Originally Posted by Robin1
Just noticed we both register
ed same month 
Originally Posted by TaTTooBaBy
Ya lor ... hehe ... tts our sbf b'day mth ... kekeke 
On the April of 2014, siam siam struck toto. Kena 3.26 million sing dollars. Robin1 call siam siam on his handphone.......
Robin : Waaa....siam siam bro congrats har. Errrr.....next month is my SBF birthday, just wondering if you can get something for me ???
Siam : Aiya, no problem lar. What do you want for your birthday ???
Robin : Errrr.....really??? I actually want something that is shiny and can go from 0 to 150 in a few seconds
Siam : Oh I see. Okok....I will see what I can do.
Later Siam went and bought Robin a shiny brand new Porche and news travelling quickly until baby also heard of it and she also decided to give siam a ring too.
Baby : Waaa..... siam siam congrats har. Heard you gave Robin a big birthday present for his SBF birthday lei . Waaa.....not fair lei, my SBF birthday also same as Robin lor, why I never get har ??? Haiz.... I so goot to you, tcss with you almost everyday & even dun mind to massage your head & fingers when you requested.....haiz....you har so bad hor ???
Siam : Waaa.....paiseh paiseh baby. I din know that lei. Okok what do you want for your sbf birthday too ???
Baby : Aiya, I not tum sim one lar. Just like Robin one can leow. Something shiny , can go from 0 to 150 in few seconds but I tell you first har, I dun have a driving licence so I want something different.
Siam : Waaa......liddat veri difficult lei ???
Baby : No no no. It is not difficult at all. Dun worry , I gave you a clue.....this thing is a woman best friend...hehee....
Siam : Hahahaha......I think I know what you want now.....hehee....
So siam siam went and bought the thing and personally bought it to baby house.
Ding dong......
Baby : Hello siam siam. I have been waiting for you the whole day. What took you so long ???
Siam : Aiya....you know hor, the thing you want not easy to get lei......so many colors & sizes & varieties. Have to went to a few shops in order to get it hor....hehee....
Baby : Waaa.....I am so touched siam siam. All along I din know you would be so nice to me.
Siam : Hahahaha.....it ok baby....better late than never.....hehee......
Later a loud scream was heard when baby opened the present, it turned out siam siam bought her a big shiny bathroom scale !!!!!
Ringrrrrrrrrr........Ringrrrrrrr.......wake up siam siam time to go to work !!!....the talking alarm clock sounded........