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Re: My afternoon delights at HCs....
Every day is a gift.....so enjoy every minute of it.... |
Re: My afternoon delights at HCs....
Pai Seh...
![]() Bro TD, thanx for the kind words, dun worry...those who know me well ... will know that I may sound really beat up over her now.. but my recovery skills is equally fast (unless the gal happen to be named Fly Kite, Pink Pink or Eve) I'll be back in NO TIME FLAT !! ![]() Got a call from APPLE ytd from China, quite touched as I did not expect her to call me. Did not even get her China no. as did not want any extras after she left. PS: One good thing... this has cured me of Chris-Fever I had recently..heheh The League of ExTra HorNy GentleMEN & SeXy LADIES
I don't know why we hang on to something we know we are better off letting go. lt's like we are scared to lose what we really don't have. I once thought I rather have something than nothing at all, but the truth is..... To have something halfway is so fucking harder than having nothing at all. |
Re: My Personal Delights !!
I am posting my quickest KC-Trap yet. All events took place very recently and some details have been masked to protect the identity of those involved.
OP's 3-4 Day Affair Day 4 - cont'd We were strolling along Orchard Road hand-in-hand. Really feels like a double date as me and Jason were with our respective gals, and the two girls were shopping together and we were just the glorified "Shopping bag" carriers...heheh... But they did not buy anything much... I had asked my gal to pick any dress or thing she fancy and I'll pay for it ... but she did not really dig any. Well I was not complaining as I enjoyed holding her hands and strolling the road. The sun was a bit hot that day and my gal was sweating real bad... After shopping for 2 hours..she said it was time for her to go back to the shop !! I wasn't particularly happy but I conceded to her requests and said I would sent her back. Apple looked tired and sleepy anyway. Lulu did not want to go back, so she and Jason disappeared somewhere. The gals still kept in contact via sms thru-out so I was able to get updates on what my good mate Jason was up to. (No need 3 guesses where he brought her la...) Although disappointed with the situation, but I was not one to force someone to accompany me when she clearly did not want to. On the taxi, I made a last attempt and told her since her shop does not have much customers, why dun she stay with me instead. APPLE : Stay with you? where u want to go? (she pinched my tummy) ME: You say you tired..we go somewhere to rest lor. APPLE : Go where? Your home? or Hotel? Me: Er..hotel lor... go my house you must marry me...heheh APPLE : Ok..go where u want lor... Ho Seh Liaoz !! Immedaitely asked the Taxi to u-turn to a hotel I knew about. Rushed thru the booking procedures and soon Apple and me was away from the hot sun and find comfort in our air-conditioned room... ![]()
I don't know why we hang on to something we know we are better off letting go. lt's like we are scared to lose what we really don't have. I once thought I rather have something than nothing at all, but the truth is..... To have something halfway is so fucking harder than having nothing at all. |
Re: My afternoon delights at HCs....
OP... TD now kena Kang Tao from an SYT from a Agogo in Danok... looks like he also gonna be KC Bait soon... lol... but he have to experience one lorr... cos always wonder what tirakship is like....
PRC always make us think we are special, the moment we believe them is when we are the one getting fcked ![]() Brother of Realm, Tiko#41 U. N. R. E. T. I. R. E. D. |
Re: My Personal Delights !!
I am posting my quickest KC-Trap yet. All events took place very recently and some details have been masked to protect the identity of those involved.
