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Health Centre and KTV lounge Tangos It's supposed to be a state secret but you can get great SEX at these places too. Discretion advised.

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Old 06-05-2006, 01:20 PM
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Re: My Personal Delights !!

I am posting my quickest KC-Trap yet. All events took place very recently and some details have been masked to protect the identity of those involved.

OP's 3-4 Day Affair

Day 3
Woke up feeling weird... I had the dream again !! The one with me floating alone at sea and caring for Pink-Pink... and I had another dream following it... a bit hazy wat it was.. but I was somewhere not here not there... I was chasing Pink-Pink thru a maze but instead someone grabbed my hand... I knew w/o loking it was Apple's hand. I turned but saw no-one there... and I was alone again....

Real Weird... must be thinking too much.

Recieved the call-up for BS HH. Although I was not really in the mood but decided what the heck... I was bored and a little horny anyway. Sms-ed Apple to see if she was awake. But no answer... meaning she slept late again. Again my thoughts where she went ?? Knocking my fist into my head... what am I thinking? she's a WL for god's sake and she's not mine exclusive or anything... they are here to earn $$ and I am here to satisfy my raging hormones !! Sometimes I really surprised at myself for still feeling this way after getting torched by Xiao Xue & others....

On the way to BS, I finally received Apple's call. she had just woken 2pm ?!?!? It seems she had moved to a new shop to work. For some reasons, I just blurted out...

ME: "Can I see you now ?"

Apple: "Yes, I am thinking of you too."

ME: "Ok.. I come over now"

Apple "I wait for you."

And so there I was speeding off to find Apple again in the space of 2 days !! Damn it... this was not going good for my wallet !!
I don't know why we hang on to something we know we are better off letting go.

lt's like we are scared to lose what we really don't have.

I once thought I rather have something than nothing at all, but the truth is..... To have something halfway is so fucking harder than having nothing at all.
Old 06-05-2006, 01:44 PM
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Re: My afternoon delights at HCs....

siew mai.....ha gao.....xiao long bao.....ha gao.... siew mai......cha shao bao...anyone??? think the spectators for the new hot movie in town "The personal journal of OP san" is increasing fast....ha gao...siew mai......
Every day is a enjoy every minute of it....
Old 06-05-2006, 02:25 PM
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Re: My afternoon delights at HCs....

Originally Posted by AHGONG
siew mai.....ha gao.....xiao long bao.....ha gao.... siew mai......cha shao bao...anyone??? think the spectators for the new hot movie in town "The personal journal of OP san" is increasing fast....ha gao...siew mai......
KNN !! Bro...U enjoying this hor... selling DIM SUM some more...

Tue - join me at kopi-shop below BS for kopi ? retire still can drink kopi rite ?

The League of ExTra HorNy GentleMEN & SeXy LADIES
I don't know why we hang on to something we know we are better off letting go.

lt's like we are scared to lose what we really don't have.

I once thought I rather have something than nothing at all, but the truth is..... To have something halfway is so fucking harder than having nothing at all.
Old 06-05-2006, 02:40 PM
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Re: My afternoon delights at HCs....

Wet Queen called me...looking for kakis to go swimming or MJ..but I not free leh..
Y.H.T of League of ExTra HorNy GentleMEN & SeXy LADIES...
1st League member to have a FR written on him!!
Old 06-05-2006, 03:05 PM
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Re: My Personal Delights !!

I am posting my quickest KC-Trap yet. All events took place very recently and some details have been masked to protect the identity of those involved.

OP's 3-4 Day Affair

Day 3 - cont'd
Reached the place and walk up and down the row of shop-houses and finally spotted the address she gave me. Hmmm... a massage center here?? Got ppl come one meh ? Well went in and paid for 60 mins.

Told the boss I wanted Apple. She looked at me blur..blur... okay maybe she had another call-sign here. Tried describing her.... and finally showed her the hp no. Ahhh... finally she knows which gal I want and told me she still upstairs sleeping but will call her down.

