer, they have a chance to get ewr again the next day... and when they ask (they always do!) how often you are in AC, also over state that and combine the times you have been to other parts of Philippines... that gives them the impression that there is a chance of them being your long time GF!

No 100% solution I am sure, but these are the methods I use...

Don't worry XiongMao, we can try again in Feb!
Yup the best method which I was taught here was to buy the mamasan a drink and she will be able to help you narrow down runner. But most of the time I am not using this method though. :P

Wow new tactic sia ... you are right they will always asked how many time I been to P.I

Originally Posted by ZIEBART View Post
Thanks for the tips on anti running. Good advise for members to take note of and be prepared.

I always pride myself that I will never lie to a filipina, but I guess your method of over stating your stay and tenure in Philippinesis good enough for me to start lieing.
Haha think you no need to lie at all cause you are really in P.I most of the time including A.C.

Originally Posted by datou View Post
About runners
I can feel the nos. of girls asking for ST instead of LT rises significantly on my present trip compared to my previous trip 2 months ago.
I believe in no time, all these girls will turn into runners seeing their counterpart having sucess doing it.
If this trend continue, think will be byebye AC for many LT cheongsters.

Ever since my post of runner/bar name of Joy from Lapasha 2 months ago, I noticed there wasn't any post info identifying runners.

When a runner/bar is named, she gets boycotted while the non runners get barfined. Isn't that what we cheongsters want?
Well the rate is going up. Did experience alot of gals prefer ST during my last trip. So that's part of the reason why there are few nights I am resting alone in my room.

Originally Posted by Jordan Chang View Post
i think a list of runners may not be so needs constant updating and will probably grow very long if this trend continues. imagine if you walk into a bar, ask for the girl's name, pull out the long list and start tallying against it. will be quite a sight!

maybe what will work is a list of recommended bars and girls instead? for example, boat collector's review of mami mita (the earlier shift mami) at gecko. when cheongsters go there, always highlight that this place is recommended for the lowest number of runners (or something along those lines). and we can only hope that they can clean up their act for our own good.
Originally Posted by Rub&Buah View Post
Regarding the runner issue we can name the girl and bar she works in or even pose picture but girls changes place of work often and don't forget forum monger make up just 10% of the overall monger so even if we blacklist them there will still be 90% sucker who fall for thier trap.

Runner habit is build up by the monger who spoil them.there will be some group of monger just point and pay,get back to the room,one shot and ask them to leave with big tip and the monger repeat the same with other girls later.another type of monger buy plenty of double ld,barfine the girl go plenty of barhopping and treat them to nice restaurant make them feel like a princess go back room 1 shot then release the girl due to tireness and tip them well.

These few example is what causes the habit of runner to build up over the years and spread among themselves(bargirl)what do they wanna stay LT and let the monger fcuk them over and over while the get the same amount of share from barfine and tips from short time?in fact some of the bar encourage them to receive additional salary if they report back to work after being bar fined.

The best is never give tip to the runner even if she request if she run early.don't bring them barhopping too long or buy too many drinks for thier friends while barhopping and don't take them to expensive restaurant so to minimize own loses.Some monger treat them like princess so much that the girls develop the attitude that if the guy wanna fcuk her he has to do all those shit in order to get in her pants.We must rem to have good time but never spoil them

My 2peso worth.
Originally Posted by limborock View Post
for the sake of giving, no harm in upping a few pts.. its only points in virtual world anyway.

However i do agree with bro datou, i really support the idea of having a runner's list. In fact, the term runner should be defined properly too. In my recent trip, my fren wanted to BF a gerl arnd 10pm and i told him to ask what time she has to go back, she said 3am. My fren was agreeable to it and so BF-ed her.

So in this case, she should not be classified as one since it has been known and agreed on b4hand. Unless she said 8-9am but after 1 shot, says otherwise, then would she be branded as a runner.

of cos for all bros sake, the shorter the list the better but i guess its inevitable that the list of runners will increase gradually. I for one will try to recall the names when i vist the bars that have been listed to hve runners mentioned.. so i think it helps to have one.

so a list in the making i hope ?

Well other than the name of the gal and the bar, maybe also her number tag and photo for easy reference. But still think the above method of "using" the mamasan to narrow down the chance of runner seems better.

Also the reason why A.C have turned into what it is now should be the work of those who tips too much and let the gals off early and also BF so many gals but only take 1 or none back to the room. That's why gals start to use that loophole to make it as a benefit to them.
Old 14-12-2011, 11:52 PM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Originally Posted by ZIEBART View Post
Whoa whoa. Don call me a Master of AC. I have so much more to learn and experience. Reading all the inputs by the others makes me wiser. There are many others who have great wealth of knowledge and wisdoms about this place called AC.

DIA is good if you have time at the area of operation. If you a resident or frequent traveller with many days stay, then DIA is for you.You get many scams and lies and worse of all is no show. Can spoil your precious few days holiday.
Well waiting for this statement. DIA not suitable for me as I dont visit P.I so often, so just have to depend on my luck when barhopping.
Old 14-12-2011, 11:52 PM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

thanks bro ziebart for your kind words. i agree that the runner problem is prevalent and spreading so it would be useful for all cheongsters to know which bar/girl to avoid.

bro datou, i'm not giving any excuses or reasons why we shouldn't have a runner list. it will definitely help but if we all agree that this is getting more common, you can only imagine the list will grow. if bars are encouraging their girls to be runners, you can be sure there will be more than 1 in a bar. not to mention, girls may change where they work or they may even change their names. thus, i wonder whether it could really be effective.

my other suggestion is to name the better bars but like bro ziebart mentioned, we may end up with nowhere to go! however, what i feel is that people generally react better to positive feedback (cheongsters, girls, mamasans). if you tell them that this bar/girl is recommended, they will tend to want to uphold that "reputation". for example, if i tell you that the steak is good at swiss chalet vs the fish and chips is bad at jj's - will you go to jj's and try the steak there?

of cos, this is just generalising the situation and i am sharing what i feel as there is no "fix-all" solution.

lastly, i'm not concerned on the points/power thingy. it won't affect what i'm learning and hope to contribute in this forum.

Old 14-12-2011, 11:54 PM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Originally Posted by ProfessorOokami View Post
Fully concur with you....the trend is real....I like LT cos it provide some setting for some nice conversations and cuddling, not just "I come, I see, I kongket (malay word for fucking)" but I feel cheated if they tell you it is LT and comes out ST
I love LT too, but its getting abit tough during my last trip(Nov trip) but still not so hard to find some who dont mind staying LT.
Old 14-12-2011, 11:55 PM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Originally Posted by datou View Post
Summary of my 17 days AC trip

Nights w girls 13, no runners.
Other activities pool (improved alot) videoke as usual w my bad voice.

Total spending abt S$1800 excluding airfare.

New record of 5 bonks in 15 hrs,( surprised old man like me can do it)

Found a burger stall behind the Petrol station near our hotel.
Not bad w the spicy barbecue sauce. 39p for 2 chicken burgers.

Opp Macdonalds (end of walkabout) accross the road Pizza shop also not bad.
Tried 3 times n all the girls liked them. abt 150-200p for medium size.
Wow 17 days and only spend $1.8K. For me is 11 days spent $1.5K + less gals compare to yours.
new food recommendation from you.

Originally Posted by soundguy View Post
going to try these along with the Bulalo at DAU terminal upon arrival. yummy!
LOL until now I still not use of eating it. During my last trip(Nov trip) I not only try it once but twice. Reason is cause gals like it and then bought my share too. So have to eat. Hope I am able to accepet and enjoy this yummy food soon.
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