OP's 3-4 Day Affair Day 4 - cont'd With the curtains closed and most of the lights off, the room was quite dark. I could hear only Apple's breathing. She's been lying beside me for the past half hour. My arm was pinned under her body while her cute innocent face layed on my shoulders. Used my fingers to stroke her hair back from her eyes... she looked so peaceful as she slept. My mind drifted back.... Was supposed to bring the gals out for shopping & makan for the whole afternoon. But as 5pm ticked closer, Apple was tired and wanted to go back... knew she just wanted an excuse to go back to her shop to maybe earn some extra $$. But I managed to convinced her on the cab to be with me...so here I am....Actually on the way back in the cab, I could see Apple really was tired. So althought I may have an ulterior motive to bringing Apple to a hotel, I could not bear to try and do anything when she's so tired. It's a funny thing to be in a dark room in complete silence except the sound of breathing from the gal next to you. Your mind become crystal clear... and u can sense almost everything in the room. I had spent the last 15 mins trying to ascertain the sounds of a creaking bed and showers from the room next door. My right arm felt kind of numb as most of my blood circulation was cut with it pinned under Apple's slumbering frame. And I did not want to move her for fear of waking her... I just felt contented looking at her lying there. This my friends... is one of the classic sign of KC when u actually are contented to jus see a gal sleeping and have no intention to do anything. Shit !! Dun tell me I'm actually developing some feelings for her ?? I really have no intention of going thru the agony of wondering who she is with and what she's doing... been through it thrice and it was no fun at all. ![]() Stupid !! Dun think... dun think !! I knocked myself on the head... My movement woke Apple up. She looked at me with those dreamy eyes of hers. I really could not help it ... I leaned forward to give a peck on her lips. My eyes closed, I could feel my kiss loaded with all of my emotions as my lips met hers... will she feel this kiss as different too ? If she did... she did not say. She just smiled at me as I massaged some blood back into my arms. Apple : Go get a shower Me: huh ? why ?? *i sniffed at myself* Apple: Just because lor... Me : Dun want... I wanna lie down here with you. Apple : Go shower first... u smell la... *apple giggled* Reluctanly, I took a quick shower. as I came out, Apple was already naked with a towel wrapped around her. She flew into the bathroom. I cheekily stand outside trying to peep at her. Apple : Hey !! No peeping !! Me: Why? not like there's anything I have not seen already... Apple : Dun want u to peep !! Blam !! The toilet door slammed shut and she bolted it too !! Women !! Really dun noe what they are thinking sometimes. Layed on the bed, listening to the sounds of water splashing. Closed my eyes and thought about the first time Apple and I took a shower together... and slowly darkness overtook me.... A warm hand on my chest woke me up. It was Apple lying beside me.
I don't know why we hang on to something we know we are better off letting go. lt's like we are scared to lose what we really don't have. I once thought I rather have something than nothing at all, but the truth is..... To have something halfway is so fucking harder than having nothing at all. |
Re: My Personal Delights !!
I am posting my quickest KC-Trap yet. All events took place very recently and some details have been masked to protect the identity of those involved.
OP's 3-4 Day Affair Day 4 - cont'd I looked up and saw Apple laying beside me beneath the sheets. My hands reach under and went to hug her. As expected she was not wearing anything under the sheets. Apple played this cheeky game of lifting up the bedsheets and expose her young nubile body to me... and naughtly whispered to me... Apple: "I am not wearing anything le" But whenever I reached over to hug her, she'll turn her back to me pull the sheets around me. Sensing maybe she did not want me to touch her .. I withdrew and continue my ceiling staring... but she'll turn back..lift up the bedsheet and tell me in her girlish voice... Apple: "I am not wearing anything le" Damn It !! I reach my arms around her and leaned forward to kiss her but she withdrew again and turned her back to me again !! What the Fuck !?!?! This actually carried on for another 1-2 times when I felt I had enough of her teasing. I just ignored her and layed on my side of the bed. Maybe Apple sense a bit of my frustrations, she leaned forward and placed her head on my chest. Drawing circles on my chest.. her fingers slowly traced themselves to my nipples... then she leaned forward somemore... and soon her warm wet tongue was furiously licking my nipple to life !! I could not stand it anymore... I turned and grabbed her by the arms. Pinned her down, I reached forward and slowly nuzzled her neck. Apple gave a slight giggle as she says it's ticklish... well wait till my tongue reach her earlobes.. I was thinking to myself. We petted for a good 15 to 30 mins.. just kissing each other's neck..shoulders and ears. The foreplay certainly lead to a steamy session. We were so tired, we both just slept like logs after that.