10 mins later, Apple skipped into the room. Seeing me she gave me a back-breaking hug. Her considerable front assets crushing themselves on my chest.

Apple: I was worried when the Boss said got customer

Me: Why ?

Apple: Cause I was waiting for you to come...

Me : And I am here lor... (confused)

Apple: Come and pick me up..stupid !! (gives a mock anger look)

Me: Oh..Oh...

Grabbing my hand and leading me to the high bed, Ipulled her back towards me and held her petite little frame in my arms. Leaned forward and our lips touched for a while. Apple whispered into my ears..

Apple: So what u want to do today ?

Me: Er.... I just came to see you... never think so much (I lied)

Apple : Really meh ? U got think of me meh ?

Me : Well... if not I won't be here liaoz...

To be frank, I actually had no intention to bonk Apple (I was going BS anyway later)... just wanted to see where she was crashing at. But somehow, I ended up in a small cubicle with her.

So we just lied down next to each other on the high bed and listened to music from her HP as before. Not sure if she does that with everyone.. and to be frank I dun really care... this was a nice moment for me as it reminded me of the times I spent in much more innocent times with Fly Kite years ago. I would spend time with Fly Kite at her work place, we would chat, sleep, hug and kiss... nothing else... guess some would say it was a stupid way of spending $$ (heck I would call myself stupid too now) but it was a special feel way back then...

and now I was experiencing something similar with Apple. Maybe I am just missing Fly Kite too much and just find Apple a good replacement. yeah...maybe... except it felt a bit different...

What's the different... well my cock was rock hard for one.... and no need 3 guesses who has been "playing" with it while we were lying there listening to music. Could not take it anymore and I stripped off Apple's panties leaving her dress on. Using my emergency cap, I entered Apple while she was still fully clothed. Lifting up her dress while I banged into her furiously...

Had to cover her mouth as her moaning was starting to get a bit loud. I usually dun go for quickie w/o foreplay but I really could not stand this nymph seducing me with her fingers and sly grin and bewitching eyes...

All too soon the hour was up. And I left a sexistifed man for BS. Apple was on my mind thru-out the BS outing so I did not even touch much the gals I had that day.... Dunno why... but Apple's voice "Ni Hui xian wo meh? Ni Yao Wo Meh? (U reallythink of me? U want me meh ?)" just keep bouncing in and out of my mind.

Had dinner with 2 of the Queens... at least their laughter and smiles distracted me somewhat from my ever-growing "KC TraP"... but it was all too soon that I left for home. Chat a while with Apple on the phone... and we confirm we will meet again tomorrow after her work. Dunno why I was looking forward to the next day and did not get a good sleep at all...

$100 + entrance - 1 shot

~~End Of Day 3 ~~
I don't know why we hang on to something we know we are better off letting go.

lt's like we are scared to lose what we really don't have.

I once thought I rather have something than nothing at all, but the truth is..... To have something halfway is so fucking harder than having nothing at all.
Old 06-05-2006, 03:45 PM
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Re: My afternoon delights at HCs....

Originally Posted by Optimus_Prime
KNN !! Bro...U enjoying this hor... selling DIM SUM some more...

Tue - join me at kopi-shop below BS for kopi ? retire still can drink kopi rite ?

The League of ExTra HorNy GentleMEN & SeXy LADIES
hahaha....of course enjoying lah..u write until so...sensual...feel so skiok...hehehe....Tue kopi? have to chk my schedule call u if can make it....cheers
Every day is a enjoy every minute of it....
Old 06-05-2006, 06:40 PM
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Re: My Personal Delights !!

I am posting my quickest KC-Trap yet. All events took place very recently and some details have been masked to protect the identity of those involved.

