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Old 14-12-2011, 11:56 PM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Originally Posted by datou View Post
Reached Guangzhou home

Just want to relate my experience today at the airport.

Reached the airport 1.5 hrs before flight, thought of gettin something to eat at mini-stop, so i asked the officers standing at the entrance of departure hall checking airticket n passport wat is the latest time i can go in.

They start asking me where i going then tell me 1 hour before departure.
One of them knowing i gonna lunch at mini-stop said : don't forget to buy me a drink. I just smile at him n went to mini-stop.
After eating I went back to the entrance n handed my documents for checking n the guy asked u forgot my my drink? I act blurr smile and say ayah I in rush forget, n went in after collecting my passport n ticket.

At the conveyor belt X ray area, there were no passenger n I was the only one n no staff was present before the conveyor.
I wanted to take a plastic tray to put my handphone n keys through the belt, then I saw a 5p coin in the tray.
Feeling fishy i did not take the tray, but put all my things in my sling bag n go through the conveyor.

Scam or not it's ur take, but i think it is.

After clearing all depts smoothly, I went into the washroom of the departure waiting area. While at the urinal, suddenly an officer in uniform came to use the urinal next to me n greeted me hello sir.
I said hi without lookin at him pretending to concentrate on urinating. I quickly finished and wash my hands n was leavin when the toilet attendant say i could use the paper towels.
I said no need n walk out to the sitting area.
Presuming another money asking session if i become friendly in the washroom.

Texted farewell to girls to finish loads n boarded the flight.
Originally Posted by ProfessorOokami View Post
Yes, those airport staff are getting bolder and bolder by the day. They were not like that when Air Asia first flew in. Now, they are like Indonesian airport staff who will take every opportunity to squeeze for money. One incident that they found my laser pen (useful lecturing device) and wanted to confiscate it, then in my mind they actually wanted the pen, so I told them since they wanted to confiscate it, i will break it up and throw into the rubbish bin and won't take it on board....immediately they released the pen, so contraband became approved-for-use good.

When they frisk you after that metal detection frame, they will tell you that you have a lot of money with you, can you spare them some??

Well everytime I enter the airport always worry about this.
Last time, during the conveyor belt x ray area the staffs started to get friendly with me. I was thinking are they going to ask for money or going to search here and there for money. But lucky nothing happened. And when inside waiting, was also being chatted up with the security guard, then checked with him about simcard top-up,then he offered his hp for me to use. I politly reject his friendly offer in case he going to charge me for using it.

By the way why is it fishy about the 5p coin in the tray, care to explain more ?
Old 14-12-2011, 11:58 PM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Originally Posted by datou View Post
Sorry u got bad exp in AC
But mine is totally different except 1 runner on my first bonk in AC.
It just gets better from there on.

Last trip superb doublefly, sexy dances video taped.
This trip a horny girl who raped me 5 times in 15 hrs , many pretty photos taken

So much gfe from the girls, never complain when take jeepney, one even walk from SM to hotel w me, none complain the little tip i give. Girls texting me wanted to come to my hotel after they finish work at bars.
Maybe I got luck when choosing girls.

Well I also got alternative places on hand if things turns bad in AC.

Originally Posted by datou View Post
I normal man lah.
Got to rest a whole 30hrs after that night.

Maybe the good GFE also got to do w the cheap watches I give to the good girls I barfined.
Now in China stocking cheap gifts again for next trip.

But I did not meet any of those after their work though they text me.
Because it's not a sure thing, n always I had a barfined girl w me when they text. Damned it.
Think is the gifts and maybe some sweet talks of yours make them want to meet you more.
Too bad no chance of me getting gifts for them unless there are real cheap stuffs in Singapore worth to purchase as gift for them.
Old 14-12-2011, 11:59 PM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Originally Posted by ZIEBART View Post
No worries if you did bonk her. I already gave you green light when we together. Anyway you stuck with all your first line girls, I don think you have time for her. Anyway I told you already, let them know you a butterfly. So they will accept if you don choose them.

Its normal for these girls to txt ALL their contacts to see who will ST them after their work. A simple hi or where are you now.
Hmmm mine only txt me, but when asked them to come over, they just nvr turned up.
Old 15-12-2011, 12:00 AM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Originally Posted by datou View Post
Yes n it's a headache especially when they r from the same bar.
Last trip I barfined a girl A from a bar for a day.

This trip I barfined a different girl B from the same bar n A is not around.
Had a good time n barfined B again on another day.

This time B who is new (1 month working) told me A questioned her alot abt things like tip i giv n wat for dinner etc n A told her I m a bad man. B feels upset n was not smiling like previous time.

I told her when a person is jealous she will say anything to get u upset. And when u r upset u fall into her trap n she is happy.
So it's now 2 of us , do u want to be upset until next morning because of somebody else who is none of our concern?
Or do u want to be happy n we can get to bed right now because I m horny.

She begin to smile, then laugh ,n we were hugging like bf gf.
Had good sex n gave the same amount of tips as previous n she was all smiles. Got a text later askin when I m goin for her again.
That's why I choose to get only 1 gal frm each bars to prevent jealous that may cause my night to be ruin. As you are having more trips there so think chances of you having too many jealous fight is high.
Old 15-12-2011, 12:01 AM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Originally Posted by limborock View Post
Well if we can't save the whole batallion at least we managed to save a platoon.

Tama! Maybe only bring them for lots of barhopping or makan or disco only if she is one of yr regular gerl? perhaps that would be better idea? As for me, i dont like to be barhopping with my gerl in tow. what i normally do is, scout all the bars up to a substantial amount of bars and then return to the one where the gerl i chose is. if she is not arnd anymore, then go for 2nd choice on the list and so on. Still does not work? then start again. still young mah.. very energetic.

oh yah btw, yr 2peso taken!