I don't know why we hang on to something we know we are better off letting go. lt's like we are scared to lose what we really don't have. I once thought I rather have something than nothing at all, but the truth is..... To have something halfway is so fucking harder than having nothing at all. |
Re: My Personal Delights !!
I am posting my quickest KC-Trap yet. All events took place very recently and some details have been masked to protect the identity of those involved.
OP's 3-4 Day Affair Day 4 - cont'd My growling stomach woke me up. Both of us got dressed. Apple had wanted to get some jewellary for her mother's coming birthday, so I brought her to Chinatown. We ate and walked around and I got her a toy dog that she liked a lot. Decided I would buy her the jewellery if it was not too expensivve as Apple had already been with me since 2.30pm and it was close to 8.30pm then... She had promised to accompany me to the KTV outing that ite with the BOSS members... so I'll be saving some $$ on sitting with other gals anyway. Well.. looked thru a few shops..and we finally settled on a $200 gold necklace as a gift for her mother. Apple seem pleased that I bought it. Well we met up with a few of the BOSS members (Mafan, Baby and IBonk) but could not get into the KTV as Apple did not bring her passport. It was around this time that Lulu called and asked abt exchange rates for ReMinBi. I did not know what their conversation was about, but after a flurry of calls and sms-es, I found Apple quite pissed off at her friend. Tried to joke with her but I was never good at "hong-ing" gals, instead of smiling she actually had tears rolling down her eyes. What happened? Well I was now trying my darnest to cheer her up... and it finally struck dividend when she gave a small smile. Told her...to heck wih Lulu... we just do what we wanted. It seem lulu was bored with Jason and wanted to go back to te shop and asked apple to accompnay her. Feeling a bit pissed off I told her... let her friend do her own thing as Apple has always give in to her younger friend but she should do her own things. Finally managed to cool her down and we exchanged her Sin$$ to China $$. WOW !! I never thought I was with such a rich lady !! She had on her more than my month's salary !! This was making me wonder on what she actually been doing in the past few weeks prior to me meeting her...sighhzzz... DUN THINK !! It will only bring u pain... We checked into another hotel as she agreed to stay with me till almost morning but she will need to return to pack her bags before she flied off. In the room, we chatted more and I teased her that she had more $$ on her than I have in a month !! she pouted and said most of it was from her hardwork at KTV and later at TN. Yeah yeah.. I know..... and she told me of when she first arrived in Singapore..where she went to wrok..who she met. Took most of what she said with a pinch of salt but Apple's candid demeaour abt what she did with her customers made me just a tad jealous and a bit of sting in my heart. Had to keep telling myself.. I'm just another of her customers and she's just another of lady that I paid time for (with an expensive $200 necklace no less !!) But it was kinda hard esp when she told me of a regular KTV customer who was quite into her and almost got into a fight with his friends who were also interested in her. Shit !! I hate this feeling !! ![]() Apple took out the toy dog I bought and declared it ... our "baby". Calling it our "Bao Bei" and christianed us the mummy and daddy of "Bao Bei" It was kinda childish... but dunno for some reasons I liked it. Apple suddenly turned to me and said she forgot something !! What ?? Luckily, Apple said she forgot to callher best friend in SZ. And she dialed her best friends no. and let me listened onto their conversation. Admist their laughter I oso could not help but giggled a bit. Her friend was very friendly and teased Apple who was the handsome bloke beside her now. Introduced myself... and we had a very lively 3-way chat. Was really feeling the "KC Trap" thingie as her friend kept teasing that Apple seldom will intro guys to her unless she has some feelings for him. Dunno..if her friend was just saying those words to make me happy... but I think I was feeling DAMN HAPPY at that time lor !! That short 15 min chat with Apple and her best friend was one of the most memorable things abt the whole affair... it even became a 4-way chat when her best friend's husband joined in the conversation. Was really happy that Apple let me into a small slice of her life. It may be real or it may be fake.. but I cherish it nevertheless... (PS: had a similar experience with Fly Kite & her elder sister, Pink Pink & her mother, Eve & her niece/nephew) We had another short session after the phone call. We were both lying there in the darkness listening to music from her HP as usual when the phone rang !!