OP's 3-4 Day Affair - KC Trap Definition

Er... before I continue to my final Day (day 4) of my KC Trap. I think I better define what is KC Trap as a few ppl are not sure exactly what it means. Pls note: the following definition is not the universal one... but it applies to me whenever I say I kenna "KC-ed"

KC - stands for "Kum Cheng". Cantonese for Feelings or "gan qing" in Chinese.

Trap - two meanings I found which works here.. they are:
1. A stratagem for catching or tricking an unwary person.
2. A confining or undesirable cicrumstance from which escape or relief is difficult

I kenna KC-Trap liaoz la
Meaning - when you are stuck in situation involving feelings where your logical thinking just flies out the window.

This gal is setting a KC Trap for you
Meaning - a stratagem employed by the fairer sex to trick you (usually to dotheir bidding) using emotions or feelings

As for how this relates to my situation... well I also dunno. I just noe I was kinda crazy over her. Eye-witness such as Bro Baby or Sis Almond might wanna clarify if I got it heavy or not... And I was actually willing to spend $$ and time on her.

For a cheongster. The Equation is always simple.

Pay $$ = Have Fun (from petting to full-blown sex)
Final Results = Guilt Free

But when u pay $$ and u dun wanna do anything... then I consider this "KC-ed". Sometimes it's the gal out to get you. sometimes is you stupid to fall into it yourself. As for my case, well judge for yourself when I have finished my posts.
I don't know why we hang on to something we know we are better off letting go.

lt's like we are scared to lose what we really don't have.

I once thought I rather have something than nothing at all, but the truth is..... To have something halfway is so fucking harder than having nothing at all.
Old 06-05-2006, 07:05 PM
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Re: My Personal Delights !!

I am posting my quickest KC-Trap yet. All events took place very recently and some details have been masked to protect the identity of those involved.

OP's 3-4 Day Affair

Day 4
Actually could not get much sleep as I was actually looking forward to seeing Apple again. Had not had this kinda feel for quite long...

An Sms from Jason (the other guy who overnite with Apple's friend - Lulu that nite) woke me up from my restless slumber.

Text Msg : Your Gal call you last nite? We going out this afternoon.

Huh ?? I rubbed my eyes... I was still groggy but quickly replied him what was the plan? Also quickly sent 2 sms-es to Apple. She did not reply..meaning she was still sleeping. I was on my way to work when Jason called. We chatted and knew he actually took Lu Lu out last nite and they were planning to go shopping this afternoon. Lu Lu has agreed to skip work for him. Damn it.. felt so envious...heheh

Apple did not mention any such things for me. Well since she did not ask me, I decided to not pursue matters as I did not want to sound Desperate (no matter how desperate I realli was feeling now..) So worked most of the morning, could not really concentrate much... my thoughts kept shifting to Apple.

Finally Apple awoke and replied my sms. She did not mention anything about the afternoon. It seems she wanted to work today as it was her last full day in Singapore and earn a bit more extra $$. Felt a bit disappointed she did not mention anything abt her friend and Jason going out... but then I def can't pay her anything like what she would earn if she stayed in the shop. (Probably 3-5 customers - about $300-500)

Exchanged a few sms-es as lunch approached with Jason asking him about where he and Lu Lu went the nite before. Seems like they went shopping but only for 2 hours. Apple did not join them and instead stayed to work.

Well, Apple has always struck me as one who will work for her $$ instead of using KC to get $$. Lu Lu is getting a small "fee" from Jason each time they go out to compensate for lost of income.

As lunch time closed in, apple finally texted me that Lu Lu was going out and leaving her alone in the shop. She asked if I could leave work earlier and accompany her too. My heart actually skipped a beat !! It was like getting the sweet u always been dying to try.. and I've been dying for her to ask me that. But then I told her I could not pay her for her lost income the way Jason was compensating for Lu Lu. Well, she just said for me to come out first. (hmm...maybe she'll "knife" me elsewhere...the cynical me said)

anyway the time was set and I hurried throught my work. Was actually a bit late when I finally met up withh Jason and the gals in orchard. Apple was looking very pretty today. Her white porcelain face glistened in the sun, framed by her golden brown hair. Oh man... think I won't get bored seeing her face for sometime man !!
I don't know why we hang on to something we know we are better off letting go.

lt's like we are scared to lose what we really don't have.