Old is virtue. I have yet to reach that stage.. hehe. But even if u are, dont wori, young man here will help u recall
Well thats my inital plan too. Hop and hop before BF the best I love. But most time this failed as by the time I returned the gals are either BFed or sitting with a customer already. So in the future will just BF once someone attracts me. This will also means higher chance of her turning to a runner as it's early(2 to 4pm) and bored for them.
Old 15-12-2011, 12:02 AM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Originally Posted by Wetdevil View Post
But still think the above method of "using" the mamasan to narrow down the chance of runner seems better.

Also the reason why A.C have turned into what it is now should be the work of those who tips too much and let the gals off early and also BF so many gals but only take 1 or none back to the room. That's why gals start to use that loophole to make it as a benefit to them.
bro, i had a runner (her excuse was that she need to feed the baby!) from coyote ugly where it was agreed with all parties (girl, mamasan, me) that she will leave at 7am. this after buying a double for the

i agree that those who don't pay market rates or "play by the rules" spoil the market for themselves in the long run. and who can blame the girls for that? however, i feel one reason why AC has a higher runner rate is that the BF is paid before the deed is, what's stopping her from wanting to leave after one shot?
Old 15-12-2011, 01:07 AM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Originally Posted by Jordan Chang View Post
thanks bro ziebart for your kind words. i agree that the runner problem is prevalent and spreading so it would be useful for all cheongsters to know which bar/girl to avoid.

bro datou, i'm not giving any excuses or reasons why we shouldn't have a runner list. it will definitely help but if we all agree that this is getting more common, you can only imagine the list will grow. if bars are encouraging their girls to be runners, you can be sure there will be more than 1 in a bar. not to mention, girls may change where they work or they may even change their names. thus, i wonder whether it could really be effective.

my other suggestion is to name the better bars but like bro ziebart mentioned, we may end up with nowhere to go! however, what i feel is that people generally react better to positive feedback (cheongsters, girls, mamasans). if you tell them that this bar/girl is recommended, they will tend to want to uphold that "reputation". for example, if i tell you that the steak is good at swiss chalet vs the fish and chips is bad at jj's - will you go to jj's and try the steak there?

of cos, this is just generalising the situation and i am sharing what i feel as there is no "fix-all" solution.

lastly, i'm not concerned on the points/power thingy. it won't affect what i'm learning and hope to contribute in this forum.


Bro Jordan

I m a straight forward n direct person who doesn't beat around the bush.
I just say wat i think n feel according to the matter.
Points is nothing to me but i just do it for principle sake n stated my reasons.

I m not encountering any runner problems at all presently n sometimes I wonder why I m so nosy abt this issue, could have minded my own business n continue my good streak w the girls.

Yes we differ on ideas n I m not going talk abt it anymore as it would never end.
I rather we put our believes into action to help remedy the runners situation.

Old 15-12-2011, 01:16 AM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Think its just his 6th sense/intuition/premonition/gut feel.

Anyway better to err on side if caution. So datou is really smart, alert n careful


Originally Posted by Wetdevil View Post

By the way why is it fishy about the 5p coin in the tray, care to explain more ?
Old 15-12-2011, 01:19 AM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

His kong fu darn good what.

Originally Posted by Wetdevil View Post
some sweet talks of yours make them want to meet you more.
Old 15-12-2011, 01:22 AM
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Talking Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Girls jealous nvr mind as long as datou is safe n horny so we hv more frs.

Originally Posted by Wetdevil View Post
That's why I choose to get only 1 gal frm each bars to prevent jealous that may cause my night to be ruin. As you are having more trips there so think chances of you having too many jealous fight is high.
Old 15-12-2011, 01:22 AM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Originally Posted by Wetdevil View Post
Think is the gifts and maybe some sweet talks of yours make them want to meet you more.
Too bad no chance of me getting gifts for them unless there are real cheap stuffs in Singapore worth to purchase as gift for them.


U forgotten I am a quiet person who u want to challenge whose quieter?
So how to sweet talk them?

For cheap stuff maybe U can check out E-bay?
Old 15-12-2011, 01:25 AM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Maestero datou ..come on... We need u here. So plz dun worry.

Say wht u want

Speak ur mind

Im an advocate of free speech

Originally Posted by datou View Post
Bro Jordan

Yes we differ on ideas n I m not going talk abt it anymore as it would never end.
I rather we put our believes into action to help remedy the runners situation.

Old 15-12-2011, 01:33 AM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Originally Posted by Wetdevil View Post
Well everytime I enter the airport always worry about this.
Last time, during the conveyor belt x ray area the staffs started to get friendly with me. I was thinking are they going to ask for money or going to search here and there for money. But lucky nothing happened. And when inside waiting, was also being chatted up with the security guard, then checked with him about simcard top-up,then he offered his hp for me to use. I politly reject his friendly offer in case he going to charge me for using it.

By the way why is it fishy about the 5p coin in the tray, care to explain more ?

Firstly there is no staff present near the tray after I stood there for a while.
Secondly the tray is definitely brought from the front to the back of conveyor by a staff, so how does the staff miss the golden 5p against a grey background tray?
More importantly, why risk for 5p?

I always remember a chinese saying : Sky don't drop pies
Old 15-12-2011, 01:36 AM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Come on bro.

U may not b 18

But u perform better than an 18yo

Originally Posted by ZIEBART View Post

My time here may not be long. Age is catching up and my body is surrendering. I wish I was 18 again.
Old 15-12-2011, 01:38 AM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Wah u got enufgirls.

No need to pccfor u

Originally Posted by ZIEBART View Post
I also support the list. Can I also request photos of the runners in here so we can know how she looks like and also enjoy seeing her. Maybe can PCC???
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