I don't know why we hang on to something we know we are better off letting go. lt's like we are scared to lose what we really don't have. I once thought I rather have something than nothing at all, but the truth is..... To have something halfway is so fucking harder than having nothing at all. |
Re: My afternoon delights at HCs....
Ahgong, give me one tua Bao...hmm ![]() Quote:
Bro DBono, can I have one Koro-poh and one diet coke pls. OK, ration replenished liao!!! Bro OP, camping here for your next episode ![]() Cheers !!!
SexFreak The League of ExTra HorNy GentleMEN & SeXy LADIES - aka PRC King TiKo King of ThE TiKo FamIlY 17th Bro of 红花会 - 蓝海仙 NEXT UP LIST : BRO Iceum (Bro, pls PM me, I can't find your post) ......... ![]() |
Re: My afternoon delights at HCs....
OK OK OK !!! I have ordered alot of rations and let's camp here. ![]() ![]() Cheers !!!
SexFreak The League of ExTra HorNy GentleMEN & SeXy LADIES - aka PRC King TiKo King of ThE TiKo FamIlY 17th Bro of 红花会 - 蓝海仙 NEXT UP LIST : BRO Iceum (Bro, pls PM me, I can't find your post) ......... ![]() |
Re: My afternoon delights at HCs....
Its been a long time since I come here
![]() Really not much time to read thru threads now haha business do big big liao. So can only have time to bonk. Just met this gem today, don't miss her bros ![]() http://samleong.shop/showthr...=1#post1474452 Cheers and happy bonking
(Recent Bonks): > Nokia C/O babes888 > Lucky C/O San68 > Vampire C/O San68 > Fuji C/O babes888 > Strobe C/O San68 > Sharon C/O AdamVIII > Dew C/O Sexythaiboobs > MoMo C/O babes888 > Sen C/O Slim > Riko C/O Barbie My BD wish: Bonk a very identical SYT twins |
Re: My afternoon delights at HCs....
OP's Life is so interesting and happening de sia!!!!
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Re: My afternoon delights at HCs....
Allow me to camp here, ay sai boh?? Anymore seats here? Or should I stand in one corner?? bro OP, The phone rang...and then?? Damn nice story..... ![]()
SEMI-RETIRED!! from China Member of the REALM Tiko Lover of the Tiko Family |
Re: My afternoon delights at HCs....
PRC always make us think we are special, the moment we believe them is when we are the one getting fcked ![]() Brother of Realm, Tiko#41 U. N. R. E. T. I. R. E. D. |
Re: My afternoon delights at HCs....
hehe.........Bro, there are still limited seats available S$75 / S$100 / S$150 ![]() ![]() Cheers !!!
SexFreak The League of ExTra HorNy GentleMEN & SeXy LADIES - aka PRC King TiKo King of ThE TiKo FamIlY 17th Bro of 红花会 - 蓝海仙 NEXT UP LIST : BRO Iceum (Bro, pls PM me, I can't find your post) ......... ![]() |
Re: My afternoon delights at HCs....
![]() ![]() Cheers !!!
SexFreak The League of ExTra HorNy GentleMEN & SeXy LADIES - aka PRC King TiKo King of ThE TiKo FamIlY 17th Bro of 红花会 - 蓝海仙 NEXT UP LIST : BRO Iceum (Bro, pls PM me, I can't find your post) ......... ![]() |
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