I once thought I rather have something than nothing at all, but the truth is..... To have something halfway is so fucking harder than having nothing at all.
Old 06-05-2006, 08:53 PM
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Re: My afternoon delights at HCs....

Originally Posted by AHGONG
siew mai.....ha gao.....xiao long bao.....ha gao.... siew mai......cha shao bao...anyone??? think the spectators for the new hot movie in town "The personal journal of OP san" is increasing fast....ha gao...siew mai......
Bro u only seel Tim sum nia leh??!! Got drinks bo??? If have i wan kopi-o pls!!! Becos i need to stay awake for Finally episode!!!!

Originally Posted by Optimus_Prime
I am posting my quickest KC-Trap yet. All events took place very recently and some details have been masked to protect the identity of those involved.

OP arr OP!!! Faster continue arr!!! Dun make me wait so long arrr!!!
Old 06-05-2006, 10:00 PM
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Re: My afternoon delights at HCs....

Originally Posted by HC_Cheongster
OP arr OP!!! Faster continue arr!!! Dun make me wait so long arrr!!!
Me gonna camp here too ... so much similarity at times...quick OP...continue leh while I wait for elections results...

理智 - 两个简单的字眼却一点都不简单. 又有几个人能彻底的了解它的意识而做出正确的抉择呢?
Old 06-05-2006, 10:49 PM
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Re: My afternoon delights at HCs....

Originally Posted by Clit_LickeR
Then u leh? Also never jio me...

nnkc, nvr go hw to jio u.. lol
Old 07-05-2006, 12:56 AM
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Re: My afternoon delights at HCs....

Originally Posted by AHGONG
siew mai.....ha gao.....xiao long bao.....ha gao.... siew mai......cha shao bao...anyone??? think the spectators for the new hot movie in town "The personal journal of OP san" is increasing fast....ha gao...siew mai......
Lo Mai Kai got arrr ??? Pei Tan Chok and Ha Chee Cheong Fun... camp here and not moving... too engrossed liao ...
PRC always make us think we are special, the moment we believe them is when we are the one getting fcked
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Old 07-05-2006, 01:12 AM
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Re: My afternoon delights at HCs....

Originally Posted by HC_Cheongster
Bro u only seel Tim sum nia leh??!! Got drinks bo??? If have i wan kopi-o pls!!! Becos i need to stay awake for Finally episode!!!!

OP arr OP!!! Faster continue arr!!! Dun make me wait so long arrr!!!
Koro-poh, poh-pian, curry puff......kopi, kopi-o, teh, teh-o............coke, 7-up, oraling jud....
Thze Man looking thru the Sex-solo-scope @ The Tip of Cold Cold Turkey Mt(I HV CCTV SEX-SOLO-SCOPE OK!!DUN WAYANG!)

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Old 07-05-2006, 01:28 AM
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Re: My afternoon delights at HCs....

Originally Posted by DBono
Koro-poh, poh-pian, curry puff......kopi, kopi-o, teh, teh-o............coke, 7-up, oraling jud....
halo brudder...come to snatch my biz huh? u got pay licence wan or not? hehehe....u sell western food lah...i sell chinese....then we invite another brudder selling drinks and desert ok?LOL

halo OP work faster leh...wheres the next chapter????
Every day is a enjoy every minute of it....
Old 07-05-2006, 01:30 AM
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Re: My afternoon delights at HCs....

wah... nice story OP seems like u really got it bad, hope it is within your control. I hope I won't go into the same trap also, most probably meeting the same girl that I met in Danuk in a few hours time kekkeke
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